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1、英文摘要写作训练报告题目: 一. 摘要翻译与分析:Abstract x1-A new noniterative algorithm is proposed to estimate the sampled impulse response of unknown channels. With the proper choice of the training sequence(训练序列), implementation of the proposed channel estimator (估计器)requires only additions and subtractions, i.e., no

2、multiplications or divisions are needed. Moreover, the structure of the estimator is so simple that it can be easily implemented using an ordinary microprocessor with minimal storage.The channel estimate can serve in reducing the effects of intersymbol interference either by the maximum likelihood s

3、equence estimator (MLSE最大似然序列估计器) using the Viterbi algorithm(维特比算法), or by channel equalization with a direct solution to obtain the optimum equalizer taps(抽头). A new procedure for the latter case is proposed here using the Levinson-Trench algorithm for fast start-up (启动)of adaptive equalizers in n

4、oisy environments. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through simulation and it is compared to some of the existing techniques. Computational efficiency is also taken into account. Results of simulation show the superiority (优越性)of the proposed scheme. 摘要翻译: 一个新的不可迭代算法适用于估计在未知频谱的

5、采样冲击响应。通过选择合适的训练序列,频道估计器的操作只需要加法和减法,并不需要乘法,除法。而且,估计器的结构非常简单,所以,它可以简单地通过占内存很小的普通的微型处理而器被使用。 频谱估计可以用于减小码间串扰的影响,无论是通过使用维比特算法的最大似然序列估计器还是通过一个具有直接方法获取最适合的均衡器抽头的频谱均衡器。对于后者的一个新的程序可以在这里使用Levinson-Trench算法而实现适应噪声环境下的均衡器快速启动。上述算法的表现视通过仿真评估的,同时也已经和一些已经存在的技术相比较。计算效率也被考虑进去。仿真的结果显示出了这种方法的优越性。 摘要要素分析:目的:方法:结果:结论:优

6、点点评:Abstract x2The development of an adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR无限脉冲响应) linear equalizer is described. Using discrete time Wiener filtering theory, a closed form(封闭式) for the optimum mean-square error IIR filter is derived. A performance comparison using both minimum and non-minimum phas

7、e channels indicates the complexity/performance advantages inherent in the IIR system compared to an optimum finite impulse response (FIR有限脉冲响应) solution. The minimum phase spectral factorization(谱分解), which is an integral part of the derivation of the IIR equalizer, may be circumvented(设法克服,避免) thr

8、ough the use of a Kalman equalizer such as that originally proposed by Lawrence and Kaufman. The structure is made adaptive by using a system identification algorithm operating in parallel with a Kalman equalizer. In common with (和一样)Luvison and Pirani, a least mean squares (LMS最小均方) algorithm was c

9、hosen for the system identification because the input to the channel is white and hence the LMS algorithm will produce consistent predictable results with little added complexity. A new technique is introduced which both estimates the variance of channel noise and compensates the Kalman filter for e

10、rrors in the estimate of the channel impulse response. Computer simulation results show that the convergence (收敛)performance of this new adaptive IIR filter is roughly equivalent to an FIR equalizer which is trained using a recursive least squares (递归最小二乘)algorithm. However, the order of the new fil

11、ter is always lower than the FIR filter.摘要翻译:自适应的脉冲响应(IIR无限脉冲响应)线性均衡器的发展。通过离散时间维纳滤波理论,可以得到一个封闭式的最佳均方误差IIR滤波器。通过和使用有限脉冲响应的办法比较,在IIR系统内部使用最小和非最小相位频谱预示着复杂性和性能优点。通过使用Kalman均衡器比如被Lawrence和Kaufman所提出的,是为了避免属于IIR均衡器一个整体部分的最小相位谱分解。这个结构体系是为了适应使用识别系统算法同时是有Kalman均衡器。与Luvison和Pirani相同,最小均方误差算法是用于系统是别的,因为频谱的输入是没

12、有干扰的,因此最小均方算法可以产生连续的可预测的结果同时带有一点复杂性。一个新的技术被引进可同时用于估计频谱噪声的变化以及补偿Kalman滤波器在估计频谱冲击响应时的错误。电脑仿真结果显示,这种IIR滤波器和训练使用递归最小二乘算法的FIR均衡器时等价的。然而,新滤波器的命令总是优先级低于FIR滤波器。摘要要素分析:目的:方法:结果:结论:优点点评:Abstract x3An equalizer(均衡器) based on the minimum mean-square error (MSE最小均方误差) criterion(准则), but with direct solution of t

13、he resulting equations, is described. The direct solution is based on the algorithms devised by Levinson and Trench. With the availability of large scale integration (LSI大规模集成化) bipolar(双极的)computing elements, these algorithms are competitive with iterative procedures. A method is considered for the

14、 estimation of the required parameters, and for automatic adaption to a changing channel. It is shown(证明) that the delay can be adjusted to achieve minimum MSE with respect to that parameter. Simulations undertaken show the robust (鲁棒的)performance of the algorithm, and that the equalizer performance

15、 is not adversely (方向相反地) affected by operation in decision-directed mode.摘要翻译:一个基于MSE最小均方误差准则的均衡器,摘要要素分析:目的:方法:结果:结论:优点点评:二. 将下列中文摘要翻译成英文摘要数字滤波技术是数字信号处理的一个重要组成部分,滤波器的设计是信号处理的核心问题之一。根据FIR滤波器的原理,提出了FIR滤波器的窗函数设计法,并对常用的几种窗函数进行了比较。给出了在MATLAB环境下,用窗函数法设计FIR滤波器的过程和设计实例。仿真结果表明,设计的FIR滤波器的各项性能指标均达到了指定要求,设计过程简

16、便易行。该方法为快速、高效地设计FIR滤波器提供了一个可靠而有效的途径。Digital filtering technique is an important part of digital signal processing, the design of the filter is one of the core problems in signal processing.FIR filter is presented according to the principle of FIR filter, the window function design method, and compar

17、es the commonly used several kinds of window function.Is given in the MATLAB environment, use window function method of designing FIR filter and the process of design example.Simulation results show that the design of FIR filters of various performance indicators have reached the specified requireme

18、nts, the design process is simple and easy.The method for quickly and efficiently to design FIR filter provides a reliable and effective way.三. 摘要选择、分析(20选1)1 选题范围:基于随机共振的大频率周期弱信号检测2 中文参考文献列表:1调制与解调用于随机共振的微弱周期信号检测2基于随机共振的微弱信号检测3随机共振应用于大频率周期性弱信号检测4基于随机共振的任意大频率微弱信号检测方法研究5基于调制随机共振大频率信号检测的仿真6随机共振技术在弱信号检

19、测中的应用7随机共振方法在弱信号检测中的应用8基于随机共振进行弱信号探测的实验研究9一种基于随机共振的弱信号检测方法10双稳随机共振在弱信号检测中的应用3.选出的1篇作者 张宇; 赵远; 唐勐; 吕海峰; 孙秀冬;题目随机共振应用于大频率周期性弱信号检测期刊名称哈尔滨工业大学学报 , Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,年份2008卷期11页码1793-1795来稿时间 基金项目(编号)哈尔滨工业大学优秀团队支持计划资助中文摘要 研究了利用随机共振检测强噪声背景下的大频率周期性弱信号.利用时序步进采样将大频率待测周期性弱信号的频率降低,再利用非线

20、性双稳态系统的随机共振强烈压制伴随大频率信号的噪声,同时信号由于其稳定的周期振荡行为从噪声背景下凸现出来.研究结果表明该技术在检测强噪声背景下的大频率周期性弱信号方面具有明显的优势,且能够大幅度地提高利用随机共振检测弱信号的频率.英文摘要Studied using stochastic resonance detection under the background of strong noise frequency weak periodic signal. Using sequential step sampling will be reduces the frequency of the

21、 frequency of weak periodic signal under test, using stochastic resonance of nonlinear bistable system strongly suppressed with the noise of the large frequency signal, the signal at the same time because of their stable periodic oscillation behavior were picked out from the background noise. The re

22、sults show that the technology in detection under the background of strong noise frequency has the obvious superiority weak periodic signal, and can greatly improve the frequency of weak signal using stochastic resonance detection.摘要要素分析目的利用随机共振检测强噪声背景下的大频率周期性弱信号.方法利用时序步进采样将大频率待测周期性弱信号的频率降低,再利用非线性双稳

23、态系统的随机共振强烈压制伴随大频率信号的噪声,同时信号由于其稳定的周期振荡行为从噪声背景下凸现出来结果结果表明该技术在检测强噪声背景下的大频率周期性弱信号方面具有明显的优势,且能够大幅度地提高利用随机共振检测弱信号的频率.结论随机共振能够大幅度地提高利用随机共振检测弱信号的频率.翻译质量评价四. 英译汉摘要翻译(分优秀、良好、中等、及格和不及格)1 选题范围: 2 英文参考文献列表:123456789103 本人翻译英文中文4 同组互评评定者 得分评语改错1)2)3) 五. 题目相关常见词汇总结序号单词音标释义123456六. 常见句型总结1 英文: 中文:七. 根据搜集的资料写一篇该领域内容文章的摘要(英文和中文),要求100字左右。1.本人写作英文中文2. 同组互评评定者 得分评语改错1)八. 写一篇文章介绍如何写好英文摘要(不少于800字),题目自拟。写完后组内评议。评定者 得分评语建议 九. 本次训练的收获和建议

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