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1、外研版高中英语必修四全册讲义 必修四 module 1一、重点词组:1. for sure确定,肯定地sure enough果然,的的确确to be sure诚然be sure that从句/of/about sth./doing sth./to domake sure 弄清楚,查明白 make sure of/about sth./that从句be sure of/about或be sure that的主语是人,表示主语对某事有把握,确信 be sure to do主语可以使人也可以是物,表示说话人的推测一定,必然会,而非主语的推测,不能用it is sure that-句型,但可以用it

2、is certain that-句型2. run out用完,用光,give out不及物动词短语,主语通常表示时间、金钱、食物、耐心、精力等名词 run out of用完,use up及物动词短语,表主动含义,主语为人。run after追赶,追求run into sb./sth.遇到/撞上某人/某物 run for竞选 run across偶然遇见,发现run away逃走 run around/round到处跑in the long run从长远来看3. rely on do sth.指望/相信某人做某事 rely on sb./sth. for-指望某人/某物-以获得-re

3、ly on it that-相信-,指望-depend on sb. to do sth.依靠别人做某事 depend on sb. for sth.指望某人做某事4. plenty of许多,大量的既可以修饰可数名词复数,修饰不可数名词,通常用于肯定句,在否定句和疑问句中常用enough a large amount of+不可数名词+单数 large amounts of+不可数名词+复数 quantities of复数 a lot of /lots of/plenty of+可数名词复数+复数/不可数名词+单数 many/a great/good many /a large number

4、 of+可数名词复数+复数much/ a great deal of+不可数名词+单数5. think about考虑 think of想起 think highly of赞赏 think badly of认为-不好think much of对-评价很高 think nothing of把-视为平常 think of -as认为-是 think over 仔细考虑 think aloud自言自语6. get rid of摆脱,除去 rid -of-使-摆脱- break away fron,free-from7. be loaded with充满,装满,负担有-a load of/loads

5、of很多,许多take a load off ones mind解除某人的思想负担,使某人如释重负8. prevent/discourage /stop/keep-from doing 阻止-做-protect-from/against保护-免受- save-from-使-免遭-9. beyond/over the limit超出限度 within/without limits适度地;有节制地,无节制地 set a limit of对-规定限度 limit-to-把-限制在-内 be limited to局限于-10. command ab. to do sth.命令某人做某事command

6、that-(should)do命令-have a good command of对-运用自如,精通 at ones command听某人的吩咐in/under the command of sb.由某人控制/指挥in command of控制,指挥take command of 开始指挥 ,控制11. free of charge免费in charge of负责,掌管,照料(人)in the charge of由-管理(物)take charge of掌管,控制,负责 charge-for-对-收费-charge sb. some money for sb.因某事/某物收某人钱charge s

7、b. with sth./accuse sb. of sth.因某事控告某人12. take power掌权 come to/into power得势in power掌权的,执政的out of power下台,丧失权力beyond /out of ones power,某人不能胜任13. at the flick of轻轻一按 at the sight of一看到-at the thought of一想到14. switch on 打开,接通switch off关掉,关上switch over转换,交换位置15. be attached to附属于,依恋attach -to-将-系在或附在-a

8、ttach importance to重视,认为-重要attach oneself to sb.参加,和-在一起attach to sb./sth.与-有联系on attachment受派遣16. look out小心,注意 look ahead向前看,为将来打算look back回顾 look down upon鄙视,看不起 look forward to期待 look into观察,调查look on观看,旁观look over检查,查看look through仔细检查 look up 仰视,查阅look up to赞赏,尊敬look out for警惕17. get stuck围住,陷入

9、-之中 get lost迷路get drunk喝醉get engaged订婚get dressed穿衣 get changed换衣服get tired of厌倦get used to习惯于get pleased感到满意get surprised感到吃惊18. read through仔细核对,认真通读get through结束,完成,接通电话go through经历,遭受think through想透talk through仔细讨论,彻底讨论see through识破,看透pass through经过,路过put through接通电话break through突破live through渡过

10、,经历过 cut through从-穿过19. for a start/ to start with首先,第一from start to finish从头到尾with a start猛地,吃惊地 from the start从开始at the very start一开始20. on the way out即将被淘汰,即将过时all the way自始至终by way of经过by the way顺便说一下 in a/one/some way在某种程度上in no way绝不in the way妨碍make ones way前往,行进under way在进行中give way让步,屈服on on

11、es way to在某人去-的途中21. in progress在进行中 make progress取得进展,进步make progress towards朝着-前进22. in shape在形状中 stay in shape保持体型 in the shape of呈-的形状 in good shape体型好 out of shape变形,走样in any shape/form以任何形式shape-into-把-做成-形状 be shaped like形状像take shape形成,初具规模23. get away from避免,离开,逃离get away with做某事不受惩罚get acr

12、oss使被理解get down to开始着手做get over克服get through通过,完成,接通电话24. load sb./sth. with让某人拿东西,用-装-load sth. into/onto sth.把-装载到-里面be loaded with充满-,装满-a load of/loads of很多,许多take a load off ones mind使某人如释重负二、语法:1. 表目的:to do /in order to do/so as to do(不用于句首)in order that/so that后面的句子多含有情态动词2. 将来进行时shall/will b

13、e doing表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,现在正在进行的动作,但这个动作会延续到将来,表示预定的将来的动作或对将来的预测与将来时的区别;表将来意义的现在进行时表示一种事先经过考虑的、将来要发生的动作,而将来进行时通常表示在一般情况下会发生的动作eg.i am visiting the adviser tomorrow. I will be visiting the adviser tomorrow.现在进行时必须有确定的时间3. 一般将来时的用法:be+to do表示该动作来自约定、协议或要求、命令4. not与all,both,every以及由every构成的不定代词连用时,无论not在

14、句子中什么位置都表示部分否定,不都,并非都;完全否定用neither,none,no one或nobody5. too-to do sth.太-而不能做某事too-to-和never,not等否定副词连用,表示无论-也不过分,越-越好6. theres no alternative-别无选择an alternative to-的替代品,别无选择只好做某事have no alternative but to do sth./have no choice but to do sth./cant help but do/cant choose but do sth./can do nothing b

15、ut do7. with+宾语+doing,with+宾语+done,with+宾语+to do三、词义辨析:1.provide提供物品或信息,supply提供物品 offer主动提供物品或帮助2.charge费用,要价,尤指给予服务后索要的费用,充电,指控,负责,掌管cost原价,成本,包括对某物所付出的一切费用及时间、劳动等的代价price价格指商品出售时所定的价钱expense费用,花费常用复数,尤指大量的花费支出3.power侧重于职权、权力或动力energy人的精力或自然界的能量strength人的力气或物的强度force武力或军事力量4.blame责备charge起诉,控诉,和wi

16、th搭配accuse控诉,和of搭配scold斥责5.eventually最后,终于definitely确定地,无疑地predict预言,预料optimistic乐观的risky危险的,冒险的limited有限的urban城市的flick轻打,轻弹module 2一、 重点词组1. get around四处走动,消息传开 (get round,get about) get on/along with与人相处,事情进展get across被理解,使通过get down记下,写下get in收获,插话get off下车,出发get out of摆脱,从-中出来get over恢复健康,克服get

17、away with做错事而未被惩罚get away摆脱,脱身get through打通电话,完成get down to着手做2. be connected to强调实际的连接 be connected with事物之间的联系 have something to do with与-有关系 be related to be connected by由-连接3. in no time马上,一会儿 at the same time同时 in time及时,迟早on time准时at no time(倒装)从不,决不at a time每次,一次at one time曾经,一度ahead of time提

18、前all the time一直at times有时from time to time偶尔 kill time打发时间 take ones time别着急,慢慢来4. impress sth. on/upon sb.使某人意识到某事 be impressed by/with留下深刻印象 impress sth. on ones mind让某人牢记某事/某物 have a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留下一个好的/坏的印象5. under repair在修理中under discussion在讨论中under way在进行中 under construction正在建

19、设中 under consideration在考虑中under attack遭受攻击 under examination在检查或调查中under study在研究中 under +n.表示进行、被动=进行时的被动语态6. in progress在进行中in action在运转in sight看得见in store贮藏着7. on fire在燃烧on trial在试用on display/on show/on exhibition 在展出8. be convenient to do sth.做某事很方便 convenient stores便利店 at ones convenience在某人方便的

20、时候 for convenience为方便起见(不能以人为主语It is convenient for/to sb. to do sth.;when it is convenient to/for you)9. be worth +n.值-只能接表示钱数或代价、价值等词;doing值得做(主动表被动)be worthy后接of being done和to be done,不能接表示钱数的词10. in the point of sb.在某人看来have a good/high opinion of=think much/highly of对-评价好/高 have a bad/low opini

21、on of=think badly/little of be against ones opinion反对某人的观点11. react to产生反应;回应react on/upon对-给予反应,影响,起作用react with发生化学反应 react against反抗,对抗 reaction to对-的反应12. the answer/reply to-的答案 the entrance to-的入口 the damage to,the letter to,the key to的答案the access to的通道/机会 the approach to-的途径/方法13. in a -mood

22、有-的心情be/feel in the mood for sth.有意做某事,有做某事的心情 be in no mood for sth./to do sth.不想做某事,没心情做某事14. keep out of使-不进入keep out挡住,不让进来keep away远离 keep on继续keep back忍住,隐瞒 keep to遵守,信守keep off使远离,避免吃某物keep up持续不变,熬夜,维持keep up with跟上15. ask for permission请求许可without permission未经许可with sb.s permission在某人许可的情况下

23、16. provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某物provide for赡养,养活provide against预防,防备provided/providing that-假如-,倘若-17. be trapped in/be caught in被困在-stick to遵守,坚持stick out伸出,突出18. There is a limit to-是有限度的within the limits of-在-范围之内without limit无限地over/beyond the limit超量,超出限度set a limit to-对-规定

24、限度limit-to-把-限定在-19. beyond compare无可比拟beyond description难以形容beyond doubt 毫无疑问beyond suspicion无可怀疑20. stick sth. on把-贴在-上stick sth. into把-插入stick up for支持,为-辩护二、 语法1. 第二人称祈使句表示向对方提出请求、命令,主语一般不用,加强语气在动词原形前+do;否定祈使句,在谓语动词前加do not/dont/never;lets,let sb.+动词原形,祈使句可以是第三人称,必须表示出来,为了明确指出向谁发出命令或提出要求等委婉的祈使句:

25、why not+v. would you mind+doing will/would/can/could you please+v.祈使句为肯定句,反义疑问句可以用wont;否定句,will you lets,shall we祈使句,祈使句,请求,命令或建议;主语是you 常省去,动词原形开头记。否定形式请注意,句首亦把dont记,客气要讲please,句首句末没关系。2. have sth. done做某事(自己也可能参加该活动)I had my fare paid first before I went out of the cab.请某人做某事,遭遇、遭受某事 have sth. don

26、e=get sth. done使某事被做 have sb. do sth.=get sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事 have sb. doing sth.容忍某人做某事(多用于否定句中)have do有某事要做have sth. to be done有某事要让别人做 3. not only-but also句式中省去also,or,either-or-,neither-nor-遵循就近原则,倒装 4. occur to sb.=-strike/hit sb.=sb. comes up with sth.某人突然想起某事it occurs to sb. that某人突然想

27、到三、 词义辨析1. permit执照,许可证,允许(带有客观意味)allow个人的允许 permit sb. to do sth.=permit doing sth.准许做某事(注意:allow,advise,forbid后面得+sb.)2. view从某个地方所能看到的景色 scenery风景,指自然风光scene包括人和动作在内sight常见的事物及视野在内,有时用于指使人感觉不适的场面3. occur发生,其偶然性比happen弱happen偶然、碰巧发生 take place指事先安排的事4. suffer遭受痛苦,损失,忍受屈辱等 suffer from患病或遭受战争、自然灾害等带

28、来的痛苦5. provide指为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“供给,提供”supply定期“供应”强调替代或补充所需物品offer侧重表示“愿意给予”6. destination目的地impressive使人印象深刻的react反应solution解答,答案mood心情register记录,登记congestion拥塞,堆积module 3一、 词组:1. communicate with与-交流/沟通 communicate- to-将信息传递给-,向某人传达-in communication with和-有联络agree with和-一致2. vary with随-而变化vary f

29、rom不同于vary in在-方面由差异 vary between-and-由-到-情况不等 vary from-to-由-到-情况不等 a variety of=varieties of各种各样的(后接复数名词作主语时谓语动词用复数形式)the variety of+复数名词,-的品种(作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式)3. on guard警惕,值班be on ones guard against提防 4. make/do a deal(with)达成协议,做交易 a great deal大量,许多a great/good deal of很多deal in从事,经营deal with对付,处理

30、,安排thats a deal成交,一言为定do with与what连用,deal with与how连用5. involve sb. in doing sth.使某人参与做某事be involved in doing sth.一心一意做某事get/be involved in被卷入-中-,专心于,参加involve doing包括做-,需要做-the involved story复杂的故事the people involved所涉及的人be/get involved with sb./sth.与某人混在一起;和某事有密切关系6. give away泄露,颁发,赠送give back归还,送还g

31、ive in上交,屈服give way to让步,由-代替give off散发光热give out分发,用完,发布 lift up举起,抬高,激励,提高give up放弃,认输7. up and now一上一下,来来往往now and then时而,不时once and for all彻底的,一劳永逸地back and forth来来回回地8. by accident=by chance偶然地,on purpose故意地 go blank变得茫然,困惑go bad变坏,腐烂go mad发疯9. panic sb. into doing sth.吓得某人做某事 be seized/stuck with a panic惊慌失措be in a panic在恐慌中get into a panic/be thrown into a panic陷入恐慌10. be rude to对-无礼be blind to对-视而不见be cruel to对-残酷be familiar to为-所熟悉be true to忠实于11. do sb. a favour

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