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1、商务英语培训讲义,翻译部分主讲:王英明,第一部分、国际商务和商务英语,1.国际商务 国际商务是指跨越国界的各种商业活动,包括商品、劳务(如技术、熟练劳动、运输)、资本等任何形式的经济资源的国际传递。国际商务有国际贸易和国际投资两种最主要的形式。就国际贸易的内容而言,包括货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权,服务贸易包括通讯、运输、分销、教育、旅游、建筑、娱乐、保险等。无论是什么形式的国际商务,其本质都是各国之间的商业交易活动,其根本的目的在于盈利。,2.商务英语 广为接受的“商务英语”概念是,商务英语实际上就是商务环境中应用的英语,它是专门用途英语(ESP)的一种。因此,商务英语也就是从事或将要从事商


3、和书面)类型不断增加,因而也构成了一个开放的体系。,第二部分、翻译概述,1.“通天塔”的故事 圣经旧约上说,人类的祖先最初讲的是同一种语言。他们在底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间,发现了一块异常肥沃的土地,于是就在那里定居下来,修起城池,建造起了繁华的巴比伦城。后来,他们的日子越过越好,人们为自己的业绩感到骄傲,他们决定在巴比伦修一座通天的高塔,来传颂自己的赫赫威名,并作为集合全天下弟兄的标记,以免分散。因为大家语言相通,同心协力,阶梯式的通天塔修建得非常顺利,很快就高耸入云。上帝耶和华得知此事,立即从天国下凡视察。上帝一看,又惊又怒,因为上帝是不允许凡人达到自己的高度的。他看到人们这样统一强大,心

4、想,人们讲同样的语言,就能建起这样的巨塔,日后还有什么办不成的事情呢?于是,上帝决定让人世间的语言发生混乱,使人们互相言语不通。,2.翻译理论“信、达、雅”严复“化境”钱钟书“神似”傅雷“忠实、通顺、美”林语堂“等值论”Eugene.Nida“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”Peter.Newmark“翻译目的论”Reiss、Vermeer&Nord“关联理论”Sperble Wilson“解构主义”Venutii,“翻译目的论”是从翻译行为目的性出发的一种翻译理论。该理论的核心原则是“目的准则”:“任何翻译行为都是由翻译的目的决定的。该理论认为:只要能达到翻译的目的,对原文既可以采用逐字直译的方法,

5、也可以采用完全改写的方法,或者采用介于两者之间的任何翻译策略。而评价一篇译文的优劣,并非是看它对原文的等值程度(equivalence,包括功能等值),而是看它对于翻译目的的“适宜性(adequacy)”,即是否有助于在译语情境中实现译文的预期功能。,3.商务英语翻译 1).商务英语翻译的形式与内容 相对口译来说,商务英语翻译对笔译的要求更为准确严谨、更注重文本形式、更符合商业规范。商务英语语篇翻译就口头形式来说,可以是一次商务演讲、一次电话推销、一段欢迎辞、一次面对面的谈判、一句电视或广播中的广告语等等;就书面形式来说,则可能是一封商业书信、一份商业报告、一份企业策划案、一份招标文件等等。大

6、到一份合同,小到一句书面广告语,甚至于仅由一个词构成的商标、商号,只要能够在商务场合中表达完整的语义、具有特定的商务功能,都属于商务语篇的范围。,2.商务英语翻译的性质与目标 目的论主张“翻译行为所要达到的目的决定其翻译所要采取的方法策略”。因此,准确把握商务英语翻译性质可以为商务英语翻译的标准提供指导性原则。商务英语翻译的具体性决定了方法策略的运用,而评价其翻译的标准就在于是否达到了商务语篇在目的语中应达到的目的,也就是商务文本的功能是否得到充分发挥。,3.商务英语翻译的程序 翻译过程是语言转换过程、信息传递过程、心理转换过程,翻译程序则是从译者角度来解释翻译过程的具体操作程序,翻译的要素是

7、翻译过程中所涉及的主要因素。我们认为,商务英语的翻译过程基本包括:分析理解转换表达校译等五个阶段。,分析阶段:在翻译商务类英语之前,必须对文本类型、源语作者意图、文本的功能进行分析。e.g.This Bill of Lading shall be issued in a negotiable form,so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder by endorsement of this B/L.分析:这段文字属于运输单据上的关于业务说明的文字,具有规定业务的性质。译文:所签发的提单应为可转让的,故只要在提单上背书,便确定

8、了货物和持票人的所有权。,e.g.Floating policy is of great importance for export trade;it is,in fact,a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended.分析:此句属于外贸业务领域,floating policy指用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证,常译为“统保单”。也可译为:“总保险单;流动保险单;船名未定保险单;船名未定保险单流动保险单;长期有效保险单”译文:统保单对出口

9、贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的办法,特别适合于分不同的时间出口的一批类似货物。,e.g.Wed like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week and please confirm it ASAP so that we can start our mass production.分析:此句中confirm的就是其一般意义“确认”。译文:很高兴通知您,我们的回样将于本周通过敦豪速递给您,请尽快确认,以便我们开始大批生产。,理解阶段:经过文本类

10、型的分析,才能对文本内容有正确的理解。比如外贸谈判信息中常常涉及到外贸业务术语,很多术语在不同的业务环节中具有不同含义,这是就需要对业务环节的背景准确理解。转换阶段 从理解到表达,需要经过转换阶段,翻译过程的本质就是语言和心理的转换。转换过程本身就是一个选择和解决问题的过程。表达阶段 思考与选择的结果将落实到语言的表达上,这就是表达阶段。,校译阶段 由于商务语篇的复杂性与商务翻译责任的重大型,商务翻译的译文更需要非常慎重的对待,以免因误译造成业务的重大损失。校译时,一般应注意下列问题:人名、地名、日期、方位和数字;英语原文的词与句有无错译漏译,信息传递是否完整;译文中有无译错或表达不够准确的句

11、子、词组或词汇;有无错别字;标点符号是否有误。,第三部分、模拟翻译试题,Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and write the Chinese version on the Answer Sheet.61.Thank you for your Sales Contract No.4845 in duplicate.Weve signed and enclosed one copy for you file.The relevant L/C has been issued by the Bank of China

12、,New York Branch Upon receipt of the said,please arrange shipment and inform us by cable of the name of vessel and the date of sailing.感谢贵方寄来第4845号销售合同一式两份。我方已签并寄回一份以供你方存档。有关信用证已由中国银行纽约分行开出,收到后请即安排装运,并电告船名及开航日期。(此题系考试中心提供的翻译模拟试题),商务礼仪模拟试题Our Export Manager,Mr Wang Yi-min is now in Europe.He is plann

13、ing to wind up his visit to the Continent and leave Paris for London on Aug.21.There he will visit your company and discuss with you how to enlarge our trade.译文:我公司出口部经理王一民先生目前正在欧洲访问,他准备8 月21 日访问结束后离巴黎前往伦敦访问贵公司,洽谈扩大业务问题。,We have the pleasure to inform you that our technical manager,Mr D.Daly,is visi

14、ting your country at the beginning of October to explore the possibility of expanding our trade.Mr Daly will be delighted to meet with your industrial departments concerned and exchange views with them.This,we are sure,will be useful to the expansion of our future cooperation.Please let us have your

15、 specific arrangements.译文:兹通知贵公司,我公司技术部Mr D.Daly拟于10月初前往贵国访问,探讨扩大贸易的可能性。Daly先生在贵国期间希望同有关工业部门会见并交换意见。我们相信这对扩大双方今后的合作是有益的。请贵方提出关于具体安排的意见。,I had the honor to meet with Mr White on our delegations last visit to Britain in 1980.译文:我代表团1980年访问英国时,我曾有幸会见过怀特先生。On(At)the invitation of the Textiles Corporatio

16、n,Mr Black,General Manager of the ABC&Co.has arrived in Beijing for a four-day visit.译文:ABC&Co.总经理布莱先生,应纺织品公司的邀请,已到达北京,进行为期四天访问。,Visitors are requested to show their tickets.译文:请参观者出示参观券。As requested by you,we have had the draft contract ready for your consideration.译文:我们已按贵方要求准备好合同草案,请贵方考虑。Mr Zhang

17、,the Commercial Counsellor,is delighted to accept the invitation of the Coventry manufactures to spend the weekend with them.译文:商务参赞张先生高兴地接受Coventry厂商的邀请,同他们一起度周末。I was glad of his company on the long journey.译文:在漫长的旅途中,我很高兴有他作伴。,The pleasure is mine to have been able to help you.译文:能给您帮点忙,对我来说是很愉快的

18、。I regret being unable to come to your Embassys reception on March 21.译文:我很遗憾未能参加贵国使馆3月21日举行的招待会。Our foreign Trade Minister will give a banquet in honor of H.E the Minister on March 2,at 8 p.m.译文:我国对外贸易经济合作部部长订于3月2日晚八时为部长先生阁下举行宴会。The London Export Corporation thank the Chinese Export Commodities Fai

19、r for their invitation to the autumn fair,1980 and are delighted to accept.译文:伦敦出口公司感谢中国出口商品交易会1980年秋季交易会的请帖,并愉快地接受邀请。,On behalf of my colleagues here present and in my own name I extend my warm welcome to Mr and Mrs Black and wish them a happy stay in Beijing.Ever since the early fifties,there have

20、 been close business contacts between the Aluminum Alloy Co.and my corporation.The current visit of Mr and Mrs Black will surely promote further our business relations and contribute to the further development of the trade relations between our two countries.I propose a toast,To the health of Mr and

21、 Mrs Black,To the further development of the Trade relations between our two countries,andTo the health of all the friends and comrades here present!,译文:请允许我代表在座的同事们向Black先生和夫人表示热烈的欢迎,并祝他们在北京过得愉快。The Aluminum Alloy.Co.和我公司从五十年代初期以来,一直保持着密切的业务往来,Black先生和夫人这次前来访问,对我们之间的业务关系,将会起到推动作用,从而对两国贸易关系的进一步发展做出贡

22、献。我提议:为Black先生和夫人的健康,为两国贸易关系的进一步发展,为在座的朋友们,同志们的健康,干杯!,往来业务信件We learn from your Embassy that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile machines.As there is a demand here for high quality knitting machines,we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue,with deta

23、ils of your prices and terms of payment.It would be most helpful it you could also supply information concerning the types of fabric to be processed and the types of yarn.译文:我们了解到贵公司生产并出口各种纺织品机械,现我处对高级针织机有需求,请寄我公司一份带插图的商品目录,并详列价格和支付条件,同时请将机器加工纺织品的种类和使用棉纱的型号列明。(询价),We enclose some brochures to illust

24、rate the types of machines we manufacture.We have already sold some of those machines to China and are now represented there by the Engineering Export Ltd,Beijing.May we suggest that you contact that company directly.We think the firm may be able to supply you with more quotations for a wider range

25、of machines,including the knitting machines you requested.译文:随函附送我公司制造的各类纺织机械的小册子,其中一些机械已销往贵国,北京机械出口公司是我公司目前在中国的代表。建议你们同该公司直接联系。相信该公司能提出更多的各种机械的报价,包括针织机报价在内。(询盘回复),Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and,as I am sure you know,we operate in a highly competitive market in which we

26、have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum.We wish we could lower our prices but unfortunately we cannot do so.译文:我方的报价已考虑到大批量订货的因素。相信你公司了解我们是在一个竞争十分激烈的市场上经营销售业务,因而已经不得不把利润减到最低限度。我们也希望能再降些价,但令人遗憾的是确实无法做到。(拒绝降价要求),We thank you for your quotation of 3 October and the sample garments you sent us

27、.We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the following:译文:感谢你公司10月3日报价和服装样品,我公司对你方服装的质量和价格均感满意,现提出订货如下;,We regret very much that it is necessary to complain about the non-delivery of the 10,000 tons of sugar under Contract BC 23.In the above contra

28、ct,the importance of delivery by the end of April is stressed.Failure to receive the sugar on time is causing serious inconvenience to the users.We,therefore,trust that you will look into the matter and let us know when the sugar can be expected.译文:我们很遗憾必须就第号10,000吨食糖合同未交货一事提出申诉。上述合同中强调了4月底前交货的重要性,现

29、因不能按时收货使用户感到极大的不便。为此,敦请你公司对这一问题进行了解,并将食糖预计发货时间告我公司。(抱怨),We were surprised to learn from your letter of 30 April that the 10,000 tons of Sugar have not reached you.The sugar was dispatched by rail on 28 April from Guangzhou and should have reached you the same day.We very much regret the delayed deli

30、very and the inconvenience it is causing you.We have already taken up the matter with the railway authorities at this end and as soon as we have any information we will fax you.Meanwhile,may we suggest that you make similar enquiries at your end.译文:你公司4月30日来函提到10000吨食糖尚未运到,令人诧异。这批食糖系于4月28日由广州铁路发运,应于

31、当日运到你处。对于到货迟延给你方造成不便,我公司深感遗憾。现已同此间铁路部门进行联系,一俟有了消息,当立即通知你公司。同时,建议你方也在当地进行查询。(申诉回复),We have ten cases of art goods at the above address ready for dispatch to London,and shall be glad if you will arrange for your shipping container to collect them.Each case weighs 40 kgs.As the L/C of our client stipul

32、ates that shipment be not later than 8th August,please quote us for a shipping container from Xingang to London before that deadline(最后期限).Your early quotation will be appreciated.译文:我公司有10箱工艺品(每箱40公斤)在上述地址备妥,准备运往伦敦,不知你公司能否安排海运集装箱来接运。我客户信用证规定发货装运不得迟于8月8日。因此,请报在此期限内由新港至伦敦集装箱海运运价,并请尽早报价。(运输询价),The shi

33、pping containers we provide are of two sizes,namely 10 ft.and 20ft.long and built to take loads(装载)up to two to four tons respectively.They can be opened at both end,thus making it possible to load and to unload at the same time.They are both watertight and airtight and can be loaded and locked at the factory,if necessary.译文:我公司集装箱有两种尺寸:一种为10英尺长,另一种为20英尺长,分别装2-4吨货。集装箱两面开门,可同时进行装卸。集装箱密封不漏水,必要时,并可在工

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