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1、新时代交互英语3课文对话New Era Interactive English 3Scripts for videoUnit 1 Another Busy DayVideo 1 Amy: Good morning, Talia.Talia: Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy: You know, youre working too hard.Talia: I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I dont think he knows it.Amy : Is that a n

2、ew hairstyle? Its very . unique.Talia : Very funny. I had to work late last night. I m tired, Im in a bad mood, and I dont care about my hair.Amy: Thats probably why youre not a reporter yet. Talia : You think so? Amy: No, Im just kidding. Talia : You may be right.Amy : Maybe Tony will take you more

3、 seriously after you finish the journalism class. Talia : Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. Its tomorrow. Whats the homework? Amy : Compare two news stories on the same topic.Talia : Thats easy enough to do. Sounds interesting,too. I guess Ill do it after work. Amy : You work too hard.Video 2A

4、my : Why dont you take a break tonight? Yeah, why not come with me to a party?Talia : No thanks. Maybe some other time.Amy : Come on! Josh Taylor is having a party. A lot of available guys will be there. You might meet someone.Talia : No, listen! Im too busy to go. Go without me.Tony : Good, youre h

5、ere. I have something important to talk to you about. What are you working on? Talia : Im researching the background information for that transportation story. Amy : Shes always working. She told me to tell you that. Tony : I have a big project for you to work on. I know youve been hoping for a brea

6、k. This may be it. Talia : Really? Thats great! Tony : Come to my office in about 10 minutes. By the way, you look different. Have you done something with your hair?Unit 2 Breaking NewsVideo 1Tony : Someone sent us this tape. This is incredible. What a shame.Talia : What s a shame?Tony: Have you eve

7、r heard of Nick Crawford, the soccer player? Hes the star forward on our national team.Talia : Of course. Everyones heard of him, I think. Tony : Well, apparently this conversation took place a while ago: Nick Crawford talks about how he needs money. Amy: Thats not big news. Theres a rumor that hes

8、fallen into debt lately. Ive heard all sorts of gossip about that.Tony: Yes, but, it gets even more interesting. Also on the tape, a woman offers him $50,000. Talia : What for? Tony: To sit out the first round qualifying match. Remember? Nick Crawford had an injury and couldnt play in that game? Tal

9、ia : Sure, I remember. We lost that match, and if we lose again, we might be eliminated. Tony : Exactly. The next qualifying round is coming up. If this tape is real, Nick Crawford will be history. Amy : You mean, he wont get to play in the next match?Tony: Exactly. And without him, well probably lo

10、se again.Amy: Wow! A real scandal! Is the tape for real?Tony : Talia, thats your job now. Find out if the tape is authentic. And youd better find out fast.Video 2Talia : OK. Ill get this tape to an expert.Tony: If we can, well run the tape on tonights broadcastbefore the competition hears about it.

11、In fact, they may already have a copy of this tape.Talia : Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We shouldnt give away our only one. Tony: Good thinking. Amy . handle this with care. Amy: Absolutely!Talia : See you later. Im going to call the audio department. They can give me the nam

12、e of an expert. Tony: Tell them we need someone fast. Talia : OK. Im on it. Tony : Is there a problem? Talia : Not exactly. Ill do it. Its just that . I know Nick Crawford. Tony: You do?Talia: Yes. We went to college together. Its hard to believe he would do something like this. Tony: Well, wake up

13、and smell the coffee, Talia! Hes a big star. Hes been a star on the national team for four years now. People do crazy things when they get famous. Talia: I just cant believe it. Nick Crawford taking a bribe? Tony: Listen, Talia. Youre smart. Youre a good researcher, and one day I hope youll be a gre

14、at reporter. But dont let your emotions get in the way of your work. If you do, Ill have to find someone else to work on this story.Unit 3 A Job For TaliaVideo 1Womans voice on tape: Well pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nicks voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Womans voice on tap

15、e: Thats right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nicks voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. Youve got yourself a deal.Womans voice on tape: Great. Its a pleasure doing business with you.Tony: Hows it going?Talia: I cant tell. I hope our expert will be able to figure it out.To

16、ny: Me, too, when will we have the results?Talia: Hes going to call me back this afternoon.Tony: Good. Talia: You know, Ive been a researcher here for three years. Ive investigated other scandals. But something here doesnt seem right.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: It just doesnt make sense. Nick Craw

17、ford loves soccer. Why would he do something to hurt his career?Tony: Thats a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Is he a friend of yours?Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English together for two semesters.Tony: Oh, thats it?Talia: Well, I got to know him a li

18、ttle. I know that he moved here from England about 10 years ago. I know that hes smart. And I know that hes always dreamed of being a great soccer star.Tony: Mm-hmm.Talia: So, why would he risk ruining his career?Video 2Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.Tony: Did

19、you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else.Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure, absolutely sure.Tony: Thats true.Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.Tony: I dont knowTalia: He may remember me. He may be willing to confide in me.Tony: Tal

20、ia, look, youre not a reporter yet, youre still a researcher. Remember?Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?Tony: All right, Ill give you one more day. But only one more day.Talia: You wont be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big, the story is mine, right?To

21、ny: What do you mean?Talia: I mean, youll let me report it, wont you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything?Tony: You deserve a break. I know that. Ill tell you what: come up with something big and the story is yours. But,Talia be careful.Talia: What do you mean?Tony: This Nick Crawford guy I hear

22、 he can be very charming. Dont let him charm you out of a story.Unit 4 A Matter Of TrustVideo 1Talia: Nick?Nick: I know you, dont I?Talia: Yes. Im Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia: After all these years, Im surprised you remember me.Nick: How could I forget you? We were in an E

23、nglish literature class together, werent we?Talia: Thas right, the Shakespeare class.Nick: Right, Dr. Custers class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard.Talia: Oh, gosh, dont remind me.Nick: We studied together for the final, didnt we?Talia: Yes, thats right. As I recall, you did r

24、eally well on it.Nick: Thats right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia: Not exactly. Im a researcher now with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people arent my favourite people right now. I heard

25、theres a nasty story coming out about me. Something about me throwing a game?Talia: Thats why Im here. Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under different circumstances.Video 2Talia: No listen. Id like to I want to hear your side of the story. You dont trust me, do you?Nick: Nope.

26、 Youre in the news business. Youre all alike.Talia: Hey, dont judge me so quickly. I told you the truth about why I was here, didnt I? Really. You can trust me. Nick: Look, the only goal I have right now is helping my team win the qualifying match next weekend. After that I will deal with this mess.

27、Talia: Wait, Nick. The charges are serious. People say you threw a game. They think you have gambling debts.Nick: Yes. Thats why I gave the Soccer Federation access to my bank accounts.Talia: They could stop you from playing. Forever.Nick: Thats impossible.Talia: No, its not. Thats why I want you to

28、 talk to me. I want your story. Did you or didnt you take the money? Did you or didnt you throw the game?Nick: Oh, you want to hear my story? Do you want to hear the true story, or the story that will get your show more viewers? Which story do you really want? Take your pick.Talia: The only story I

29、want is the true story.Nick: Well, the truth is, I didnt do it. Im an innocent man.Unit 5 Nicks ExplanationVideo 1Talia: OK, lets get this straight. Youre one of the countrys best soccer playersNick: Well, I have to admit thats true. Of course, some people think thats not such a great achievement.Ta

30、lia: Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of the year.Nick: Not just for some reason. I sat out because I had a sprained(扭伤)ankle. I could hardly walk, I certainly couldnt play.Talia: But your coach cant verify this.Nick: Of course not. You cant see a sprain on an X-ray.Talia:

31、You cant?Nick: No.Talia: I seeNick: You dont have to believe me, but its the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained ankle.Talia: And not because you took a bribe.Nick: A bride? How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing?Talia: Then can you explain the tape?Nick: What tape?Talia: Listen to this.Womans voice on tape: Well pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nicks voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Womans voice on tape: Tha

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