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1、中考英语完形填空2009中考英语完形填空专项训练题精选 雷州市杨家中学英语科组 整理:cnyao88(1)Being not far from the sea, London is famous (1)_ its fogs. The worst of them (2) _ on December 4,1952. All movement in the town came to a stop. It was almost impossible to drive or ride in (3)_. The streets which led into the center were filled w

2、ith (4)_ that moved two miles an hour. Soon, however, the traffic was stopped. Being left by their (5)_, the buses and cars stood empty in the streets. Many who usually travel by bus took underground(地铁). But there were (6)_ many people there that the gates had to be closed. Being caught in the fog,

3、 people felt their way along the walls of houses with one hand, while they put out (7)_ in front of them so as (8)_knock against something or somebody.At the Opera House(大歌剧院) they got through the first act of La Traviata before so much fog had spread into the building that the (9)_ could not see th

4、e conductor(乐队指挥).It was a (10)_ fog, indeed, and as many as 4,000 people in London lost their lives.( )1. A. because B. as C. for D. of( )2.A. happen B. happened C. was happened D. happens( )3. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )4.A. carts B. bikes C. trucks D. buses( )5. A. owner

5、B. drivers C. engineer D. passengers( )6. A. such B. so C. quite D. too( )7.A. another B. the others C. the other D. other( )8. A. to B. not C. not to D. dont( )9. A. someone B. drivers C. managers D. singers( )10.A. terrible B. afraid C. terribly D. frightened分析与解答:这是一篇记叙文,描写了伦敦的一场雾灾。全文选择了两个场面说明了雾灾

6、的严重性。1.C, be famous for 是固定搭配。 2. B, 根据后面的时间状语可知,本空用过去时。3. B, 上文的impossible 意思是“不可能”,含有否定含义,故选anything。4. D, 故事发生在1952年,充斥于London 街道的不会是马车,也不会是卡车或自行车,而是bike。5. B, 前面的their 指代的是后面的“the buses and cars” 由此推断出把它们弃之街头的是司机们。6. B, 能和that 搭配的有so 和such, 但such 不能修饰many。7. C, 上文已经提到one hand, 另一只用the other hand

7、。8. C, so as to 是一个固定搭配。9. D, 在歌剧院中表演需要看到指挥的是合唱队的歌手们。10. A, terribly 是副词,而afraid 是表语形容词,frightened 通常用来形容人, 因此选择terrible 修饰名词fog。(2)It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? (1)_ the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind

8、of weather to (2) _ long.Spring can be rainy or windy, (3)_ the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In fact, there (4)_ as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is (5)_ time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can be sunny and ni

9、ce. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, (6)_ trees in the woods and parks changing colour. During autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially on high land and in the north. There are (7)_ very high winds in th

10、is season.January and February are the coldest (8)_ of the year, while the warmest (9)_ often July and August. The difference (10)_ temperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average temperature for winter is about 4.5, and for summer about 15.5. ( )1. A. For B. As C. Beca

11、use D. Since ( )2. A. make B. stay C. change D. take ( )3. A. but B. and C. or D. for ( )4. A. can B. can be C. have D. can have )5. A. the earliest B. the latest C. the worst D. the best ( )6. A. with B. like C. without D. from ( )7. A. also B. too C. either D. as well ( )8. A. seasons B. weather C

12、. months D. monthes ( )9. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )10.A. for B. on C. by D. in分析与解答: 这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述了英国的天气变化情况。1.C. 前面用why来问,当然要用because来回答。2.B. 同一种天气情况在英国是不会持续较长时间的,这是英国天气的主要特征。3.A. 根据前后句义可知这里是一个转折。4.B. 这是一个there be 结构。5.D. 根据下句“The weather can be sunny and nice.”这句话可知夏天是人们度假旅游的最佳时机。6.A. 这里是一个

13、伴随状况,用with 即可。7.A. 用于系词之后,实义动词之前的表示”也”的词是also。8.C. January 和February 是两个月份。9.B. 根据后面的表语July and August可知这里的系词应用复数。10.D. 表示”在某一方面”应用介词in。(3)Many years ago, a man (1)_Wu taught King Wang how to ride horses and how to drive a chariot (马拉战车). (2)_ some time the king started to race against Wu. But no ma

14、tter how many (3)_ the king raced against Wu, Wu always won.The king was (4)_ and said to Wu, “You have taught me how to ride and how to drive a chariot. But I dont think you have taught me everything about (5)_.”“I have taught you (6)_ I know,” (7)_ Wu. “But you have not learned everything. The (8)

15、_ thing about driving a chariot is to think of the horses. The driver of the chariot and the horse should work together. You can then go very (9)_ and drive for long distance, but your problem is this: When you are behind me, you want to (10)_ with me. And when you are (11)_ me, you are afraid that

16、I will catch up with you. (12)_ whether you are in front of me or behind me, you are thinking of me. You are not thinking of your (13)_. If you want to win, you must (14)_ thinking of me, you (15)_ think only of your horse.” ( )1. A. calls B. names C. called D. name ( )2. A. In B. After C. Since D.

17、Before ( )3. A. times B. days C. weeks D. months ( )4. A. happy B. glad C. pleased D. unhappy ( )5. A. playing B. racing C. running D. working ( )6. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing ( )7. A. asked B. told C. answered D. spoke( )8. A. dangerous B. newer C. beautiful D. most important

18、 ( )9. A. slowly B. soon C. fast D. slow ( )10.A. catch up B. do C. talk D. help ( )11.A. beside B. in front of C. near D. next to ( )12.A. So B. But C. Or D. And ( )13.A. cows B. dogs C. pigs D. horses ( )14.A. start B. stop C. keep D. begin ( )15.A. mustnt B. may C. must D. can分析与解答: 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述的

19、是Wu 和King Wang 赛车和赛马的故事,故事给我们讲述了骑马的要领和在赛马中获胜的原因。1.C. 这里用过去分词做定语修饰前边的名词man,意思是“被称做的”。2.B. 只有在学完如何赛车之后才能去和别人比赛。3.A. 这里所指的应该是比赛的次数。4.D. 由于the king总是输掉比赛,所以他肯定是不高兴的。5.B. 国王认为他输掉比赛的原因是Wu没有教给他如何去比赛,因为国王已经学了骑马和驾车。6.A. 根据所给词的词义可知答案。7.C. 很显然这句话是Wu 的回答。8.D. 下面所谈的都是“to think of the horse”的重要性。9.C. 只有人和马保持协调,马才

20、会跑的快。10.A. 比赛中就是互相在赶超对方。所以用短语catch up with 表示这一含义。 11.B. 只有在前面的人担心后面的人会超过他。12.A. 前面讲述的都是原因,这里要用so表示结果了。13.D. 全文说的都是赛马。14.B. 根据Wu 的观点,只有不再考虑人,而去考虑马,才会赢得比赛。15.C. 这里用must显得语气更加坚定。(4)Helen was seven years old. One day one of her teeth began to hurt. She (1)_ in class at school, and her teacher (2)_ kind

21、ly, “Whats the matter, Helen?”“One of my teeth hurts, “answered Helen.“Tell your mother about (3)_, “ said the teacher, “and then go to see the dentist.”That afternoon Helen told her mother about her tooth, and her mother (4)_ her to the dentists a few hours (5)_. The dentist looked at the tooth and

22、 then said to Helen. “Its very (6)_. Im going to pull it (7)_, and then youre going to get a new tooth. It will be as nice as (8)_ next year.” Then he did it with no trouble.The next day Helens teacher asked her about the tooth. She said to her, “Does it (9)_ hurt, Helen?”“I dont know. Youd better a

23、sk the dentist, “Helen answered.“Why?” the teacher asked.“Because the dentist has (10)_ it, “ Helen answered. ( )1. A. cried B. talked C. shouted D. laughed ( )2. A. spoke B. told C. shouted D. asked ( )3. A. her B. him C. it D. them ( )4. A. brought B. took C. put D. got( )5. A. only B. ago C. late

24、r D. before ( )6. A. hurt B. well C. healthy D. bad ( )7. A. on B. in C. out D. off ( )8. A. the other B. the one C. another D. the others ( )9. A. much B. very C. still D. also ( )10.A. kept B. pulled C. done D. thrown分析与解答: 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述的是Helen 因牙痛到医院看牙医而引起的笑话。1.A. 因为牙痛,Helen肯定是在课堂上哭了。2.D. 以为Helen在

25、哭,所以老师一定要问她原因的。3.C. 老师让Helen 告诉她妈妈的是关于她牙痛的事。4.B. 这里使用的是“take somebody to”这一句式,它的意思是”带某人去某地”。5.C. later用在时间段之后表示“在之后”。其他几个词则没有这种用法。6.D. 牙痛一定是牙坏了,这里的bad是用在系词后做表语的。7.C. 因为牙痛,牙医是要把坏牙拔出来的。8.D. the other 指两者中的另外一个;another 指多者中的另一个;the others则指其他所有的。根据这一用法,这里使用the others 最恰当。9.C. 根据所给的四个词的词义可知答案。10.A. 因为牙医

26、把Helen的牙拔掉了,所以Helen认为只有牙医才知道牙痛还是不痛。(5)Our school has a big library. It has many (1)_ on different subjects. Students can read books and newspapers in the (2)_ room. They can also borrow books from the library. But they must (3)_ them on time. If they (4)_ books, they must pay for them. Miss Yang wor

27、ks in the library. She is very helpful and (5)_ to the students.One morning she was (6)_ at the desk when Han Meimei hurried in. She told Miss Yang that she couldnt find the library book “ Harry Potter “(7)_. At that moment, Lucy came into the library with Meimeis library. She (8)_ it in the classro

28、om. Meimei was very (9)_. She thanked Lucy and said that she would be more (10)_ from then on. ( )1. A. books B. pictures C. teachers D. students ( )2. A. meeting B. waiting C. sitting D. reading ( )3. A. give B. return C. lend D. borrow ( )4. A. buy B. leave C. forgot D. lose ( )5. A. bad B. strict

29、 C. kind D. ready ( )6. A. playing B. studying C. sleeping D. working ( )7. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere ( )8. A. left B. found C. bought D. looked for ( )9. A. sad B. happy C. sorry D. angry ( )10.A. helpful B. careful C. thankful D. forgetful分析与解答: 这是一篇记叙文,是节选自初三课本中的一段内容。文章主要介

30、绍了学校图书馆的情况以及Meimei 丢书和情况。1.A. 图书馆里肯定有书籍。2.D. 学生们读书应在阅览室中。3.B. 借了图书馆的书是一定要还的。4.D. 只有把书丢了才要还的。5.C. 根据后面的介词to, 只有kind 可以和它连用,意思是“对某人态度友好”。6.D. 根据文章的意思,当时Miss Yang 肯定是在桌子旁工作。7.C. 这是一句否定句,所以应该用anywhere 。8.B. 书应该是在教室里找到的。9.B. 丢失的书重新被找到,Meimei当然是很高兴的。 10.B. 这次是由于Meimei 的不小心才丢的书,所以今后她会更小心的。(6)Ballpoint pen have made life easier for millions of people. At one time (1)_ did not like their students to (2)_ with them. Perhaps it was too easy. Pens can leak(漏) and it is (3)_ to spill the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.Ladislao Biro (4)_ for a newspaper

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