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商务礼仪的英语 论文.docx

1、商务礼仪的英语 论文 泉 州 师 范 学 院毕 业 论 文Etiquette on Business Intercourse谈商务交际中的礼仪Abstract: With the development of the society, businessmen face more and more exchanges and competition. Every enterprise must experience cooperation and competition. There is a saying that for a successful business enterprise, 1

2、8% of success demands profession technique, 82%demands valid of social interaction of communication. Establishing a good image in business activities and handling public relationship well in distracting environment have become the basic requirements of improving their competitiveness and better coop

3、eration. Therefore, good business etiquette is an important means to establish mutual respect, trust friendly and good cooperative relations with other businessmen. In addition, business etiquette is the basic standard principle in society and it also is necessary for businessmen to understand and m

4、aster it when they deal with other bussinessmen. The levels of etiquette which people present directly reflect the qualities of the modern civilizations in his time as well as the symbol of the business organizations images. So the businessmen should pay much more attention on the etiquette of the b

5、usiness intercourse, includes the etiquette of business receptions, the etiquette of business invitations, the etiquette of business entertainments, the etiquette of business visitations and the etiquette of presenting gifts. However,in the business activities,different nations have different values

6、 and orientation. Also in business culture, different countries have different customs, different etiquette habits, etc. Moreover, the business etiquette is influenced by different culture and customs, it is not enough to learn the business etiquette, we should also understand and respect different

7、cultural context, keeping firmly in mind the customers the taboo topic, only by which can promote business communication effectively.Key words: Business intercourse Business etiquette Culture【摘要】随着社会的发展,企业面临越来越多的交流和竞争。合作与竞争,是企业的必行之路。俗说,一个成功的企业,18需要专业技术82需要有效的人际。在商务活动中树立良好的形象,在纷杂的环境下更好的处理公共关系,已经成为提高自


9、不够的,我们也应了解,尊重不同的文化背景,牢记顾客禁忌的话题将能有效促进商务交流。 【关键词】商务往来, 商务礼仪, 文化ContentIntroduction As the Chinese economy is developing rapidly, the intercourse between countries is also becoming frequent little by little. Facing the fierce competition of business, a lot of businessmen wish to make more partners know

10、 about the reputation of companies and have a leading role in competitive business society. In order to build a good image and get more deals, companies should take the business etiquette of business intercourse into consideration and respect different culture backgrounds , such as the etiquette of

11、business reception, the etiquette of business visit, the etiquette of presenting gifts in different countries. In general, it is likely to have business intercourse with people who come from different countries or have little common in with their customs, religions and other factors. To some degree,

12、 these factors will cause a significant effect on business etiquette. With a view to reduce the chance of being misunderstood and leaving both of parties in the embarrassed position on business intercourse ,show our sincere respect for and leave an good impression on cooperators, we should be aware

13、of the importance of different business etiquette in different countries. Owing to the development of economy and the intercourse between different regions or countries, we are in urgent need of learning different business etiquette in business intercourse. This paper will mainly tell something impo

14、rtant about business etiquette in business intercourse. Having a good command of the different business etiquette of different countries is closely related to whether we can have the big opportunity to build a good communication relationship with our cooperators. By learning and obeying a variety of

15、 business etiquette on different business occasions and in different countries, we can establish rather long-term relationship with our business partners who come from different countries.1. An overview of etiquette on business intercourseIn modern commodity and market economy, business intercourse

16、has become very common, therefore every of us should know and learn some knowledge about etiquette of business intercourse in different countries. However, the content of business intercourse is extremely abundant and the range is very extensive. The knowledge about etiquette of business intercourse

17、 is rather abundant, because each country has its own special etiquette. The etiquette of business intercourse is a standard etiquette which is usually used in dealing with the relationship of business intercourse. In business intercourse, each of us should show respect for people by means of observ

18、ing some rules which are established by people through social practices. The process of business etiquette is to tell us what we can do and how we should do in communicating with others. If we do in a decorous way, we will build a long and pleasant relationship with our future clients and customers.

19、 Putting yourself in others shoes is a basic principle which is not only used in business intercourse, but also in making friends in our daily work and life.As a result, learning and using business etiquette represent peoples inner cultivation and quality and is an artist in the normal business inte

20、raction .When we communicate with others, it is of importance to be familiar with the skills of business etiquette and the different culture. Moreover, our quality will be improved and life will be beautified if we are in good command of these useful business etiquette of business intercourse .Besid

21、es these, it can quicken the social interaction, improve the personal relationship and purify the social atmosphere.1.1The function of business etiquetteWith the deep development of market society, all kinds of business intercourse are on the rise. Business etiquette has become more and more signifi

22、cant and plays a more important role in business intercourse. The function of business etiquette is to enhance quality and image, establish stable and friendly relationship and maintain the good image of enterprises and person. Moreover, business etiquette crystallizes feelings and conciliates perso

23、nal relationship. If men who engaging in doing business observe the principles of business etiquette on their own initiative and restrict themselves, they will communicate well, respect for one another ,trust each other and promote business. So business etiquette is a combined embodiment of companie

24、s, culture and employers, only do we follow business etiquette, the image and culture of company will be improved to a more satisfying level.1.2The types of business intercourseBusiness intercourse is very common and plentiful in competitive society. It is divided into three kinds: business receptio

25、n; business visit; present of gifts in business intercourse. In dealing with business, we often run into these business intercourses, it is very useful for us to learn some knowledge about business etiquette. The etiquette varies from countries to countries.2. Etiquette of business receptionThe etiq

26、uette of business reception is the behavior of business personnel who engaging in business reception activities should be observed. Increasing competition and a full range of interpersonal communication encourage us to change and perfect the current business etiquette in order to establish a suitabl

27、e and modern commercial societys new etiquette. At the same time, the changing of social culture, economy and technology make the etiquette of business reception has become more and more significant. What should we do when we meet our guests at the first time in business reception? It is welcome. We

28、lcome is the form of the most basic and important link in the social communication reception activities. It can express masters friendliness and courtesy. Especially meeting, what is the most important thing is to leave a good impression on the guest. The reason is that a first good impression tends

29、 to become a lasting impression and decides whether the business will succeed or fail. Moreover, a nice impression will become the long affection, callers first impression depends on the proprieties and attitudes of desk clerk .Therefore, each enterprise supervisor and every employee should have a g

30、ood knowledge of business reception etiquette to deal with business. 2.1 The behavior of reception personnelWhat do the qualities we should own as reception personnel? The reception personnel must be articulate, generous and have decent behavior. For women, they should avoid wearing too many decorat

31、ions and cosmetic should be elegant as much as possible. Different countries have different requirements of clothes. In China, women should not wear revealing clothes. Because Chinese are conservative. If we go to Tessie country, we must not wear the cross. The reason is that people believe in Catho

32、licism and the cross means ominous which makes them very unhappy and think that we dont respect their culture.If the visitor is an important guest who has made an appointment in advance, we should determine the corresponding reception specifications and programs according to the visitors status, ide

33、ntity. Receiving general visitors in the office ask us to listen more, speak less. 2.2 The etiquette of introduction Business reception starts from introduction as all business activities begin from business reception. The introduction is an important means of building a lasting relationship between parties. I

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