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1、上海中考英语阅读汇编一模2013长宁一模A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分) James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed. $24.17 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! How was he going to get the end of the money? He knew that his friend

2、s all had bicycles. It was hard to hang around(闲逛) with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. It was no use asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to save. There was only one way to get money, and that was to earn it. He would have to find a

3、job. But who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had opinions on most things. “Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.” That was the beginning of James part-time job. For three months he w

4、orked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the variety of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the number of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the money increased and he knew th

5、at he would soon have enough for the bicycle he was eager to have. The day finally came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He wasted no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode proudly home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had

6、 been hard working for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more since he had bought it with his own money. 74. James in the passage was probably _. A. a cleaner B. a worker C. a student D. a teacher 75. The only way for James to earn money was to _. A. find a part-time job B. bo

7、rrow some from his parents C. ask Mr. Clay for help D. study very hard 76. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. He mended books. B. He cleared out cupboards. C. He washed dogs. D. He cleaned windows. 77. The underline phrase “lost count of” in paragraph 5 means _. A. remembered

8、 B. forgot C. added D. reduced 78. James valued his bicycle very much because _. A. it was very expensive B. it was bought with his own money C. he was too poor to have one D. his friends all had bicycles. 79. Whats the best title of this passage?A. Too poor to have a bicycle. B. A part-time job. C.

9、 How to get a bicycle. D. James new bicycle.B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分) If you have no mobile phone, no computer, and no Internet with you, what will you do with your free time? Will you go _80_? Harley, a 15-year-old girl from California, US st

10、ayed calm. She did something different. Her mobile phone didnt work one day, so she decided to try and live _81_ it. She took a six-week summer travel with some friends. Harley and ten other teenagers rode their bikes 3,000 miles across the States. With two college students as guides, they started f

11、rom a beach in Georgia on June 23. They travelled through small towns in the south, they _82_ in the mountains. Its not easy to find a comfortable place to sleep. “It was too hot in the south, and super wet, too.” Harley said. And mosquitoes (蚊子) were around them _83_ when sleeping outside. Although

12、 there were _84_, no one left the team. “Everyone was hard-working and did everything for the group,” Harley said. “We learned how to live with other people and look after each other.” From these things, they not only _85_ themselves, but also opened their eyes. “Southern people are really nice,” Ha

13、rley said. “Small communities were just that. Its a nice change of what most of us are used to. Its how the rest of the country lives. Its a whole new world.” 80. A. enjoyable B. interesting C. crazy D. busy 81. A. with B. without C. on D. for 82. A. set a fire B. watched TV C. had a picnic D. made

14、camps 83. A. all the time B. for the time being C. from time to time D. in a short time 84. A. happiness B. goodness C. worries D. difficulties 85 A. trained B. taught C. learned D. practicedC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) “Just

15、sign here, sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package. The package consisted of a long, narrow box, c_86_ wrapped(包装) in brown paper. Opening the box, Oscar saw an umbrella inside a very old one with a beautifully carved handle. A_87_ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he

16、recognized it immediately. Oscar was 16 when he first saw the u_88_ umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents, as they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat. Impressed by its beauty, Oscar felt a strong desire to find its o_89_.With the managers help, Oscar found it be

17、longed to Mrs. Katie OBrien. Oscar and his grandparents went to Mrs. OBriens house on their way home. When he rang the bell, the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared. “May I help you?” she asked. “Id like to r_90_ it if its yours,” Oscar said, holding out the umbrella as if presenting a gift t

18、hat had long been wished for. “Why, yes! Its mine,” replied Mrs. OBrien with a wide smile and shining eyes. “It was given to me by my father years ago. Thank you so much ! May I offer you a reward f_91_ your kindness?” “No, maam,” he said, “My grandmother says a good deed is its own reward.” Years l

19、ater, Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs. OBrien. It was in perfect condition, considering how old it was. Why had it a_92_ here today? As if in answer, a note fell from the paper. It read: Mrs. OBrien wanted you to accept this umbrella as a present fo

20、r a kind, unselfish gesture long ago. D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分) HITTING the water with almost supermans love and strength, Sun Yang has made history after his excellent performance at the London Olympic Games. The 20-year-old Sun became the first Chinese man to win gold in swimming

21、. He took home four medals in total, two golds, one silver and one bronze. Sun said his success was down to hard work. For years he has made it a rule to swim 20km every day. “When I trained in Australia, it was winter. Although the weather was cold and I was tired, I started training at 4:30am,” he

22、 said. The post-1990 athlete is popular not only because of his victory in London, but also his sportsmanship. Nicknamed “Sun Mengmeng” online, which in Chinese refers to his innocent appearance and charming personality, Sun has gained more than 10 million followers on Sina Weibo. His first message

23、about his trip back to his hometown, Hangzhou, after the Olympics, received thousands of responses. “The high-speed train on my way home has been blocked for three hours due to Typhoon Haikui,” it said. “Is it possible for me to arrive home tonight?” Some Weibo users even visited his page to give fu

24、nny replies, such as, “Why not swim home?” Sun may dream of matching his idol, American Michael Phelps, who has won 22 Olympic medals. But as a third-year student in Zhejiang University, he says he has a long way to go. “Sun works hard in class. His diligence shows the choices of a new generation of

25、 Chinese athletes, who are making more time for their education and not just focusing on sport,” said his professor, Zheng Fang. 93. Is Sun Yang the first Chinese man to win gold in swimming? 94. Why is Sun Yang, the post-1990 athlete, so popular? 95. What does Sun Yangs nickname refer to? 96. What

26、did Suns first message about his trip back to his hometown mean? 97. Sun Yang thinks its easy to match his idol Michael Phelps, doesnt he? 98. Would you like to be a person like Sun Yang? Why?2013jingan一模Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)A. Choose the best a

27、nswer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family? Text messaging or texting is becoming very popular. But, scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands. Be careful! Too much texting can cause swelling (肿胀) i

28、n our thumbs and wrists. Our thumbs are not made for pushing small buttons, over and over. Scientists call this problem RSI.We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson, who treats many patients with RSI. She said we needed to see how much time we were spending in typing text messages. If we are spend

29、ing more than 10-15 minutes at once, we could have problems in the future.We also talked with Dr Harjeet Deepa who treats RSI patients. He told us that the youngest patient she had treated was a five-year-old girl. She wasnt doing well at school, so her parents took her for treatment. It was found t

30、hat she had such bad RSI in her hands, she couldnt hold a pencil.As mobile phones develop, they are getting smaller with buttons closer together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons. Using a computer keyboard and playing video games can also cause the

31、same problem. So, more and more people could find themselves with RSI.Many university students and teenagers have RSI, as they do not know the risks (冒险) of spending so much time using computers, video games and mobile phones. If we dont do something about this, too many young people could grow up i

32、n terrible pain.74. What causes the problem RSI?A) More people have mobile phones. B) Texting is becoming very popular.C) People type too many text messages. D) Our thumbs were made for pushing buttons.75. _ were interviewed about the problem RSI in this passage. A) The writer and a little girl B) Harriet Wilson and Harjeet DeepaC) Three scientists D) Fou

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