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1、小学英语教师招聘考试试题和答案小学英语教师招聘考试试题和答案 小学英语教师招聘考试试题及答案 第一卷 (共45分) 一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Mr. Chen is _ generous man. He has donated a lot of money to people in need. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. I _ walk to school. But this morning I took a bus because I got up late. A. neve

2、r B. hardly C. seldom D. usually 3. Daniel is good at computer. He taught _ to make a home page. A. her B. him C. herself D. himself 4. —_ will you play basketball with me? —In about 20 minutes after finishing my homework. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 5. Mary spends a

3、lot of money on clothes _ her family is not rich. A. because B. though C. if D. so 6. —_schoolbag is that? —You mean the one behind the chair? It’s Tonny’s. A. Which B. What C. Whose D. Where 7. _ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were satisfied with what he did. A. W

4、hat a B. What C. How D. How a 8. —Look at the sign. You_ fish here. .—Sorry, I didn’t know. A. may B. should C. mustn’t D. needn’t 9. The man _ his coat when he walked into the warm room. A. took away B. took off C. took down D. took out 10. Both teachers and students _

5、 not to use mobile phones in class in our school. A. are told B. are said C. told D. said 11. —Wow, your new car looks so cool! —Thank you very much! I _ it for two weeks. A. have had B. have bought C. bought D. buy 12. —Mum, the meat on the table tastes _. .—You shouldn&rsqu

6、o;t eat any of it. Just throw it away. A. good B. badly C. bad D. well 13. —I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _? .—Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there. A. where is the nearest hospital B. how long it will take me to the airport C. how far is my trip to the Olympic Village D.

7、how I can get to the National Museum 14. —Do you mind my closing the window? .—_. It's much too noisy outside. A. Certainly I do B. Of course not C. All right D. You’d better not 15. —Would you please help me with my drawing? —_. You can come to my workroom every Sa

8、turday. A. That’s all right B. No problem C. No, thanks D. Quite well 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 It was almost 9:00 pm when Mia Janson left her office to go home. It was 16 . She started her car and 17 down the dark road that led to her house in th

9、e country. She 18 the radio and listened to songs while she was driving. The heater wasn’t working, and singing helped to keep her 19 . The snow was heavy. Then Mia went across a small 20 . The bridge was covered with ice and the car went out of control. Mia hit her head on the steering wheel

10、and lost consciousness(知觉). When she woke up, her head was bleeding (流血),and she was shaking from the cold. She didn’t know 21 she was. Mia opened the car door and looked around. She was under the bridge, and her car was sitting on the frozen river! She felt very sad. She 22 the ice wouldn&rsq

11、uo;t hold her car for very long. She tried to walk up several times, but she kept falling into the snow. Mia tried 23 time. She fell again, but this time she couldn’t get up. She knew that 24 could see her car under the bridge. She was lying in the snow, and she couldn’t move. Mia closed

12、 her eyes and waited to die. Then she heard a voice. Mia 25 her eyes. There was an old man standing over her. She stood up and walked up with the help of the old man. “That’s my truck”, said the old man. “Get in and I’ll take you home.” 16. A. raining B. sunny C. snowing D. w

13、indy 17. A. ran B. drove C. walked D. rode 18. A. turned on B. turned over C. turned off D. turned down 19. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. warm 20. A. bridge B. village C. town D. farm 21. A. how B. what C. why D. where 22. A. know B. knew C. knows D. knowing 23. A. one B. one more C. other D. the

14、other 24. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody 25. A. close B. closed C. opened D. open 三、阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)(五篇) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A 请根据名片上信息选择问题答案 26. If you want to learn something about computers, you may send e-mails to _. A. zhaoweiping B. wudong C. tomsmith D.

15、lwh988 27. A five-year-old boy has something wrong with his teeth. He should go to see _. A. Mr. Zhao B. Mr. Wu C. Mr. Smith. D. Mr. Li B On a hot summer day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleep

16、. Some hours later, Holmes woke up and pushed his friend. “Watson, look! What can you see in the sky?" Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.” “What does that tell you?” asked Holmes. Watson thought for a while. “First, it tells me that we will have a bea

17、utiful clear day tomorrow. Second, it tells me that the time is about twelve o’clock. And” “What else?” Holmes asked. “Well, it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so small. What does that tell you?” Holmes said with a grin on his face, “You silly guy! It only

18、 tells me that someone has stolen our tent!” 28. Holmes woke up _. A. in the middle of the night B. early in the morning C. soon after he fell asleep D. after Watson pushed him 29. Watson thought of at least _ things after he saw the stars. A. two B. three C. four D. five 30. Which of the following

19、statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The story happened in the afternoon. B. They had some wine before they went to sleep. C. Holmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didn’t know what happened. D. Holmes and Watson were in their tent while they were talking about the question. C

20、 Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help you understand how we are trying to help children all over the world. Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with some volunteers, they went to Philippines to help children who had h

21、oles in their lips or inside their mouths. It was very difficult for them to eat and drink. These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry on with the work because they were short of money. Then they decided to start a charity so that they could help these needy childr

22、en. They called it Operation Smile. Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries and has cured over 10,000 children who have problems with their mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for its work and in 1999 they even started a special event called“The World Journey of

23、Hope”. 5,000 children in 18 countries are cured during the event. On the other hand, Operation Smile trains local doctors and nurses in developing countries so that they can continue to help children when Operation Smile has left. As to the children with much more serious problems, they will send th

24、em to America for further treatment. So show your kindness and generosity to the needy children now. You can send your donation to Operation Smile at local banks. Many thanks from the children who can smile now will come to you. 31. Operation Smile is a famous _, which was started by a doctor and hi

25、s wife. A. school B. charity C. building D. person 32. Operation Smile helps the children by _. A. curing the children who have problems with their mouths B. helping poor children go back to school C. helping blind children to see again D. offering houses to homeless children 33. Five thousand child

26、ren from _ countries are cured during the event “The World Journey of Hope”. A. ten B sixteen C. eighteen D. twenty 34. Why did they worry that they could not carry on with the work? Because _. A. there were no more volunteers B. they went to America for further study C. they didn’t have

27、 enough money D. the doctors were too busy 35. What does the writer ask us to do to show our kindness and generosity to the needy children? A. To donate money at local banks. B. To be a volunteer in Philippines. C. To send cards to the needy children. D. To be a doctor of Operation Smile. D Recently

28、, Chinese netizens (网民) enjoy themselves on “growing and stealing crops” on the Internet. This is a game called “Happy Farms”. Now more and more people are joining in the game, and getting addicted. Some of them are even found playing the game at work. Because of this, some players have

29、been fired by their bosses. Lovers have broken up, but none of them can stop Happy Farms from becoming more popular. Here we interviewed some young netizens and let’s see what their opinions were. Nongmin: Playing happy Farms at work, that’s terrible! A clerk was fired because she was online playing it at work. King: I find that all the dreams of having houses and fields, which are very hard t

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