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1、辽宁省本溪一中届高三第三次月考英语试题辽宁省本溪一中2013届高三第三次月考英语试题第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节单项填空(共30小题;每小题0.5分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. It doesnt _ if you are late to my party. I just want you to come.A. make any difference B. have no differenceC. make any sense D. have any similarity2The policemans_

2、 traffic directions made all the drivers quite _ .A. confused; confused B. confusing; confusingC. confusing; confused D. confused; confusing 3He has decided to settle _ in France because he is fond of the romantic country.A. temporary B. temporarily C. permanent D. permanently4. Dont play_ trick on

3、him. He is not in_ mood for fun at the moment.A. a; / B. a; the C. the; a D. /;the5. Do you know which president of the USA _ slavery?A. abolished B. destroyed C. hurt D. damaged6.- Susan _Catherine so much in the way she talks. - Of course. She is Catherines daughter.A. is resembled B. is resemblin

4、gC. resembles D. resembled7.The Columbia has finished the task in the International Space Station and is reported to come back to the earth tomorrow, or to be more _ , at 3:32p.m. local time.A. brief B. special C. general D. specific8. I remember a _ famous scientist said that we should believe in o

5、urselves first of all.A. some B. certain C. sure D. other9.You didnt wait for Mr. Smith last night, did you?Yes, but we _. He didnt return home at all.Adont have to Bneednt haveCdidnt need to Dshould have10_ no point in beating around the bush. Lets _.AIts; come straight to the pointBTheres; come to

6、 the pointCThis is; get to the pointDThat is; reach the point11Here was a nice little present for everyone, with a suitable poem _ to it.Aattached BattackedCattracted Dattributed12I really dont know what I _yesterday without the bike you lent me.Glad to have been some help to you.Acould do Bshould h

7、ave doneChad done Dcould have done13Jim is fond of his present job. He must get a real _ out of his work.Akick BpleasureChappiness Dsatisfaction14. The man is _ a serious nervous breakdown because he is unable to deal with pressure from daily life.Ain front of Bin favor ofCon behalf of Don the edge

8、of15. Everything _ into consideration, they thought the car was good enough though it was heavy on oil.Ato take BtakenCto be taken Dtaking16There are a great number of natural resources in the desert, which remain to be _.Aexplored BexploitedCexploded Dexposed17He ignored the neighbors request that

9、_ less noise at night.A. he would make B. he could makeC. he make D. he made18“Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him. “I ask you not to get _ in this kind of matter. Its none of your business.”Acaught BinvolvedCattached Dconnected19All of us didnt notice Tom come into the classroom becaus

10、e the light happened to _ at that time.A. give in B. put upC. go out D. switch off20In our daily life,everyone fails every now and then. It is how you _ that makes a difference.A. react B. replaceC. rely D. request21John was very upset because he was _ by the police with breaking the law.Aaccused Ba

11、rrestedCsentenced Dcharged22Some companies are reported to have stopped production, having _ working capital.Arun out of Brun outCbeen used up Ddied out23. -If I had time, I would go shopping with you. -But you_ too busy.A were B. had been C. are D. have been24. We must treasure every minute because

12、 _ time is _ forever. A. lost; losing B. lost; lostC. losing; losing D. losing; lost25. Beneath our feet _ that our life depends on for food and clothing.A. the earth lay B. the earth lies C. lies the earth D. does the earth lie 26. Was it _ she heard with her ears _ really made her frightened?A tha

13、t; that B what; that C what; what D that; what27When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon They_ be ready by 12:00 Acan Bshould Cmight Dneed28. If you are in any doubt as to _ you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.A that B which C what D whether29. Can I join t

14、he club, Dad? You can when you _ a bit older. A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got30. We all know that, _, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30

15、分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。About a week ago, my 4yearold cousin and I were playing basketball at our local park. The_31_was warm, and many other children were outside_32_. As we played, I noticed a small group of boys_33_a smaller, skinnier, and possibly younger boy

16、. They were calling him names and_34_pushed him to the ground and_35_dirt in his face. When I saw that, I grabbed my_36_by the hand and walked over to the_37_.I stepped_38_them and the younger boy, and asked them_39_what this boy had done deserved_40_they were doing to him. They all_41_silently for

17、a moment, and then the most amazing thing _42_:one of the boys who hadnt said anything since I_43_stepped around the younger boy and helped him off the_44_and then apologized. He offered to let him play with them,_45_the boy quietly said “thank you” and refused, and then left there.As I looked aroun

18、d, I_46_that there were dozens of other people at the parksome of them were_47_with children of their ownbut no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt_48_that the one of the boys was brave enough to stand up against his friends to help someone_49_, but I felt sad that no one else had even tak

19、en a second_50_. I couldnt help but think that those parents at the park would want someone to help their child in that situation, and yet they did nothing but stood by.31A. climate B. atmosphere C. air D. weather32A. as usual B. as well C. as planned D. as yet33A. picking on B. leaving for C. stayi

20、ng in D. taking over34A. yet B. only C. even D. just35A. noticed B. kicked C. watched D. showed36A. cousin B. son C. daughter D. boy37A. class B. family C. group D. society38A. among B. at C. over D. between39A. hopefully B. finally C. politely D. possibly40A. who B. how C. why D. what41A. came B. w

21、ent C. stood D. talked42A. continued B. stopped C. emerged D. happened43A. jumped up B. walked over C. went by D. went away44A. tree B. room C. stone D. ground45A. so B. but C. then D. still46A. expected B. imagined C. realized D. admitted47A. neighbors B. friends C. classmates D. parents48A. angry

22、B. sorry C. sad D. happy49A. in turn B. in advance C. in need D. in all50A. knock B. shout C. noise D. glance第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEarly one morning the subinspector at a station at the other end of the town rang me. An elephant wa

23、s damaging the town. Would I please come and do something about it?It was not, of course, a wild elephant, but a tame one. It had been chained up but last night it had broken its chain and escaped. Its owner, had set out to run after it, but had taken the wrong direction. He was now twelve hours jou

24、rney away, and in the morning the elephant had suddenly appeared in the town. It had already destroyed somebodys bamboo hut (棚屋), killed a cow and turned over fruitstalls.I came round the hut and saw a mans dead body sprawling in the mud. He was an Indian, and he could not have been dead many minute

25、s. The people said that the elephant caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and grounded him into the earth. This was the rainy season and he was lying on his stomach in the soft mud, the_peacebreaker standing beside, looking innocent.As I lifted my gun, I hesitated a few seconds. Then

26、I fired. That was a shot that did for him.You could see the pain of it knock the last strength from his legs. But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, his trunk reaching skyward like a tree. He trumpeted, for the first and only time. And then down he came, with a crash that shook the ground.51

27、. Which of the following statements about the author is TRUE?A. He was an Indian.B. He knew elephants well.C. He was not a local villager.D. He was the owner of the elephant.52. The elephant made so much trouble because _.A. its owner treated him cruellyB. it got out of controlC. it hated the villag

28、e peopleD. it was a wild elephant53. The underlined words “the peacebreaker” in Paragraph 4 refer to _.A. the elephant B. the dead manC. the author D. the subinspector54. It can be inferred that the author felt _ when he shot the elephant.A. excited B. sadC. frightened D. happyBHow to improve our li

29、fe? Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them. Theyll say,“my destiny(命运). I cannot change it. ”Of course not! You dont have to suffer needlessly. Your life depends on you, not on any other external(外部的) factor.I know a woman who says she just accepts what life gives he

30、r because she has done everything she can to improve it. Guess what her lifestyle is. She wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes back home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, and then goes to sleep. Next day, the same routine cycle follows.Huh! Is this what she calls “doing her best”? She believes she has tried her best and just accepts for her heart that this is the life that has been intended for her, and that her luck can only change if God wills it. She hasn

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