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1、各地中考英语卷日常生活新闻报道及广告布告类题汇集解析专题二【日常生活、新闻报道及广告布告类】题汇集解析9.【2018年江苏省徐州市】Dear Mr Scott,I expect you may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from your next-door neighbor, but I have to raise a theme that it will be easier for me to discuss in writing. You may have noticed that I have a line of apple t

2、rees running along the fence(栅栏)that separates our two gardens. You may also have felt happy when you see your two children sitting on your grass by the fence. And you may also have noticed that my apple trees bend over the fence and seem to look down at your children with interest. It is only natur

3、al that your children should sometimes seem to return that interest. And it is quite legal(合法的)for them to show that interest by picking all the apples that hang over on your side of the fence. But to tell you the truth, Mr Scott, I am tired of seeing your children, day after day, destroy the branch

4、es of every one of my apple trees. And it seems that a war has been fought on one side of my apple trees. Besides, I am more tired of waking up on these fine autumn mornings to find even the apples on MY side of the fence much less in number. I know this too is the work of your children, since last

5、night I was woken at midnight by the noise they were making when climbing one of my trees, and (as they may have told you) I drove them away. Yours sincerely, Becky Aldrin 38. What is this?A. A complaint letter. B. An invitation letter.C. A thank-you letter. D. A recommendation letter.39. Which seas

6、on was it?A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.40. What did the two children do last night?A. They sat on the grass. B. They ran along the fence.C. They destroyed the branches. D. They climbed an apple tree.41. How was Becky Aldrin when she wrote this letter?A. Polite but serious. B. Surprised

7、 but happy.C. Angry and rude. D. Tired and uninterested.42. What did Becky Aldrin wish Mr Scott to do next?A. Be kind to his neighbour B. Make friends with his children.C. Have a talk with his children. D. Grow apple trees in his garden.【答案】38. A 39. C 40. D 41. A 42. C【解析】这篇短文是Becky写给Scott的一封信,他们两个

8、是邻居,Becky沿着他们两家之间的篱笆种了一些苹果树,但是Scott先生的两个孩子总是毁坏苹果树,所以她写信告诉Scott先生,希望他能处理一下。38. 主旨大意题。这篇短文是Becky Aldrin写给Scott先生的一封信,根据信中But to tell you the truth, Mr Scott, I am tired of seeing your children, day after day, destroy the branches of every one of my apple trees. Besides, I am more tired of waking up on

9、 these fine autumn mornings to find even the apples on MY side of the fence much less in number. I know this too is the work of your children可知,她是在向Scott先生抱怨,因为Scott先生家的孩子毁坏了她的苹果树,还偷她的苹果。因此这些一封抱怨信,故选A。41. 推理判断题。从Becky写的这封信中的一些文字,如I expect you may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from your n

10、ext-door neighbor, but I have to 、It is only natural that、And it is quite legal、But to tell you the truth, Mr Scott, I am tired of等等,我们可以看到她写信的语气是很委婉、有礼貌的,但同时她也严肃地提出了这个问题,故应选A,有礼貌但严肃的。B是惊奇的但开心的;C是生气的、粗鲁的;D是累的、不感兴趣的。42. 推理判断题。这封信中Becky向Scott先生抱怨了他的孩子们的所作所为,她的目的应该是希望Scott先生能和他的孩子好好的谈一谈,不要再去破坏她的苹果树了。故应

11、选C。点睛:这篇短文是Becky写给Scott的一封信,他们两个是邻居,Becky沿着他们两家之间的篱笆种了一些苹果树,但是Scott先生的两个孩子总是毁坏苹果树,所以她写信告诉Scott先生,希望他能处理一下。文章内容贴近学生的日常生活,比较容易理解。对于这篇短文和题目来说,理解文意是次之,而最主要的是学生们在阅读的时候,能够读出作者的写作意图以及她的写作语气。后面的题目也考查了这一点,例如第4小题,问的就是Becky在写信时的感受,根据文意可知,虽然在信中Becky向Scott先生抱怨了他的孩子的不好的行为,但整篇文章Becky的语气都是很委婉的,如开头的这句话I expect you m

12、ay be slightly surprised to receive a letter from your next-door neighbor, but I have to以及文章中It is only natural that your children should sometimes seem to return that interest. And it is quite legal(合法的)for them to show that interest by picking all the apples that hang over on your side of the fenc

13、e.这两句话站在对方的角度想问题,这些语言都让我们能够看出Becky是很礼貌、很认真的讲述问题,故应选A。10.【2018年浙江宁波市中考】It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become,_1_ an accident made me redefine (重审)myself.To me, skating was above all. There was _2_ in this world that filled my h

14、eart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practicing my _3_. Having no social life or interests but skating, my devotion( 挚爱) brought me first place medals in nearly every _4_.Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself _5_. After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振)scans, the_6_(told)

15、Tie that I couldnt return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the_7_daily tasks became difficult.As my passion(激情)was_8_, I had little sense of who I was to become. After eight months of suffering , something had to _9_. Instead of wasting my days sitting around painf

16、ully, I began to put my_10_into local community service projects. By volunteering _11_ a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids, I got an idea of who I_12_to become. After a few months, I devoted time to my interest in the arts. Little by Little, I_13_out of the shadow( 阴影)and rebuil

17、t my confidence.Sometimes, some_14_rocks block (阻碍)our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock that _15_ to stop me from reaching success. Today Im a very confident and optimistic person.1. A. and B. but C. or D. so2. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. an

18、ything3. A. skills B. behaviors C. thoughts D. habits4. A. meeting B. party C. concert D. competition5. A. quickly B. softly C. badly D. slowly6. A. waiter B. doctor C. teacher D. policeman7. A. useful B. basic C. proper D. busy8. A. found out B. brought back C. waken up D. taken away9. A. change B.

19、 remain C. leave D. arrive10. A. energy B. duty C. wealth D. spirit11. A. with B. for C. as D. to12. A. wanted B. started C. promised D. lived13. A. ran B. jumped C. stood D. stepped14. A. small B. large C. ugly D. round15. A. managed B. helped C. failed D. continued【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B

20、 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C【解析】发现自己的人生之路总是不那么容易的,故事中的“我”的人生方向本来坚定不移是滑冰,但是一次意外让我失去了重返赛场的能力,给了“我”一次重新思考、再次找到人生方向的机会。2. 句意:这个世界上没有什么东西能让我那么满心欢喜。A.一切,每样东西B.某事,某物C.没什么(东西)D.任何东西。前面的那一句说“滑冰对我来说超越一切”说明了作者对这项运动极度热爱,所以世界上没有什么东西(nothing)可以带给我那样的快乐了。故选C。 3. 句意:我每周花二十四小时练习我的技巧。A.技能B.行为C.

21、思想D.习惯。因为热爱这项运动,便会花费大量时间用于练习对应的运动技能(skills)。故选A。4. 句意:没有社交生活或兴趣,我只有滑冰,我的挚爱几乎在每场比赛中都给我带来第一名的奖牌。A.会议B.派对C.音乐会D.比赛。“first place medals”指的是“第一名的奖牌”,这只可能在比赛(competition)中获得,故选D。 5. 句意:不幸的是,在一场表演中,我摔倒并严重地弄伤了自己。A.迅速地B.轻轻地C.严重地D.慢慢地。从后面做的种种检查可以看出这次跌倒的后果很严重,选择副词(badly)来形容程度“严重地”,故选C。 6. 句意:在做完几次X光和磁共振扫描后,医生告

22、诉我我不能再重返运动场了。A.侍者B.医生C.老师D.警察。能在做完检查后告知“我”不能重返赛场的只能是医生了,故选B。 7. 句意:我背部的痛苦难以承受,甚至基本的日常工作也变得困难。A.有用的B.基本的C.适当的D.忙碌的。后背很痛,所以“很基本的”(basic)日常活动都会很难,表示这次受伤严重影响了我的日常生活,故选B。10. 句意:我开始把精力放在本地的社区服务项目上了。A.能源;精力B.责任C.财富D.精神。“put energy into”指的是“把精力放在上面”,这里是说作者做出了改变,把精力放到社区服务上面了,故选A。 11. 句意:通过志愿作为一名为儿童的游泳教师和暑期阅读

23、助理。“volunteer as”指的是“作为提供志愿服务”,这里的介词“as”翻译成“作为”,其他的介词均无此意,这里是说“我”作为而提供志愿服务,故选C。 12. 句意:我知道了我要成为谁。A. 想要 B. 开始 C. 承诺 D. 生活。这里是说通过志愿服务我再次知道了自己想要成为谁,故选A。 13. 句意:一点一点地,我走出了阴影,重建了我的自信。A.跑B.跳C.站立D.跨步;(连续)迈步。这里是说我一点一点“走出”(step out of)了过去的阴影,不可能是“跑出”或其他,故选D。 14. 句意:有的时候,一些巨大的岩石阻挡了我们的道路。A.小的B.大的C.丑的D.圆的。这里作者把

24、遇到的困难比作了“巨大的岩石”,形容这些困难是很大的,是阻挡我们前行的,故选B。 15. 句意:我的事故就是一块岩石,但没能阻挡我接近成功。A.管理B.帮助C.失败D.继续。“fail to do”为“没能做成”,这里是说那块大石头并没有阻止我靠近成功,故选C。11.【2018年浙江省舟山市】I have five children, so our house is always noisy._1_, I love gardening and my garden helps me relax.For a long time, I _2_the garden of peace and quiet

25、. When the children followed me into the garden, I would expect _3_to be out of sight. And I would hand out tasks.“Here: you _4_the onions, you dig the holes, and. Soon they would be _5_or their arms would be sore, and they would leave me to myself.But during a recent spring, _6_I was working in the

26、 garden, my 13-year-old son, Josiah noticed me. He _7_ a tool and began helping. Working as a team, we finished the job in no time at all. I _8_Josiah, realizing that Id enjoyed working with him.The same thing happened-one or two of the_9_would appear and join in the gardening from time to time. Eac

27、h time, I would feel _10_that the work was lighter because of their help.One day, when I was picking the peas(豌豆) and having a taste _11_, Abby saw me and ran over. I put several peas into her mouth. She just loved how _12_they were.“Mama, I want the others to try them too.”Suddenly, I realized I ha

28、d been wrong for long. Id tried to keep the_13_of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldnt wait to _14_with others. “Sure, honey, lets pick some. Well make a wonderful supper.”Now I enjoy all of the gardens beauties with the children. We bring the _15_back home, preparing and cooking th

29、e produce together, because we know that everything is better when shared.1. A. Finally B. Quickly C. Luckily D. Immediately2. A. painted B. guarded C. refused D. described3. A. it B. him C. her D. them4. A. water B. eat C. sell D. cook5. A. hot B. shy C. sorry D. nervous6. A. so B. if C. while D. u

30、nless7. A. waited B. picked up C. pointed at D. looked after8. A. hated B. forgot C. saved D. thanked9. A. friend B. children C. visitors D. neighbors10. A. bored B. silly C. afraid D. surprised11. A. alone B. sadly C. together D. instead12. A. safe B. tasty C. famous D. expensive13. A. tradition B.

31、 standard C. happiness D. background14. A. live B. agree C. work D. share15. A. meat B. bread C. fruits D. drinks【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C【解析】文章讲述了作者通过和孩子们分享在花园里劳动,体会到分享的快乐。1. 句意:幸运的是,我喜欢种花园,花园使我放松。A. Finally 最后; B. Quickly快的; C. Luckily 幸运的

32、; D. Immediately立刻;根据I have five children, so our house is always noisy可知家里太吵,幸运的是,可以躲到花园去;故选C3. 句意:当孩子们跟我到花园里,我就期盼着他们在视线之外。根据the children可知是他们;故选D4. 句意:你浇洋葱,你挖坑。A. water 浇水; B. eat 吃; C. sell 卖; D. cook做饭;根据Soon they would be _5_or their arms would be sore,很快他们就热了,手臂疼了。可知是让他们干活,所以是给洋葱浇水;故选A5. 句意:很快他们就热了,手臂疼了。A. hot 热的; B. shy 害羞的; C. sorry 对不起; D.

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