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1、Zuvsxe雅思8分万能作文essay生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔ContentsEnvironmental Protection1. Environmental hazards are often too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental prob

2、lems is at an international level. P745环境问题现在非常严重了,严重到单个的国家或者是个人没法解决的程度。换言之,我们已经到了一个只有在全世界范围内才可以解决这个问题的地步。从多大程度上你同意或者不同意这种观点?2. As a result of countries becoming more and more industrialized, pollution has become a serious problem. Discuss some ways that can mitigate the pollution problems. P925随着国家

3、的工业化程度加深,环境污染成了一个严重的问题。请谈一下哪些方法可以减轻环境污染问题。3. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Their destruction will accelerate extinction of animals and ultimately mankind. For this reason, logging in the worlds rainforests should be phased out over the next decade. To what extent do you agree or disagree with

4、this opinion? P1075森林是地球的呼吸器。森林被破坏将会加速动物的灭绝并最终导致人类的灭亡。因此,应该逐渐停止热带森林地区的伐木。从多大程度上你同意或者不同意这种观点?4. Aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries are seen as sources of education and entertainment for families. They are also essential to conduct life-saving research. However, there is opposition to confining animal

5、s in this way. Discuss some of the arguments for and against the maintenance of zoos and present your opinion. P1096水族馆和野生动物避难所被视为家庭教育和娱乐的场所。这些地方也是进行救生研究的场所。但也有人反对以这些方式限制野生动物。就支持和反对保留动物园这些场所的论点进行讨论,并阐述你的观点。5. Tourism is seen as a major industry for many countries. However, it tends to have a deleter

6、ious effect on the environment and should be strictly monitored. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P1136旅游业被许多国家视为主要产业。但是这会导致严重的环境污染,应该严格禁止。从多大程度上你同意或者不同意这个看法?6. Fresh drinking water is becoming a scarce and all too expensive commodity in many parts of the world. Discuss the

7、 causes and give suggestions for how to ensure adequate water supply for the worlds inhabitants. P1277在全世界范围内,饮用水正在变成一种稀缺而又昂贵的商品。讨论造成这些的原因,并提出建议,如何确保世界居民的水供应。Science and Technology1. In light of the technological route that education is on today there has been some speculation as to the role of teac

8、hers in future education. To what extent do you think teachers are being replaced by computers? P817当今教育随着技术发展的趋势,确实应该考虑一下教师在未来教育中的角色了。在多大程度上教师会被电脑所取代呢?2. The younger generation is up-to-date with new techniques and advances in science. They are often better able to make important decisions than the

9、ir parents are. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P888年轻一代伴着日新月异的新科技长大。所以他们比父辈更加有能力作出重要的决定。你是否同意?3. Many are of the opinion that the Internet is inundating our children with dangerous information. There is however no doubt that the Internet represents great advances in commu

10、nication and the dissemination of information. Discuss the pros and cons of the Internet and present your opinion on this matter. P948许多人认为互联网使青少年陷入了危险的信息当中。但是互联网又毫无疑问地代表了交流和传播信息的进步。讨论一下你对互联网的正面负面影响的看法。4. Spending money on scientific research should only be approved when there are economic benefits

11、resulting form the research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P1009只有能带来经济回报的科研项目才应该被批准。你是否同意?5. Although many benefits may result from space exploration, the costs involved are enormous. There is some debate as to whether this money could be more wisely spent to provide fo

12、r the basic needs of mankind such as food, clean water, contraception etc. For this reason space exploration should be restricted. What is your opinion? P1049尽管太空探索可以带来许多好处,但投入的成本也是巨大的。人们就这些钱是应该用在太空探索上还是应该更明智一些,花在人们的基本需求方面(比如食物、纯净的水、避孕措施等)的问题展开讨论。6. Technology is making it possible to stay at home a

13、nd work. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and present your opinion on this issue. P11510科技可以使人们足不出户就可以工作成为可能。请阐述其优点和缺点,并给出你的观点。7. With the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, and some people now believe that traditional cu

14、ltures will eventually be replaced by modern science and technology such as computers and the Internet. P11810随着现代科技的发展,传统文化的某些方面必然会失去。有人认为传统文化最终将被电脑等现代科技代替。你的观点是什么?8. Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler? What is your opinion?P12511现代科技真的使

15、生活更方便了吗?还是说过去技术比较简单的时候生活更好些呢?你怎么看?9. Modern technology has had a great influence on peoples entertainment choices, making them less creative. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P13611现代科技对人们的娱乐有巨大的影响,使得人们缺乏创造性。你是否同意这种观点?10. What differentiates one country from another is beco

16、ming increasingly difficult to define in todays world. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for people to have the same consumer products and to experience the same media the world over. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? P7712当今世界,国家与国家之间的区别越来越难以界定。现在,世界各地的人们使用同样的消费品,接触同样的媒体,已经是习以

17、为常的事情了。全球化优点要比缺点号多少呢?11. Technology can bring many benefits, but it can also cause social and environmental problems In relation to new technology, the primary duty of governments should be to focus on potential problems, rather than benefits. Please discuss the issues raised here and offer your opi

18、nion. P14312科技能带来许多好处,但同时也会造成社会和环境问题。就新技术来讲,政府应该主要盯住潜在的问题,而不是带来的益处。请谈谈你的观点。Social problems1. Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or be re-educated and rehabilitated using, for instance, community service programs, before being reintroduced to society. Present a written case or argum

19、ent to an educated not-specialist audience on the above topic. P8312罪犯应该长期监禁还是应该对他们进行再教育,并在他们重新进入社会之前,做一些社区服务使他们改过自新为社会所用。谈谈你的观点。2. Salaries paid to employees are an accurate reflection of their value to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P9513工资是个人社会价值的准确体现。你的观点是什么?

20、3. Society is experiencing an increase in many problems such as crime and drug abuse due to urbanization. Give some suggestions to control this trend. P11613城市化带来越来越多诸如犯罪和吸毒之类的问题。请给出控制这个趋势的方法。4. Nowadays there are many doctors specializing in profitable activities such as plastic surgery and private

21、 health care for privileged patients. Should doctors, however, be concentrating more on the general publics health, regardless of how rich patients may be? What is your opinion? P13114时下许多医生从事与一些很赚钱的活动,比如整形手术或者是为一些有特权的人做私人医生。但是医生是不是应该更多的关注普通大众的身体健康,而不论病人有多富有呢?请谈谈你的观点。5. Some people say that older pe

22、ople should live with their adult children, while others think that they should live in homes specially built for old people. Which do you think is better practice? P13814有人认为老人应该住在年长的孩子那里,也有人觉得老人应该住在专门为老人建的公寓里。你认为哪种方式更合理?6. With the development of market economies advertising has become a dominant

23、feature in the television industry. Despite the wealth of information that is brought to us by television, there still exists strong criticism against TV advertising. What is your opinion? P13215随着市场经济的发展,广告已经成为电视行业的主要特点。尽管电视为我们提供了许多信息,但是对电视广告仍存在强烈的批评。你的观点是什么?7. Many old buildings are protected by h

24、istoric trusts and international organizations such as UNESCO. However, some people think that old buildings stand in the way of progress. How important do you think it is to protect old buildings?P7915许多古建筑应该受到法律保护,因为它们是国家的历史。而有人却认为老建筑应该都推倒,以便建设新建筑供人们使用。保留老建筑有多重要?历史是不是阻碍了社会的进步呢?Entertainment1. Tele

25、vision is a very powerful medium of influence over large populations. There are many positive aspects to television. For example, it is an educational tool. However, many people feel that it is doing irreparable harm. Present an argument to highlight your opinion on this matter. P8516电视是对人们影响非常大的一种媒

26、体。电视有许多有利的方面,比如说可以作为教育的工具。但也有人认为电视带来的负面影响也极大。谈谈你的观点。2. Outdoor recreation such as mountain climbing, camping and hiking bring us closer to nature and are ideal activities to encourage family bonding. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P8716户外娱乐活动如登山、野营以及徒步旅行等可以使我们更接近自然,这类活动是理

27、想的增进家庭团结的活动。你是否同意这种观点?Education1. Over the past 20 to 30 years there has been a noticeable trend away from many forms of discipline within the family. A recent survey highlighted the fact that most people feel that parents are too permissive with their children. Present an argument to highlight your

28、 opinion on this matter. P9017在过去的二三十年中,家庭教育的方式已发生了显著的变化。最近的一份调查指出,大多数人认为家长太过溺爱自己的孩子。请谈谈你的观点。2. Since reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read extensively. However, as there is an abundance of undesirable reading matter, there should be heavy censorship to

29、restrict access to it. What is your opinion? P10217因为看书对教育很重要,所以我们应该鼓励青少年广泛阅读。但是,由于存在许多内容不好的阅读材料,所以应该施行严格的管制措施。你的观点是什么?3. Some people think that co-educational schooling is good for students while others hold that single sex education is better than co-educational schooling. What is your opinion? P1

30、0518有人认为男女同校教育好,而也有人认为男女分开教育的方式好。谈一下你的观点。4. Although education in many developing countries is not compulsory, an effort should be made to ensure that all children between the age of 5 and 15 years attend some form of schooling. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P11118尽管教育在许

31、多发展中国家不是强制性的,但应该努力确保5-15岁的孩子接受一定形式的学校教育。在多大程度上你同意这种说法?5. Some people think that if one wants to succeed in life, then one must have a formal university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P12119有人认为如果想要成功,必须接受正规的大学教育。从多大程度上你同意或者不同意这个看法?6. Students who go directly fr

32、om school to university benefit less from, and contribute less to their courses than those who take a job or travel in order to get more experience in the “real world” before starting higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? P13519那些从中学一毕业就升入大学的学生,他们从大学课程里的受益和对学科的贡献都没有那些在上大学之前为了从“现实世界”获得更多经验而去工作和旅游的人多。你从多大程度上同意或者不同意这个看法?7. Some people say that sports should not be encourages in schools because they cause competition rather than cooperation among students. To what extent do

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