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经济学原理对应练习 01.docx

1、经济学原理对应练习 01 1. The word that comes from the Greek word for one who manages a household isa. market.b. consumer.c. producer.d. economy. 2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means a. “environment.”b. “production.”c. “one who manages a household.”d. “one who makes decisions

2、.” 3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies.b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies.c. scarce for households and scarce for economies.d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. 4. Economics deals primarily with the concept ofa. scarcity.b. pove

3、rty.c. change.d. power. 5. Which of the following questions is not answered by the decisions that every society must make?a. What determines consumer preferences?b. What goods will be produced?c. Who will produce the goods?d. Who will consume the goods? 6. The overriding reason as to why households

4、and societies face many decisions is thata. resources are scarce.b. goods and services are not scarce.c. incomes fluctuate with business cycles.d. people, by nature, tend to disagree. 7. The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that a. most economies production methods are not very good.b. in

5、most economies, wealthy people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services.c. governments restricts production of too many goods and services.d. resources are limited. 8. Approximately what percentage of the worlds economies experience scarcity?a. 25%b. 50%c. 75%d. 100% 9. When a socie

6、ty cannot produce all the goods and services people wish to have, it is said that the economy is experiencinga. scarcity.b. shortages.c. inefficiencies.d. inequities. 10. For society, a good is not scarce ifa. at least one individual in society can obtain all he or she wants of the good.b. firms are

7、 producing the good at full capacity.c. all members of society can have all they want of the good.d. those who have enough income can buy all they want of the good. 11. Which of the following products would be considered scarce?a. golf clubsb. Picasso paintingsc. applesd. All of the above are correc

8、t. 12. Economics is the study ofa. production methods.b. how society manages its scarce resources.c. how households decide who performs which tasks.d. the interaction of business and government. 14. In most societies, resources are allocated bya. a single central planner.b. a small number of central

9、 planners.c. those firms that use resources to provide goods and services.d. the combined actions of millions of households and firms. 15. The adage, There is no such thing as a free lunch, is used to illustrate the principle thata. goods are scarce.b. people face tradeoffs.(to get something we like

10、, we usually have to give up another thing we like)c. income must be earned.d. households face many decisions. 18. Which of the following statements best represents the principle represented by the adage, There is no such thing as a free lunch?a. Melissa can attend the concert only if she takes her

11、sister with her.b. Greg is hungry and homeless.c. Brian must repair the tire on his bike before he can ride it to class.d. Kendra must decide between going to Colorado or Cancun for spring break. 19. The principle that people face tradeoffs applies toa. individuals.b. families.c. societies.d. All of

12、 the above are correct. 20. A typical society strives to get the most it can from its scarce resources. At the same time, the society attempts to distribute the benefits of those resources to the members of the society in a fair manner. In other words, the society faces a tradeoff betweena. guns and

13、 butter.b. efficiency and equity.c. inflation and unemployment.d. work and leisure. 21. Guns and butter are used to represent the classic societal tradeoff between spending ona. durable and nondurable goods.b. imports and exports.c. national defense and consumer goods.d. law enforcement and agricult

14、ure. 22. When society requires that firms reduce pollution, there isa. a tradeoff because of reduced incomes to the firms owners and workers.b. a tradeoff only if some firms are forced to close.c. no tradeoff, since the cost of reducing pollution falls only on the firms affected by the requirements.

15、d. no tradeoff, since everyone benefits from reduced pollution. 23. A tradeoff exists between a clean environment and a higher level of income in thata. studies show that individuals with higher levels of income actually pollute less than low-income individuals.b. efforts to reduce pollution typical

16、ly are not completely successful.c. laws that reduce pollution raise costs of production and reduce incomes.d. by employing individuals to clean up pollution, employment and income both rise. 24. Which of the following phrases best captures the notion of efficiency?a. absolute fairnessb. equal distr

17、ibutionc. minimum wasted. equitable outcome 25. Which of the following is true?a. Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equity refers to how the pie is divided.b. Government policies usually improve upon both equity and efficiency.c. As long as the economic pie continually gets larger,

18、no one will have to go hungry.d. Efficiency and equity can both be achieved if the economic pie is cut into equal pieces. 26. Efficiency means thata. society is conserving resources in order to save them for the future.b. societys goods and services are distributed equally among societys members.c.

19、societys goods and services are distributed fairly, though not necessarily equally, among societys members.d. society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources. 27. Economists use the word equity to describe a situation in whicha. each member of society has the same income.b. each me

20、mber of society has access to abundant quantities of goods and services, regardless of his or her income.c. society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources.d. the benefits of societys resources are distributed fairly among societys members. 28. Senator Smith wants to increase taxes

21、 on people with high incomes and use the money to help the poor. Senator Jones argues that such a tax will discourage successful people from working and will therefore make society worse off. An economist would say thata. we should agree with Senator Smith.b. we should agree with Senator Jones.c. a

22、good decision requires that we recognize both viewpoints.d. there are no tradeoffs between equity and efficiency. 29. Which of the following words and phrases best captures the notion of equity?a. minimum wasteb. maximum benefitc. samenessd. fairnessANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-1TOP: Equity MSC: Definitiona

23、l 30. When government policies are enacted,a. equity can usually be enhanced without an efficiency loss, but efficiency can never be enhanced without an equity loss.b. efficiency can usually be enhanced without an equity loss, but equity can never be enhanced without an efficiency loss.c. it is alwa

24、ys the case that either efficiency and fairness are both enhanced, or efficiency and equity are both diminished.d. None of the above are correct.ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-1TOP: Government, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Applicative 31. A likely effect of government policies that redistribute income and wealth f

25、rom the wealthy to the poor is that those policiesa. enhance equity.b. reduce efficiency.c. reduce the reward for working hard.d. All of the above are correct.ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-1 TOP: Government, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Interpretive 32. When the government implements programs such as progressive

26、income tax rates, which of the following is likely to occur?a. Equity is increased and efficiency is increased.b. Equity is increased and efficiency is decreased.c. Equity is decreased and efficiency is increased.d. Equity is decreased and efficiency is decreased.ANS: B DIF: 2 REF: 1-1 TOP: Governme

27、nt, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Interpretive 33. As a result of a successful attempt by government to cut the economic pie into more equal slices,a. it is easier to cut the pie, and therefore the economy can produce a larger pie.b. the government can more easily allocate the pie to those most in need.c.

28、 the pie gets smaller, and there will be less pie overall.d. government will spend too much time cutting and it causes the economy to lose the ability to produce enough pie for everyone.ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: 1-1 TOP: Government, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Analytical 34. When the government attempts to imp

29、rove equity in an economy the result is oftena. an increase in overall output in the economy.b. additional government revenue since overall income will increase.c. a reduction in equity.d. a reduction in efficiency.ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-1 TOP: Government, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Interpretive 35. When

30、 the government redistributes income from the wealthy to the poor,a. efficiency is improved, but equity is not.b. both wealthy people and poor people benefit directly.c. people work less and produce fewer goods and services.d. wealthy people consume fewer goods, but poor people consume more goods, r

31、esulting in no real change.ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 1-1 TOP: Government, Efficiency, Equity MSC: Interpretive 36. In economics, the cost of something isa. the dollar amount of obtaining it.b. always measured in units of time given up to get it.c. what you give up to get it.d. often impossible to quantify,

32、 even in principle.ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-1TOP: Opportunity cost MSC: Definitional 37. What you give up to obtain an item is called youra. opportunity cost.b. explicit cost.c. true cost.d. direct cost.ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-1TOP: Opportunity cost MSC: Definitional 38. The opportunity cost of going to college

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