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小升初英语专项训练及解析there be 结构通用版.docx

1、小升初英语专项训练及解析there be 结构通用版小升初专项训练There be结构基础题一、选择题1There _some grass and some trees in the park.A. is B. are C. be2Is there a park near here ?_A Yes,it is BNo,there is CYes,there is3There _ many trees in the forest.A. is B .am C. are4There are _ tall buildings in the village. A. not some B. no C. a

2、ny5There are _ tall buildings in the village.A. not some B. no C. any6There_ a river in the park. But theres a lake.A. is B. hasnt C. isnt7There are _ tall buildings in the village.A. not some B. no C. any8There a sign over there. It “No littering”.A.are, means, means, mean9There some wate

3、r in the bottle.A. are B. is C. am10There _ toy chicks and flowers on the hat .A. is B. are C. am D. does11 There_two English books in my C.are12There_a juggler and a boy over C.are13There _ a maths test next Monday.A. are B. is C. am14-Is there a mirror in the house? -

4、_.A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it is C. Yes, there are15There _ so many pictures C.are16- Whats in Zhang Pengs bedroom?- _.A. Its a computer. B. I like my bedroom. C. Theres a computer.17There _ some orange juice in the B.are C.has18_ a garden in the picture.A. There is B. The

5、re have C. There has19_ there any apples in the kitchen?A.Have B.Be C.Are20How many computers _ in your classroom?There are two.A.are there B.are you have C.does you have21Is there a dining hall in your school?_A.Yes,there are. B.No,there is. C.Yes,there is.22There _ a ruler and some pencils in the

6、pencil-box.A. be B. is C. are D. has23There_ many lights at the party.A. are B. is C. am24There _ an English party next going to have going to D. will have25_ is the post office from our school?A. How long B. How many C. How far26How many apples _in the box?A. is there B. a

7、re thereC. there are D. there is27 How many apples _ in the box?A. is there B. are thereC. there are D. there is28 How many apples _ in the box?A. is there B. are thereC. there are D. there is29 How many apples _ in the box?A. is there B. are thereC. there are D. there is30There _ some big trees the

8、re many years ago.A. are B. was C. were31There _ an apple and four oranges in the fridge .A. am B. is C. are32 There_much_on the, bread B. is, breadsC. are, bread D. are, breads33There_ much food on the table.A. isB. are C. have34There_no computers or Internet in my time.A. were B. was C.

9、 is35There_no library in my old school.A. were B. was C. is36There _ some milk in the bottle.A. is B. am C. are37There_two glasses of coffee on the B. are C. am38There _a football and four basketballs in the sports hall.A. is B. are C. arent39 any milk in the glass?A. There is B. Are there

10、C. Is there 40Are there _ balls in the classroom? Yes,_. A. some,there are B. any ,there are C.any, there arent二、填空题41用“There are, there is”填空。1)_ many roads in the city.2)_ tall buildings in the city.3)_ a path in the garden.4)_ a school near my home.42用a, an, some, any填空。1) There is _ dress on the

11、 bed.2) Is there _ orange pencil in the pencil box?3)There are _ blue cars in the street.4)Are there _ trees and flowers in the park?43选词填空。is are1)There _ a mirror and a bed in the room.2)There _ two tables and a big closet.3)There _ an apples and two bananas.4)There _ an air- conditioner and two c

12、hairs.5)There _ some flowers in the garden.44用have, has, there is填空。1)We _ a big classroom.2)Mr.Hu _ a bike.3)_ a computer and a lamp on the desk.4) _ a big fridge in the kitchen.5)She _ a good friend.6)_ a pen on the desk.7)提升题一、非选择题45用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)There isnt _(some) juice in the glass.(2)There _(

13、be) an apple tree on the farm.(3)Here are two _(pie) for you.(4)There _(be) some ducks and a chicken by the lake.(5)There _(be) any birds in the tree.46用is或are填空:(1)There _ some soup on the table.(2)There_ a house in the forest.(3)There _ a lot of birds in the forest.47用所给单词的适当形式填空。There _ (be) any

14、birds in the sky.There are 5 basketball _ (play) in every team. There isnt _ (some) knife in the room.There _ (be) a pencil in my pencil box.There _ (be) some flowers and a desk in the room.48用is或are填空。There _ three cups of coffee on the table.There _ many monkeys in the mountain*There _ nothing in

15、the bag.There _ some pencils in the pencil box.There _ a teacher and many students in our classroom.参考答案一、选择题1【答案】A【解析】本句意思是公园里有一些草和一些树,There be句型有一个邻近原则:当两个以上的主语并列出现时,There be与它最近的主语保持数的一致。在本句中,最近的主语是grass,这是不可数名词,没有复数,因此系动词要用单数is,故答案为:A。2【答案】C【解析】句意:这附近有一个公园吗?是的,有一个。这是一个一般疑问句,“there is “句型表示“有”,用作

16、一般疑问句时,把is 提前,那么回答的时候,肯定句要回答Yes, there is;否定句要回答No, there isnt. 很显然,这道题应该选C。3【答案】C【解析】本题考查there be句型,be动词随后面名字的单复数而变化。“Trees”名词复数,故be动词用复数形式“are”,答案为C。4【答案】B【解析】根据题干可知句意是:在村里没有高的建筑。no = not any 所以答案是B。来源:学.科.网5【答案】B【解析】根据题干可知句意为:在村里没有高大的建筑。no后可加名词表示“一个都没有”,no = not any。所以本句还可表达为There arent any tall

17、buildings in the village.6【答案】C【解析】根据but可知前后句意发生转折,由后半句句意“但是(那里)有一个湖”可知前半句句意为“公园里没有河”。有there be,没有there be not.。所以答案为C。7【答案】B【解析】根据题干可知句意为:在村里没有高大的建筑。no后可加名词表示“一个都没有”,no = not any。所以本句还可表达为There arent any tall buildings in the village.8【答案】B【解析】a sign为单数,所以there be句型中be动词用is的形式;第二句主语为it,是第三人称单数,其后动词

18、mean要用单三形式means。所以本题答案为B。句意:那边有个标志。它的意思是“不准扔垃圾!”。9【答案】B【解析】本题考查there be句型。water为不可数名词,所以be动词要用is。句意:瓶子里有一些水。10【答案】B【解析】本题考查there be句型。句意为:帽子上玩具小鸡和花儿。chicks为复数,所以be动词应用are的形式。11【答案】C【解析】本题考查there be句型。two English books为复数,所以be动词用are的形式,故本题答案为C。句意:我书包里有两本英语书。12【答案】B【解析】本题考查there be句型。there be句型遵循就近原则,

19、即be动词的形式由紧跟其后的名词形式来决定,a jugglere为单数,所以be动词要用is的形式,故本题答案为B。句意:在那边有一个变戏法的人和一个男孩。13【答案】B【解析】本题考查there be句型,a maths test一场数学考试,视为单数第三人称,be动词应用is。故答案为B。句意:下周一有一场数学考试。14【答案】A【解析】本题考查there be句型。there be句型一般疑问句的肯定回答为Yes, there is / are. 否定回答为No, there isnt / arent. 本题问句中be动词为is,故肯定回答应为Yes, there is. 故答案为A。1

20、5【答案】C【解析】There be句型表示某处有某物,其中“be”随后面的名词单复数而变化,本题中“pictures”为复数,故答案为C16【答案】C【解析】由题意“张鹏的卧室里有什么?”可知,下文应回答“有”。“There+be”句型表示某处有某物,故答案为C。17【答案】A【解析】本题考查“There+be”句型,“There+be”表示“有”其中be动词随后面的名词单复数而变化,本题中后面的orange juice为不可数名词,故用is。18【答案】A【解析】本题考查“There+be”句型,“There+be”表示“有”其中be动词随后面的名词单复数而变化,本题中后面a garden

21、为单数,故用is。19【答案】C【解析】there be 句型一般疑问句系动词提前,单复数与最近的单词保持一致,apples为可数名词复数,故选C。A项表某人有,不是某地有,排除A;B项be是原形,排除B。句意:厨房里有苹果吗?20【答案】A【解析】某处有某物用there be句型,be动词的单复数取决于最近的名词,computers为复数,故选A.have不能用于某处有某物,排除BC项。句意:你的教室里有几台计算机?两台。规律总结:there be句型用于某处有某物,have用于某人有某物。21【答案】C【解析】问句句首为is,肯定回答为yes,there is。否定回答为No,there

22、isnt,故选C。A项中are应为is,排除A;B项中is应为isnt,排除B。句意:你们学校有食堂吗?是的,有。22【答案】B【解析】该句为there be句型,a ruler为单数,be 用is,故选B。23【答案】A【解析】联欢会上有许多灯。There are+名词复数。24 【答案】B【解析】思路分析:分析句子意思,横线处需要填一个be 动词。名师解析:There be 句型是有的意思,have也是有的意思,在句子里面不能同时出现,所以排除A,D两项。看到next Saturday是下个周六,表示将来的时间,be going to 表示将要后面加动词原形,那么答案为B。C项是一般现在时

23、。句意:下周六将要有一个英语聚会。易错提示:容易误选D,混淆be going to 和have的用法。25【答案】A【解析】邮局离学校多远?26【答案】B【解析】句型:How Many Are There ? 询问可数名词数量。句子结构:how many+可数名词复数+ are there?不过一定要注意: 名词+s , 系动词对应are 。因此当选B.27【答案】B【解析】句型:How Many Are There ? 询问可数名词数量。不过一定要注意: 名词+s , 系动词对应are 。因此当选B.28【答案】B【解析】句型:How Many Are There ? 询问可数名词数量。不过

24、一定要注意: 名词+s , 系动词对应are 。因此当选B.29【答案】B【解析】句型:How Many Are There ? 询问可数名词数量。不过一定要注意: 名词+s , 系动词对应are 。因此当选B.30【答案】C【解析】many years ago 可知是一般过去时,big trees是复数概念,所以选C。31【答案】B【解析】 There be 句型谓语动词使用规则是“就近原则”,也就是离谓语动词最近的是单数就用is ,是复数就用are32【答案】A【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是名词的可数不可数问题。名师解析:bread面包是不可数名词,直接排除B,D. 既然是不可数名词,所以

25、用there is ,故排除C。易错提示:正确区分可数名词和不可数名词。33【答案】A【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是基本用法。名师解析:冠词易错提示:在第一个空容易将“s”当成是辅音音素开头的字母。34【答案】A【解析】There was/were 是there be 句型,be动词的选择要与后面的主语保持一致,谓语动词要遵循“就近原则”,最靠近be动词的主语computers是复数,所以be动词用复数were。35【答案】B【解析】There was/were 是there be 句型,be动词的选择要与后面的主语保持一致,主语library是单数,所以be动词用 单数was。36【答案】A

26、【解析】Some+不可数名词,milk是不可数名词,be动词用is. 选A37【答案】B【解析】coffee是咖啡,是一个不可数名词,但是前面加上two glasses of 意思是两杯,就是复数了,所以there be中的be要用are. 38【答案】A【解析】there be句型就近原则,be动词的使用根据a football来决定,不需要看后面four basketballs,故be动词用is。39【答案】C【解析】milk牛奶,是不可数名词, be动词用is,并且由句尾的问号可知这是一个一般疑问句,故答案为Is there。40【答案】B【解析】.Are there开头是一般疑问句,一

27、般疑问句中some 要改成any,所以第一空填any,are there开头的句子肯定是Yes, there, is . 故答案为B 二、填空题41【答案】1)There are 2)There are 3)There is 4)There is 【解析】1)本题考查“There be”句型,“be”动词随后面的名词单复数变化而变化。本题中“many roads”为复数形式,故“be”动词为are。2)本题考查“There be”句型,“be”动词随后面的名词单复数变化而变化。本题中“tall buildings”为复数形式,故“be”动词为are。3)本题考查“There be”句型,“be

28、”动词随后面的名词单复数变化而变化。本题中“a path”为单数形式,故“be”动词为is。4)本题考查“There be”句型,“be”动词随后面的名词单复数变化而变化。本题中“a school”为复数形式,故“be”动词为is。42【答案】1)a 2)an 3)some 4)4.any 【解析】1)“Is”be动词单数形式,“dress”可数名词单数,故用不定冠词“a”修饰。2)“Is”be动词单数形式,“orange pencil”可数名词单数,“orange”以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词“an”修饰。3)“are”be动词复数形式,“blue cars”可数名词复数,故用“some”修饰。4)“Are”be动词复数形式,“trees”可数名词复数,本句为疑问句,疑问句中“some”变“any”。故答案为“any”。43【答案】1)is 2)are 3)is 4)is 5)5. are【解析】1)There be句型有就近原则的特点,句型中be动词的单复数形式由后面挨近的一项的单复数决定。本题中最近的名词“a mirror”为单数,故be动词用is。2)There be句型有就近原

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