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必修二 Module 3 Music.docx

1、必修二 Module 3 Music 必修2 3单元一、重点单词【单词学习】 1. lose vt. (lost, lost ) 丢失;丧失;损失;迷失;错过【例句】He lost his wallet yesterday when he was in a crowded bus. 昨天他在拥挤的公交车上丢失了钱包。Having lost his father, Roy became very unhappy.失去了父亲,罗伊变得非常不开心。The company lost heavily because of wrong judgment.因为判断失误,公司损失惨重。As we got in

2、to a forest, we lost our way.进入森林后我们迷路了。lost the last sentence of his speech.我错过了他演讲的最后一句。【拓展】(1)lost adj. 失去的;丧失的;迷失的(一般作定语和表语)the lost dog(2)become/be lost in 陷入(3)lose interest in 对失去兴趣 (4)be/get lost(=lose ones way)迷路【例句】Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.陷入沉思,他差点撞上前面的车。

3、Only then did I find that I got lost in the forest.只有那时我才发现我在森林里迷路了。【考题链接】1. What made you so worried?_ my bike. A. Because of losing B. Losing C. I lost D. Both B and C答案:B解题思路:句意:什么使你这么焦急?我的自行车丢了。根据What made you so worried?可知what作主语,那么答句也必须能作主语,故选B,C项是句子,所以不对。2. The visit of the police was connect

4、ed with the _ child. A. lost B. losing C. to lose D. being lost答案:A解题思路:句意:警察的到来和这个走失的孩子有关。lost用作形容词作定语,意为:丢失的,丧失的,迷失的。2. compose vt. 创作(乐曲、诗歌等); 为谱曲【例句】He teaches music and also composes.他教音乐, 也作曲。【拓展】compose vt. 组成, 构成be composed of由组成(通常用于被动语态)【例句】Twelve doctors and ten nurses composed the medica

5、l team. 12名医生和10名护士组成了这支医疗队。What is water composed of? 水由什么构成?【考点】be made up of/be composed of/consist of表示“整体”由“个体”组成。注意:consist of不能用于被动语态。【例句】Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.=Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.=Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧组成的。【考题链接】 Toms team is _ 55

6、 players while Marys _ 70 players.A. composed of; makes up B. consisted of; makes up ofC. made up; consists of D. made up of; consists of答案:D解题思路:句意:汤姆的队由55名队员组成而玛丽的由70名队员组成。be made up of/be composed of/consist of表示“整体”由“个体”组成。3. tour vt. 旅行, 游历; 进行巡回演出,比赛等 n. 旅行, 观光; 巡回比赛演出等【例句】The music group is t

7、ouring Spain this week. 这支乐队这周正在西班牙巡回演出。The scientist is in the United States on a speaking tour. 这位科学家正在美国进行巡回演说。【辨析】journey, trip, tour, traveljourney一般指较长时间或较长距离的旅行,还可指“旅程;行程”,为可数名词。trip大都指往返的旅程,尤指娱乐性的短途旅行。在美语中指包括搭乘短程交通工具以及徒步远足的所有旅行;在英国通常指短程的观光旅行,为可数名词。travel泛指一切旅行,属不可数名词,但travels可用于指“长期旅行;海外旅行;游

8、历”。不及物动词,意为:旅行;长途旅行。tour指为考察,观光等巡回各地的旅行;周游;参观,可数名词。及物动词,意为:旅行, 游历; 进行巡回演出,比赛等。【考题链接】1. 用tour, journey, travel, trip 填空Perhaps youll write a book about your .She went on a long .We had a to the coast last Saturday.He is planning a of the world.答案:travels, journey, trip, tour2. If they win the final t

9、onight, the team are going to _ _the city. A. tour B. journey C. trip D. travel答案:A解题思路:句意:如果今天晚上他们赢得比赛,这个队将会周游这个城市。journey和trip一般不作动词用;而D一般作不及物动词。故选A。4. influence n. & vt. 影响力,影响【例句】The weather this summer influences the rice crops. 今年夏天的天气影响稻谷的收成。【拓展】(1) have an influence on 对有影响(2) have influence

10、 over/with 对有影响力(3) under the influence of在影响下(4) influential adj. 有影响力的【例句】This is certainly having an influence on the live sports events themselves.这肯定会对现场直播的体育赛事本身有影响。Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.她的父母对她不再有任何的影响力了。Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.墨子是另一位很

11、有影响力的先哲。【辨析】effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人留下的)印象 affect vt. 影响, 感动, 侵袭, 假装(一般是不好的影响) influence n. 影响, 感化, 势力, 有影响的人(或事) vt.影响, 改变 (对某人/某事产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响)【例句】Early people had very little effect on the environment.早期人类对环境没有多少影响。Staying away so long from office will affect promotion. 长期离职会影响晋级。【考题

12、链接】1. Violent programmes on TV may have a bad_ on children.A. affect B. pressure C. influence D. impression答案:C解题思路:句意:电视上的暴力节目可能对孩子有不良影响。affect一般作动词用;pressure“压力”和impression“印象”不符合题意;故答案为C。2. The economy crisis has seriously _ German exports. A. affected B. influenced C. infected D. governed答案:A解题思

13、路:句意:经济危机给德国出口造成了严重的影响。affect “影响”,尤指不好的影响;influence“影响”;infect“传染”;govern“统治”5. record vt. 记录;记载;把(声音、景象等)录下 n. 记录;记载;履历;唱片【例句】You can take your pick and I will record them for you. 你可以挑选,我将为你录制。Try to keep a record of everything you eat this week.尽量记录下本周你吃的所有东西。The singer has just made a record.这名

14、歌手刚刚录制了一张唱片。The youth has a good record, so he will be employed by the company.这个年轻人有良好的履历,所以他会被这家公司录用。【拓展】keep a record保持纪录 break a record打破纪录 set a record 创立纪录 make/keep a record of 记录 【例句】Sun Yang won Mens 1500m freestyle champion in the 2012 London Olympic Games and broke the record.孙杨在2012伦敦奥运会

15、上赢得了1,500米自由泳冠军并且打破了纪录。【考题链接】1. Do you mind if I _ your lecture? Never mind. Go ahead.A. record B. write C. keep D. own答案:A解题思路:句意:你介意我录制你的演讲吗?不介意,录吧。record录制;记录;write写;keep保持;own拥有。2. Ye Shiwen broke the record that she _ by herself. A. set B. kept C. made D. had答案:A解题思路:句意:叶诗文打破了自己创造的纪录。set a reco

16、rd创造纪录;keep a record保持纪录;make a record录制唱片。6. mix vt. 使混合 【例句】 She mixed flour and milk together.她把面粉和牛奶混合起来。If you mix red and yellow, you will get orange.将红色和黄色混合,你会得到橙色。【拓展】 (1) mix up 弄乱;使混乱;混淆(2) mix A with B=A is mixed with B 把A与B混合(3) be/get mixed up 弄糊涂了,搞乱了(4) mixture n. 混合物【例句】 We should f

17、irst mix up flour and water.我们应当先把面粉和水搅匀。I dont like to mix business with pleasure.我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混在一起。She felt a strange mixture of excitement and fear.她产生了一种既兴奋又害怕的奇怪感觉。【考题链接】A cold rain was falling, _ with snow, causing heavy traffic jams.A. mixing B. mixed C. to mix D. having mixed答案:B解题思路:句意:一场夹杂着雪的

18、冰冷的雨正在下着,造成了交通堵塞。本题考查非谓语动词。也可看做是考查固定词组:be mixed with与相混合。此句的正常语序为A cold rain mixed with snow was falling【即学即练】1. He the lecture given by the famous professor.A. did B. made C. recorded D. listened答案:C解题思路:句意:他录下了那位著名教授所做的演讲。record此处用作动词,意为“录音”,符合题意。listen为不及物动词,后接宾语时需要加to。2. The new plan three parts

19、, each of which is very important. A. composes of B. is composed of C. makes up D. makes up of答案:B解题思路:句意:这项新计划由三部分组成,每一部分都至关重要。be composed of.由组成(相当于be made up of)。故答案为B。3. Pop music is such an important part of society that it has even our languages.A. changed B. composed C. effect D. influenced答案

20、:D解题思路:句意:流行音乐在社会中起着如此重要的作用以至于影响了我们的语言。influence“影响”可为动词,符合题意。change“改变”;compose“作曲,创作”不合句意;而effect“影响”为名词。4. Li Hua forgot all about the dog and the TV set, in the new magazine that had come.A. deeply lost B. deeply losing C. was deeply lost D. and deeply lost答案:A解题思路:句意:由于李华沉迷于新杂志,所以忘记了狗和电视。考查非谓语动

21、词。deeply lost为过去分词作状语,表示原因,其逻辑主语为Li Hua。5. She spent four weeks which she could afford _around the country, promoting her new album.A. to tour B. had toured C. touring D. having toured答案:C解题思路:句意:她尽力花了四周的时间在全国巡演,推销她的新专辑。考查固定结构。spend time(in) doing sth.花(时间)做某事。“spent four weeks touring around the co

22、untry”表示“花了四周的时间在全国巡回演出”。句中which she could afford是定语从句,修饰four weeks。故答案为C。6. _red paint with blue paint, you will get another beautiful paint of different colours.A. Mixed B. Mixing C. Mix D. To mix答案:B解题思路:句意:将红染料和蓝染料混合在一起,你就会得到颜色不同的另一种漂亮的染料。考查非谓语动词。主语是you,与动词mix是逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故答案为B。二、重点短语【短语

23、学习】1. be known/famous as 作为出名,以出名【例句】He is known to most people as a good actor.大多数人都知道他是名好演员。【拓展】(1) be known / famous for 因而出名(2) be known to sb. 为所知,所了解(3) It is (well) known that sb. = sb. be known to do sth. 众所周知(4) As we all know 众所周知【例句】Hangzhou is known for its beautiful scenery.杭州因其美景而出名。It

24、 is known (to all) that he has written many poems.=He is known to have written many poems.As we all know, he has written many poems.众所周知,他已经写了不少诗歌。【考题链接】The city of Auckland is known _ the City of Sails.A. for B. as C. because D. due to答案:B解题思路:句意:奥克兰作为帆船之都而闻名。be known as作为而闻名;be known for因而闻名2. cha

25、ngeinto (把)变成【例句】Water is changed into steam by heat.水因热而变成蒸汽。【拓展】 (1)change for (用)换;改变 (2)change sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 (3)get changed 换装(4)change n. 变化;零钱 (5)for a change 为了改变一下;为了换换口味 (6)in change 在变化【例句】 He went back to the shop and changed that shirt for a larger one.他返回商店把那件衬衣调换成一件大一些的。He chan

26、ges letters with a foreign friend.他与一位外国朋友通信。 Change happens all the time. 事物总是不断变化的。The Smiths are moving to France for a change of scenery.史密斯一家为了改变一下环境,正把家搬到法国去。【考题链接】根据汉意完成句子Many years passed and the village _.(现在变成了一个繁华的城镇)答案:has now changed into a busy townLet us have seafood _.(换换口味)答案:for a

27、change3. be impressed with/by/at 对印象深刻【例句】I was deeply impressed by/at/ with his performance.他的表演给我留下极深的印象。【拓展】(1) impress sb. 给某人留下印象(2) impress sth. on/upon sb. =impress sb. with sth. 使铭记(3) impression n. 印象;感觉(4) have/make a impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象(5) impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的【例句】My father i

28、mpressed the importance of work on me.= My father impressed me with the importance of work. 父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。What impressed me most is his performance.最使我印象深刻的是他的演出。They say that first impressions are very important. 据说第一印象很重要。All of these are impressive achievements. 所有这些都是令人钦佩的成就。【考题链接】 1. I am very i

29、mpressed _ the kindness and romance of Frenchmen. A. with B. of C. on D. about答案:A 解题思路:句意:法国人的善良和浪漫给我留下了极深的印象。be impressed with/at/by 对印象深刻。2. My first impression _ Mrs Zhang was that she was nervous and shy.A. for B. on C. of D. by 答案:B 解题思路:句意:张老师给我的第一印象是她紧张害羞。对某人的印象用介词on。4. go deaf 变聋【例句】As he g

30、rows older and older, he begins to go deaf.随着年龄渐长,他开始变聋了。【拓展】go(变成)的短语1. go +adj. 常用于表示进入某种不好的状态go bad 变质 go mad 变疯go pale 变苍白 go hungry 挨饿go blind 变瞎 go green 变绿go wrong 变坏 go crazy 变得疯狂He went red with anger. 他气得脸通红。The old man went blind. 这个老人变瞎了。His friends helped him to go wrong. 他的朋友把他带坏了。2. go +adv. 常表示某种结果The exhibition went well. 展览进行得很顺利。【辨析】become, get, grow, turn, go(1) “go+形容词”多表示“(从好的状态)变成坏的状态”,go后面的表语为mad,crazy,blind,lame或表示颜色的形容词时,go前面的主语一般为人。 Hear

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