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1、anaesthetic n 麻醉剂 ana(无)+a esthetically affect 影响 / 感动/假装1. He was deeply affected by my words.他听了我的话很受感动。2. He affected not to hear meaffiliate with afflict conflict inflictaffluent a aggravating a aggravate v 加重 使恶化 gravity n 重力 aggregate v gre在汇总aggregation agitation akin to alchemy nalgae n 海藻al

2、ien n/a all but 1 +adj =almost 2. +n =all excrpt all-inclusive allocate alloy ally alternative altitude latitude longitudealuminum ambience n The little restaurant has a pleasant ambience amenable a . 应服从的,会接纳的,肯服从的This case is not amenable to the normal rules这件事经不起常规的检验.amplify ancestor annihilate

3、v 消灭The invasion force was annihilated.侵略军被消灭了。annual a 每年的manual n 手册annually anomaly a 反常的 anonymous aantibiotic n 抗生素 antiquate v 使古旧antiquated a 陈旧的antiquity n1. the heroes of antiquity古代英雄2. in remote antiquity 在远古时代3. since antiquityapart from appeal appeal to me appealing a 有吸引力的apprentice n

4、学徒 approach an approach to the bridge.aptly adv 适当地 aquatic aquatic animals and plants.水生动植物arc archaeological a 考古学的archipelago 群岛architect arduous adj. 费劲的, 辛勤的, 险峻的Its an arduous task.arena 竞技场 arid 干旱的 armor aromatic 芬芳的array arthritis n 关节炎artificial artisan partisan n 党员as a rule 通常as a rule o

5、f thumb as far north as as such ascend ascribe to He ascribed his failure to objective conditions. aspiring 热心的, 积极的, 有抱负的assemble v 集合 聚集semble 看来似乎assert associate v 使/发生联系 交往1. She associated happiness with having money.2. Dont associate with dishonest boysassorted 归类assortment assume vt. 假定,设想,承

6、担I assumed you can speak French fluently我以为你能讲流利的法语I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it assumption The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.assure astonishing astute a. 机敏的,狡猾的He is astute in businessat intervals at one session 会议 会话at the cutting edge of atomization

7、attach attached attachment attain v. 达到,获得The country attained its independence in 1972.attainment n 成就 造诣a man of high attainments 有很高造诣的人attire n 服装 穿上去很累 attribute to auditorium 讲堂 aurora 黎明的女神, 极光auroral light automated available avigationaviation avigation navigateavocational vocationalawarenes

8、s Youth glided past without our awarenessawkwardly B backdrop ballet balmy barb Barbed wire barge tug boatbark n. 树皮, 吠声barn barren barrier barter n/v barter economy. 物物交换经济barter rice for textiles 用大米换取纺织品We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.我们用烟草和橡胶换取毛皮。basement basin be characterized by b

9、e taken by be up to Im afraid my tennis wont be up to your standardIt is up to you beak beam bequest n 遗产 遗赠He left bequests of money to all his friends. besiege v 围困She was besieged by problems. bestow vt. 给予, 安放Time spent in study is well bestowedbias 偏见alias n 别名bitterness bizarre adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,

10、款式等pizza (古怪的批萨) blanket n.毯子vt.覆盖 The traveler wrapped himself with a blanket.旅行者用毯子把自己裹上blast blazing adj.炽烧的, 闪耀的, 强烈的 ablaze adj.adv.着火的, 激动的, 闪耀的bleak blend blend milk with waterblessing block 阻挡 阻止blocks blossom blues n 抑郁 bluff n 断崖 v 诈骗deceive delude trickblunt bolster n.垫子v.支持boom baby boom

11、boon boost bootboring boundary bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首 v.鞠躬, 弯腰breach n 破裂, 裂口 break= vt.打破, 突破break all ties with breeze brilliance color humanbriny 咸的 saltybriskness n lovelybrittle bronze bubble n 泡沫 a soap bubble.肥皂泡buckle buckle upbuggy bug臭虫building block n.(儿童游戏用的)积木 bulk 体积 / 大多数the bulk of

12、the student bundle burdensome burgeon 发芽 surgenonbust 半身像 statue 雕塑bustle hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘by a factor of by far C cab =taxi palne cab drivercabinet 内阁 橱柜cacti pl.cactuses 仙人掌calibration n 标度campaign election capaigncannibalism cannibacanopy canyon gorge bellycapability capacity carapace car pa

13、ce 甲壳carbohydrate cardiac 心脏的cargo carnival n.狂欢节, 饮宴狂欢 carnivorous adj.食肉类的carving cast 剧团 投掷cast off casting n.铸件, 铸造 the casting of mao Zedong by Gu yuecategory n.种类, 别, 逻范畴cater vi.备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合cater to our wedding cater to the popular tastecathedral cavern cavecavity cease 停止v They worked on

14、 without cease.celestial a天上的 sky cell n.单元, 细胞, 蜂房, (尤指监狱或寺院的)单人房间, 电池cellist tFelIst n.大提琴演奏家census ceremonial ceremony chafe v.(将皮肤等)擦热, 擦破, 使恼火chamber chamber music 室内音乐 n.室, 房间, 议院, 会所, (枪)膛,chaos charcoal charter vt.租, 包(船、车等) n.宪章chateau 城堡 城堡形的旅馆(在高级旅馆里聊天) chatcheck check and balancechill ch

15、illy chimpanzee chisel 凿子chivalry 骑士团chop 砍 chop ribchoppy a 起伏的 choppy wavechord cord vocal cords 声带chunk a 矮胖的人 大块、circulate circulation circulation deskcircumscribe 在.周围划线,限制 cite civilian civil rightcivility a 彬彬有礼的claim clamor clam clan 氏族classification classify clay 粘土cliff cling to clockwise

16、count wiseclumsy awkward cluster code of laws 法典coexist 并存 cohabit cohesion cohesive coil 卷coincide My opinion coincides with his.coincident a series of coincident eventscollaboration collective collide colossal largecombustible a 易燃的combustion n 燃烧comet commission v 佣金committed commodity commonsens

17、e You are commonsensecommunally community community commuter compact 简洁的 compact dictionary 简明词典companion comparable compatible compatible relation each other compel pel compensation 赔偿competing competitiveness compile complacence n 自足 自满complement complementary complementary education 互补教育complexes

18、 n 情结 contradition 矛盾体complicated comply with component composed of composition compound compress comprise con 欺骗conceal concede conceive conception concerted concert 音乐会concise preciseconcrete 具体的 混凝土condensation 浓缩condense condor 秃鹰 国鸟conductivity 导电性 cone cone ice cream 圆锥形冰淇淋confederacy configur

19、ation 配置 结构confine to confinement confirm conflicting confront front effrontery n.厚颜无耻, 厚颜无耻的行为congenial adj. 性格相似的, 适意的congestion genecongregate conifer 植松类, 针叶树 con 松果 fer 带来conjecture 推测consecutive adj. 连续的, 联贯的consequence conservative conserve consort with conspicuous 词根 spic 显著的conspiracy spi 呼

20、吸 (词根) n 同谋constant instant constantly constellation constituent constitute comprise constitution constitutional constrain constraint 约束, 强制, 局促constrict constricted construction consumption contact contact lenses 隐形眼镜 lens 镜片container contemporary nowdays context backupcontours tourcontraction cont

21、ractor 合同承包商contribute to 对。起到作用convention 传统 大会 conferenceconventional conventionally converge 聚合 verge 转 bivergeconvert n.皈依者vt. 使转变, 转换.,使.改变信仰 convert water into gaslineconverter convict you have strong conviction convinced convincing convivial vividcoral reef corals 地壳crust地幔 mantle 地核 corecore

22、 correlated corrosion corruption decaycosmic 宇宙的costume cost counteract counterbalance counterclockwise counterpart cowhand cowboycrab mecrack craft craftspeople crater crawl crayon 蜡笔credence creditor crevice n 裂缝 crippling 极限的 曲折crisscross crossbones 骷髅 scar and crossbones 哈林卫队标志crossbreeding n.生物

23、杂种v.异种交配, 培育杂种, (使)杂交crow 乌鸦 来自叫声crude crude oil crumple 垮台 压皱crust 地壳crustacean crystalline 水晶的crystallized 使。结晶 明确cubism 立体主义 cubic cue culminate v.达到顶点 Their long struggle finally culminated in success.Her career culminated in her appointment as director.cumbersome a 讨厌的 笨重的cumber v 阻碍curator car

24、ecurriculum extra curriculum课外活动custodian 监护人 管理人cuticle cut cylinder 圆柱D dash off 冲下来daunting daunt aunt 姑奶奶dawn darkdazzling debate arguementdebris 残骸declaration decline declining 1. decorate 装饰2. decoration 3. decorative defecate v. 澄清 排大便 de ate deference n 顺从 defer 推迟deferential a 恭敬的 顺从的 1. de

25、ficiency 2. deficient 3. deficit 赤字deform deformation deft degradation 1. degrade 2. upgrade dehydrate hydrate 水 dehydrated deliberate 深思熟虑的, 故意的,delicate delicacy 微妙delta demobilize 复员 mobilize 动员demolish dense density depict deplete v 耗尽 plete deplete all the nature resourcesdeposit 矿藏 存款 depredat

26、ion 掠夺 predator n 掠夺者 食肉动物depression 沮丧 萧条 the great depression 经济大萧条 antipressant n. 医抗抑郁剂, 抗抑郁病药derive 派生 起源 river 变成河流的支流desalination saltdescend descendant descent 下降 血统 designate 指明 The chairman has designated that boy as his successor.desirable 可取的desperate despoiler 夺取 spoil 破坏destruction 破坏1. detect 2. detective 侦探3. detectable 4. deter 阻止5. deteriorate 6. determinant 决定性的7. deterrent 威慑devastate 毁坏 vast devastation device devoid of 缺乏Devour 吞食diagonal 斜角

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