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1、MBA词汇测试与练习含答案2009MBA词汇练习与测试1.All the information we have collected in relation to that case _ very little.A) makes up for B) adds up to C) comes up to D) puts up with2.She was complaining that the doctor was _ too much for the treatment he was giving her.A) expending B) charging C) costing D) offeri

2、ng3.Most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling _.A) income B) allowances C) wages D) pay4.She chose cushions of a colour which would _ her carpet.A) imitate B) fit C) mate D) match5.Making _ for bad weather and for my own laziness, I think that the job will be finished b

3、efore the end of the year.A) allowances B) margins C) budgets D) considerations6.I was busy _ plans for the new course. A) setting out B) getting up C) laying down D) drawing up7.She pointed out that her wages _ no relation to the amount of work she did.A) held B) yielded C) offered D) bore8.Why thi

4、s otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is _ me.A) without B) outside C) beside D) beyond9.We hadnt arranged an appointment. Henry and I met on the street _.A) by mistake B) by chance C) by the way D) by nature10.He was _ with robbery.A) charged B) accused C) arrested D)

5、 imprisoned11.He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all _.A) served B) resorted C) reserved D) preserved12.It is very difficult for us to _ all the debts in such a short period of time.A) accumulate B) gather C) collect D) assemble13.Attendances at football matches have _ since the com

6、ing of television.A) dropped in B) dropped down C) dropped off D) dropped out14.The President is visiting New York _ the trade talks.A) in contrast with B) in connection with C) in consequence of D) in accordance with15.The _ lawyer made a great impression on the jury.A) protecting B) guarding C) de

7、fending D) shielding16.The old couple invited many guests to a grand dinner to _ their silver wedding anniversary.A) welcome B) congratulate C) exclaim D) celebrate17.They travelled to Spain by the most _ route.A) easy B) direct C) straight D) unique18.What he said just now had little to do with the

8、 question _ discussion.A) on B) in C) under D) at19.He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any _ about what was meant.A) doubt B) wonder C) question D) consideration20.The headmaster had been trying for years to _ money for a new science block.A) arise B) raise C) lift D) arouse21.Their _ g

9、rew longer as the afternoon went on.A) shadows B) shades C) shapes D) shallows22.Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to _ some money.A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw23.He _ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.A) turns on B) works on C) draws on D) tries on24

10、.He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines _.A) failed B) faded C) fainted D) fired25.It is hot in the day-time but the temperature _ sharply at night.A) decreases B) drops C) descends D) reduces26.Young as he was, he was in _ of a large number of men. A) management B) leadership C) charg

11、e D) direction27.They _ on us as they were passing through town.A) dropped off B) dropped by C) dropped down D) dropped in28.Give me his _ words.A) precise B) correct C) exact D) accurate29.Lets _ some of these old newspaper. It takes too much room here.A) dispose B) dismiss C) discharge D) discard3

12、0.I dont like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could _ me a favour.A) make B) do C) find D) get31.Will all those _ the proposal raise their hands?A) in relation to B) in excess of C) in contrast to D) in favor of32.When he was a young man, Lincoln _ down the Mississippi in a flat

13、boat.A) drained B) dragged C) dripped D) drifted33.Tom got home very late that night and his parents were already asleep, so he tiptoed(踮起脚走)upstairs to his own room, _ of waking either of them.A) fearful B) frightening C) alarmed D) anxious34.Was it _ at the party on Friday?A) funny B) drama C) dra

14、matic D) fun35.We were abliged to accept it as true in the _of other evidence.A) shortage B) lack C) presence D) absence 36.After a quick _ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.A) glance B) glimpse C) gaze D) stare37.Mary was given the first prize by the _ of judges.A) panel B) cabinet C)

15、 appointment D) harmony38.I caught a _ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A) vision B) glimpse C) look D) scene39.Children are very curious _.A) at heart B) on purpose C) in person D) by nature40.During the war she always kept a _ of tinned food in the house.A) load B)

16、 substitute C) reserve D) conservation41.She _ through the mist, trying to find the right path.A) glanced B) peered C) gazed D) scanned42.I dont want to _ you, but I must get my money back soon.A) depress B) oppress C) press D) compress43.She was showing a marked _ o f interest in her school work.A)

17、 limit B) vacuum C) short D) lack44.On hearing the news, she flew into a(n) _.A) flame B) anger C) offence D) rage45.The _ why she didnt get the job was that her English was not very good.A) cause B) result C) reason D) origin46.After the demonstration, the students went to the _ and asked to see th

18、e ambassador.A) stadium. B) studio C) embassy D) gallery47._ the very cold winter, we have run out of coal earlier than we expected.A) By reason of B) At the risk of C) For the sake of D) At the mercy of48.The businessman was put in prison because he _ to pay taxes.A) rejected B) objected C) refused

19、 D) opposed49.After his service to the country, he was _ with a knighthood.(爵士身份).A) praised B) honoured C) granted D) recommended50.Im not really ill, but I have a _ headache.A) pale B) temporary C) delicate D) slight51.Microsoft insisted that Windows NT should be used on every type of computer, fr

20、om notebook-size _ ones to the huge ones that fill data centers.A) portable B) mobile C) slight D) domestic52.It was nearly Christmas, and the children were in high _.A) moods B) spirits C) tempers D) hearts53.Scientists have discovered a close _ between smoking and several serious diseases.A) conta

21、ct B) connection C) communication D) combination54.We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be _.A) deposited B) disposed C) tackled D) tapped55.He grew very angry when he realized how he had been _ out of his money.A) tricked B) plotted C) deceived D) robbed56.The cars were_because it was

22、impossible to go any further in the fog.A) sacrificed B) transported C) abandoned D) removed57.The president _ the nation on the subject of war and peace.A) remarked B) addressed C) debated D) commented58.He _me to take a lawyer to court with me.A) advised B) suggested C) demanded D) insisted59.The

23、police _ him of participation in the robbery.A) distrusted B) questioned C) suspected D) doubted60.The government is _ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.A) worried B) anxious C) concerned D) desirable61.The two lawyers _ for a few minutes about the exact meaning of a point of

24、law.A) discussed B) argued C) quarrelled D) clashed62.He stood on the _ of the river, looking down into the water.A) border B) coast C) bank D) beach63.He said that one must _ religion from politics.A) divorce B) divide C) identify D) differ64.Generally, the larger the _ , the more stable the object

25、.A) basis B) basin C) base D) basement65.We cannot judge a person simply on the _ of his education.A) condition B) basis C) principle D) base66.By rail it is cheaper to buy a return ticket than two _ tickets.A) individual B) single C) singular D) separate67.Were all in favor of spending whatever is

26、necessary to _ air pollution.A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss68.We must leave nothing to _.A) possibility B) wish C) opportunity D) chance69.He _ the members of the audience to their seats.A) accompanied B) distributed C) attended D) conducted70. While in London, we paid a visit to the h

27、ospital founded _ the nurse Florence Nightingale.A) in line with B) in favour of C) in honour of D) in place of2009MBA词汇练习与测试答案解析1.答案:B译文:我们收集的所有与那件案子有关的资料没有什么价值。解析:A) make up for 补偿,弥补eg. lost time 补偿失去的时间B) add up to 合计达,意味着C) come up to 达到,及到,相当于,符合eg. The water came up to his waist. 水深到齐他的腰。D) p

28、ut up with 忍受,容忍,经受2.答案:B译文:她正在抱怨医生收取太高的治疗费。解析:A) expend vt. 消费,花费,耗尽eg. much care in writing 用心写作a large sum on sth. 在某物上花一大笔钱(表示花费金钱时,expend不及spend常用)B) charge vt./vi./n. 要(价),收(费)eg. oneself with a task 承担一项任务 (*. ) a fee of 500 yuan (向某人)收取500元的费用C) cost vt./vi./n. (使)花费,价钱为eg. The book s 15 yua

29、n. 这书价格为15元。The work them much labour. 这件工作花去他们很多人工。D) offer n./vt./vi. 提供,提出,呈现出,出现eg. to help *. 表示愿意帮助某人resistance to the enemy 抵抗敌人 3.答案:B译文:大部分因公出差的人会得到差旅津贴。解析:A) income n. 收入,收益,所得,流入(物)eg. net 纯收入B) allowance n./vt. 允许,承认,津贴,补贴,折扣eg. a traffic 车贴 a separation 分居津贴Make s for 考虑到,顾及,为留出余地;体谅C)

30、wages n. 工资,工钱;报应,报酬;工资总额eg. His have gone up. 他涨了工资。The of sin is death. 罪恶的报应是死亡。D) pay vt./vi./n./adj. 支付,报偿,报答,工资,薪金eg. full ( half ) 全 (半 )薪 draw ones 领薪水4.答案:D译文:她选的坐垫的颜色很配地毯的颜色。解析:A) imitate vt. 模仿,仿制,类似eg. *.s intonation 模仿某人的语调fabrics made to silk 仿丝绸织物B) fit vt./vi./n./adj. 使适合,符合,恰当的eg. D

31、oes the key the lock? 这个钥匙能开这把锁吗?ones dees to ones words 做到言行一致C) mate n./vt./vi. 成配偶,成伙伴,紧密配合eg. words with deeds 言行一致D) match n./vt./vi. 和相配,和相称eg. The picture es the story. 这幅图和故事很相配。words with deeds 言行一致a design well ed in colour 颜色很相称的图案5.答案:A译文:考虑到坏天气和我自身的懒惰,我想工作将会在年底之前完成。解析:A) make allowances for 考虑到,顾及,为留出余地;体谅B) margin n./vt. 页边空白,边缘,余地eg. leave a wide in/on the page 在书页上留一道宽边make notes on the 在页边作注释C)

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