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1、安徽省示范高中皖北协作区高三联考英语英语安徽省示范高中皖北协作区2017届高三(3月)联考英 语 试 题 本试题卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上(答题注意事项见答题卡),在本试题卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和

2、阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15答案是C.1. What time is it now? A. 9:00 B. 8:00 C. 7:302. What are the two speakers going to do? A. Have a rest B. See a film C. Do some shopping3. Where probably are the two speakers? A. In a restaurant B. At a studio C. At a concert4. Ho

3、w much will the woman pay for the pillows? A. $4 B. $7 C. $85. Who went to attend the meeting in the end? A. John B. The woman C. William第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.

4、What will Mark do this morning? A. Go shopping B. Write an article C. Take some photographs7. When will the two speakers have lunch? A. At 10:00 a. m. B. At 1:00 p. m. C. At 12:00 a. m.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How much is the rent of the apartment for one year? A. $3,000 B. $3,600 C. $3009. Which of the fo

5、llowing is true? A. The man doesnt like the apartment B. The man has decided to move in C. The man wants to discuss it with his family听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What kind of music does the man like best? A. Jazz B. Pop music C. Classical music11. What can we know about Jack Johnson? A. He is a jazz singer

6、 B. He used to be a surfer C. He likes the beach12. What can the two speakers going to do? A. Go to the beach B. Buy some CDs C. Listen to music听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why cant the man wait to see the dentist? A. He has already had an appointment B. He has a terrible toothache C. He doesnt take nay medi

7、cine14. When did the mans toothache start? A. At 10:00 a. m. B. At 7:00 a. m. C. At 8:00 a. m.15. What day is it today? A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday16. What can we know about the dentist from the conversation? A. He is booked up today B. Few people like to see him C. He usually works at weekend n

8、ights听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why does the speaker always carry the iPod touch? A. To talk with his friends B. To pass time enjoyably C. To work while travelling18. What doesnt the speaker do with the Internet? A. Read newspapers and check out information B. Keep in touch with family and friends C. Lis

9、ten to music and play computer games19. What do we know about life ten or fifteen years ago? A. People enjoyed life more B. The Internet first came into use then C. It was hard for people to get in touch online20. Why does the speaker think the sun is very important for his life? A. It makes him mor

10、e active B. It allows him to think over C. It gives him a feeling of comfort第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AVOLUNTEERSustainable Development Project in PeruFull Description As a volunteer, you will get to see a side of the Amazon few people e

11、xperience and be on the front lines of collecting data on Macaws and other endangered animals, learning how to use a GPS to map areas of specific interest, assist in projects of making forests grow again, and making unforgettable memories.How You Will Make a Difference Wildlife monitoring and abilit

12、y to build programs Mapping: using a GPS to map the area and record areas of special interest Water cleaning: using local plants and biomass (生物)to filter(过滤)an cleanse water. Carbon activity: offsetting(抵消)greenhouse emissions through growing forests again. Reforestation: planting new forests to pr

13、ovide renewable commercial timber Education: educating local children in rainforest and sustainable development practices Field guide: producing an illustrated educational tool. Jungle exploration: maintaining and expanding the trail system and exploring the area Cost Details Thee is a minimum stay

14、of 2 weeks for this program. 2 weeks: $1.80, 4 weeks: $2.30, 6 weeks: $3.10, 8 weeks: $3.60, 10 weeks; $4.20, 12 weeks: $4.70 Prices of the following items are subject to change: accommodations in volunteer house, daily meals, airport transfer service to program site, culture & etiquette guide book,

15、 medical/ accident insurance, 24-hour emergency support, pre-departure and arrival directions, personal assistance from a Greenheart Travel program manager and Certificate of Completion upon request for successful completion of the program. Greenheart Travel also donates a part of your fee to offset

16、 the carbon footprint of your travels.Skills/ Experience needed No previous experience is required.21. Why is GPS used in the program? A. To prevent volunteers getting lost in forest B. To expand the trail system in Amazon C. To help locate the position of animals D. To make a map for certain specif

17、ic areas22. How will Greenheart Travel deal with what a volunteer has paid? A. Donate some of it for his/her carbon footprint B. Pay a little for his/her learning local culture C. Pay most of it for his/her life insurance D. Give the majority of it to the program manager23. What can we learn from th

18、e passage? A. Volunteers have to work at least two weeks. B. Volunteers can enjoy free meals every day C. Volunteers have to do service at the airport D. Volunteers are ensured a life insuranceB It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time job in a video store at the mall. From inside the sto

19、re, Id begun to see the people rushing by outside in the mall. There was something in an elderly womans manners that caught my eye. The woman moved with deliberation(从容), and there was no hesitation in her gestures. The elderly woman had stayed on my place, along with a younger woman who I guessed w

20、as her daughter. The daughter was rolling her eyes, sighing, checking her watch every few seconds. The elderly woman began to look through the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation, I asked if could help her find something. The woman showed me something written on a piece of pape

21、r. Rather than rushing off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it. Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who passed away the previous Christmas. We found the movie. Then, reluctantly(不情愿地), I had to re

22、turn the elderly woman to her keeper, who was still tapping her foot at front of the store. “Is that your mom?” I asked. “Mind some advice?”“Not at all,” said the daughter.“Cherish(珍惜)her,” I said. “When shes gone, its the little moments thatll create great memories for you. Moments like this.” It w

23、as true. I missed my mom and still remembered the moments when I used my impatience to make her life miserable.Together they made their way toward the stores exit. They stood there for a moment, side by side, watching the rush of the crowds. Then the daughter glanced over. And slowly, almost relucta

24、ntly, she placed her arm around her mothers shoulders and gently guided her out.24. The author was impressed by the elderly womans _. A. hesitating gestures B. unsteady pace of movements C. deliberate movements D. slow speed of doing a part-time job25. How did the daughter feel while waiting for her

25、 mother? A. Content B. Angry C. Impatient D. Interested26. Why did the author walk with the old lady to find DVDs? A. To get familiar with the shopping mall B. To learn about her favorite movies C. To take the chance for a short rest D. To accompany her for a moment27. What can we infer from the las

26、t paragraph? A. The daughter accepted the advice of the author B. The daughter was reluctant to leave the mall C. The daughter couldnt tolerate her mom any more D. The daughter left her mom alone in the crowdsC The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates is commonly quoted as saying, “Let food be thy medic

27、ine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates is often called the “father of modern medicine even though he was born around 460 B. C. But modern medical research confirms that certain foods can help cure, prevent, or even cause some diseases. Inflammation(发炎,炎症)is a condition in which a part of your bo

28、dy becomes red, swollen and painful. Neil Bernard, a professor, explains how it affects the human body. “Its the bodys way to attack an invader(入侵者). So if bacteria or viruses enter the body, inflammation is a way of knocking them out. When inflammation becomes chronic(慢性的), the body turns against i

29、ts own tissue. Its like friendly fire.” Amanda Haas suffered from rheumatoid arthritis(类风湿性关节炎). She went to a doctor to try to find out what was wrong with her body. The doctor said, “I think its something that youre eating. And since you cook for a living, why dont you go and figure out whats goin

30、g to make you feel great and share it with other people?” So, she started to look closely at the material she often uses in her cooking, things like refined(精炼的)sugar, too much caffeine. A lot of people know that if you have joint and arthritic issues, you can be sensitive to peppers and eggplatns a

31、nd tomatoes. She uses a lot of green, leafy vegetables in her cooking to make it anti-inflammatory.In her Anti-Inflammation Cookbook, Haas shares many of her vegan recipes along with others that use animal protein(蛋白质). A vegan diet does not include any animal meat or animal by-products such as milk

32、 or eggs. But, she says that grass-fed beef has omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Those are good for the body. Haas even made sweets and desserts healthier by using coconut oil instead of butter.Cutting out foods that may be making you sick is one way to make that ancient advice-let food be your medicine-useful in your modern, daily life.28. What does the a

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