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大学英语六级高频词汇High frequency vocabulary for CET six.docx

1、大学英语六级高频词汇High frequency vocabulary for CET six大学英语六级高频词汇(High frequency vocabulary for CET six)形容词荒谬的荒唐的上瘾的上瘾的深情的有感情的积极的有上进心的警报敏锐的;警惕的艰巨的费劲的权威权威性的尴尬的尴尬的平衡平衡的切实使人信服的冷血的冷血的冷酷的无情的富有同情心的有同情心的复杂的复杂的自信自信的可鄙的可鄙的出资有贡献的腐败腐败的美味的美味可口的要求要求高的描述值得要的有害的有害的狡猾的偏离正道的不光彩的不光彩的不安的受到干扰的孤儿,孤儿否则,另外;要不然应该v.aux应当,应该。盎司盎司,英两


3、包裹,包,捆包,小包(裹),小捆垫,垫;本子填塞vt.水桶桶,提桶痛苦的使痛的;费力的画家,漆工,画家,绘画者绘画,油画;绘画;着色手掌手掌,手心;掌状物泛北平底锅,盘子熊猫,小猫熊;猫熊联合国窗格玻璃窗格面板,专门小组;面,板喘气,气喘;心跳游行,检阅天堂,伊甸乐园;天堂第N(文章的)段,节平行的A.Parallel; identicalParcel n. parcel, parcel, parcel postParliament, N., Parliament, CongressPartial A.; partial; unfairPartially ad. partiallyPartic

4、ipate, VI., participate, shareParticle, N. particles, particlesParticular A.; special; specificParticularly ad. especially, especially, especiallyPartly, ad. partially, incompletelyPartner n. partner partner; spouse;Passage n. through; access; passagewayPassenger n. passengers, passengers, passers-b

5、yPassion, N. passion, passion, hobbyPassive A. passive; passivePassport n. passportPaste, N. paste, sauce, pulp LakePastime, N., entertainment, entertainmentPat n.&vt.&n. patPatch n. patch; fragment vt. patchPath n. Road, trail, roadPatience, N., patience, tolerance, patiencePatient A. patient n. pa

6、tientPattern, N., style, model, modelPause n.&vi. abort, pausePave vt. shop, build (road, etc.)Pavement n. (UK) sidewalkPaw n. paw, clawsPayment n. payment, paymentPea n. peas; pea plantsPeach, N., peach, peach treePeak n. peak, A. highestPear, N. pear, pear treePearl n. pearl; pearl motherPeasant n

7、. farmersPebble, N. pebbles, fine pebblesCharacteristic of peculiar A.; distinctivePeel vt. peel (peel), peel (peel)Peep VI. (peeking through the gap)The penetrate vt. passes through the vi.Peninsula n. PeninsulaPenny n. (British) pence; (beauty) centPension n. pension, annuityPepper, N., pepper, pe

8、pperPerceive, vt., perceive, discover, understandPercentage n. percentage, percentagePerfectly ad. very, completelyPerform, vt., perform, perform, performPerformance n. performance; performance; behaviorPerfume, N. aromas, aromas, spicesPermanent A., permanent, lastingPermanently ad., permanently, p

9、ermanentlyPermission n. permission, permission, consentPermit vt. allows n. licensesPersist VI. persistence, stubbornness, persistencePersonal A.; personal; minePersonnel n. staff, staffPerspective n. perspective; PerspectivePersuade vt. convinces VI. to be persuadedPessimistic A. of the world weary

10、 pessimism;Petrol n. (British) gasolinePetroleum n. oilPhase n. phase; aspect; phasePhenomenon n. phenomenonPhilosopher n. philosopherPhilosophy n. philosophy; philosophy; philosophy of lifePhone, N., telephone, telephone, earphonePhotograph, N., photos, photosPhotographic A. photography, for photog

11、raphyPhrase n. phrases; idiomsPhysical, A., material; physicalDr. physician n., a physicianPhysicist n. physicistPhysics n. physicsPick vt. pick, pick, VI. pickPicnic, N., picnic, picnic, VI. picnicPie n. (West) piePiece n. fragmentation, block vt. splicingPierce vt. pierced through VI.Pigeon n. dov

12、ePillar n. columns, pillars, pillarsPillow n. pillowA pilot n. navigator; a pilotPin n. needle, pin n. dont livePinch, vt., pinch, pinch, pinch offPine, N. pine, pinePink, N., pink, A., pinkPint n. pintPioneer n. pioneers; pioneersPipe, N. pipe, pipe, pipePipeline, N. pipes, pipelinesPistol n. pisto

13、lPit n. pit, pit coal mine;Pitch n. asphaltPitch vt. throws, throws, VI. throwsPlain n. plain, A. clearPlantation n. plantation; plantingPlaster n. plaster; plaster; plasterPlastic A. plastic n. plasticPlatform n. platform; platform; platformA person who plays player n. games; a competitorPleasant A

14、. delightful and comfortablePleasure n. pleasure, pleasure, joyPlentiful, A., rich, wealthyPlot n. plot vt. plotPlough n. plow, vt.&vi. plough, ploughPluck vt. picks, picks; pulls n. pullsPlug n. plug; plug vt. plugPlunge vt. to plunge into; plunge intoPlural A. plural n. complex numberPoetry, N. po

15、ems, poems, poemsPoint n. points; points; details; pointsPoison, N. poison, poison vt. poisonPoisonous, A., toxic, harmfulPole n. rod columnPole n. poles (poles), poles, electrodesPolice; authoritiesPoliceman n.pol.icePolicy n. policyPolish vt. polish; make gracefulPolite A. polite

16、; well bredPolitical, A., political, politicalPolitician n. politicians; politiciansPolitics n. politics, politics; politicsPollute vt. contamination, contamination, contaminationPollution n. pollutionPond n. pondPop, N., pop music, pop songsPop, N., a bang, a crashPopular A.; popular; popularPopula

17、tion n. population; all residentsPorch n. porch, entrancePork n. porkPorridge, N. porridge, porridgePort n. portPortable A.; portable; portablePorter n. PorterPortion n. part; one pointPortrait, N., portrait, portraitPortuguese n. Portuguese; PortuguesePosition n. position; positionPositive A. deter

18、mined; positivePossess vt. occupy, own (property)Possession n.有, 所有; 占有物Possibility n.可能; 可能的事Possible a.可能的; 可能存在的Possibly ad.可能地; 也许Post n.柱, 桩, 杆 vt.贴出Post n.邮寄; 邮件; 哨所; 职位Postage n.邮费, 邮资Postman n.邮递员Postpone vt.延迟, 推迟, 延缓Pot n.锅, 壶, 罐, 盆Potato n.马铃薯, 土豆Potential a.潜在的 n.潜力Pound n.磅; 英磅Pound vt.

19、捣碎; 舂烂; 猛击Pour vt.灌, 倒 vi.倾泻Poverty n.贫穷, 贫困Powder n.粉末; 药粉; 火药Power n.能力; 力; 权; 幂Powerful a.强有力的; 有权威的Practical a.实践的; 实用的Practically ad.实际上; 几乎Practice n.实践; 练习; 业务Practise vt.练习, 实习, 训练The 天真的 naive, 幼稚的Narrative n 叙述文, 故事; 叙述, 讲述The 令人讨厌的 nasty; 难弄的, 困难的; 严重的, 凶险的Necessitate vt 使成为必要, 需要The 可忽略不

20、计的 negligibleNegotiate vt 谈判达成, 洽谈, 协商; 顺利通过, 成功越过vi 协商, 谈判Nickel n 镍; 五分镍币, 五分钱Nightmare n 恶梦; 可怕的事物, 无法摆脱的恐惧Nominal 名义上的, 有名无实的; 微不足道的Nominate vt 提名, 任命Nonetheless见neverthelessNorm n 规范, 准则; 典型Notable is the 值得注意的, 显著的; 可觉察的, 有相当分量的n 显要人物Notation n 记号, 标记法; 记录, 记号Notify vt 通知, 告知, 报告Notion n 概念, 感

21、知Notorious the 臭名昭著的, 声名狼藉的Notwithstanding prep / AD / cponj 尽管Nourish vt 养育, 喂养, 营养; 怀抱Novelty n 新奇, 新奇感, 新奇性; 新奇事物; 新颖小巧而廉价的物品The numerical 数字的, 用数字表示的, 数值的Nutrition n 营养TheOath n 誓言, 誓约; 咒骂, 诅咒语Obedient the 服从的, 顺从的Obligation n 义务, 责任The 淫秽的 obscene, 下流的Obscure the 不出名的, 不重要的; 费解的; 模糊不清的vt 使难解, 使

22、变模糊Odor n 气味Offence / - ses n 犯法行为, 过错; 冒犯, 伤感情take at 对 - 生气, 见怪The 冒犯的 offensive, 无礼的, 使人不快的n 进攻, 攻势Offset VT / N 补偿, 抵消Offspring (n 子女, 子孙, 后代; 崽Opaque a opaque; opaque; difficult to understand; obscureOppress VT oppressive, oppressive, heavy, annoyingOptimism, N, optimism, optimismOptimum A is t

23、he most suitable, optimal, optimalOption n selection; optionOrient, N, the, O-, Orient, Asia, the eastern hemisphere, VT, make adaptation, make familiar; (to, toward) make toward, in the direction ofOriental, a, Oriental, Oriental, Oriental CultureOrientation, N, direction, orientation, familiarity,

24、 adaptationOriginate VI originates from, produces, causes, initiates, and initiates vtOrnament n adorned, embellished, embellished, VT, traditional, conforming to social customs; orthodoxAn outbreak of outbreak n suddenly occurredOval a oval n ovalOverflow VI full of overflow, outflow, flooding; (wi

25、th) full, filled with VT submerged, overflow from n overflow mouth, overflow pipeOverhear VT overheard it and overheard itOverlap and V overlap and overlap; some of the same N overlap and overlapOvert, a, overt, obviousOverthrow VT overthrows, overthrows, terminates, abandons, N, overthrows, termina

26、tes, destroysOverwhelm VT cant stand, make at a loss; conquer, subdueOxide n oxidePPamphlet n BrochurePanic n panic, panic, V scareParadise n heaven, ParadiseParadox n seems paradoxical and correct; contradictory peopleParalyze/-yse VT paralyzes, paralyze, or depriveParameter n parameterParticipant

27、n participant participantPartition, n partitions, partitions, partitions, VT, partitions, partitions, partitionsPastime n EntertainmentPasture, N, pasture, pasturePatent n patent patent VT get - PatentPathetic a causing pity; pathetic; pathetic; disgusting; badPatriotic a patriotic, patriotic, showi

28、ng patriotismPatrol V patrols, patrols, patrols, patrols, patrols, patrols, and N patrolsPave VT paved - the way (for) paved the wayPearl n PearlPedal n pedal pedal, V pedal move pedalPedestrian, n walker, pedestrianPeel n vt - the skin skin cut skin peeling peeling - off stripped off VIPeer VI look

29、s carefully at the people who look at the same status as n peersPenalty n penalty finePendulum n pendulum pendulum pendulum unstable situationPension n pension benefitsPerception, N, perception, perception, perception, ideas, perceptionsPerfection n perfect perfectPerfume n perfume, spice, aromaOccu

30、rring occasionally in periodic a cyclesPeriodical n journals occur periodically from the periodic publication cycle of the a cyclePerish V dies, withers, dies, diesPermeate V influences the diffuse infiltrationPermission granted by permissible aPerpetual a, permanent, eternal, long termPerplex VT co

31、nfusing, perplexing, or perplexingPersistent a persistent, persistent, strong, persistent, persistentEconomical economicEnlightened enlightened; civilizedEvil evilExotic exoticFallacious ridiculous!Fashionable chicFeasible feasibleFictitious falseFlexile flexibleFruitful effectiveGlamorous charmingGorgeous bri

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