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1、05听力文字138题2002年05听力文字138题 1 M: I think Ill run down to the bookstore and get a few things W: But arent we going to meet Shirley at the student center? She is expecting us at 4. And its almost that now. 2 W: Congratulations! I heard about your new job. M: Thanks. Nearly perfect for me. Its really int

2、eresting. The hours are ideal and its an easy walk from home. If only the pay were half as good as everything else. 3 W: Do you know anyone who is driving to the conference in Boston next weekend? M: Pete is. I think he has room for another person. 4 M: Did I hear you say you are using the newspaper

3、 in your political science class? I was wondering if when you finish it, you can pass it onto me? W: Well, we do use it in class. But I always read the copy in the library. 5 W: I noticed you havent been getting along well with your roommate lately. M: You got that right. And its going to be a long

4、time before I feel comfortable with him again. 6 W: How did you ever manage to get through all 1000 pages of that new spy thriller? M: It took a while. But once I had started it, I couldnt put it down. 7 M: Hi, XXX, how are you doing? I heard you had an operation over the spring break. W: Yes, XXX,

5、thanks for asking. I was pretty much out of condition for a few weeks. Bit finally Im back in my feet again. 8 W: How about a little tennis? Say Saturday or Sunday? M: It sounds great. I could use a good workout. It seems like all I have been doing lately is sitting in front of this computer. 9 W: D

6、id you read todays newspaper? I heard there is something about a new wonder drug. M: I did read an article about medical researchers being on the verge of a major breakthrough. 10. M: Where have you been? We were supposed to meet at the library half an hour ago. W: Yeah, Im really sorry. I guess I j

7、ust lost track of the time. 11. M: Im sorry. But you cant take your camera inside. Youll have to leave it here and pick it up after the concert. W: Well, I guess its too late to take it back to the car. Please be careful with it. It belongs to my roommate. Shell never forgive me if anything happens

8、to it. 12. M: The application instructions say to enclose a check or money order for twenty dollars. But I dont have a checking account. W: You can just pick up a money order at the post office. 13. M: You know, I really think you should run for class president. Everybody knows you and likes you. An

9、d you got some great ideas. W: Thanks. I have thought about it. Im taking six classes and working a part-time job. Thats about all I can handle right now. 14. M: Im having a few friends over for a lunch tomorrow. Itll be great if you can join us. W: I doubt Ill be able to make it. My brother is leav

10、ing for Chicago tomorrow afternoon. And I promised to give him a ride to the airport. 15. W: My cousin Lisa said she mailed me some books. But they never came. M: Well, you just moved into a new dormitory. She probably sent them out before she had your new address. 16. M: Excuse me. Do you have the

11、time? W: Actually Im not positive. But Id say its right around noon. 17. W: My dinner tastes kind of funny. M: Then why dont you have the waiter bring you something else. 18. W: Did Mary meet you at the airport yesterday? M: Yes. But she sure got tired waiting for my flight to get in. We circled the

12、 airport for three hours. 19. W: About this survey on the quality of life in the dorm. I feel sort of awkward because, well, Im not rally comfortable here. Are you sure you want me to fill out this survey form? M: Its people like you who can help us target areas for improvement. 20. M: Im the only o

13、ne in class who didnt sign up for the biology trip. Slogging through a swamp in the rain cant gun fun. W: Nope. But Ive got the feeling your classmates will come back knowing some things you wont know. 21. W: What are you watching? M: Some boring comedy show. But the Channel 6 news is on in a couple

14、 of minutes. 22. M: Excuse me, Professor Jones. I was absent from the first class and I heard thats when you handed out the course outline. Would you have an extra copy? W: I dont have anyone with me. There are a few left in my office. Why dont you stop by after class. 23. W: So, how did Jasons pres

15、entation go? M: It wasnt bad. But the topic he chose last time was more interesting. 24. M: Would you happen to know somebody whod like to buy my car? W: Well, I dont know of anyone off hand. But Ill check with some of my friends. 25. W: Do you know where the nearest bus stop is? M: Actually Im pretty new to the area. 精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。精品文档资料,适用于企业管理从业者,供大家参考,提高大家的办公效率。

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