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本文(外国语冰山原则在《老人与海》中的体现学士学位论文.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、外国语冰山原则在老人与海中的体现学士学位论文冰山原则在老人与海中的体现Iceberg Theory Embodied in The Old Man and the Sea Zhou Hui Under the Supervisor of Yuan Bin School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Panzhihua UniversityMay 2005Contents摘要.关键词. Abstract. Key words. Introduction.1 . Introduction of Ernest Hemingway.2. Background an

2、d the Main Story3III. Three Deep Stratifications of the Iceberg Theory in the Novel.6A. A Paean of Hero from the Perspective of the Theme.6a. Function of the Old Man as Hemmingways Own Character6b. Function of the Boy as the Oedipus Complex of Hemmingway.7B. Hemmingways Unconscious Desire and Writin

3、g from the Perspective of the Fishing.8a. Santiagos Dreams and Reveries Above the Water, and the Underneath Unconscious Desire.9b. The Fishing of the Old Man as the One-eighth Part, and the Hard Creativity of the Author as the Seven-eighths.10C. An Ancient Greek Tragedy form the Perspective of the S

4、ource and Religion12 Conclusion.15Bibliography.17Acknowledgement.18摘 要海名威以其简洁的文字,鲜明的形象,丰富的感情和深刻的思想构成了著名的“冰山原则”,牢固确立了他在美国历史上的地位,使他成为美国历史上最具影响的作家之一。他指出冰山的威严就在于只有八分之一露出水面。然而,他的这一风格的形成是与他的生活背景及其早期父母对他的影响是分不开的。中篇小说老人与海是海名威一生思想和艺术的总结,他大量的使用象征,比喻等手法,把作品高度抽象化,使其完全隐藏在水下的“八分之七”中,那么文章中哪些隐藏在水下的八分之七呢,“冰山原则”又是怎样在


6、并知道怎样在写作中去运用。海名威用冰山理论在老人与海中隐含了他自己的性格特征及原则,同时告诫人们无论在任何情况下都应该保持自己的尊严和压力下的风度,学会思考,善于总结以前的经验并且将其付于应用中去。 关键词 冰山原则;象征主义;无意识欲望;基督教;写作AbstractTerse words, vivid images, copious emotions and profound thoughts make up Hemingways famous “iceberg theory”, which solidly confirmed the renown of him and made him o

7、ne of the most influential writers in America history. He pointed out that the grace of the iceberg is that only one-eighth above the water. However, the formation of his style cannot be apart from his versatile parents.The medium-length novel The Old Man and the Sea is the fruit of all along life o

8、f Hemingways thoughts and arts. He used a lot of rhetoric, such as symbolisms, metaphors. He highly abstracted his works and made them the underneath seven-eighths. So what is the underneath part and how the novel embodied the iceberg theory? And how does his iceberg theory be embodied in the novel?

9、In The Old Man and the Sea, the old man, Santiago, is a transformation of Hemingways code honor, which embodied the grace under pressure. In some degree, the old man is an incarnation of Hemingway himself. Moreover, the little boy, Manolin, appears as the image of Virgin Marie, which embodied the Oe

10、dipus complex of old helpless Hemingway. In the novel, the old man dreaming of the lion and revering old DiMaggio and fighting cock several times are the regret of losing youth longing for power and champion. All of those are the old mans unconscious desire.Additionally, from the processes and dates

11、 of fishing, it is coincident with Christianity constantly and also he indicates that writing just like fishing is very hard, the skill of writing needs long times practices and thoughts, meanwhile works just like the marlin may also be attracted by others.Through Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea,

12、 Readers can understand iceberg theory better and know more about how to use it. Used his famous iceberg theory in The Old Man and the Sea, Hemmingway implied his own character and personality. At the same time, it told us no matter what kind of situation, we should keep our own dignity and the grac

13、e under pressure, we should learn to consider and be good at summarize the previous experience and apply it into our life.Key Words Iceberg theory; symbolism; unconscious desire; Christianity; writingIntroductionErnest Hemmingways famous iceberg theory best accounts for this: One eighths of an icebe

14、rg is above the water, while seven eighths is underneath the water. Profound levels of meaning and strong emotions will not enchant you until you dive into the water.Terse words, vivid images, copious emotions and profound thoughts are the four ingredients of Hemmingways iceberg theory. To be concre

15、te, words and images are the so-called above water one eighths while emotions and thoughts are the other underneath seven eighths. The former is obvious in the novel while the later is embedded in the former. Words modeled images; meanwhile, images concluded emotions, which contained profound though

16、ts. Those four ingredients are necessary for Hemingways works. He stressed the implications of emotions and thoughts.The medium-length novel was the fruit of Hemmingway The Old Man and the Sea all along lifes thoughts and arts, and also here where his famous iceberg theory reached the peak perfectio

17、n. Hemingway used a lot of rhetoric such as symbolisms and metaphors, through which he highly abstracted the theme of the novel and made it hided under the underneath seven-eighths part of the water. According to Ernest Hemingways famous iceberg theory, the fishing of the old man is the only one-eig

18、hth part, which is above the water; while the other seven-eighths part needs exploration is underneath. To the old man, the sea was not only a catching field just as for young fishermen, but also was considered as a kind of human dignity which embodied it kindness as well as cruel for it had grown u

19、p many fishermen like him whom lives depending on and also for it had taken a lot of disasters to them. At the deep of the unfathomable sea the old man caught a giant marlin which he neither seen nor heard of. The endless sea can make the old man understood and perused the unknown secretive field. S

20、o when we want to study the iceberg theory of Hemingway, first of all, we must clear the underneath seven eighths, because it is the foundation of the iceberg. Introduction of Ernest HemmingwayOn July21, 1899, Ernest Hemmingway was born in a well-to-do family in Oak Park, Illinois. His father, a suc

21、cessful physician enjoyed hunting and fishing. Going out frequently with his father, Hemmingway developed a way of life and of death, and learned such virtues as courage and endurance, Hemmingways style of living as an adult and the fact that his books abound in sports terms are partly traceable to

22、his early life. As a boy Hemmingway liked boxing and football are wrote them into light verse and humorous stories. He had on a whole a happy boyhood; through he did run away from home twice and observed once that the best training for a writer is an unhappy boyhood. Through he was poor vision from

23、childhood, he was good at sport. In the school he was also an outstanding student. After leaving school at 17 infested with the then prevailing fever among the young “to get into the thick of it” and the sense of the need to experience or observe war at close quarters he tried to enlist in the army,

24、 but was rejected because of his poor sight which had injured while learning boxing. He went to the Kansas City Star and served as its eager and energetic reporter. Then he was recruited as an ambulance, driver. Working with the Red Cross and went to Europe. This led to the crucial happening of his

25、life. On July6, 1918 he was severely wounded in the knee in Italy. He recovered in time and remained with the Italian army until the end of the war. His war experience proved so shattering and nightmarish that his life and writing were permanently affected. In a sense, all his life, he lied with it

26、emotionally and continued to write about it in order to relive it and forget about it.(Dong Hengxun,206)All along Hemmingways life, he married four times, even through this; he was not a fickle lover. Once he wrote to one of his friends Lillian Loose and said, “I love my sons, I love seas, and I lov

27、e my wives.”(Chang Yaoxin,73) Hemingway is essentially a negative writer. It is very difficult for him to say “yes”. He holds a black, naturalistic view of the world and sees it as “all a nothing” and “all nada”. (“A Clean Well-Lighted Place”) A man to him is nothing, too. The title of his first imp

28、ortant book, The Sun Also Rises, referring to the biblical “Ecclesiastes” is downright nihilistic in tone when he says “The sun also ariseth, and the son goes down and hasteth to his place where he arose” and “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which

29、should be done, and there is no new thing under the sun” He is evidently a very negative attitude toward life. Hemmingway sees life in terms of battle and tension. All of his works dramatize this concept of life., that it is dangerous and always ready to defeat and destroy you; but that, if you keep

30、 calm and stand on your set of principles (which Edmund Wilson calls “this principle of sportsmanship is his The Wound and the Bow and Philip Young sums up as a code of honor”), you may win on your own terms, through as the winner you get nothing except, perhaps ,the knowledge that you have played w

31、ell by chaos and brutality and violence (as in A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and many sketches In Our Time ), by crime and death (as in To Have and Have Not and “The Killers”),and sport, hard drinking and sexual promiscuity (as in The Sun Also Rise and some of his short stories). And he typical Hemmingway hero is one who wounded but strong, more sensitive and wounded because stronger, enj

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