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1、Qin dynasty,He is Qin dynasty(221 207 BC)of the creator,original name is Zhao Zheng.Before 221 BC,ZhaoZheng in Lisis help,the elimination of other countries,to achieve the maximum of dominion.He calls himself the emperor(the first supreme emperor),and initiated reforms designed to create a fully cen

2、tralized administration.his reliance on magicians was strongly condemned by Confucian scholars,many of whom he executed.their obstinacy led him to order the burning of all the practical books.He was buried in a massive tomb with an army of more than 6,000 terracotta soldiers and horses.,他是秦朝(221207B

3、C)的创建者,本名赵政。公元前221年之前,赵政在李斯的协助下,消灭了其它国家,取得最高的统治权。他自称为始皇帝(第一位至高无上的皇帝),发动改革,计划创造出一个完全中央集权的行政体系。他对方士的信赖遭到儒家学者强烈谴责,其中许多儒生因此而被处决。由于他们毫不屈服,导致秦始皇下令焚烧所有非实用性的书籍。秦始皇被埋葬在一座巨大的陵墓中,其中附带一支超过6,000具赤陶兵马俑所组成的军队。,221BC,秦的最终版图,闽中郡,疆域范围,黄河并阴山至辽东,临洮、羌中,南海、北向户,海暨朝鲜,新增四郡,秦 Qin Dynasty 221 BC-206 BC,Qinshihuang ended the l

4、ong divided situation,and established the first united multi-ethnic feudal country on Chinese soil.,秦始皇完成了统一大业,结束了长期以来诸侯割据称雄的局面,建立中国历史上第一个统一的多民族的封建国家,中国第一位皇帝 秦始皇The First Emperor in Chinese History-Qingshihuang,Set fixed standards for length,volume and weight.,Burn the books and bury the Confucian s

5、cholars,Issued a uniform currency,Built the Great Wall by linking up already existing defensive walls,秦始皇Qinshihuang,秦权,秦量,度:长度单位,1、焚书坑儒:,焚书坑儒:,摧残了文化,钳制了思想,2、建长城:伟大建筑 暴政见证 五年 40多万民工,辽东,临洮,全长一万多华里,WWW.COMPANYSITE.COM|INFOCOMPANYSITE.COM|+12 34 567 890|LONG STREET 12345,CITY,COUNTRY,The Great Wall of

6、China is a series of fortifications made of stone,brick,tamped earth,wood,and other materials,generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or mi

7、litary incursions by various warlike peoples or forces.,12,The Great Wall,13,The Great Wall,14,The Great Wall,The Great Wall in the Qing Dynasty in 1907,A total length of the Great Wall is 21196.18 km,15,The Great Wall,The Great Wall near Nankow in 1900,A total length of the Great Wall is 21196.18 k

8、m,16,The Great Wall,Especially famous is the wall built between 220206 BC by the first Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huang.,17,Her howling caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall.,Lady Meng Jiang,Lady Meng Jiang(Chinese:孟姜女;pinyin:Mng Jing N)is a Chinese folk tale about the Great Wall of China.Th

9、e theme of the story is about the separation of a loving couple and their tragic ending as a result of building the Wall.,18,Lady Meng Jiang,According to legend qin shihuang,Labour heavy,young men and women FanXiLiang,meng jiangnu newly-married three days,the groom was forced to start building the G

10、reat Wall,soon because of cold overworked and died,and was buried in the long bones under the wall.Meng jiangnu with winter clothing,experienced the hardships,the husband came to find the Great Wall edge,is given the news of her husband.She wept gates,three days and three nights not only,city to spl

11、it,show FanXiLiang corpses,meng jiangnu in despair sea and died.,20,The image of Meng represents the kindness of ancient women and the torture brought on the people by war.,Lady Meng Jiang,3、大兴土木:阿房宫、骊山陵 140多万人/年,覆压三百余里,隔离天日。骊山北构而西折,直走咸阳。二川溶溶,流入宫墙。五步一楼,十步一阁;廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄;各抱地势,钩心斗角 杜牧阿房宫赋,秦始皇灭六国,完成中国的统一,

12、建立起我国历史上第一个中央集权的封建专制大帝国。为了适应统一帝国的需要,秦王朝在政治经济和文化上,采取了一系列的改革措施,那些改革,对生产和文化的发展,提供了有利的条件。但同时它又焚书坑儒,推行极端严酷的思想统治。这对学术文化的发展极为不利。因此,短短十几年的秦代,几乎没有什么文学可言,更谈不上什么成就。,The Terracotta Army,background,The Terracotta Armywas discovered in the spring of 1974 to the east ofXianin Shanxi province by a group of farmers

13、when they were digging a water well around 1 mile,east of the Qin emperors tomb mound atMount Li,a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses.,1974的春天,在陕西省西安市的一个农民在他们挖水井周围1英里以东的秦始皇的墓丘 骊山,地下布满地下泉水和水道。,This discovery prompted archaeologists to go to Shanxi Province,According to the surve

14、y,Army is a form of funerary art buried with the First Emperor of Qin 这一发现引起了考古学家到陕西省,据调查。兵马俑是一种形式的葬礼艺术品埋葬秦始皇。,According to historian Sima Qian(145-90 BC),construction of this mausoleum began in246 BC and involved 700,000 workers.Qin Shi Huang was 13 when construction began.He specifically stated that no two soldiers were to be made alike.根据历史学家司马迁这个陵墓建筑开始于公元前246涉及700000个工人。秦始皇13岁时开始修建。他特别指出,每一个士兵要不一样。,Ranks of terracotta infantrymen(步兵).,These statues were made in pieces(碎片)and then assembled.,Each statue was constructed to be unique.,青铜剑,bronze ware,Thank you!,

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