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1、团队的名言英语团队的名言英语导读:本文是关于团队的名言英语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、土多好打墙,人多力量强。How good soil wall, the person much power is strong.2、人多力量大,柴多火焰高。Many hands make light work, wood flame high.3、团结一条心,石头变成金。Unity, unity, stone into gold.4、火车跑得快,全靠车头带。The train runs fast, whole is take by car.5、用众人之力,则无不胜也。With the strengt

2、h of his people, the victory also.6、人众都胜天,天定亦能胜人。People are wins the day, the day also to strength.7、领导的速度决定团队的效率。The speed of the leadership decided to the efficiency of the team.8、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。Days than right, more important, and.9、凝聚产生力量;团结诞生希望。Cohesion is power; Unity is born of hope.10、最伟大的力量,

3、就是同心合力。The greatest power is the collaboration.11、永不言退,我们是最好的团队!Never to retreat, we are the best team!12、唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。Only can allowing people wide, only thick can slide.13、凝聚产生力量,团结诞生希望。Cohesion is strength, unity is born of hope.14、人不能孤独地生活,他需要社会。Man can not live alone, he needs to society.15、万人

4、操弓,共射一招,招无不中。Ten thousand people hold the bow, shoot a recruit, recruit all in.16、若不团结,任何力量都是弱小的。If not unity, no power is weak.17、一个好习惯的养成方法:快乐基金。A method of good habits: happy funds.18、爬山越岭要互助,渡江过河要*。Climbing the mountains to mutual aid, the crossing across the river to work.19、只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现。As

5、long as we can dream, we can do it.20、不吃饭、不睡觉,打起精神赚钞票!Dont eat, sleep, play up to earn money!21、人生最大的错误是不断担心会犯错。The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake.22、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。The world will give way to those who have goals and vision.23、任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。Any qualitati

6、ve transformation of outstanding achievements comes from quantitative accumulation.24、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow.25、激励不是激励个人,激励是激励团队。Motivation is not motivate individuals, motivation is to motivate a team.26、篝火能把严寒驱散,团结能把困难赶跑。Can fire to disperse t

7、he chill, unity can put the difficult away.27、本互助博爱之精神,谋团体永久之巩固。The spirit of mutual love, seeks the group consolidation of permanent.28、集体是力量的源泉,众人是智慧的摇篮。The collective is the source of power, all is the cradle of wisdom.29、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。External pressure is increased, you should enhance intrin

8、sic motivation.30、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。Behind each strenuously, there will be a double reward.31、世上最累人的事,莫过於虚伪的过日子。In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.32、诚心诚意,“诚”字的另一半就是成功。Sincere desire, the other half of the Chinese character cheng is to succeed.33、世界上没有完美的个人只有完

9、美的团队。There is no perfect person only perfect team in the world.34、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。Any restrictions, all begins with his own heart.35、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy.36、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜。If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark nig

10、ht.37、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。Dont think about making the sea, you must start from small rivers.38、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。Before correcting others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake first.39、旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。The names of the bystanders wont always on the scorecard.40、本周破零,笑口常开,重诺守信,受益无穷。This we

11、ek to break the zero, laugh often, heavy, and trustworthy, benefit.41、今天付出,明天收获,全力以赴,事业辉煌。Today, harvest tomorrow, go all out, brilliant career.42、目标明确,坚定不移,天道酬勤,永续经营!Specific goals, perseverance, scented, sustainable business!43、赏善而不罚恶,则乱。罚恶而不赏善,亦乱。And without penalty is random. Punish evil without

12、 reward good, also.44、观念身先,技巧神显,持之以恒,芝麻开门。Concept body first, skill god show, perserve, open sesame.45、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult.46、业务规划,重在管理,坚持不懈,永葆佳绩。Business planning, emphasis on management, perseverance, the success of the

13、eternal.47、孤军奋战,其力有限,众志成城,坚不可摧。Alone, his strength is limited, unity is strength, impregnable.48、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。Life is important is not the station position, but towards direction.49、谁要是蔑视周围的人,谁就永远不会是伟大的人。Whoever contempt for the people around you, who will never be a great man.50、积极思考造成积极人生,

14、消极思考造成消极人生。Cause a positive life, positive thinking negative thoughts lead negative life.51、成功者要做的三件事,遇贵人、定方向、建团队。Winners do three things, noble, direction and team building.52、如果说我看得远,那是因为我站在巨人们的肩上。If I have seen further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.53、我们一起创建的是团队的文化,而不是抱怨的文化。We

15、 are creating a team culture together, instead of complaining about culture.54、空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。Dream will come up with a lot of brilliant idea, but will not do anything.55、我觉得我这个团队是我最大的财富,我就最珍惜这个。I think I this team is the biggest wealth, I will cherish the most.56、一切使人团结的是善与美,一切使人分裂的是恶与丑。All

16、 is good and beautiful, makes a man united all split is bad and the ugly.57、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。If dont give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers.58、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。God never complains peoples ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of god.

17、59、一切使人团结的是善与美,一切使人分-裂的是恶与丑。All is good and beautiful, makes a man united all points - of the crack is the evil and ugliness.60、我们知道个人是微弱的,但是我们也知道整体就是力量。We know that people are weak, but we also know that the whole is power.61、找方法的方法:头脑风暴、解决一个问题的方法有无数种。Find ways to approach: brainstorming, there are

18、 countless kinds of solution to a problem.62、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。Successful people are learning experiences with other people, people with their own learning experience failure.63、一名伟大的球星最突出的能力就是让周围的队友变得更好。A great star around the most prominent ability is to make his teammates better.64、掌握思想的教

19、育,是团结全党进行伟大*斗争的中心环节。Grasp the ideas of education, is to unite the whole party to a central part of the great political struggle.65、共同的事业,共同的斗争,可以使人们产生忍受一切的力量。Common cause, common struggle, can make people endure all power.66、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。Every successful person has a start. Start brave

20、ly to find a successful way.67、客人面前只说我们,没有你们他们,这样才能保持内部团结。Front of the guests said that we only, without you, so you can keep the internal unity.68、不大可能的事也许今天实现,根本不可能的事也许明天会实现。Unlikely things may achieve today, impossible things maybe tomorrow will come true.69、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。Again lon

21、g way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet cant reach.70、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。Success is not in the future, but from the moment you decided to do, continue to accumulate.71、力戒骄傲,这对领导者是一个原则问题,也是保持团结的重要条件。Strictly avoid pride, this is a matter of principl

22、e for leaders, is also the important condition of unity.72、经营企业,是许多环节的共同运作,差一个念头,就决定整个失败。Business enterprise, is the common operation of many links, a thought, will decide the whole failure.73、善于发现人才,团结人才,使用人才,是领导者成熟的主要标志之一。Good at discovering talents and unity talents, use talents, is one of the ma

23、in sign of leader is mature.74、一个伟大的团队最重要的作用是让其平凡的队员创造出不平凡的业绩。A great team is the most important role is to make the ordinary players create extraordinary performance.75、不用花心思打造明星团队,团队即是可以和自己脚踏实地将事情推进者。You dont have to spend idea to create star team, the team is can and his feet on the ground will be things to use.76、嘲讽是一种力量,消极的力量。赞扬也是一种力量,但却是积极的力量。Irony is a kind of power, the power of negative. Praise is a kind of strength, but it is a positive force.

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