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1、M: Yes, I do. Im leaving for Chicago or Boston. Anyway, Ive never regretted my earlier decision. Where does the man live now?13. M: Mum, before I go out, could you go over the shopping list and see if theres anything else you need? Yes. Thats about everything. Now youre sure you dont mind going, dar

2、ling? What is the man probably going to do?14. W: The clerk said that we had to wait until after lunch to pick up the papers. But what are we going to do to kill time before that? What does the man mean?15. W: Honey, why dont we have dinner at Hilton? Ive never been there. Are you kidding? That will

3、 cost us a fortune. Better somewhere else. I dont want to let my money go down the drain. Why does the man respond to the woman this way?16. M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the Friendship Hotel? I thought it was on this corner, but I seem to have made a mistake. I am sorry, but I a

4、m a stranger here myself. Maybe you can try calling them. There is a phone over there outside the department store. What does the woman mean?17. M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. Im just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith this afternoon. Yes. Mr. Smiths expecting you at th

5、ree oclock. Why is the man making the phone call?18. W: Im thinking of taking five courses next semester. Wouldnt four be wiser?Now you will hear two long conversations.Conversation One Honey, Im going to the supermarket to pick up food for Saturdays picnic. Any suggestions? Well, everyone has been

6、talking about having a barbecue down by the river, so why not get some hamburger and hot dogs? But how much hamburger are we going to need? And hot dogs too? Uh, I dont know. How about three pounds of hamburger and a couple of packages of hot dogs? Oh, thats not going to be enough. Do you remember t

7、he last picnic we went on? Your friend, Jim, ate about ten hamburgers by himself! Youre right. Lets see. Then nine pounds of hamburger meat and, uh, and seven packages of hot dogs? Okay. Id better write this down. Shall I pick up some chicken for those who dont like hamburger or hot dogs? Sounds fin

8、e. And five or six bags of potato chips? Better make that eight or so. All right. What else? Uh, were gonna need some soft drinks. Yeah. Just buy ten of those big 2-liter bottles. Sure, but whats for dessert? Maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few apple pies like she did last time? No, not Kathy. I

9、heard shes been very busy working two jobs, so we had better not ask her. Hey, why dont you ask, uh, whats her name that tall blonde, Susan, the one who moved in across the street? I bet shed be willing to help you. Nah, I dont think I could ask her. I havent got a phone number. Anyway, I can do it

10、myself.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?20. How much hamburger do they decide to buy?21. What can be inferred about Jim?22. Which of the following statements is true of Susan?Conversation Two Hello. Emil

11、y, where are you? Ive been waiting here at the Good Friend, a Korean restaurant. I cant find it. Im lost. Oh, no! Where are you? Mmm, Im in front of a small supermarket, Lawsons. Okay. Just walk east and theres a bookstore on the right. And the restaurant is next to the bookstore? Yes. Its between t

12、he bookstore and a bank. And please hurry! If you hadnt given me such bad direction, Id be there already. All right, now I see you. Its about time! Ive been waiting here all the morning! Oh, relax! Now, wed better find out how to get to the library. Maybe we should ask someone. You know I dont like

13、asking for directions. Look, Ive already bought a map. I guess we should take Bus No. 5 to the new community, and then change to the subway. The library is on one of the subway lines. Okay, hurry up! The lecture is at 10, and its already a quarter past nine.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conver

14、sation you have just heard.23. Where was the restaurant located?24. Where were the two speakers going?25. Why was Emily late for their appointment?Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and

15、the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. Passage OneToday school children in many countries have high

16、rates of failing eyesight. Two methods have been proposed to prevent near-sightedness, one Western and one Chinese.The Western method was developed by Mr. Bates, a British actor, in the early part of this century. He trained people to relax their eyes frequently during a period of intense reading. H

17、is methods included covering open eyes with the palms of the hands and looking at the distant objects by moving the eyes from side to side instead of staring at them. Bates also encouraged school children to look frequently at a calendar on the wall of the classroom to relax their eyes. A famous Bri

18、tish writer even wrote a book on the beneficial effects of the Bates method for his vision.The Traditional Chinese method involves pressing certain points around the eyes with the fingers. This also relaxes excessive tension in eye muscles. It is best done by doctors trained in traditional Chinese m

19、edicine, but it can also be done by students themselves. Teachers and parents should encourage pupils to relax their eyes frequently while reading and studying.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard.26. What was the profession of Mr. Bates?27. According to Mr. Bates, wh

20、at should people do to protect their eyesight?28. According to the speaker, what should the teachers and parents encourage their pupils to do?Passage Two From this lookout we enjoy one of the most spectacular views of San Francisco. As you can see, the city rests on a series of hills varying in alti

21、tude from sea level to nine hundred and thirty-eight feet. The first permanent settlement was made at this site in 1776. For thirteen years the village had fewer than one hundred inhabitants. But in 1848, with the discovery of gold, the population grew to ten thousand. The same year the name was cha

22、nged from Yerba Buea to San Francisco. By 1862 telegraph communications linked San Francisco with eastern cities, and by 1869, the first transcontinental railroad connected the Pacific coast with the Atlantic seaboard. Today San Francisco has a population of almost three million. It is the financial

23、 center of the west, and serves as the terminus for trans-Pacific steamship lines and air traffic. The port of San Francisco which is almost eighteen miles long with 42 piers, handles between five and six million tons of cargo annually. And now, if you will look to your right, you should just be abl

24、e to see the east section of the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge, which is more than one mile long, spans the harbor from San Francisco to Marin County and the Red Wood Highway. It was completed in 1937 at a cost of thirty-two million dollars and is still one of the largest suspension bridges in the

25、world.Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. According to the speaker, what happened in 1848?30. What is the population of San Francisco today?31. How much did it cost to complete the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge?Passage ThreeFor good or bad, computers are now

26、part of our daily lives. With the price of a small home computer now being lower, experts predict that before long all schools and businesses and most families in the rich parts of the world will own a computer of some kind. Among the general public, computers arouse strong feelingspeople either lov

27、e them or hate them. The computer lovers talk about how useful computers can be in business, in education and in the homeapart from all the games, you can do your accounts on them, use them to control your central heating, and in some places even do your shopping with them. Computers, they say, will

28、 also bring some leisure, as more and more unpleasant jobs are taken over by computerized robots. The haters, on the other hand, argue that computers bring not leisure but unemployment. They worry, too, that people who spend all their time talking to computers will forget how to talk to each other.

29、And anyway, they ask, whats wrong with going shopping and learning languages in classroom with real teachers? But their biggest fear is that computers may eventually take over from human beings altogether. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. What does this passage mai

30、nly talk about?33. According to the passage, what is not mentioned about computers? 34. What is the biggest fear of the computer haters? 35. Whats the speakers attitude to computers?Section C In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you shoul

31、d listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the ma

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