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1、英语必修五课本答案英语必修五课本答案英语必修五课本答案【篇一:人教版英语必修 5练习题及答案解析】1read ing Ian guage pointsgreat scie ntistssection II warming upI 品句填词1. the n eed to com muni cate is a key ( 特征)of huma nsociety.2. i don t know who sent the gift , but i ll make some (询问) will be ( 扌旨示)where to go as soon as the planeis ready

2、 active attitude towards life can help people deal withwhatever ( 挑战)they may come across in daily life.5.what made you ( 怀疑)your best friend of havingtaken your n ecklace?6.she tried every means to ( 改正)her child of the badhabit.I .选词填空 attend on ; be absorbed in ; expose ; draw a conclusion ;

3、 cure1 . we d better discuss together before .2 . i the book just nowand did n t no tice youen ter the room.3.the doctor me of my illness , and i wasvery tha nkful to him.4.dr.martin himself the sick man last night.5.they consider it almost a crime to children to violenee and sex on tv. 山.单项填空1. (20

4、11年山东实验中学高二检测 )no one has anythingbetter tha n the pla n now un der con siderati on.a. put up with b . come upc . put forward d . come up to2. (2011 年合肥 168 中学高二检测)mary thought highly of thepainting , but to mr.smith s eye the painting wasterrible.a. eagerb . extrac. exactd . expert3. (2011 年白鹭洲高二检测

5、)her pale face suggested that she badly ill and i suggested she to hospital without delay.a . be ; should be sent b . was ; be sentc . be ; was sentd . was ; was sent4. (2009 年高考山东卷)so sudden that the enemy hadno time to escape.a . did the attackb . the attack didc . was the attackd . the attack was

6、5 . she was so knocking at the her job that she did nt hear anybodya. attracted b . absorbed.draw nd . focusedin character.both ; andb . neither ; nornot only ; but alsod . either ; ormr.gree n stood up in defe nee of the 16-year-old boy, say ing that he was not the one.blamedb .

7、blame d . to be blamed.don t forget to phone me whe n you get home.just to let mei won t forget.gbpel then.8know you ve arrived safely.with pleasureit s kind of you.don t men tio n it.have a nice tripshe is very lovely and has a pair of big eyes.a . what do you think of susa nb . what does susa n lo

8、ok likec . how is susa nd . what is susan10 . the food and agriculture organization says more than forty billio n dollars a year n eeds to be in vested in agriculture to world hun ger, which is beco ming more and more serious.a. defeatb . expandc. reject d . cureIV 阅读理解michael faraday was the son of

9、 a blacksmith ( 铁匠).there were four childre n in his family and, with his father ofte n ill andunable to work , michael faraday had to earn his living from anearly age.this meant little or no schooling.however , the familybelonged to a religious group , and faraday learnt to read and write at sun da

10、y school.when he was only fourteen , faraday found a job as a bookbinder ( 装订工).he used to read the books he was given tobind and he became very in terested in the scie ntific books ,particularly the ones about electricity.his interest soon took a practical path and he bega n con duct ing his own ex

11、perime nts.these were very basic because faraday had to make all of his equipment himself.however , he was very carefuand kept a clear written record of all his day he was given an entrance ticket to the royal institute chemistry lecture , given by humphry davy.determined to work for th

12、is great scientist , he sent davy a job application and in cluded his laboratory reports on the experime nts he hadcarried 1813 , davy offered faraday a job as one of hislaboratory assista nts.faraday lear nt quickly and soon wasrecog ni zed as a very able an alytical chemist.later he went to

13、 work at the royal in stitute.michael faraday was, perhaps , the greatest practical scientist1 . why did faraday atte nd sun day school?a. he had to work for a bookbinder at weekdays.b . sent his experiment reports to davyc . went to the royal institute to visit davyd . offered to do laboratory work

14、 for free4.we can learn from the last paragraph that a. the electric motor was inven ted by faradayc . faraday s research covered different fields d . faraday was more a chemist than a physicistV .任务型读写t smokesmoking is one of the worst things kids can do to their bodies. every sin gle day, about 4,

15、000 kids betwee n the ages of 12 and 17 start smoki ng. most j unior school stude nts don only about 1 in 10 does. most senio r school stude nts don smoke either about 1 in 4 does.but why do those who smoke ever beg in? there just one simple answer. some kids may startsmoking just because they re cu

16、rious. others may like the ideaof doing something that grown-ups don t want them to do. stillothers might think smoking is a way to act or smoking makes them look like an adult.luckily, fewer people are starting to smoke than a few years ago. maybe that s because more and more people have learned th

17、at smok ing can cause can cer and heart disease. sometimes kids don t worry about what future illness they might cot ine and other pois onous chemicals in tobacco cause lots of diseases, like heart problems and some kinds of can cer. if kids smoke, it will hurt their lungs and hearts each tim

18、e they light up. it can also make it more difficult for blood to flow in the body, so smokers may feel tired. the Ion ger they smoke, the worse the damage becomes.the human body is smart, and it knows when it s beingpois on ed. whe n kids try smoki ng for the first time, they ofte n cough a lot and

19、feel pain or bur nt in their throats and lun gs. this is their lungs way of trying to protect them. also, many kids say that they feel sick to their stomachs or课时训练2using Ian guagesecti on 山 lear ning about Ian guage品句填词the orig ins of the( 宇宙)are still a mystery.3.our teacher tells us that exercise

20、 health.4.several ( 热情的)young teachers have just startedwork ing at the school.选词填空 reject ; be strict with ; enthusiastic ; make sense of make sense ; cautiousthey developed a good study ing habit.4. only after finishing reading the passage can you find it5.with so many people watching him, jim was

21、 very6.about the place, i nhe doesn t sound which his pare nts have ever worked.1 . (2011 年临沂高二检测)i don t think his reason for being late makes .useb . sensevalue d . causea. confusing b . mixingc . con fused d . mixed3 . (2011 年石家庄高二检测)firemen said the fire was under control , but they warned that

22、the change in weather might a new fire.a . bring inb . break outc . result from d . lead to4.last year is(2011 年湖州高二检测)the power station a big one.a . hav ing bee n built b . builtc . being built d . to be built5. (2011年河南实验中学高二检测 )only in this way toget there ahead of time.a. you can hope b . you d

23、id hope.can you hope d . did you hopeen ergetic b . en thusiasticenjoyable d . en couragedin additi on to b . as well asin additi on d . apart fromowedb . contributedattached d . related10 . our stude nts ought to our share to the comingcollege stude nts sports meeti ng in our city.a . con tribute b

24、 . con structc . instructd . introduceW .完形填空every morni ng my friend would stop on the way to work tohave a quick breakfast with her 8-year-old son .then off at school.they ate the same thing every morning : an eggan(sandwich , juice , coffee for her , and milk for him. the door , gave , telling he

25、r it was his first meal during the couldn2c3c4cc . called d . droveaight b . expensiveordinary d . extra a.stoppedb . escaped backed d. hid b . market hotel d . restaura nt5.a.recognized b . refusedc . thanked d . found6 . a.daysb . minutesc . monthsd . weeks7 . a.coldb . goodc . stranged . n

26、ervous8. a.action b . timec. cared . effect9 . a.every oneb . some onec . no one d . anyone10 . a.educatio n b . in formati fort d . safety11 . a.aga in b . further.once d . first12. a.c on tactb . en courage.follow d . help13. a.began b . existed.failedd . changed14. a.winb . d . award【篇二:

27、必修5u1课后翻译答案】an from going to the park, i limit my movements to my2.没有足够的证据很难做出决定。it is difficult to draw a con clusi on without eno ugh evide nee.3.这些科学的探索将有助于我们项目的成功。the scie ntific enq uiries will con tribute to the success of our project.4.居斯特夫埃菲尔对他修建铁塔的计划满怀热情,而这座塔使他闻 名于世。gustave

28、eiffel is en thusiastic about his pla n to con struct theiron tower, which made him world-famous.5.他常提出些不同寻常的计划。你在加入之前要慎重对待。he always puts forward unu sual pla ns. so be cautious about them before you decide to joi n in.6.谁是第一个反对地心说的人?who was the first person to reject the idea/theory that the earth

29、 was the cen ter of the uni verse?7.虽然他的写作没什么意思,但弗雷德还是确信自己的作文会得高 分。although his writi ng does not make sen se, fred is positive that his compositi on will score a high mark.【篇三:高二英语必修 5u5课后翻译练习答案】这些症状表明她的手腕是二度烧伤。her symptoms showed that she had sec ond degree bur ns on her wrist.2.你可以按压伤口让血流得慢些。you

30、can slow bleed ing by appl ying pressure to the wound.3.当凯特试图阻止歹徒刺伤那个妇女时候,她显示出了巨大的勇 气。kate showed great bravery whe n she tried to stop the man stabb ing the woma n.4.让我看看你喉咙上的瘀伤,看起来很严重呢。show me that bruise on your throat; it looks rather serious.5.在他们到达之前,马丁已经打了数次电话叫救护车。martin had called the ambula nee service a nu mber of times before they arrived.

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