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1、在职研究生考研英语面试话题在职研究生考研英语面试话题2. What do you think of the housing price at the moment? 针对当前的房价,你是怎么认为的?Topic 2. What do you think about happiness index? 你如何看待幸福指数?科学发展观要求经济社会发展与人的全面发展的统一。一个国家把国民幸福指数作为衡量社会发展的重要指标说明大多数社会成员已经开始摆脱基本生存需求的制约而产生了更高层次的需求。 Scientific outlook on development requires the progresse

2、s of economy, society and people. The utilization of happiness index as an important index of society development has showed us most citizens have asked for things of much higher level. People have broken away from the basic existence need.从单纯追求经济发展指标特别是GDP(国内生产总值)到开始关注幸福指数在内的人文社会环境指标、强调社会个体的内在体验和感受

3、,是科学发展的必然结果,也是建设中国特色社会主义的应有之义。重视并用好国民幸福指数,有利于促进经济社会科学发展和人的全面发展。Our country changes the focus from economy index such as GDP to spirit feelings. This is the result of scientific development and building a new socialist countryside with Chinese characteristics. Paying attention to and make good use of

4、 happiness index is good for the compressive development of economy, society and people.Topic 3.你大学毕业后失业了应该怎么办? What will you do if you lose your job after graduation?First, find the reason. If my expectation for job is too high, far from the reality, I will adjust my aim and revaluate my strengths

5、and weaknesses. Find a job which meet my ability.首先,从自身出发找原因。如果我的工作期望太高,远远脱离实际,我会重新调整目标并重估自己的长处跟短处。找到适合自己能力的工作。Whats more, I will take advantage of my experience, whether it is occupation history or college life, to find another job as soon as possible. Even it is just an internship, as long as it i

6、s benefit for my work plan and I will improve myself from it, I will take it.其次,我会利用不论是已有的工作经历还是大学相关经历,尽快找到一份工作。及时只是一份实习工作,只要能够对我的职业规划有利,我能从中提升自己,我就会接受。Last but not least, as we are in an era of information, I will study new knowledge and skills from multi-media such as the Internet and traditional

7、books. There are so many opportunities to be self-employed, maybe I will be a boss and have my own enterprise. 最后,我们生活在一个知识大爆炸的时代,我会通过各种媒体渠道如互联网、传统书籍来学习新的知识和技能。可以自主创业的机会如此之多,或许,我将自己开公司当老板。4.What do you think of Tuyouyou winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine?你如何看待屠呦呦获得诺贝尔医学奖?Well, in the first place, I

8、 think it is an acceptance of Tuyouyous excellent work. The extraction of the medicine has reduced the death rate of malaria patient. It saves millions peoples life. 首先,这是对屠呦呦杰出贡献的一种肯定。药物(青蒿hao素)的提取降低了疟疾患者的死亡率,成功的挽救了很多人的生命。In the Second place, the scientists in China can approach foreigner fellows g

9、reatness. We should be proud of our traditional culture and realize our weakness.其次,中国的科学家可以与国外的同行比肩。我们应以传统文化为荣,并认识到自己的缺点。Lastly, success needs hard work. Nobody can win without any price. Tuyouyou has tried thousands of times before she made it, so never give up easily. 最后,成功离不开辛勤的汗水。没有人可以随随便便成功。屠呦

10、呦在成功之前已经试验了上千种方法,因此不要轻言放弃。 5.What do you think of “Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission”? 你如何看待活到老学到老?Well, I think lifelong learning is very important. If one wants to succeed, he needs to learn new knowledge. In the era of information exploration, people can get new knowledge from

11、 different kinds of media. Once a person ceases/stops to go further, he will fall behind.我认为活到老学到老很重要。如果一个人想要成功,他需要学习新知识。在知识大爆炸的时代,人们可以通过不同的媒体来获取知识。一旦止步不前,就会落后。 Study every day not only enable one to catch up with the time, but also can give one inner peace. Learning can satisfy peoples desire for k

12、nowledge. People can exchange thoughts with the authors by reading.每天学习不仅可以使得一个人与时俱进,也可给予他内心的平静。学习可以满足一个人的求知欲望。人们可以通过阅读来与作者进行思想交流。6. What do you think of the Internet? 对网络,你是如何认为的?The Internet has made the world a global village. More and more people begin to use it. It gives people convenience. Cit

13、izens use it to go shopping or connect with friends. Job hunters use it to find jobs. Students use it to search for literature material. Governments publish policies.网络使得世界成为地球村。越来越多的人开始使用网络。它带给人们便利。市民使用它来网上购物或联系朋友。求知者用它来找工作。学生用它来搜索文献资料。政府通过它发布政策。However, there are also some bad points. Some people

14、fall into the fantasy world. The communications between people become less. Children cannot tell good from bad and some are addicted to it. And there are also some risks and cheat online. For example, people may lose their money if their computers get virus.然而,也有不少缺点。有的人沉迷于虚拟世界中。人与人之间的交流减少了。孩子很难明辨是非

15、,有的沉迷网络。并且网络有许多风险及诈骗。比如,如果电脑中毒,人们可能丢失钱财。In summary, the advantages overweight the disadvantages.总的来说,优大于劣。7. What do you think of the relation between knowledge and practice? 你认为知识和实践的关系是怎么样的?“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it” .Just as this saying shows.就如谚语所说:知识是财富,而实践是打开宝藏大门的

16、钥匙。If we dont have knowledge of a field, we cannot do well in it. For example,a worker can hardly do the job well, if he doesnt know the knowledge. 如果我们没有某一领域的知识,我们很难把相关工作做好。比如,一个员工如果不懂知识,很难把工作做好。In return, if we do not apply what we have known, knowledge alone cant make us succeed. For example, if

17、we only know how to swim, but never jump into the water, we can hardly learn it. 反过来说,如果我们不应用我们所学,知识本身很难使我们成功。比如,如果我们仅仅知道如何游泳,而不跳入水中,很难学会。8. What do you think of inferior quality of products? 你如何看待食品质量低下问题? Well, as far as I know, there are two reasons for this. Some businessmen pursue economic inte

18、rests. They overlook the importance of quality and safety. 据我所知,有两个原因。有的商人片面追求经济利益,而忽视了质量和安全的重要性。Another reason is about the supervision and punishment. We lack relevant policies or cannot carry the rules out.另一个原因与监管和惩罚相关。我们缺少相关的政策或者无法执行这些法律。To deal with this, I think we need a joint effort. Admini

19、stration departments should put eyes on the manufacturing process. Whats more, laws and regulations should be made and implemented. Those who make fake and inferior products should be punished strictly.我认为解决这一问题需要共同合作。监管部门应该监督制造过程。另一方面,国家应该制定并实施法律法规。那些制造假货或低劣产品的人应该受到严厉处罚。 9. What do you think of the

20、 high price now? 你对当下的高物价是如何看待的?Well, I think there are two reasons. For one thing, greed is to be blame. Most companies want to earn more money. For another, the subsidies from the government have reduced. This forced companies to depend on high prices.我认为有两方面的原因。其一,贪婪。多数公司为了盈利。另一方面,国家的补贴减少。这使得公司不得

21、不提价。To deal with this, administration departments should strength supervision on prices. And the government should increase subsidies. 解决这个问题,一方面需要监管部门加大对价格的监督,另一方面政府应该增加补贴。10. What do you think of itinerant worker? 你是如何看待流动工人的?The good thing is the labor force is cheaper. This supports the urban in

22、frastructure construction. It also has bad side. The crime rates may increase, and this will harm social stability. 有利的一方面是劳动力低廉,有助于城市基础设施建设。不利的方面是,犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。11. What do you think of privacy in the Information Age? 处于信息时代,你是如何看待隐私的?To some degree, the Internet removes barriers and provides acce

23、ss to the world. But peoples private lives are also exposed to the public. You never know when you are monitored, whether you are on street or in a hotel. What is a worse, people even lose their money when their bank card passwords and personal information are stolen.某种程度上,互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界链接的途径。但是

24、人们的私生活也暴露在大庭广众之下。你永远不知道什么时候你会被监视,不论是走在大街上还是住在旅店里。更糟糕的是,当人们的银行卡密码跟个人信息被泄露时,他们会丢失钱财。12What do you think of the widening gap between the rich and poor? 你如何看待贫富差距扩大?There are some reasons for this. First, the economic reform allows some person to be rich before others. Second, maybe, the current distrib

25、uting of income is not scientific and reasonable. Third, some businessmen and government officials are dishonest, and they make money by illegal ways. 有以下原因。一、经济改革使得一部分先于其他人变得富裕;二、现有的收入分配制度或许不够科学、合理;三、部分商人和公务员不诚实,违法获取财富。To narrow the gap, the government should help the poor to become rich. And the g

26、overnment officials should be monitored and illegal businessmen should be punished. On the other side, income distribution and income taxation should be reasonable.减小贫富差距,政府应该帮助穷困者致富,监管公务人员,惩治不法商人。其次,收入分配以及收入税收应该合理。13.What do you think women in modern society?你对现代社会中的女性的看法?Women make contribution to

27、 the development, but they still face sex discriminations. In politics, the promotion chance is small. In economy, many women get lower-paid and unpromising jobs. Even do the same jobs, women get fewer salaries than men. It is a long way to go before women earn real equality.妇女为社会的发展做出了贡献,但是仍然面对着性别歧

28、视。政治上,升职机会少;经济上,工资低、工作没有前途。即使是相同工作,收入也不如男人。妇女要获得真正的平等将是一场长期而艰巨的斗争。 14. What do you think of the relationship between success and wealth? 你如何看待成功和财富的关系?Well, wealth can be a sign of success, but success is more than money. Some other things also lead to success, such as knowledge, creativity, friends

29、hip, honor, social status, health, happy family. A rich man is unnecessarily a successful man. Poets in the ancient time dont have money, but they pursue spiritual wealth. They are remembered by the public forever. So, you can say they are successful even they are poor in material. A teacher achieve

30、s success, when he cultivates many elites for the society.财富是成功的标志之一,但是成功不仅仅意味着金钱。其他的因素也可使人成功:知识、创造力、友谊、荣誉、社会地位、健康、快乐的家庭。一个有钱的人不一定是成功的人。古代诗人虽没有钱,但是他们追求精神的富裕。他们为后来人所铭记。因此,你可以说虽然他们物质上贫穷,但是他们依然是成功的。一个教师为社会培养出许多精英,那么他就是成功的。15. How to retain traditional Chinese culture? 如何保留中国传统文化?Many traditional cultur

31、es are at danger. Firstly, many hand skills are fading out due to the advanced technology and industrialization. Secondly, many teachers dont teach their students all the skill for fearing competition. At last, the impact of western culture such as Valentines Day, Christmas Day.许多中国传统文化面临消失。首先,许多手艺因

32、为先进的技术和工业化而消失;其次,许多师傅因为害怕“教会徒弟饿死师傅”而不把所学倾囊相授;最后,西方文化如情人节、圣诞节的冲击。First, we should be familiar with traditional cultures. Second, the government should enforce advertising and give workers holidays at festivals. Third, find art workers and record their works, encourage the young to study their crafts.首先,我们应该对传统文化要熟悉。其次,政府应该加强宣传并在节日给与员工假期。 最后,找到手工艺人并记录他们的作品,鼓励年轻人学习他们的手艺。16.What do you think of on campus students getting married? 你如何看待在校大学生结婚?The government allows them to do so before they complete their courses. But I dont think this should be advocated. For their main duty is to st

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