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1、专八同义替换高频100词及作文写作技巧专八同义替换高频100词及作文写作技巧Sublist 1Area: nounextent, scope of a surfacefield, operation, range, space, breadth, compass, distance, expanse, size, sphere, stretch, widthnounregion, districtcity, county, field, locality, neighborhood, section, sector, square, state, territory, township, zo

2、ne, belt, block, division, domain, dominion, enclosure, kingdom, parcel, patch, plot, precinct, principality, quarter, sphere, stretch, tract, turf, vicinity, ward, neck of the woodsBenefit: nounadvantage, profitaid, asset, assistance, gain, help, interest, perk, profit, prosperity, use, welfare, ac

3、count, avail, benediction, betterment, blessing, boon, cream, extras, favor, godsend, good, gravy, worth, egg in ones beernounevent to raise moneyball, bazaar, concert, dance, dinner, exhibit, exhibition, fair, raffle, charitable affair, charity performance, pancake breakfastverbhelp, enhanceadvance

4、, aid, assist, contribute to, favor, further, improve, pay, pay off, promote, serve, advantage, ameliorate, avail, better, build, profit, relieve, succor, be good for, do for one, do the trick, fill the bill, make a killing, make it, work forCreate: verbdevelop in mind or physicallybuild, conceive,

5、constitute, construct, design, devise, discover, establish, forge, form, found, generate, initiate, invent, make, organize, plan, produce, set up, shape, spawn, actualize, author, beget, coin, compose, concoct, contrive, effect, erect, fabricate, fashion, father, formulate, hatch, imagine, institute

6、, invest, occasion, originate, parent, perform, procreate, rear, sire, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to pass, cause to be, dream up, give birth to, give life toEconomic: adjbusiness-related; financialbudgetary, commercial, fiscal, industrial, monetary, bread-and-butter, material, mer

7、cantile, money-making, pecuniary, productive, profit-making, profitable, remunerative, solvent, viableEnvironment: nounsurroundings, atmosphereclimate, habitat, setting, situation, status, surroundings, ambiance, aura, backdrop, background, circumstances, conditions, context, domain, element, encomp

8、assment, entourage, hood, jungle, locale, medium, milieu, neighborhood, purlieus, scene, scenery, terrain, territory, turf, zoo, neck of the woods, stomping groundnounearths system of natural resourcesatmosphere, ecosystem, biosphere, environs, Gaia, ecosphereFactors: noundeterminantaspect, cause, c

9、ircumstance, component, consideration, element, influence, ingredient, part, point, thing, agency, agent, aid, antecedent, board, constituent, instrument, instrumentality, item, means, portion, fixins, makins, part and parcelFormula: nounset preparation; rule, recipeblueprint, canon, code, credo, cr

10、eed, custom, description, direction, equation, form, formulary, maxim, method, precept, prescription, principle, procedure, rite, ritual, rote, rubric, specifications, theorem, way, modus operandiIndicate: verbsignify, displayannounce, argue, demonstrate, express, hint, illustrate, imply, make, mark

11、, mean, pinpoint, point out, prove, reveal, show, signal, specify, suggest, attest, augur, bespeak, betoken, card, connote, denote, designate, evidence, evince, finger, import, intimate, manifest, name, peg, read, record, register, sign, slot, symbolize, tag, testify, witness, add up to, be symptoma

12、tic, button down, pin down, point to, tabMajor: adjbiggerbig, considerable, dominant, extensive, large, large-scale, leading, main, primary, sizable, above, better, chief, elder, exceeding, extreme, senior, superior, upper, greater, hefty, higher, larger, most, oversized, supreme, ultra, uppermostad

13、jimportantbig, crucial, great, main, notable, preeminent, principal, radical, serious, significant, vital, chief, grave, heavyweight, overshadowing, star, top, critical, dangerous, grievous, influential, life and death, major-league, meaningful, outstanding, stellar, weightyPeriod: nounextent of tim

14、eage, course, cycle, date, duration, era, season, span, stage, stretch, term, time, aeon, days, epoch, generation, interval, measure, space, spell, while, yearsnounendingend, cessation, close, closing, closure, conclusion, discontinuance, limit, stop, terminationSignificant: adjtelling, meaningfulco

15、mpelling, important, momentous, powerful, serious, symbolic, cogent, convincing, denoting, eloquent, expressing, expressive, forceful, heavy, indicative, knowing, meaning, pregnant, representative, rich, sententious, sound, suggestive, valid, weightyadjimportant, criticalbig, consequential, consider

16、able, meaningful, momentous, notable, noteworthy, serious, substantial, vital, carrying a lot of weight, heavy, material, weightySpecific: adjparticular, distinguishingclear-cut, definite, definitive, different, distinct, exact, explicit, individual, limited, peculiar, precise, special, specialized,

17、 unambiguous, unequivocal, unique, characteristic, express, set, sole, bulls eye, categorical, clean-cut, cut fine, dead on, downright, drawn fine, especial, flat out, hit nail on head, on target, outright, reserved, restricted, right on, straight-outStructure: nounmakeup, formarchitecture, arrangem

18、ent, complex, construction, design, format, formation, framework, network, organization, system, anatomy, build, configuration, conformation, fabric, fabrication, frame, interrelation, make, morphology, order, skeleton, texturenounbuildingconstruction, edifice, house, cage, erection, fabric, pile, s

19、kyscraper, pile of bricks, rockpileSublistAchieve: verbbring to successful conclusion; reach a goal accomplish, attain, bring about, carry out, complete, conclude, do, earn, enact, end, gain, manage, obtain, produce, reach, realize, resolve, settle, sign, solve, win, work out, acquire, actualize cap

20、 close consummate deliver discharge dispatch effect effectuate execute finish fulfill get negotiate perfect perform procure score seal bring off bring to pass carry through earn wings follow through get done rack up see through wind upAppropriate: adj suitableapplicable apt convenient correct fittin

21、g good opportune pertinent proper relevant true useful adapted becoming befitting belonging deserved desired fit right appurtenant apropos congruous due felicitous germane just on the button on the nose rightful seemly tailor-made well-suited well-timedverbset aside; allocateallot apportion devote d

22、isburse earmark allow appoint assign budget reserve set apartverbstealborrow confiscate embezzle misappropriate secure annex clap cop filch grab hijack liberate lift pilfer pocket snatch swipe usurp get fingers on get hands on glom on to grab hold of moonlight requisition take overCommunity: nounsoc

23、iety, area of peopleassociation, center, company, district, nation, neighborhood, people, public, society, state, colony, commonality, commonwealth, hamlet, locality, populace, residents, territory, turf, body politic, general public, neck of the woods, stomping ground, nounagreement, similarityaffi

24、nity, identity, kinship, likeness, sameness, semblance, Final: ending, lastclosing, concluding, eventual, last-minute, ultimate, end, finishing, lag, latest, latter, terminal, crowning, hindmost, supreme, terminatingadjconclusive, definitivedecisive, definite, finished, absolute, determinative, deci

25、ded, determinate, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrevocable, settled, unanswerable, unappealableImpact: nouncollision, forcebrunt, shock, bang, blow, bounce, buffet, bump, clash, concussion, contact, crash, crunch, crush, encounter, hit, impingement, jar, jolt, jounce, kick, knock, meeting, percuss

26、ion, pound, punch, quake, quiver, ram, rap, rock, shake, slap, smash, strike, stroke, thump, tremble, tremor, wallop, appulse, smashupnouneffectbrunt, burden, impression, influence, meaning, repercussion, significance, consequences, imprint, mark, power, thrust, weight, full forceverbhit with forcej

27、olt, clash, collide, crash, crush, kick, register, smash, strike, bang into, crack up, smash up, wrack up, Maintenance: nounperpetuation, support; sustenancecare, conservation, preservation, supply, upkeep, aliment, alimentation, alimony, allowance, bacon, bread, continuance, continuation, food, kee

28、p, keeping, livelihood, living, nurture, prolongation, provision, repairs, resources, salt, subsistence, sustainment, wherewithal, bread and butter, carrying, retainment, sustaining, sustentionRange:nounsphere, distance, extentarea, dimension, field, length, matter, scope, space, spectrum, territory

29、, ambit, amplitude, bounds, circle, compass, confines, diapason, dimensions, domain, earshot, expanse, extension, gamut, hearing, ken, latitude, leeway, limits, magnitude, neighborhood, orbit, order, panorama, parameters, play, province, purview, radius, reach, realm, run, span, sphere, spread, stre

30、tch, sweep, swing, tune, vicinity, width, elbowroom, extensity, run of, nounorder, seriesassortment, collection, kind, line, lot, selection, sort, variety, chain, class, file, gamut, rank, row, sequence, string, tierverborder, categorizealign, arrange, array, assort, bias, bracket, catalogue, catego

31、rize, class, classify, dispose, file, grade, group, incline, line, pigeonhole, predispose, rank, allineate, draw up, line up, verbwander, roamcover, drift, encompass, reach, spread, circumambulate, cross, cruise, explore, float, gallivant, globe-trot, meander, ply, prowl, ramble, reconnoiter, rove,

32、scour, search, straggle, stray, stroll, sweep, traipse, tramp, travel, traverse, trek, follow ones nose, hit the road, hit the trail, make circuit, pass over, verbextend; change within limitsdiffer, fluctuate, go, reach, stretch, vary, run, diverge from, vary betweenRegion:nounarea, domain; scopecountry, district, field, land, locality, neighborhood, part, place, province, sector, suburb, territory, world, zone, arena, bailiwick, belt, block, clearing, demesne, di

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