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1、缺八上新目标79年级全套中考英语总复习资料新目标英语七年级上复习资料考点归纳精选1. I was born in 1992. 我生于1992年。 on, in, at与时间状语连用: 1) on + 具体某一天 / 具体某一天的早、中、晚 / 怎样的早、中、晚 例如: on a day on Sunday on January 2nd on the morning of October 1st on Monday evening on a spring afternoon on a warm morning 2)in + 时间段 例如: in the morning / afternoon /

2、 evening in a year/ season/ month/ April/ week 3) at + 几点, 固定用法 例如: at 8:00 at noon/ night at this time of year at present 高分突破: 如果时间状语前面有这些词:this, that, next, last, tomorrow, yesterday, every等,则不用介词。 例如: See you next term. Did you have a good time last week? 2. How old are you? Im fifteen. 你多大了?我十五

3、岁。 对年龄的提问: How old are you? Whats your age? May I know/have your age? 其回答:Im . (years old). 高分突破: 1) 表达年龄的几个同义句: Tom is 15. =Tom is 15 years old. =Tom is a 15-year-old boy. =Tom is a boy of 15. 2) num.-year-old通常只用作定语,其中year用名词单数形式,类似的用法有: a 1000-word article an exciting 5-day trip 当数字是8,18,80,800,1

4、1等时,注意不定冠词的使用,例如: an 8-year-old boy an 11-dollar hat 3. Do you want to go to a movie? 你想去看电影吗? 看电影的表达形式: go to see/watch a movie go to see/watch movies go to the cinema/ movie house 4. Young people usually go to movies on weekends. 在周末年轻人通常去看电影。 在周末:on/at weekends on/at the weekend 5. Its a very suc

5、cessful movie. 这是一部很成功的电影。 1) successful adj.成功的 常用短语:be successful in doing sth. 成功的做了什么 例如:He was successful in playing the trumpet in the concert. 2) n. success v. succeed 6. I think its exciting. 我认为这非常精彩。 1) 几组易混淆意思的形容词:excited 感到兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的 tired 感到疲倦的 tiring 令人疲倦的 bored 感到无聊的 boring 令人

6、无聊的 interested 感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 relaxed 感到放松的 relaxing 令人放松的 surprised 感到惊讶的 surprised 令人惊讶的 2) think + 从句 I think I lost my purse on my way home. 高分突破: 注意think的否定转移。 I dont think I lost my purse on my way home. () I think I didnt lose my purse on my way home. () 7. Jack likes Michelle Yan be

7、st. Jack最喜欢Michelle Yan。 同义句:Jacks favorite movie star is Michelle Yan. like . best = favorite favorite adj. 最喜欢的 n. 最喜欢的 (可数名词) 例如: This book is my favorite. These books are my favorites. 8. He likes her famous movie. 他喜欢她著名的电影。 famous = well-known adj. 著名的 1) be famous for sth. 因为而出名, 例如: Hollywoo

8、d is famous for the movies and the movie stars. 2) be famous to sb. 对来说很出名,例如: Jay Zhou is famous to the young people. 3) be famous as . 作为而出名,例如: Michael is famous as a reporter. 4) well-known 众所周知的 widely-known 广为人知的 world-famous 世界闻名的 9. Jack also likes Beijing Opera. Jack也喜欢京剧。 too, also和either的

9、区别: 1) too用于句末 例如: Tom is from America. Lucy is from America, too. 2) also用于句中(be动词后,行为动词前) 例如: Tom is from America. Lucy is also from America. 3) either用于否定句中 例如: Tom isnt from America. Lucy isnt from America, either. 10. He often tells me, “Beijing Opera is really fun!” 他常对我说:“京剧真的很有趣!” 区别speak, s

10、ay, talk, tell 1) speak 强调讲话这一动作本身,演讲或说话的能力、讲某种语言。Its your turn to speak. Can I speak to Mike? I can speak a little English. 2) say 强调说话的内容。 Let me say “Thanks” to you. He says he didnt know it at all. 3)talk 强调交谈。 talk to/with sb. talk about sth./sb. 4) tell 强调“告诉”。 tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.

11、 告诉某人某事 tell a lie 说谎tell the truth 说真话tell jokes 讲笑话高分突破: say 还有“写着”的意思, 例如: Look! There is a card. It says “CLOSED”. () Look! There is a card. It writes “CLOSED”. () 11. Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗? play + the 乐器 play + 球/棋/牌 play with + 玩 例如: Can you play the piano? They are playing football

12、now. Do you like playing chess? Dont play with fire(火). The girl is playing with a yo-yo. Shes playing with her little dog. 12. Are you good with children? 你能和孩子们和谐相处吗? 1) be good with = get on well with 与某人和谐相处 2) be good to 对 友好 = be friendly/kind to 3) be good for sth. 对有益 = do sth. good = do goo

13、d to sth. 反义词:be bad for 反义词:be bad to 4) be good at 擅长 = do well in 13. Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮助孩子学游泳吗? help sb. (to) do sth. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. = give sb. a hand 帮助某人help yourself (进餐时)自己取用 help n. (不可数) 例如: I really need some help. helpful adj. 有帮助的,有用的,有益的 helpless a

14、dj. 无助的,没用的 高分突破: 1)help作名词时是不可数名词,但有时可在前加a表示“一种”, 例如: Its a great help for me. 2)短语help oneself在使用时要注意反身代词的单复数,例如: Jim, help yourself, please. Help yourselves, boys. 14. Please fill it out. 请把它填好。 动词副词构成的动词短语,其宾语是名词的时候,可放在动词与副词之间,也可以放在副词的后面,例如: put sth. on = put on sth. take sth. off = take off sth

15、. write sth. down = write down sth. give sth. back = give back sth. work sth. out = work out sth. turn sth. off = turn off sth. fill sth. out = fill out sth. 但如果宾语是代词it或them则只能放在中间,例如: put it on take them off 高分突破: get on “上车” get on the bus () get on it () 15. Im the last one to take a shower. 1) t

16、he + 序数词 (first/ second/ .last) to do sth. “第几个做”, 例如:Gina is the first to know my e-mail address. 2) 洗澡:take/have a shower take/have a bath 16. What a funny time to make breakfast! 做早饭的时间多么有趣! 1) 这是一个感叹句。感叹句用以表达说话者的感情,有what和how引导,what和how与所修饰的词放于句首,其它部分用陈述语序。 由what引导的感叹句一般有以下三种结构型式: 被修饰词是不可数名词时,用 “

17、What形容词不可数名词主语谓语!” 例如: What great weather! What sweet water it is! 被修饰词是可数名词单数时,用 “Whata/an形容词单数可数名词主语谓语!” 例如: What an interesting movie it is! 被修饰词是可数名词复数时,用 “What形容词复数可数名词主语谓语!” 例如: What fantastic books they are! 有how引导的感叹句一般有以下两种形式: How形容词主语谓语!” 例如: How expensive the shorts are! How boring the TV

18、 show is! How副词主语谓语!” 例如: How loudly he talks! 2) 做早饭:make/cook breakfast () do breakfast () 17. After breakfast he practiced his guitar. 吃过早饭他练习吉它。 practice + n./doing sth.训练某事 He often practices running after school. 放学后他经常练习跑步。高分突破: 初中阶段常见的后面跟动名词的动词有:enjoy, finish, mind 18. He takes the number 17

19、 bus to the Santon Hotel. 他坐17路公车去赛通宾馆。 by car = in the car = drive to by bus = on the bus = take a bus to by taxi = take a taxi to on foot = walk to by air = by plane = fly to by water = by ship = by boat=by sea 高分突破: 坐车: take a bus/car/taxi() sit a bus/car/taxi () 19. He works all night. 他整晚都在工作。

20、all (the) day 整天, 整个白天 all day and all night 整天, 整天整夜 all the year 整年 all the month 整个月 all the week 整个星期 all the summer 整个夏天 20. People love to listen to him.人们喜欢听他的演奏 listen to 听 hear 听到 例如: listen to the music 听音乐 hear the music 听到了音乐 高分突破: 1) 听老师说: listen to the teacher() listen to the teacher s

21、peak() 2) 动作短语:look at , look for , listen to 表结果: see , find , hear 21. He gets home at 7:00. 他七点钟到家。 到达:reach , arrive in/at , get to 高分突破: 1) home, here, there这几个副词前面不用介词,其用法如下: reach/ arrive/ get + home/ here/there 2) arrive in + 较抽象的大地方 arrive at + 具体的地方 22. Im really busy today. 我今天真的很忙。 忙于做某事

22、: be busy with sth. Be busy (in) doing sth. 23. All my classes finish at 2:00. 我所有的课都在两点钟结束。 All of my classes finish at 2:00. all 全部,所有 1)(形容词) adj. 修饰名词 all the/ones + n.(pl) 例如:all the books all my friends 2) (代词) pron. all the/ones + n.(pl) = all of the/ones 例如: all the books = all of the books

23、all my friends = all of my friends 作主语同位语时,应放在助动词、情态动词、be动词之后,行为动词之前,例如: We are all students, we all work hard. The children all look nice. = All the children look nice. = All of the children look nice. 24. Our teacher is very strict and he makes me very tired. 我们的老师非常的严格,而且常使我感到很累。 1) strict 严格的 be

24、 strict with sb. 对某人严格 My teacher is strict with us. Their parents are really strict with them be strict in sth. 对某事严格 Our teacher is strict in our homework. He is strict in my work. be strict with sb. in sth. 对某人在某事方面严格 They are strict with me in my work. Mr Green is strict with his son in his home

25、work. She is strict with her sister in her study. 2) make + sb. + (feel) + adj. 使某人感到,例如: That news really made me (feel) happy. 25. Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪里的人? Where does your pen pal come from? 1) be from = come from 来自 高分突破: 使用时注意动词的变化: Shes from Korea. = She comes from Korea. She isnt

26、 from Korea. = She doesnt come from Korea. Is she from Korea? = Does she come from Korea? 常见的错误: Where is he come from? () Where does he from? () 2) 国籍的几种表达方法: Tom是个美国人。 Tom is American. Tom is an American. Tom is an American boy. Tom is from America. Tom comes from America. 总结 国家 n. 国家的 adj. 人 n. 人

27、 n. (pl.) China Chinese Chinese Chinese / Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese / America (the USA) American American Americans / Canada Canadian Canadian Canadians / France French Frenchman Frenchmen / Italy Italian Italian Italians /Germany German German Germans /Australia Australian Australian Austral

28、ians / the UK English Englishman Englishmen / Russia Russian Russian Russians 高分突破: German (德国人)的复数形式不是Germen, 而是Germans. 26. Can you write to me soon? 请尽快给我写信。 给某人写信: write (a letter) to sb. 收到某人的信:get a letter from sb. hear from sb. 27. That sounds good. 听上去不错。 sound/look + 形容词 听/看起来怎样 sound/look

29、like + 名词 听/看起来像什么 高分突破: 对两个短语提问的疑问代词不同: His idea sounds fantastic. How does his idea sound? The cat looks like a cap. What does the book look like? 28. Whats he waiting for? 他在等什么? wait for 等待什么 wait to do sth. 等着做什么 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待的做某事 高分突破: wait at/in . 在哪里等 Look! Jennifer is waiting _

30、the bus stop. A. for B. to C. at D. on 正确答案: C 29. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. 在第一张相片里我正在学校打篮球。 (印)在书/报纸/相片上:in the book/ newspaper/ photo . (放)在书/报纸/相片上:on the book/ newspaper/ photo . 30. 英语中日期的表达: 1) 英文对日期的表达顺序:月,日,年。 中文对日期的表达顺序:年,月,日 2)对星期几提问:What day is it today? 对日期提问:

31、 Whats the date today? 31购物的英语常用语: 1) 售货员招呼顾客: May I help you? Can I help you? What can I do for you? What would you like? 2) 顾客常用语: No, thanks. Im just looking around. Im looking for . . Id like to have/buy . . Can you show me . ? Could I have a look at . ? 3) 询问顾客想买东西的特征: What kind would you like?

32、 What color would you like? What size would you like? 4) 顾客询问价格: How much is it(are they)? How much does it cost(do they cost)? Whats the price of .? 5) 顾客决定要买: Ill take/have it(them). 6) 付钱: Heres the money. . 语法精讲 数词 数词分为基数词和序数词,基数词表示人或事物的数量,序数词表示人或事物的次序。 1. 基本的基数词和序数词的构成: 基数词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thir

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