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1、MBA词汇Aabandon vt 放弃give upquit quite相当desert dessertabide abide by the law/discipline obey conform to comply with abnormal ab-偏离 norm标准 normal正常的 abnormal minded变态aboard a-状态 。的 Welcome aboard!欢迎登机! asleep alone alive ashore(shore) blackboardabolish vt废除,取消 a-否定前缀 born abortion apolitical不关心政治的 aton

2、al无调的 bor-出生 abolish capital punishment废除死刑 capital do away with =cancelabound vi盛产 This river abound in fish. 一帮的abundant adj 大量的,丰富的 一帮蚂蚁This river is abundant in fish。enough sufficient ampleabroad adv 在国外 go home go abroad study abroad overseas live overseas overseas students the students studyin

3、g overseas broad广阔的 broadcast广播absolutely 绝对的, solve 解决 resolve 坚决 solution 解答,解决方案 solvable 可解决的 absent 缺席的 present出席 be present at a meeting send派遣 absent minded心不在焉的absorb vt 吸收 absorb noise sorb(朔吧) be absorbed in watching TV沉浸于 absorbing吸引人的 an absorbing filmabstract 提炼,摘录要点,抽象tractor tract-拖,拉

4、 extract拔出,节选 distract分散注意力 protract延长prolongcontract压缩, 合同 absurd 荒谬的 偏离sure rational理性的 rational nationals理性的国民abuse 滥用,虐待 偏离use abuse ones wife/authority/captives drug abuseacademic academy(专业)院校 a military academy university collegeinstitute研究院MIT BIT 北京理工大学 西安工业大学academic degree/costumes/samina

5、rs/termsaccelerate 加速 ac-语气的加强 celer-速度 speed up slow down 放慢access cess- succeed success suc-=sub- proceed to 继续process过程 in process of exceed超出 excess recede 退回 recession economic recession re-回,反 precede 在 之前precedent先例 concede妥协,让步concession acclaim 欢呼 claim声称,要求proclaim宣布reclaim抗议,改造accommodate

6、 容纳,提供住处,使适应 commod adapt adjust调整 condition调节,条件 air conditioner accommodateaccompany 陪伴 sb to spcompany 公司,伙伴,陪伴Two is company,three is none。Dont impose your company upon me.accomplish accomplishment complete完成 implement工具,实现, achieve达到目标 No pains,no gains. No ache,no achievement.完成,成就,达到 attain达到

7、,到达 attainment达到,成就,学识 sense of accomplishment成就感frustration挫折accord in accord with sth cord束缚一直 in agreement within harmony with harmony in accordance withaccording togrant awardaccount accountant会计师take sth into account 对什么进行考虑account for sth 解释There is no accounting for tastes.on account of becau

8、se ofon this account因为这个原因on no account绝不accumulate v积累,集聚 cumulative 累积的 cumul-累积accumulate riches/a fortune/experienceaccuse 控告,指控 curse诅咒 克死accuse sb of sth指控某人做某事charge sb with sthsue sb for sthprosecute sb for sth accustomed 习惯 custom风俗,习惯be accustomed to doing/sthbe used to doingused to do 过去常

9、常acknowledge vt承认 acknowledge doing承认做过某事admit 允许进入 an admission exam 入学考试mit-goadmit to doing=admit doing sthconfess 承认,认罪,confess to sth/doingacquaint 使熟悉,使了解 acquire 获得 acquaintance熟悉,熟人,acquaint oneself with sthbe acquainted with sthbe familiar with sth have a bowing/nodding acquaintance with sb

10、 点头之交a circle of acquaintances 交际圈make the acquaintance of sb make a friend of sbbe made of sth 后者是原材料 make sth of sth make a fool of sb 取笑某人,愚弄某人make fun of sb 取笑某人make a habit of 养成习惯acquire 努力获得require 要求,客观request 请求 礼貌secure 确保得到obtain sth in some way 褒义的get punishment 褒贬都可 其他都褒义actual 实际的the a

11、ctual hand of the companyvirtual 实质上act 行动,扮演actor actressfact 事实actual 实际的 actuallyactive 积极的,活跃的 activityreact 反应 reaction reactionary 反动的,反应的react to transact 交易 transaction trans-转移 transport交通,运输counteract 抵消,反作用于 counteract a fever 退烧counter-反,逆interact 相互影响,交往,交流 inter-相互acute 急性的,强烈的,敏锐的an a

12、cute disease chronic 慢性病acute pain 剧痛 an acute sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉adapt 适应,改编 adapt oneself to sth/doing sth 使习惯于apt恰当的,敏捷的,有倾向的 an apt student聪明的学生be apt to do 倾向做某事be inclined to do inclined使 倾向于be liable to dobe likely to doadapt a novel to screen改编adapt oneself toadjust oneself tocondition acco

13、mmodateadditional 附加的,额外的extra add加address n.住址,temporary address 临时住址 permanent address常用address oneself to sth 致力于某事address the meeting 发言adequate足够的,令人满意的, equal等同的an adequate husband/salary 称职的/足够的enough 足够的sufficientinsufficientdeficientdeficit 赤字adequateinadequateample丰富的abundant 大量的adhere 粘ad

14、here to 粘着,坚持adhere to the original plan 坚持原计划adhere tostick to cling to 固执的坚持insist on 主张 sist- standpersist in坚持不断的,坚持继续persevere in doing 坚忍不拔 severe严峻的Perseverance sometimes equals genius。adjust just adj公正的,合理的, be just to sb a just claim合理要求 a just sentence公正判决 adv仅仅justice 公正,正义,司法adjust 调节 ad

15、just oneself to new condition/ circumstancesadjust a telescope to ones eyesightjustify 证明是合理的The end may justify the means.administer 治理,管理minister部长administer a country /companyMBA master of business administrationdisaster disastrousadmire 钦佩envy嫉妒jealousadmit 允许进入 an admission exam 承认 acknowledget

16、ransmit 传输,传播 a disease transmissionsubmit 屈服 a submissive husband submissionemit 发出permit 允许 permissionomit 忽略adolescent 青少年 scent气味infant infancybabyhood cradleteenagerjuvenileyouthadulthooddeclinin years advanced yearsgravevigorousenergeticenergyadopt 采纳,领养opt for English as my majoroptionoptiona

17、l courses 选修课adopt sbs adviceadopt an orphanan adopted sonadoptive parents foster 养育,培养,促进a foster daughter 义女advance v 前进,提出 ad-朝着 van前锋n 进步progress improveadvance to spadvance a suggestionput forward a suggestionin advance=beforehandadvantage 优势 disadvantage劣势adventure 冒险 我得吻车venture冒险(商业)a joint

18、venture 合资企业The adventure of Tom Sawyer汤姆索亚历险记advertise 做广告, 爱得我太死advertismentadvisable 明智的,合理的,适当的advise 建议advice n建议suggest recommend 推荐,建议commend 赞扬command命令advocate 倡导 vocal嗓音的 oral口头的affect vt 影响(消极),感动 affection感情, affectionate充满爱意的influence 中性的 have an influence on sbeffect n影响,效果 have an eff

19、ect onattack on sb攻击raid on sb袭击perfect adj完美defect n缺点-=flawinfect 感染inject 注射virtual 实际的,虚拟的incident 大事件,小琐事affiliate vt使附在.上 n附属机构,子公司subsidiaryaffiliate A to Ba school affiliated to Renmin Universityaffluent adj丰富的,富足的 我富fluent adj 流利的live in affluent circumstancesabundant adj 丰富的,大量的ample adj 丰

20、富的,afford vt 负担得起 一个福特Fordagent n 代理人,经纪人,媒介,因素agency n 代理机构,政府机构 CIA central Intelligence AgencyXinhua Agency 新华社agenda n 议事日程 一个人大aggravate vt 恶化 ag-加强语气grave n 坟墓 adj 重大的from cradle to gravegrave news 重大新闻a grave situation 严重形式deteriorate vi恶化aggressive gress-movecongress 国会,代表大会progress 进步regres

21、s 倒退aggression n 侵略 (人)上进心aggressive weapons武器agony n 痛苦live in agonysufferinganguishpainaid vt 帮助assistassistant助手AIDSgayan aid program 援助计划alarm vt 使惊慌A Farewell to Arms 永别了武器feel alarmedalarmingan alarm clocksound the alarmgive the alarmalert adj 警觉的be alert to sthalienation n 疏远alienate 使疏远feel

22、alienated from ones wifealien n 外国人,外星人,外乡人 adj 陌生的,奇怪的alike adj一致的(表语)adv 同样的 treat sb alikealong asleepaliveaboard prep ,advThe twin sisters are very much alike。likely the likely candidate 可能的候选人be likely to do 可能做某事Most likely,sb +vIt is likely that allege 宣称 an alleged thief一个被宣称为贼的人assert 断言ass

23、ume 假设clain 声称imagine 想象consider 认为argue 争论统统翻译为认为allocate vt 分配,分发locate 坐落于allocate sth among sb /to s ballowance n 津贴,零花钱allow vt允许,允许给予a housing allowanceentertain allowanceally n同盟者colleague 同事league 同盟alter alter ones trousers 部分的改变convert a sofa into a bed 改变性质用途vary 浮动,使多样化varying temperatur

24、e/price vary ones diet使饮食多样化range n 范围 vi 浮动range between A and B from A to Bmodify vt改变,积极的,改进,改良modify the lawfluctuate vi 波动alert adj 警觉的alternate vt 轮流使用 alternate kindness with severe 恩威并用alternative 替代物,选择余地 have no alternative but to do 别无选择alternative本地人,天然的altitudelongitudelatitudeattitude

25、态度aptitude 天资multitude 大量mono-一个 uni bi-两个 tri-三个 multi-多个amateur adj业余的prefessional 专业的amaze vt 使惊讶amzedamazingastonish 使惊讶ambition n野心,抱负 中性词 俺必胜ambitions an ambitions politician a soaring ambition 远大的志向 鸿鹄之志 englemend 修补amend 修订amendment bill议案 act 法案 amendment修正案amplify vt 使丰富,扩大ample 丰富的anplify

26、 a storyamuse 娱乐the Muses 缪斯what a little fury she ismusicanalysis n 分析(化学的,事情的) 我拿了四次analyze vtanalytical 分析的ancestor n 祖先forebearforefatherpredecessorpostdoctorate 博士后postgraduateposterity 后代descend 下去descendent 后代子孙offspring 后代ancient 古代的anguishagony 痛苦suffering suffer 遭受painangry anniversaryannu

27、ity 年金pension 退休金annoy 激怒 annoy sb beyond his enduranceirritateprovokeanticipate 期盼 anti-反antique 古董anterior 在,前面的expect 期待He tries anticipate all my needs。apparatus 成套的器具 a heating apparatus 加热设施intricate 复杂的tool applianceutensilinstrumentimplementapparent 明显的,外表的clearobviousevidentmanifestdistinct

28、 distinguish 区别,appeal vi appeal to arms 求助于武力appeal to the judge for mercy 恳求Shakespeares works appeal to many of us.感染力appealing adj 吸引人的 attractivefascinating 迷人的This dish appeals to my appetite。apply 运用,申请applicationapplianceapplicableoppoint 任命 约定appoint sb to a position/vacancyappointment 约会ap

29、praisal praise 赞扬appraise vt评估estimate v估计assess possess拥有 possession财产 asset 资产evaluateappreciate vt 理解,欣赏,增值depreciate 贬值approach n 方法,接近 vi 接近an approach to sththe key tothe answer toenter entrance the entrance toassess 途径,通道,机会approachable 可接近的,亲切的,平易近人的appropriate adj 适当的 vt 挪用property n财产proper adj 恰当的approve 批准 prove证明approve sbs marriage a contractapprovalapt 聪明的,倾向于an apt studentan quick studenta slow studentaptitude 天资be apt to do 倾向于be likely to dobe liable to dobe disposed to dobe inclined to dotend to dohave the tendency to doadapt oneself to sth 适应于aj

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