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1、广东工业大学信息检索作业信息检索 课程名称 信息检索与利用 题目名称 机械密封式电缆贯穿件研制 指导教师 林佳瑜 2012年 6 月 21 日机械密封式电缆贯穿件研制一、课题分析电缆贯穿件(Cable transmit),是一种在某一特定环境内发生危险状态时,可以防止火焰、烟雾、气体和水通过电缆和管道贯穿件到达邻近结构的密封模块,广泛应用于船舶制造、海洋工程、石油化工、电力电信、国防军工、污水处理、工业及民用建筑等。机械密封式电缆贯穿件(Cable Penetrations with Mechanical Seal Style),是在电缆穿墙时采用的,作为电缆穿墙时保障密封性和电性能要求的重要

2、装置,用于保证核电站、核反应堆等核装置在正常、设计基准事故和地震工况下压力边界的完整性和电气完整性,防止放射性物质外泄。本课题探究主要介绍了机械密封式电缆贯穿件的组件原理、特点及应用局限,并结合新时期的工业要求,介绍了其检验标准与方法。本次课题调研的目的,在于使人们充分理解机械密封式电缆贯穿件的原理与作用,并且深刻感受到机械密封式电缆贯穿件的应用价值。机械密封式电缆贯穿件在未来一段时期必将发挥更大作用。所属学科:工程技术 电气工程 电工材料 关键词:电缆 贯穿件 密封式 机械 核电站Key Words: cable,Penetration,Seal,nuclear power plant拟选用

3、的数据库: 中文数据库有中国知网(CNIK),万方数据知识服务平台,维普知识资源系统,英文数据库有Web of Knowledgee和EI Village。二、检索步骤及结果1.中文数据库:万方数据知识服务平台检索表达式:电缆 ADN 贯穿件 AND 密封命中6条,其中专利来源4篇,期刊来源2篇。机械密封式电缆贯穿件研制Development of Cable Penetrations with Mechanical Seal Style摘要:核电站、核反应堆等核装置为了防止放射性物质外泄,在电缆穿墙(壁)时采用电缆贯穿件进行隔离.通常电缆贯穿件需将电缆截断采用插接件进行密封,插接式电缆贯穿件

4、密封性能容易保证,密封可靠,泄漏率可达到极小.但加工零件多、精度要求较高,制造成本高.特别是对于大电流动力电缆和要求较高的信号同轴电缆,容易产生插接电极发热过大和信号衰减.为了满足工程需要,采用不截断电缆,不破坏电缆护套,本文研制了一套试验样机.样机经过密封性能、电气性能和抗震试验的验证.样机的的各项技术指标满足工程要求,泄漏率小于110-7Pam3s-1.作者: 李军格秦传洲罗正华 Author: Li Junge Oin Chuanzhou Luo Zhenghua 作者单位: 中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所,绵阳,621900 期 刊: 价值工程 ISTIC Journal: Va

5、lue Engineering 年,卷(期): 2012, 31(1) 分类号: TM246 关键词: 核装置 电缆贯穿件 泄漏率 机标分类号: TL3 TP2 机标关键词: 机械 密封式 同轴电缆 贯穿件 研制 Style Mechanical Seal Cable 密封性能 试验样机 泄漏率 放射性物质 电缆贯穿耐火密封装置安装摘要:电缆在发生火灾时,火势和烟气往往通过其穿越的孔洞向邻室蔓延,使事故扩大造成严重后果,文章以58000DWT散货船为例,对电缆贯穿耐火密封进行的研究,保证被贯穿船体舱壁、甲板或平台原有的防护性能,并介绍了如何选择、计算电缆框及填料,及电缆框及堵料的安装和使用.作

6、者: 薛芳 作者单位: 扬州大洋造船有限公司,江苏,扬州,225106 期 刊: 中国高新技术企业 Journal: CHINA HIGH TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISES 年,卷(期): 2011, (3) 分类号: TM246 关键词: 电缆 耐火密封装置 DMT填料 电缆贯穿件 膨胀堵料 机标分类号: TU9 TP2 机标关键词: 计算电缆 贯穿 耐火 密封装置 严重后果 防护性能 散货船 烟气 文章 填料 事故 平台 孔洞 甲板 2.中文数据库:中国知网检索表达式:电缆 ADN 贯穿件命中6条,其中专利来源4篇,期刊来源2篇。核电厂安全壳构筑物上的电器贯穿件 【英文标准名称

7、】 Electrical penetration assemblies in containment structures for nuclear power plants 【标准号】 GB/T 13538-1992 【标准状态】 现行 【国别】 中国 【发布日期】 1992-07-01 【实施或试行日期】 1993-03-01 【发布单位】 国家质检总局(SBTS) 【起草单位】 上海核工程研究院 【标准类型】 产品(CP) 【标准水平】 () 【中文主题词】 安全装置;核电站;电气设备;壳体结构 【英文主题词】 【摘要】 本标准规定了安全壳构筑物上的电气贯穿件在设计、计算、加工、装配、试验

8、、安装和维修中要满足的工程安全要求。 本标准适用于安全壳上的电气贯穿件。 本标准中,电气贯穿件包括: a.在安全壳内侧和安全壳外侧最近连接点之间的电气导体(贯穿导件); b.用于这种导体电气绝缘的部件; c.用于这种导体组件的耐压、气密和耐温的壳体以及用于使它与安全壳墙壁相连接的部件; d.用于监测气体泄漏的永久性的连接装置。 以下部件不属于电气贯穿件: a.用于固定贯穿件的安全壳墙壁的部件,例如用螺栓或管子连接的密封件或需要焊接的预埋管; b.连至贯穿件导体或连接器的外部电缆和导线; c.终端部件,例如电缆线鼻子或电缆头,或固定在电缆或连接导线上的焊接套管; d.临时连到贯穿件上的泄漏试验装

9、置或抽气装置。 对与贯穿件相连接的外部电路的要求或对安全壳构筑物的要求不属于本标准的范围。 【中国标准分类号】 F87 【国际标准分类号】 27_120_20 核电站电气贯穿件专用压力表组件摘要:核电站电气贯穿件专用压力表组件是属于核电站电气贯穿件专用检测装置,其特点是:在核电站安全壳内部能完全使用,必须要求它耐辐照、耐高温等恶劣工作环境.作者: 卢小青 作者单位: 江苏华光电缆电器有限公司,江苏,常州,213119 期 刊: 硅谷 Journal: SILICON VALLEY 年,卷(期): 2011, (14) 分类号: TL374 关键词: 核级压力表组件 密封圈 密封性能 电气贯穿件

10、 机标分类号: TL3 TM6 机标关键词: 核电站安全壳 电气贯穿件 压力 检测装置 工作环境 耐高温 耐辐照 表组件 特点3.中文数据库:维普中文科技期刊数据库检索式:(题名或关键词=贯穿件 密封 核电站)*1989-2012,结果为7篇中文期刊研究堆低压电气贯穿件的密封性能刘晓1,2 钱达志1 王明珊1 徐显启1 李军格1 杨军1 张之华1 卢铁城21中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所,四川绵阳621900 2四川大学物理系教育部辐射物理及技术重点实验室,四川成都610064摘要:电气贯穿件的密封性能直接关系着整个反应堆的安全性能。为了使电缆贯通式的电气贯穿件能满足研究堆设计文件的密封

11、性能要求,首先分析了贯穿件筒体和电缆密封的难点,针对遇到的难点,分别采取了法兰挤压硅橡胶板和电缆芯线灌胶密封的方法,对贯穿件的缝隙进行密封。利用氦质谱仪器,对低压电气贯穿件样机和电缆进行了密封检测实验,实验结果表明,电缆贯通式的低压电气贯穿件密封结构能满足研究堆的密封要求。著者文摘关键词:研究堆 低压电气贯穿件 密封分类号:TL374.4著者标引文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-6931(2011)01-0080-04栏目信息:反应堆工程相关文献:主题相关 全文快照Leak Tightness of Low Voltage Electrical Penetration Assembly on

12、Research ReactorLIU Xiao,QIAN Da-zhi,WANG Ming-shan,XU Xian-qi,LI Jun-ge, YANG Jun,ZHANG Zhi-hua,LU Tie-cheng1.China Academy of Engineering Physics,P.O.Box 919-227,Mianyang 621900,China; 2.Key Laboratory for Radiation Physics and Technology of Education Ministry, Physics Department,Sichuan Universit

13、y,Chengdu 610064,ChinaAbstract:The leak tightness of electrical penetration assembly is close connection with the safety of reactor.The cables that are through the electrical penetration assembly are not cut off,so it is difficult to seal the radioactive matter for electrical penetration assemblies

14、and the cables.The methods that the rubber can be metamorphosed with the pressure of flange and that the gap of cables can be filled with especial glue were used to seal the radioactive matter.A serial of tests were done to check the leak tightness of electrical penetration assemblies.The test resul

15、t shows that the sealed structure of electrical penetration assembly can keep integral of the boundary of reactor.著者文摘Key words:research reactor; low voltage electrical penetration assembly; leak tightness收稿日期:2009-11-16修订日期:2010-04-20基金资助:作者简介:刘晓(1976-),男,陕西商南人,助理研究员,博士研究生,凝聚态物理专业匈牙利波克什核电站更换玻璃-金属密封

16、电气贯穿件提升安全水平摘要:匈牙利波克什德国兰茨胡特,2010年9月15日消息匈牙利波克什唯一的核电站在该国的经济发展中扮演者举足轻重的角色。这座核电站拥有四个核反应堆,为全国的能量消耗提供了超过40的能源。据国际原子能机构(IAEA)评测,波克什核电站的运营安全记录已经能与世界顶级核电站媲美。关键词:玻璃-金属密封 核电站 匈牙利 安全水平 国际原子能机构 电气 经济发展 核反应堆分类号:TM623机标4.外文数据库:Web of Knowledge检索表达式:主题=(cable) AND 主题=(Penetration) AND 主题=(Seal) 检索结果: 3Electrochemic

17、al behaviour and corrosion sensitivity of prestressed steel in cement grout 作者: Blactot, E (Blactot, E.); Brunet-Vogel, C (Brunet-Vogel, C.); Farcas, F (Farcas, F.); Gaillet, L (Gaillet, L.); Mabille, I (Mabille, I.); Chaussadent, T (Chaussadent, T.); Sutter, E (Sutter, E.) 编者: DeGiorgi, VG; Brebbia

18、, CA; Adey, RA 来源出版物: Simulation of Electrochemical Processes II 丛书: WIT TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING SCIENCES 卷: 54 页: 267-276 DOI: 10.2495/ECOR070261 出版年: 2007 被引频次: 0 (来自 Web of Science) 引用的参考文献: 14 查看 Related Records 引证关系图 会议: 2nd International Conference on Simulation of Electrochemical Processe

19、s 会议地点: Myrtle Beach, SC 会议日期: MAY 09-11, 2007 会议赞助商: Wessex Inst Technol; WIT Transact Engn Sci 摘要: The durability of prestressed concrete bridges primarily depends on the steel wire cables. Several disorders in these bridges are well known, such as fracture of these cables by stress corrosion crac

20、king due to water penetration in the prestressing ducts. This water can contain various aggressive constituents with respect to corrosion (like chlorides). Its penetration inside the duct is due to the presence of sealing defects of the structure or in the concrete (like cracks). The second category

21、 of defects relates to the cement grout injection, which protects cables. This occurs due to a degradation of the grout in contact with water (problems of bleeding and segregation) leading to brittle fractures of steels. The first step of the study consisted in obtaining a corrosive liquid typical o

22、f a segregated cement paste on which electrochemical tests were done. Electrochemical tests in synthetic solutions defined from a bibliographical study and analysis of real cases of segregated cement grout were also realized. High strength and ordinary steel specimens were used and all the tests wer

23、e mainly done in deaerated conditions. The main results can lead one to consider that, in oxygen free conditions, steel specimens surface can be either in active or passive state. The susceptibility of steels to stress corrosion cracking was determined by the means of models applied to potentiodynam

24、ic polarisation. 入藏号: WOS:000248252400026 文献类型: Proceedings Paper 语种: English 作者关键词: prestressed steel; corrosion; segregation; synthetic solution KeyWords Plus: NAHCO3 SOLUTIONS; CRACKING 通讯作者地址: Blactot, E (通讯作者),Lab Cent Ponts & Chaussees Cellule Mecan & Struct, Paris, France 地址: 1. Lab Cent Pont

25、s & Chaussees Cellule Mecan & Struct, Paris, France 出版商: WIT PRESS/COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS PUBLICATIONS, ASHURST LODGE, ASHURST, SOUTHAMPTON SO40 7AA, ENGLAND Web of Science 分类: Engineering, Multidisciplinary 学科类别: Engineering IDS 号: BGL93 ISSN: 1746-4471 ISBN: 978-1-84564-071-2 翻译:篇名:预应性钢水泥灌浆贯穿件的电化

26、学行为和腐蚀敏感性文摘:预应力混凝土桥梁的耐久性主要取决于钢材电线电缆。这些桥梁的若干种损坏,如电缆因在孔道预应力引起水贯穿件渗透腐蚀所导致的断裂,是众所周知的。这水可以包含各种腐蚀成分(如氯化物)。贯穿件渗透是由管于存在密封缺陷的结构或混凝土(如裂纹)。Detection of a membrane shunt by DC field polarization 作者: Svirskis, G; Gutman, A; Hounsgaard, J 来源出版物: Journal of neurophysiology 卷: 77 期: 2 页: 579-86 出版年: 1997-Feb PubMed

27、 相关文章 摘要: Lower input resistance with intracellular recording, rather than with whole cell recording, usually has been ascribed to a shunt produced by penetration injury. An alternative explanation is a higher input resistance during whole cell recording due to wash-out of cytoplasmatic substances.

28、We have used neuronal polarization at the onset and termination of an applied electric field for shunt detection. An analytical expression was derived for field-induced polarization in a shunted ohmic cable. When the shunt is negligible, the transient response to a step in DC field decays much faste

29、r than the response to current injected through the recording electrode. In the case of a significant shunt an over- and undershoot of the transmembrane potential appear at the shunted end when the field is switched on and off. Over- and undershoot decay with the same slowest time constant as the re

30、sponse to injected current. The results for the cable are generalized for nonuniform fields and arbitrary branching neurons with homogeneous membrane. The field effect was calculated for two reconstructed neurons with different branching pattern. The calculations confirmed the theoretical inferences

31、. The field polarization can be used for shunt detection. The theory was checked experimentally in 18 ventral neurons in transverse slices of the turtle spinal cord. In seven neurons, field-induced under- and overshoots were observed when sharp electrodes were used. This indicates the presence of an

32、 injury shunt. In the remaining 11 neurons, however, there were no under- or overshoots, indicating that a shunt is not always induced. When patch electrodes were used, the seal quality was checked by inducing a spike with a strong field stimulus before and after the rupture of the membrane. When the threshold field strength for spike initiation was not changed by membrane rupture,

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