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北师大版三起六下《Unit 10 Buying ebooks》教案.docx

1、北师大版三起六下Unit 10 Buying ebooks教案Unit 10 Buying e-books学习目标词汇树boring colorful difficult exciting expensive interestingbuy find dictionary picture story 词汇墙This book is more interesting than that one.This book is the most interesting.新语法构词法1. 单音节形容词以及少数以-er,-ow结尾的形容词和副词加“er”,“est”。 2. 以e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及

2、少数以-ble,-ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“r”,“st”。 3. 以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“er”,“est”。 4. 以辅音加y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加ly构成的副词要将y改为I,再加“er”,“est”。5. 一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前加more或most。自学指导1、通过形容词的学习来认识理解比较级和最高级的构词法。2、通过对原级、比较级和最高级三种句子的对比来掌握三种句型。3、把句型和交际生活联系进行交际。自学检测一、我能写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。原级 比较级 最高级expensive int

3、eresting boring exciting difficult 二、英汉互译。1、重的 更重的 4、biggest 2、老的 更老的 5、cheaper 3、新的 更新的 6、more boring 7、买 8、dictionary 9、故事 10、find 三、我能根据词的适当形式填空。1、This book is (interesting).2、This book is (interesting) than that one.3、This book is (interesting) of all.课堂练习一、我能选出下列单词不同类的一项。( )1. A、boring B、buy C、

4、find( )2. A、exciting B、interesting C、story( )3. A、story B、picture C、colorful( )4. A、oldest B、newest C、bigger( )5. A、more interesting B、more expensive C、most difficult( )6. A、heaviest B、older C、newer( )7. A、saw B、went C、cooked( )8. A、more B、most C、the二、完成图表。原级比较级最高 级interestingheavydifficultcheapbig三

5、、单项选择。1、The book is interesting than that one.A、more B、most C、the most2、This game is the exciting.A、most B、more C、much3、The apple is bigger that one.A、than B、the C、then4、Ken and I Mocky to a book store.A、take B、took C、takes5、He had e-dictionary in the computer.A、a B、an C、the6、Mocky can read the stor

6、y the e-dictionary.A、with B、in C、at7、Its the interesting story of all.A、more B、most C、四、选词填空。A、interesting B、taller C、older D、exciting E、faster 1、Ken can run than Ann.2、I was than Mom.3、Amy is 153 centimeters tall, Im than her.4、The animal story is very .5、The children are watching an game.五、手拉手找朋友。

7、1、Whats the name of the book? A、Im reading King Arthur.2、What are you reading? B、Its on the desk.3、Where is my e-book? C、Its monkey king.4、Is the book is more difficult than that one? D、Yes, it is.5、What about this science book? E、Its interesting.六、根据短文内容填入适当单词。A、most B、than C、bookstore D、e-book E、d

8、ecidedLast Sunday Ken and I took Mocky to a , we to buy a book for Mocky. Mocky didnt like animal story book and comic book, we all liked the science book. But it was the expensive book in the store. Finally we decided to buy an .It was cheaper the science book. Mocky was excited and happy.课后巩固一、选出下

9、列所给单词画线部分发音不同的一项。1( ) A、watching B、exciting C、run2( ) A、brown B、plane C、morning3( ) A、reading B、than C、can4( ) A、find B、and C、interesting5( ) A、buying B、tennis C、corner6( ) A、difficult B、dictionary C、find7( ) A、boring B、story C、colorful二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、The flower is (beautiful) than that one.2、The c

10、omputer game is (more) interesting of all.3、Im (old) than Ann.4、It is (expensive) in the store.5、This animal story is (interest).三、我能图文匹配。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A、I think the computer homework is more interesting than the English homework.B、I think the skirt is more beautiful than dress.C、The boy is ta

11、ller than the girl.D、The rabbit run faster than the turtle.E、This picture is the most beautiful of all.四、连词成句。1、book,this,is,the,most,difficult 2、game,this,more,is,than,that,one,exciting 3、me,let,have,a,look 4、is,there,e-dictionary, an 5、think,I,it,is,interesting 五、根据短文判断正误(正确的写“T”错误的写“F”)。Hi, Im Ma

12、ria. Im ten years old. I have two best friends at school. They are Cathy and Charles. We all like reading books. Cathy likes comic books. Charles likes science books, and I like stories. I think storybooks are more interesting than science books. Charles thinks science books are more interesting tha

13、n storybooks. Cathy thinks comic books are the most interesting of all. ( )1、Maria is ten years old.( )2、Charles likes comic books.( )3、I dont like stories.( )4、Cathy thinks science books are more interesting than storybooks.( )5、Cathy thinks comic books are the most interesting of all.六、阅读理解。My nam

14、e is Sarah. Im eleven years old. I like to go to school because at school we study English, math, science, music and P.E. I think English is the most interesting class. I dont like math. Math is the most difficult class. My sister Kate is good at math but she is not good at English. She thinks math

15、is the most interesting class and English is the most difficult class. 1、Im years old.A、ten B、eleven C、twelve2、We study subjects at school.A、five B、four C、six3、I dont like .A、math B、English C、music4、May sister is good at .A、math B、English C、P.E5、I think is the most interesting.A、P.E B、music C、Englis

16、h英语趣味小知识让我们学习一些有趣的小知识吧。以下是一些的英语和汉语对手指的称呼: 1.thumb :大拇指。与汉语相映成趣的是,英语的all(fingers and ) thumbs也表示笨手笨脚的意思,例如:(1)Im all fingers and thumbs this morning. I dont seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。(2)He was so excited that his fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the teacup.他

17、激动得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。2. forefinger :又称index finger,即食指。前缀fore-表示位置靠前的(placed at the front),所以从排位上说,forefinger应为第一指。从功用上看,此手指伸出时有标示或指向的作用。在一些英语工具书中,我们会见到这样的表示参见(index)含义的手型符号。3. middle finger :中指。此指居中,名正言顺,且与汉语说法也一致。4. ring finger:无名指。从世界各地的婚俗习惯来说,结婚戒指(wedding ring)戴在这一手指(通常指左手)之上,表示已婚。5. little finger:

18、顾名思义为小指。在美国和苏格兰,人们又赋予它一个爱称,管pinkie(pinky),后缀-ie(-y)有小巧可爱之意。答案:自学检测一、more expensive most expensivemore interesting most interestingmore boring most boringmore exciting most excitingmore difficult most difficult二、1、heavy heavier 2、old older 3、new newer4、最大的 5、更便宜的 6、理无聊的 7、buy 8、字典 9、story 10、发现,找到。三、

19、1、interesting 2、more interesting 3、most interesting课堂练习一、1、A 2、C 3、C 4、C 5、C 6、A 7、C 8、C二、more interesting most interesting heavier heaviest more difficult most difficult cheaper cheapest bigger biggest三、1、A 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、A 7、B四、1、E 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、D五、1、C 2、A 3、B 4、D 5、E六、CEADB课后巩固一、1、C 2、C 3、A 4、C 5、A 6、C 7、C二、1、more beautiful 2、most 3、older 4、most expensive5、interesting三、ADBCE四、1、This is the most difficult book. 2、This game is more exciting than that one. 3、Let me have a look. 4、There is an e-dictionary here. 5、I think it is interesting.五、1、T 2、F 3、F 4、F 5、T六、1、B 2、A 3、A 4、A 5、B

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