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1、 - Yeah. It was hard for him to realize this dream, but he never gave up.A. until B. since C. because D. after5. A survey about why teenagers like pop stars so much was _ in our school last week. A. taken out B. carried out C. turned out D. worked out6. Dr. Ma has helped a lot of patients see again

2、in the _ of his life. A. form B. way C. direction D. course7. Its a pity that this maths exercise is _ the abilities of most of the class. A. over B. above C. beyond D. without8. 一The manager has come back from his business trip. Hes asking you for the report. 一Oh, my god! I havent finished it yet.

3、But he _ back at the company tomorrow. A. will expect B. expected C. was expected expected9. I think that “Peppa Pig” must be one of the _words on the Internet this year. A. shortest B. widest C. hottest D. cleverest10. -The surgeon hasnt come back, has he? -_, for he _ Australia since last wee

4、k and will be back in a week. A. No, has been inB. No, has gone to C. Yes, has gone toD. Yes, has been in11. I cant say _I want to go back to my hometown. It is quite a few years since I last went back. A. how much B. how long C. how soon D. how often12. The police didnt catch him because they never

5、 doubted _ the case. A. if he has everything to do with B. whether he had something to do with C. that he had anything to do with D. that he had nothing to do with13. -Mike likes basketball so much. But I think he is too short to be a successful basketball player. - Its hard to say. _. A. The grass

6、is always greener on the other side B. Every dog has its day.C. It never rains but it pours D. The early bird catches the worm. 14. -How could I thank you enough? -_. Any other man would have done that.A. As you like. B. Its kind of you.C. Dont mention it. D. Well, it depends.二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然

7、后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分, 共10分) My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.The first two15 there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We san

8、g16 for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them. As we weresingingon the third floor for old people with Alzheimer(老年痴呆症), most of themlookedoff at the walls or floor. However, one lady17 my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself.

9、They werent the songs that we were singing, at least they didnt18 like that. As we got19 with each song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got.Whileshe was singing, she was alsoreachingout to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that

10、myresponsibilities(责任) were to 20 . People who worked at the care center couldattendto her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling21 about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about.Justin also22 the same lady. The differenc

11、e between us is that heactedon her needs, but I didnt. During the last song, Silent Night, Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in hereyesand with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take mytimeto let you know that.”This tired, elderly lady stopped singi

12、ng and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. Nowordscan describe that touching moment.It took a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justins example of a complete, selfless attitude(态度) toward another was a 23 that I will never

13、forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself 24 to have witnessed(目击) his lesson.15. A. roomsB. buildingsC. floorsD. groups16. A. beautifully17. A. lookedB. shylyB. caughtC. madlyC. ranD. bravelyD. hurt18. A. appearB. hearC. soundD. feel19. A. louderB. nearerC. fasterD. higher20. A. my

14、 family21. A. afraidB. old peopleB. sureC. my studentsC. guiltyD. my friendsD. happy22. A. fearedB. avoidedC. helpedD. noticed23. A. messageB. lessonC. activityD. class24. A. cleverB. foolishC. rightD. lucky三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容, 在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分, 共26分)A Yellow DressB

15、y Janet LeeMary had a yellow dressBought from the department store.It looked as beautiful as the moon,And as bright as the sun.Mary wore all the timeThe yellow dress I felt so right.Every day from day to nightI saw her in the dress so bright.Buy me a yellow dress,I cried to Mom and Dad,As beautiful

16、and brightAs the dress the girl living near has!I cried and cried and cried,Until they said with sad eyes,We need food for your baby sister,And clothes for your coming brother.Since then Ive learnedMarys yellow dressIs better to dream ofThan to ask for.25. From the poem, we know that Mary and the wr

17、iter may be . A. classmates B. relatives C. neighbors D. sisters26. Why does the writer say, Every day from day to night/I saw her in the dress so bright? A. The writer lived with Mary. B. The dress had sun shapes on it. C. The writer liked the dress very much. D. The dress was Marys school uniform.

18、27. What did the writers parents mean by their words? A. They did not like the yellow dress. B. They did not have money for a dress. C. They already had a dress for her baby sister. D. They would ask Mary where to buy the yellow dress.BThere are two ways of driving in the world: if the drivers seat

19、is on the left and cars travel on the right side of the road, it is called left-hand driving, as it is in China, while the other way of driving is called right-hand driving, as it is in Britain. Nowadays, around 65% of the worlds population drives on the right of the road, while the rest is used to

20、driving on the left.Though no one knows the exact reasons, it seems likely that people in ancient times travelled on the left of the road. Roman coins show pictures of horsemen passing on each others right. And right-hand people generally got on a horse from the animals left. Obviously, its safer to

21、 do this at the left side of the road, and it makes sense(行得通)for the horse to be ridden on the left.A change happened in the late 1700s. When Napoleon(拿破仑)conquered(攻占)nations, he forced them to travel on the right side of the road, which spread left-hand driving throughout Europe. However, Britain

22、 still stuck with the right-hand driving rule and countries which were part of the British Empire were made to follow. This is why India, Australia and the former British colonies(前英国殖民地)in Africa continue to drive on the left. One exception(例外)is Egypt, as that country was defeated(打败)by Napoleon b

23、efore becoming part of the British Empire.Some countries changed sides until modern times. Sweden only moved to driving on the right in 1967 and Iceland changed the following year. Ghana changed sides in 1974. On September 7, 2009, Samoa became the third country ever to change from left-to-right-han

24、d driving for the reason that it made it easier to import(进口) cheap cars from right-hand driving Japan, Australia and New Zealand.So if you want to travel to another country or go on business, make sure you know whether it is left-or right-hand driving to avoid unnecessary troubles.28. Which picture

25、 shows the correct driving in Britain?29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Sweden changed to drive on the right in 1974. B. People drive on the left side of the road in Egypt. C. People have known the exact reasons for driving on the left. D. Napoleon helped with the sprea

26、d of left-hand driving.30. What is the writers purpose for writing this passage? A. To explain the advantages of the two ways of driving. B. To introduce the development of the two ways of driving. C. To complain about the change of the two ways of driving. D. To compare the differences of the two w

27、ays of driving.C It has been around for centuries, but up until very recently, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wasnt fully accepted abroad. The 2001 film Treatment(刮痧)tells the story of a Chinese man in the US whos charged with guasha, a form of TCM treatment, to cure his grandsons disease.During

28、 the last 10 years or so, however, TCM has been getting increasingly popular all over the world. A report says this style of health care, which includes different forms like herbal medicine and exercise, has spread to 183 countries and areas.We have set up 10 TCM centers outside China, and all of th

29、em are popular among locals, said Wang Guoqiang at a news meeting on Dec 6. Governments of 86 countries and areas have signed agreements with the Chinese government on TCM corporation(合作).One of the reasons behind the growing popularity of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. And after Tu Youyou-the Chinese scientist who discovered the anti

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