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1、Book7Unit5教案Unit5 Traveling Abroad【课程标准要求掌握项目】话题:National consciousness and international awareness,Travelling abroad,Studying abroad 词汇: board, cafeteria, lecture, qualification, preparation, recommend, comfort, substitute, academic, requirement, tutor, numb, acknowledge, occupy, enterprise, succee

2、d, summarize, comment, parallel, abundant, suit, govern, destination, experience, concentrate,adjust to, keep up, fit in, get/be used to, as far as one is concerned, feel like, first of all, take up, hand in, a variety of, all the way, pay attention to, search for句式:Its time. . . It was. . . that. .

3、 . 强调句型so. . . that. . . What be like? It is + adj. + to do功能: Language difficulties in communicationLikes and dislikes:I enjoy I like . You could . Probability and improbability:We would You might It would be possible to . It isnt possible to would be a perfect place for us . I dont think youd enjo

4、y would probably suit us. 语法:非限制性定语从句 (the Non- Restrictive Attributive Clause)【单元重点内容与教学目标】本单元的中心话题是“出国旅行”。课文始终围绕这一主题展开。具体涉及在国外学习、旅游等,语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕“旅游”这一中心话题进行设计的。Warming Up 部分设计了四个问题,帮助学生在才大脑中形成一个有关旅游的信息包,使之对正文有初步的感知,为后续学习做准备。Pre-reading 部分设计了两个问题,第一个问题是开放性的,讨论出国学生的优点和缺点。可以让学生展开思维,阐述自己的观点,为正文的阅

5、读作好知识上和心理上的铺垫,第二个问题要求学生预测阅读课文中的主人公在英国学习可能遇到的困难和英国学校学习与中国学校学习的不同。Reading部分介绍了主人公谢蕾第一次去国外求学进预科班时所面临的问题,以及房东和导师对她的帮助,使她大胆正视困难,迎接挑战,最终树立了信心。Comprehending部分的前两题是针对课文内容而设计的理解题目,后两题是对课文的升华与延伸,问题环环紧扣,耐人寻味。特别是第四小组讨论部分针对Pre-reading中的What do you think she might find difficult?的问题进行进一步设计,而且采用了解决问题(Problem-solvi

6、ng)任务型活动,有助于学生探究能力的培养。Learning about Language 部分共有词汇和语法两部分,词汇部分要求学生用课文中的词语填空。第二题要求学生学习和运用同根词。语法部分是复习非限制性定语从句。Using Language 部分涵盖了听、说、读、写几个部分。听力部分共有四题,而且由浅入深,层层深入。听的部分通过张萍玉与导游之间的对话使学生亲身体验去伦敦旅行的真实情景,既训练他们的听力,又通过回答问题训练他们的分析能力。读和说部分第一题除了要求学生看地图找一些地区的位置,还配有相应练习,有利于培养学生的观察能力与动手能力,第二题要求学生根据“旅游手册”回答相关问题,其中还

7、要求学生针对课文所提供的四条线路,挑选自己所喜欢的路线,问题设计联系学生生活实际,题目新颖,具有开放性。写的部分既涉及文化问题又涉及学生的实际,强调语言的实用性与交际性。Summing Up 部分让学生对本堂课的学习内容进行总结、对学习效果进行评价,判断出哪些部分已经掌握,哪些还需要更多的练习。Learning Tip 部分指导学生如何提高听力能力,对发展学生的学习策略很有益处。【教案设计】 Unit5 Traveling Abroad Period 1 & 2 Warming up & ReadingTarget language:Keep it up, fit in, board, caf

8、eteria, lecture, qualification, preparation, shopkeeper, comfort, substitute, academic, requirement, essay, tutor, numb, acknowledge, as far as one is concerned, feel at home, occupy, hopefully, enterprise, succeedXie Lei, who is 21years old, has come to our university to complete a business qualifi

9、cation. Its not just study thats difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life. , which can take up all your concentration in the beginning. I have been so occupied getting used to everything that I havent had time for social activities. Im going to join a few university clubs and hopef

10、ully Ill meet some people I have things in common with. Teaching aims:Enable the Ss to learn about Xie Leis school life in LondonHelp The Ss learn how to deal with problems that they would face when studying in a foreign country. Teaching important and difficult points:Help Ss to summarize the benef

11、its and difficulties of living in a foreign country. Teaching methodSkimming, scanning, task-based method and discussionTeaching AidsA recorder, a projector, and a computerTeaching Procedures:Step 1 warming up Do you like traveling? If you have enough time and money, which country would you like to

12、visit?Do you just want to walk around the great wall?Which one would you prefer, traveling abroad or traveling domestically?Show some pictures and ask students what they are and where they are taken. Most of you want to travel in a foreign country. Then do you want to go abroad for a further study?S

13、tep 2 pre-readingMore and more Chinese students want to study abroad . what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Suggested answers: You are going to read a newspaper article about A Chinese student who goes to study in England. What do you think she will find different from study

14、ing at a Chinese school/university? What do you think she might find difficult?Step 3 Reading Read the title Who is the main character? Will she overcome difficulties at last?Who helps she?1.What is Xie Lei in England for? How long has she been in England? . Skimming Read the text and answer the fol

15、lowing questions. 2. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?A. Her classmates. B. tutors C. A host family D. Her familySuggested answer:1. Xie Lei is an England for a degree course. She has been in England for six month. 2. B C3. True or False1. When Xie Lei wen

16、t to New York, she felt very exited and relaxed. 2. Xie Lei came to the university to complete a science qualification. 3. At first, Xie Lei didnt get used to the life in London, now she gets used to it. 4. Xie Lei lives in the student accommodation. 5. Xie Lei found the preparation course was very

17、easy to learn at first. 6. Xie Leis tutor helped her a lot in her study. Read the text carefully. Put the events into order. _3_The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London;_7_The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions. _2_The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study;_

18、1_The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family. _6_ Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life. _4_ Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country-London. _5_Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning. Answer the following

19、questions1. Why is she doing a preparation course first?2. What are some of difficulties she faced when she first came to England? (para. 33. Why does Xie Lei have such a decision that she would like to board with a host family while studying in England?A. She feels lonely while staying in a foreign

20、 country. B. She is afraid to get used to a new life in a new country. C. She can make good preparations for her courses. D. She can have opportunities to learn more about everyday life and customs in a new country. 4. How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new social life in England?A. She tried t

21、o avoid rising a feeling of homesick. B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common with. C. She tries to put her heart into her preparation for her courses. 5What is the main idea of the passage? Give one sentence to descr

22、ibe it.D. She tries to protect herself from the strange environment and does nothing to make herself familiar with the culture. . 6. Why do you think the reporter used some direct speech in the article?7. Where do you think this article might have been published?Suggested answer: 1. Xie Leis prepara

23、tion course can help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university. So she first finished the course. 2. Learning how to do everyday things like using a phone, paying on a bus, finding her way, understanding English in real life3. D 4. B5. It talks about the Chinese student Xie Le

24、is experience in the UK. . Detailed readingWhile studying in London, Xie Lei has some difficulties as well as benefits. Read the passage again, and try to find them according to the diagram given.Summary Fill in the blanks with what we have learned in this class. Xie Lei _ a plane for London six mon

25、ths ago to complete a business_. She is now halfway through the _ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a _ family, which gives her the _ to learn more about everyday life and _ in her new country. She wrote her first _ to her_, but she only got an E. Now s

26、he has_ the life and she feels much more _ _ and is going to join a few university _ in order to have a _ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best with her_. Keep it up ! Xie lei. Discussion:1.What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is? Discuss with you partners and find eviden

27、ce in the article to support your opinion.Suggested answers:I think Xie Lei is a diligent and hard-working girl. She is brave to face difficulties and challenges both in life and stud. I think the reporter used some direct speech in the article in order that people who read this article can directly

28、 feel the difficulties and the benefits living in a foreign country. It is possible that this article might have been published in China daily. Because she had to learn almost everything again. She didnt know how to deal with some simple things. Because she thinks it is important to make a balance b

29、etween study and life. 2.When Xielei studies abroad, where does she stay? What kind of living ways do you want to choose if you have a chance to study abroad?A live with other studentsB. homestayAssignmentUnit5 Traveling AbroadPeriod 3 Using languageTeaching aims:Through listening and reading, enabl

30、e the ss to acquire detailed information about Peru. Enable the Ss to express likes and improbability with the target languageEnable the Ss to write about problems they might experience while traveling. Teaching important and difficult points:Talk about tours in and around Cuzco with functional item

31、s given. Teaching methodListening, fast readingTeaching AidsA recorder, a projector, and a computerTeaching Procedures:Step 1 lead-inToday we will travel to Peru Introduce some information about Peru(like the name of the country, national flag and so on)Step2. ListeningThis time lets look at the map of South America on page 42, find the cities of Liam and Cuzco and the Andes Mountains. Who can describe their locations according to the map?”Lima, Capital City, lies on the west coastCuzco, in the South Mountai

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