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1、最实用的英语情景对话我不理解他们怎么对足球这么着迷Lily : Whenever I come to visit, he is always watching TV. 我发现大卫是个电视迷,每次我来,他都在看电视。Adam : Youre really observant. He cant help but watch some TV during meals or before bed. Hes even watching the soccer game as we speak. 你观察得挺准。他吃饭时,睡觉前几乎都离不了电视。这不,咱们这说话呢,他 又在看足球比赛了。Lily : Oh,

2、he was watching a soccer game before too. 哦,原来是在看球赛啊。Adam : Yeah. When a soccer game comes, he doesnt even eat or sleep. 是啊,一遇到球赛,饭可以不吃,觉可以不睡。Lily : My husband is the same way. He likes watching soccer so much that its almost like a lover!我老公也一样,看得如痴如醉的,跟足球谈恋爱得了。Adam : I cant understand why theyre s

3、o crazy about soccer. 我就是不理解他们怎么对足球这么着迷? 情景会话:魅力十足的京剧表演Larry:The performance is amazing. Im curious about how they did it. I mean the way they sing.演出太精彩了。我很好奇他们是怎么做到的。我是指他们演唱的方式。 Shirley:They must have practiced a lot. The perseverance has made them they are today.他们一定进行了很多练习。是毅力让他们达到今天这样的地步。 Larry

4、:So cool. Someone gave me this flier at the exit. Whats it about? 真酷。在出口处有人给我发了这张传单。它上面说的什么啊?Shirley: Let me have a look. Well, it lists some shows that will be on next week. 让我看看。哦,它列出了下周要上演的一些剧目。Larry:Oh, tell me about it. Anything interesting? 哦,快给我讲讲。有什么有趣的吗?Shirley: HmmOh, this one, The Drunken

5、 Beauty. This is a real classic. 嗯哦,这场不错,贵妃醉酒。这是一场经典剧目。Larry: The Drunken Beauty? Its funny that we have Sleeping Beauty in my country. Anyway, whats it about? Is the beauty a drunkard?喝醉酒的美人?真有趣,在我的国家我们有 睡美人 。那么,它讲的是什么?那 美人是酒鬼吗?Shirley: Of course not. She was said to be the most beautiful woman in

6、her time and that made her become the queen. They play was famous for its singing and dancing. 当然不是。 据说,在她那个时代, 她是最美丽的女人, 这使得她成为当时的皇后。 该剧目因其唱腔和舞蹈而着名。Larry: Sure, people do that when they are drunk. What about the actress? 一定是,人们喝醉酒的时候就会那么做。那女演员怎么样?Shirley: She is an opera star in China. Her teachers

7、 teacher is Mei Lanfang.她是中国的戏曲明星。她师傅的师傅是梅兰芳。Larry:Oh, Ive heard about him before. He even created a special dance of sleeve shaking.哦,我以前听说过他。他还发明了一种舞水袖的特殊舞蹈。 Shirley:You are such an expert on it. I dont know that. 你真是这方面的专家啊。我还真不知道这个呢? Larry:You know, interest is the best teacher.知道吗,兴趣是最好的老师。Shir

8、ley:So, want me to book the tickets again? 那么,还要我去订一次票吗?Larry:Please do that. I cant wait to come back again. The performance must be really amazing.请帮忙吧。我都等不及想回来看了。那演出一定特别精彩。 Shirley:We can do that if you like. Maybe next weekend. 只要你喜欢当然可以。要不就下周。Larry:That will be great. 那太好了。情景会话:晚饭我要做个西红柿汤 Lily

9、: Im going to make tomato soup for dinner. 晚饭我要做个西红柿汤。Tom: I think we should have something with some meat in it-eating only vegetables is boring.咱们还是吃点儿肉吧光吃蔬菜好烦哪。Lily: But vegetables are good for your health. 但吃蔬菜有益健康。Tom: But I like meat. I dont really like vegetables that much. 可我就喜欢吃肉,不喜欢蔬菜。Lily

10、: Ok ok, Ill make a dish with meat in it too. 好啦好啦,我做个肉菜就是了。情景会话:英语肯定会拖我后腿Mary: I really envy these stewardesses. I wish I could be one of them. 我真羡慕这些空姐的工作,我也想当空姐。Joh n:就你?Mary: What! Anyone can be a stewardess if she is tall and good-looking. 怎么了?只要身高长相可以,谁都可以当空姐嘛。John: Honey, thats not as simple

11、as you think. To be a flight attendant, the most important thing is to be amiable. More, you must speak English fluently. 亲爱的,没你想的那么简单。做空姐,最重要的是要有亲和力,也得很流利。Mary: God, Im done. You know my English will hold me back. 天啊,那我完了,英语肯定会拖我后腿。John: Well, go practice your English first. 情景会话:你最喜欢哪个季节? Tom: Its

12、 rather cold, isnt it?相当冷,不是吗?Sarah: Oh, yes, it is. 哦,是的,是很冷。Tom:Shall I light the stove? 我把火炉点燃好吗?Sarah: Thats a good idea. 那是个好主意。Tom:Well, what s the climate like in your country? 嗯,你的国家气候怎么样?Sarah: It s mild, but its not always pleasant. 很暖和,但是并不一定舒适宜人。Tom:Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季

13、节?Sarah: I like spring. The days are long and the nights are short. The flowers are in bloom. We go on picnics.我喜欢春天。白天长,夜晚短。花朵盛开。我们去郊游。 情景会话:奶奶过生日美颠儿颠儿的: Last week, I went back to my hometown to celebrate grandmas birthday. It was really fun.上周我回老家去给我奶奶过生日了。可真够热闹的。Susan: What about it? 怎么了?John:Can

14、 you imagine four generations getting together under the same roof? 你想想,四代人聚在同一个屋檐下。Susan: There must have been a lot of people. 肯定好多人。John:Yeah, the house is quite small and was bursting at the seams. 是啊,房子本来就挺小,被挤得满满当当的。Susan: Your grandma must have been very happy with so many of her children and

15、 grandchildren there.有这么多儿女和孙子、孙女去看望你奶奶,她一定很高兴。John:Yeah, she was on cloud nine the whole day. 可不,她整天都美颠儿颠儿的。情景会话:我对那些东西不是很感兴趣Steve: I see. But looking professional is important. If you dont look good, people will think you are not a good or smart person and they might not trust you either. 我知道。但着装职

16、业化也是很重要的。 如果外表不好的话, 人们会认为你不是一 个好人或者不是一个聪明的人,他们也不会信任你。Steve:Would you like to see our new shirts? 您要看看我们的新款衬衣吗?Salesgirl:Sorry, Im not really that interested in those things. 不好意思,我对那些东西不是很感兴趣。Steve:They are very nice, you know. 您知道,这些衬衣非常不错。Salesgirl:Really?是吗?Steve:And not expensive either. 并且还不贵。S

17、alesgirl:Oh, I dont care about that. 哦,我不关心这个。Steve:Everybody s buying them.很多人都在买。Salesgirl:Are they?是吗?Steve:Yes, they are very fashionable, you see. 是的,您看,它们很时尚的。Salesgirl: Im afraid I m not interested in fashion. There are so many other really important things in the world. Fashion seems so trul

18、y unimportant.恐怕我对时尚可不感兴趣。世界上有很多真正重要的事情。时尚其实真的不重 要。Salesgirl:But thank you very much all the same?. 不过我还是要谢谢你。Steve:Sorry. I couldnt help you. 很遗憾,没能给您提供任何服务。情景会话:原来是骗我们的Mary:Boys and girls, there will be an exam tomorrow. 同学们,我们明天考试。Tim :Ah? Really? That stinks!啊?不是吧?太郁闷了!Mary:Haha, April Fools! Di

19、d you forget what day it is today? 哈哈,今天是愚人节!怎么都忘了?Tim :Wow, you were pulling our leg all along. I was really fooled. 哇,原来是骗我们的。我被作弄了!Mary: Alright, now lets be serious. Actually youll take an exam today. 好了,不跟大家开玩笑了。其实我们是今天考试。Tim : What?情景会话:我可是我们公司足球队长Lily :Todays game was pretty lousy.今天这场比赛看得真憋气

20、。Adam:Yeah. I thought the score would be at least 2:1, but it ended in a draw. 嗯,本来可以踢个二比一,最后闹了个一平。Lily :Those players are getting worse and worse - I should go out there and play myself.那些队员水平越来越差了,还不如我上场呢。Adam:You play soccer? 你会踢足球?Lily :Are you kidding? Im the captain of our companys team! 开玩笑,我

21、可是我们公司足球队的队长。Adam:My company also has a team - we should get together and play each other.我们公司也有足球队,有机会和你们队踢一场。Lily : OK. How about this Saturday? 行啊,这周六如何? 情景会话:中国茶的品种很多Tom:I have found that Chinese people really enjoy drinking tea. 我发现中国人真爱喝茶。May:Yeah, tea is really important part of Chinese cultu

22、re. 是啊,茶已经是我们生活中不可缺少的一部分了。Tom:I know there are many kinds of tea, such as Longjing Tea, Biluochun Tea,Oolo ng Tea 我知道中国茶的品种很多,有龙井、碧螺春、乌龙May:Qimen Black Tea, Huangshan Maofeng Tea, and Jasmine Tea are all very famous.还有祁门红茶、黄山毛峰、茉莉花茶等等,都是很有名的。Tom:How are they different from each other? 都有什么区别?May:The

23、y taste differently because they are made differently. Black tea is heavy and green tea is light.因为加工方法的不同,味道也就不一样。红茶比较浓,绿茶淡一些。 情景会话:我想买个数码摄像机Mary:How can I help you, sir? 你需要点儿什么,先生?John:I want to buy a digital video camera. 我想买个数码摄像机。Mary:This way, please. We have Sony, JVC and Samsung digital vid

24、eo cameras. 这边请,我们这里有索尼, JVC 和三星的。John:Could you show me this JVC camera? 给我拿这款 JVC 的看一下好吗?Mary:OK. This one has a 30 GB hard disk, 1,070,000 pixels and a 3-inch LCD screen.好的。这款是三十个 G 的硬盘,一百零七万像素,三寸显示屏。John:It looks nice. How much is it? 看上去挺不错的。多少钱啊?Mary:Its a special offer. The original price is

25、4,500, but the current price is only 4,100.这款是特价,原价四千五,现在只需要四千一。 情景会话:后海到底在哪儿啊?Lily:I heard that Houhai is very famous in Beijing. 听说北京的后海很有名。Tom:Yes. Especially in the evening. There are lots of pubs there. 嗯,尤其是晚上。那里的酒吧特别多。Lily:Where exactly is it? 后海到底在哪儿啊?Tom:Its hard to explain. Its around the

26、area of Gulou Street.我也说不清楚。就在鼓楼大街那一片Lily : How can I get there? 那我怎么坐车过去啊 ?Tom:If youre taking the subway, get off at Jishuitan. 坐地铁的话,到积水潭站下就可以了。情景会话:我怀疑我是否能及格 Mary:How did you do on the last quiz?你最后一次小考怎么样? Jimmy:Not good. I doubt I passed. 不好。我怀疑我是否能及格。Mary:Dont be so worried, Professor Robert

27、is not too strict. 别那么担心。罗伯特教授不是太严厉。Jimmy: I hope so. 希望如此。Mary: I hope youll do better on the finals. 希望你期末考会好一点。Jimmy: I must, if I want to pass the course. 我一定要考好,如果我想通过这门课的话。 情景会话:你这儿卖内存吗? Mary:Do you sell extra memory here? 你这儿卖内存吗?John:Yes, for a laptop or desktop? 卖,您要笔记本的还是台式机的? Mary: Laptop

28、.笔记本的。John:What kind of memory do you want? 1 GB or 512 MB? Samsung or Kingston? DDR1 or DDR2?你打算买什么样的? 1G的还是512m的?三星的还是金士顿的? DDR 代的还 是二代的?Mary:Well, I want two 1G DDR2 Kingstons. How much are they? 我买俩1G的金士顿二代的。多少钱?John:Ill give you a preferential price for two. 300 yuan. 两个给您优惠,三百。Mary:Sure. And I

29、 will bring my notebook over. Could you install them for me? 好的。我带本子来了,你给我装上试试吧。英语情景会话:我现在想结帐Todd:Im checking out now. Can I have my bill, please? 我现在想结帐。请给我账单,好吗? Waiter:Sure. Whats your room number, sir? 好的,先生。您的房间号是多少?Todd:Its 8736. Here is my key card.8736。这是我的门卡。Waiter:A minute, please. Its 621

30、2 yuan all together. Tax included. 请稍等。一共是 6212 元。含税。Todd:Can I pay with travelers check? 我可以用旅行支票支付吗?Waiter:Sure. Can I have your passport, please? 当然可以,我可以看一下您的护照吗?Todd:Here you are.Waiter:Thanks. Are you satisfied with your stay here with us, sir? 谢谢。先生,您在这里住得满意吗?Todd:Very much. The room is cozy

31、and the service is jolly good. By the way, could you deliver my luggage to the airport in advance? 非常满意。房间很舒适,服务很周到。顺便问一下,你们可以把我的行李送到机 场吗?Waiter:Sure. It will be taken care of, sir. Which flight do you take? 当然可以。我们会办好的。您乘坐的是哪趟班机?Todd:Flight 17. And my luggage should be delivered there by 4 oclock.

32、第 17 号班机。我的行李需要在 4 点之前送到。Waiter:Got it, sir. Itd be great to see you again, sir. 没问题,先生。希望能再次见到您。Todd:Thank you. 这位子有人坐吗? 乘客 A:Excuse me, is this seat taken? 对不起,这个座位有人坐吗? 乘客 B:No, I dont think so. 我想应该没有人。 乘客 A:Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 oclock to Shanghai.Where will you go?谢谢,我在等 9 点到上海的火车,你去哪呢? 乘客 B:What

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