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1、翻译硕士MTI冲刺讲义1语法与改错考频极高的语法/词汇考点:1 冠词(a/an/the)2 逻辑关系词3 指示代词或物主代词(these/ those/ this/ that/ their/ its)4 介词搭配5 分词(包括伴随状语以及独立主格结构)6 形容词的比较级7 副词8 动词的第三人称9 动词时态10定语从句 冠词 a/an 的进阶用法1如果复数名词或者专有名词作为整体受到形容词的修饰,那么前面需要有冠词的修饰,需要注意的是,这种形容词一般表示暂时的情况,而非名词本身所固有的属性;例:Weak America is not in the best interests of the w

2、hole world. (误)A weak America is not in the best interests of the whole world. (正)a Great Britain (误) Great Britain (正)a split Supreme Court (正) split Supreme Court (误) 2a . of a . 结构,构成前者对后者的比喻;例:it was opened by a small barrel(桶) of a woman. 像桶一样的女人。(法国中尉的女人John Robert Fowles)例:a man of importance

3、 A angel of a girl 天使般的女孩a mountain of a wave 排山倒海的巨浪 a nightmare of a city 噩梦般的城市note:如果是特指,只能把第一个不定冠词变成定冠词,即,the . of a .the angel of a girl 那个天使般的女孩冠词 the 的进阶用法 1,如果动作施加在整体的某一个局部之上,那么英文中会把整体当成宾语,局部处理成状语,而局部虽然仍然与整体属于从属关系,此刻却使用定冠词而非物主代词;例:He hit my head. (误) He hit me on my head. (误)He hit me on th

4、e head. (正)例:She gently patted me on the back. (正)He kissed her on the forehead. (正)2,the +adj. 构成一个集体名词,需要注意的是,这样一来就等同于复数形式,后面最好接第三人称单数;例:the impoverished 穷人 the disabled 残疾人The palace is now open to public. (误)The palace is now open to the public. (正)冠词 真题练习(1)The previous section has shown how qu

5、ickly a rhyme passes from one schoolchild to the next and illustrates the further the-a(第一次出现且泛指)difference between school lore and nursery lore.注:illustrate此处的意思是“表明.真实”“显示.存在”,等同于demonstrate。冠词 真题练习(2)We may say that the cries of pain or chortles of amusement are largely reflex actions, instinctiv

6、e to large extent, whereas language proper does large前面加a not consist of signs . 注意:extent是不可数名词 讲解:extent虽然是不可数名词,可是前面加了表示暂时性性质的形容词large,那么根据之前的进阶用法第一点,就必须加上不定冠词。试比较:1, To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. (certain是暂时特征词)2, To some extent what she argues is true. (

7、数量不是暂时特征,修饰名词不需加冠词)3, To what extent is this true of all schools? 冠词 真题练习(3) They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both menand women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundredyears of a steady decline, producing the baby boom. These young adults es

8、tablished a trend去掉冠词a(词性,多重修饰)婴儿潮of early marriage and relatively large families that went for more than two decades 逻辑关系词 1,逻辑关系词的词性2,逻辑关系词的分类3,逻辑关系词的用法逻辑关系词的词性 例:she is tardy for school today, however the teacher is not angry. (误)是副词she is tardy for school today, but the teacher is not angry. (正)

9、对比: however, but, nonetheless, nevertheless, whilst, whereas, yet, conversely, contrarily, contrary to, on the contrary, in contrast; the former , the latter ; on (the)one hand, on the other hand; instead, instead of/ rather than, excluding, except, except for, other than, apart from让步: although, th

10、ough, even if, even though, despite, in spite of, regardless of, irrespective of, albeit, notwithstanding, anyway并列: and, also, or, as well as, too, equally, similarly/likewise, besides, neithernor, eitheror递进: furthermore/moreover, in addition, in addition to, whats more, indeed, even, not onlybut

11、(also) 原因: since, because, as, for, given, considering, in that, because of, on the ground of, in view of, in the light of, by virtue of, on account of, due to, according to结果:therefore, so, hence, thus, in consequence, thereby条件:if, providing/provided, unless, otherwise, in case, on condition that,

12、 as long as, suppose, supposing逻辑关系词的用法 nonetheless/ nevertheless adv. = despite this fact 例:The book is too long, nonetheless, informative and entertaining. (误)The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining. (正)whereas conj. used to compare or contrast two facts注1:whereas用于对比的时

13、候,多出现在句中,并且主语不能相同。 I am old but strong. (正) I am old whereas strong. (误)注2:whereas用于正式文体中置于句首表示“鉴于”,相当于because of the fact that. 注3:whereas作为比较的时候无法只引导一个单独的句子,必须出现两个句子。while/whilst conj. 注1: while/ whilst表示对比,所以前后容同样重要,而but表示转折,所以预期偏向but之后提及的容;注2:whilst在英式英语中尤为正式,可以用于专八、雅思等学术类的写作中。yet 通常是adv. 注1:需要注

14、意的是牛津高阶字典中也给出了yet作为conj.表示“然而”的例句: It is a small car, yet it is surprisingly spacious. (较为口语)注2:as yet 习语,副词词性,表示“直到某个时候” an as yet unannounced plan 一项直到现在还未公布的计划 As yet little was known of the causes of the epidemic. excluding prep. 不包括 注:excluding并非是exclude的现在分词形式,如果用形容词的话,则是exclusive,表示专有的,排他的。 a

15、lbeit conj. =although 注:用于正式文体中notwithstanding prep./ adv. 虽然,尽管例:Notwithstanding therere some problems, China has done great this year. (误) Notwithstanding some problems, China has done great this year. (正)and conj.注1:专八改错中出现and,除了可能考察and前后句子的逻辑关系是否为并列,更重要的是考察考生是否察觉出and前后句子的时态人称和数是否一致;注2:“否定X and Y

16、”表示不能同时进行X和Y这两个行为,而“否定X or Y”是对X和Y都完全否定,试比较:You cannot drink and drive. 你不能一边喝酒一边开车。You cannot drink or drive. 你既不能开车也不能喝酒。 considering prep./ conj. 考虑到,鉴于例:Considering he is only 16, he knows quite a lot about it. 注:此处considering是连词,并非是consider的现在分词形式,许多同学误认为是现在分词引导的伴随状语。hence adv. 因此 = for this re

17、asontherefore= thereby adv. 因此 注1:这三个词没有严格的区别,考生不必钻牛角尖,但需要记住它们都是副词;注2:hence置于时间之后,表示从现在开始多久时间之后。 例:They will be forgotten two months hence. 两个月后他们就会被遗忘。thus adv. 1,= in this way 如此,以此方式 2,= hence, therefore 例:The new machines will work faster, thus reducing our costs.注:thus far等同于so far 表示到目前为止。迄今为止

18、providing/ provided conj. = if = supposing 注1:provided和providing是同义词,且都是连词,考生勿要将其当作provide的过去分词和现在分词注2:supposing和supposed却有很大区别,supposing是连词表示假设,而supposed却是suppose的过去分词,表示“所谓的”逻辑关系词 真题练习(1) There are important corollaries to the investigative power. One is the powerto publicize investigations and it

19、s results. Most committee hearings are open to its改为theirpublic and are reported widely in the mass media.逻辑关系词 真题练习(2) Less noted but equally more significant, the men and women who formed familiesbetween 1940 and 1960 nevertheless reduced the divorce rate after a postwar peak; theirnevertheless 改为

20、 alsomarriages remained intact to a greater extent than did that of couples who married in earlieras well as later decades. 逻辑关系词 真题练习(3) If no one is suggesting that we return to an aboriginal life style, if 改为 while we certainly could use their eating habits as a model for a healthier diet. 与事实相反(

21、)尚未发生()逻辑关系词 真题练习(4) Apart from a powerful capacity topay attention to their helplessness by using sound, there is nothing pay 改为 draw the new born child can do to ensure his own survival. 错在逻辑关系上加黄色背景的表示易错之处形容词名词逻辑关系词 真题练习(5) One is the fact that pronunciation islearnt naturally and unconsciously,

22、and orthography is learnt deliberately and consciously.and改为but 指示代词 this(these)或that(those) 区别一this(these)指靠近自己的,that(those)指靠近对方的区别二this作为指代的时候可以具有褒义,而that作为指代的时候可以具有贬义例:Now tell me about this new boyfriend of yours.I dont like that new boyfriend of yours. 区别三This更多指后文将提到的容,而that更多指前文刚刚提到过的容that在从

23、句中的使用 that可以引导1,主语从句2,宾语从句3,定语从句4,同位语从句 且用法各不相同 that在主语从句和同位语从句中,that不可省略(相当于名词)例:I heard the news our team had won. (误)I heard the news that our team had won. (正)He finished the essay in such a short time surprised us. (误)That he finished the essay in such a short time surprised us. (正)that在定语从句和宾语

24、从句中可以省略但是注意定语从句中必须用that的四种情况:1.当先行词为anything,everything,nothing等不定代词时,2.当先行词为all,any,much,many词或被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时,3.当先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时,4.当先行词是序数词修饰时,指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(1) At the time the United States split off from Britain, for example, there were proposals that independence s

25、hould be linguistically accepted by the use of a different language from those of Britain. There was those改为thateven one proposal that Americans should adopt Hebrew.指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(2) We may say that the cries of pain or chortles of amusement are largely reflex actions, instinctive to a large extent,

26、 whereas language proper does not consist of signs but of these that have to be learnt and these改为thosethat are wholly conventional. 指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(3) The rise in tuitions may reflect thefact economic uncertainty increases the demand for education. The biggest cost of being infact后加thatthe school is

27、 foregoing income from a job. 指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(4)These contemporary aborigines live to oldages despite the absence of medical care, they experience no obesity,no middle-aged spread, little dental decay, no high blood pressure, no heartdisease and their blood cholesterol levels are very low ( about hal

28、f of half名词后加that the average American adult). 指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(5)This is natural, therefore, that our speech-sounds should be those of our immediate This改为It circle; after all, as we have seen, speech operates as a means of holding a community andgiving a sense of belonging. 指示代词和物主代词 真题练习(6)It is no

29、t a voice we recognize at once, whereas our ownhandwriting is something which we almost always know. which改为that 介词搭配 介词搭配在英文中是一个常考常新的考点,因为英文中的介词的搭配非常之多,变化多端;但是在考试之中,介词的考点重点只出现在三个介词上,考生务必熟练掌握: on/ in / at 例:You should look at the bright side. (误)You should look on the bright side. (正)上面线点介词搭配 真题练习(1

30、) These young adults established a trendof early marriage and relatively large families that went for more than two decades andwent后面加oncaused a major but temporary reversal of long-term demographic patterns.介词搭配 真题练习(2) Investigations are held to gather information on theneed for future legislation

31、, to test the effectiveness of laws already passed, to inquire into thequalifications and performance of members and officials of the other branches, and in rare in改成onoccasions, to lay the groundwork for impeachment proceedings. 介词搭配 真题练习(3) Then in the turn of 19th century, when the study of cultural in改成atanthropology suggested that the linguistic barriers were insuperable 分词 分词,pa

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