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1、大学英语精读2重点复习资料LX一、 填空题第一单元:essentialdamage torefer to . as .releaseconsequencederivephenomenonsuffer fromconvertsupply with1 We copper and silver good conductors.【参考答案】:refer to, as 2 _he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment. A. As soon as B. As well as C. So far as D. So long as 正

2、确答案:D3 Here patience is .【参考答案】:essential4 Well visit Europe next year _we have enough money. A. provided B. unless C. until D. lest 正确答案:A 5 These English words from Greek.【参考答案】:derive 13 Most of the stones are_ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each. A. more high B. much more high C. high

3、er more D. higher than 正确答案:D 7 The region continues to serious pollution.【参考答案】:suffer from 8 How do you iron into steel?【参考答案】:convert 9 Climate change could have serious for Africa.【参考答案】:consequences 10 The harmful substances into the environment. 【参考答案】:released 11 _he is absent, what shall we

4、do? A. Now that B. Seeing that C. Whether D. Supposing that 正确答案:A 12 _the door than somebody started knocking on it. A. I had closed no sooner B. No sooner had I closed C. I had no sooner closed D. No sooner I close 正确答案:B第二单元:routeprofitsuspendincentivein totaldistributein capable ofrather thanres

5、cueescape 1 The citys road system is handling the current volume of traffic.【参考答案】:incapable of2 The two elements _water is made are the oxygen and hydrogen. A. that B. which C. of which D. with which 正确答案:C 3 The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,_gave the criminal plenty of time to get away

6、. A. which B. that C. so D. what 正确答案:A 4 Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the changes, but we, indeed, feel their passion for China and the Olympics.【参考答案】:route 5 In general most workers were in favor of a(n) scheme offering financial rewards.【参考答案】:incentive 6

7、 A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge occupational training.【参考答案】:rather than 7 The workers attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.【参考答案】:rescue

8、8 He hides behind door or creeps under a table to from his enemies.【参考答案】:escape 9 He sometimes employs students to samples of their products.【参考答案】:distribute 10 This years Asian oil demand will amount to 582,000 more barrels of oil a day.【参考答案】:in total 第三单元:1、How does the author think of debt? A.

9、 Its completely bad. B. Its both good and bad. C. Its wonderful. D. Its not mentioned. 正确答案:B 2、What does this passage mainly talk about? A. How to manage money. B. How to spend money. C. How to invest money. D. How to loan money. 正确答案:A 3 When her husband died, she received $200,000 in .【参考答案】:insu

10、rance 4 The airline has a new solution to the problem of jet-lag.【参考答案】:come up with 5 The government has been accused of not responding to the needs of the homeless.【参考答案】:appropriately 6 To avoid , please write the childrens names clearly on all their school clothes.【参考答案】:confusion 7 Could I have

11、 a cigarette? I seem to have it.【参考答案】:run out of 8 This payment is next Monday, so we have to get the money ready.【参考答案】:due 9 The government has declared a state of following the earthquake.【参考答案】:emergency 10 The companys failure was mainly due to bad .【参考答案】:management第四单元:broadcastworthcashoppo

12、rtunityannouncelaunchlaykeep an eye onlikelyoffer1 A government spokesman that the criminal had been arrested.【参考答案】:announced 2 The Government has an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.【参考答案】:launched 3 Do you know how much the ring is ?【参考答案】:worth 4 For many athletes, the Olympics i

13、s a once-in-a-lifetime .【参考答案】:opportunity 5 By age 15, Sean was stealing from his mother to buy drugs.【参考答案】:cash 6 The interview was live across Europe.【参考答案】:broadcast 7 He the money on the table as they walked out.【参考答案】:laid 8 We want Taylor in jail where we can him.【参考答案】:keep an eye on 9 Most

14、 adult education centers computing courses.【参考答案】:offer 10 Young drivers are far more to have accidents than older drivers.【参考答案】:likely 二、 单选题第一单元:1 Can you find out _her pen? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 正确答案:C 2 You cant imagine_when

15、they received these gifts. A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited they have D. they were how excited 正确答案:B 3 I will give this book to_wants to have it. A. whomever B. whoever C. whatever D. wherever 正确答案:B 4 I doubt_he will lend you the book. A. whether B. when C. that D.

16、which 正确答案:A5 We must do well_the boss assigns us to do. A. that B. whatever C. whichever D. those 正确答案:B 6 Hans has a new car. I wonder when_it. A. he bought B. did he buy C. buys D. he is buying 正确答案:A 7 I have not found my book yet. In fact, Im not sure _ I could have done with it. A. if B. wheth

17、er C. how D. what 正确答案:D 8 The reason I plan to go is _if I dont. A. because she will be unhappy B. that she will be unhappy C. what she will be unhappy D. for she will be unhappy 正确答案:B第二单元1 I was sure _I would overcome all these difficulties. A. what B. that C. which D. whether 正确答案:B 2 It happene

18、d_Lisa wasnt there at that time. A. whether B. if C. that D. why 正确答案:C 3 _we need more practice is quite clear. A. What B. That C. Which D. When 正确答案:B 4 _you dont like him is none of my business. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 正确答案:C 5 _is a fact that English is accepted as an international lan

19、guage. A. What B. This C. That D. It 正确答案:D 6 Word has come_some guests from Canada will visit our school. A. what B. that C. whether D. when 正确答案: B 7 _the old mans sons wanted to know was _the gold had been hidden. A. That . what B. What . where C. What . that D. That . where 正确答案:B 8 He told me t

20、he news_our team had won the game. A. about B. of C. as D. that 正确答案:D第三单元essentialdamage torefer to . as .releaseconsequencederivephenomenonsuffer fromconvertsupply with1 We copper and silver good conductors.【参考答案】:refer to, as 2 _he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment. A. As so

21、on as B. As well as C. So far as D. So long as 正确答案:D 3 A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_was to be expected. A. that B. what C. so D. as 正确答案:D 4 Mary is the only one of the team members_to be transferred. A. who is going B. who are going C. who have been going D. who has been goi

22、ng 正确答案:A 5 Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, _it will be completely furnished. A. by that time B. by the time C. by which time D. by some time 正确答案:C 6 The village_my mother grew up in is not far from the city. A. what B. where C. which D. wherever 正确答案:C 7 The company official _ I

23、 thought would be fired received a raise. A. whom B. whoever C. who D. which 正确答案:C 8 The machine is such _I have never seen before. A. what B. as C. when D. where 正确答案:B 9 The International Studies University, _in 1951, is a military academy. A. founded B. has been founded C. to have been founded D

24、. was founded 正确答案:A 10 A student, _ name I dont know, came to see me. A. that B. who C. whose D. whom 正确答案:C 11 The time will come _ man can fly he likes in the universe. A. how . where B. when . wherever C. where . where D. what . which 正确答案:B 12 Is this museum _you visited a few days ago? A. wher

25、e B. that C. on which D. the one 正确答案:D 13 She is waiting for the doctor _ I know will not come. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 正确答案:B 14 Is this the place _the exhibition was held? A. where B. that C. on which D. the one 正确答案:A 15 Who is John Smith? He is the speaker _ heard last week. A. which we

26、 would have B. we would have C. we D. we had 正确答案:C 三、阅读理解第一单元:there are several main types of pollution nd well-known effects of pollution. one type of air pollution is the 1_ of particles into the air rom 2_ fuel for energy. another type of pollution is the release of harmful gases in the atmosphe

27、re, 3 _smog nd acid rain. the greenhouse effect is also referred to as 4_ warming. in many countries in the world, 5_ are being taken to stop the 6_ to our environment rom air pollution. they have set controls on pollution 7_ for 8_ vehicles nd industry nd we must meet the 9_ in order to 10_ that a

28、healthy environment will exist for ourselves nd our children.标准答案: 参考答案:1.release2.burning 3.forming 4.global5.steps 6.damage 7.emissions8.transportation9.challenge10.assureOur surroundings are being polluted faster than the nature and mans present efforts cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more

29、 people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and growing use of man-made materials. What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that the pollution is caused by man by his desire for a modern way of life. We make increasing industrialization our chief aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our ch

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