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秋季八年级上册英语月考模拟卷 3.docx

1、秋季八年级上册英语月考模拟卷 3.单项选择(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)There is water here,but there are quite empty glasses( )Afew;little Blittle;a fewCfew;a few Dlittle;a little2(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)The boy ran So he got the first prize( )Aenough fast Bfast enoughCenough quick Dquick enough3(2 分)(2019 秋石

2、家庄月考)Is there in todays newspaper?YesA terrible accident happened in Hubei( )Aimportant something Banything importantCsomething important Dimportant something4(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)We couldnt go shopping the bad weather( )Abecause of Bbecause Cand Dso5(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)On weekends,there are people at th

3、e park and its crowded( )Atoo many;too much Btoo much;too manyCtoo much;much too Dtoo many;much too6(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)Excuse meI seem lostCan you tell me how to get to the Green Park?OKLet me show you the way( )Abe Bbeing to Cto be Dto being7(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)The food I cook isnt delicious,but I can

4、 look after myself( )Aat first Bat last Cat least Dmore than8(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)My father a doctor when I grow up( )Awants me to Bwants me to beCbecame Dwanted9(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)Thank you for me my lessons( )Ahelp; with Bhelp; ofChelping; with Dhelping; of10(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)How often does Lara play

5、the trumpets? once or a week,Im not sure( )AMay be; twice BMaybe; twiceCMaybe; two time DMay be; two timesII.完形填空(本大题共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,共 10 分)11(10 分)(2018 秋回民区校级期中)Now more and more people get to know the importance of doing sportsIt can bring fun(1) us and it can also make us(2) (3) what should we d

6、o?First,we should choose(选择) our favorite ones from(4) kinds of sportsThe sports must be right for usSecond,we must warm up (热身) before(5) Third,(6) a beginner,you had better have an exercise planFor example,(7) are you going to exercise each time ? How many ( 8 ) a week ? If youre a ( 9 ) of sports

7、,its important to know thisLast but not least,you had better not exercise if you feel(10) ,or it will be very dangerous(1)Afor(2)A healthBBtohealthyCCwithwarmDDonhealthily(3)A OrBAndCButDSo(4)A sameBthe sameCdifferenceDdifferent(5)A exerciseBexercisingCto exerciseDexercises(6)A asBthanCthenDso(7)A h

8、ow oftenBhow manyChow muchDhow long(8)A timesBtimeCpeopleDplayers(9)A loveBlovingClovesDlover(10)A fineBfitCillDwellIII阅读理解(本大题共 3 小题,每小题 10 分,共 30 分)12(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)I hate myself! I cried to my mother Im fat, Im ugly, Im stupid, and I feel silly! I was only ten years old and in the fourth grad

9、e This was the first time I could say my worries about my appearance to anyoneThis is what Katherine wrote in the first part of her new book, Rock What Youve GotKatherine is now a student at the University of Southern California This is her first book Like most common(普通的) girls, Katherine had worri

10、es about her size and shapewhen she was a younger girl That made her very unhappy In the book, she says when she grows up, she finds out that what really makes her happy is not how fit(健美的) she looks, but how much she lovesKatherine also wants to encourage(鼓励) them to love their bodies, love themsel

11、ves, stay healthy, and most of all, be confident(自信的)(1)The view(观点) in the first paragraph is A Katherines view nowB what Katherine says nowC what a 10yearold girl told Katherine D the description in a book written by Katherine(2)The underlined word appearance means in ChineseA 出现B 外貌C 表现D 登台(3)Kat

12、herine is now according to the passage A a middle school studentB a professional writer C a university student D a graduate(4)Which of the following is NOT Katherines idea in her book? A If a girl wants to be happy, keep a good size and shapeB If you give your love to others, youll feel happy C Ever

13、y girl should love her own bodyD Every girl should be confident(5)The passage mainly talks about something about A what happiness isB how to be confident C how Katherine grew upD the book Rock What Youve Got13(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)Mum and dad took my brother Brad and me to a restaurant last night Mum t

14、old us to wear our best clothes Brad wanted to wear jeans but mum said no When we arrived at the restaurant, a waiter took us to our table Our table was next tothe window and we could see the river Then the waiter asked us if we wanted to drink before the dinnerBrad and I both had orange juiceI spen

15、t a long time looking at the menuIt was difficult to choose because there were many things on the menu After five minutes , I decided to have chicken and a small salad Brad had beef and mum and dad had fish We all agreed that the food was delicious, we would like to go there again next time(1) peopl

16、e went to the restaurant in the family A ThreeB Four C Five D Six(2)Why the mum told her children to wear their best clothes? A Because they would go to a party B Because they would go to a restaurantC Because she thought her children would look smart D We dont know(3)Did Brads parents order anythin

17、g to drink? A Yes, they didB Yes His father didC No His mother did D No, they didnt(4)Which of the following is wrong? A Father had a small saladB Brad had some beef and orange juice C Mother thought the food was delicious D I ordered the most kinds of foods(5)What did they think of the restaurant?

18、It was A terribleB bad C greatD beautiful14(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)There are 45 students in our class I have made a survey,36 students say they like to exercise Most boys play basketball together twice a week But girls think basketball is difficult for them, they would like to play volleyball together tw

19、ice a week My friend, Tony, is good at running He runs fastest (最快) in our class He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and three times a week in summer So hes

20、 pretty healthy Some of my classmates have good eating habits They eat both meat and vegetables 70% of them drink milk every day 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally Whats worse is that she doesnt like to exercise, so sh

21、e is very fat She always says Im going to lose weight tomorrow(1)How often do most boys play basketball? A Every day B Twice a day C Twice a week D Twice a month(2)Why does the girl dislike to play basketball? A Because they have no timeB Because they think its not easyC Because they dont like to pl

22、ay with the boys D Because they dont like to exercise(3)When does Tony often run for 30 minutes? A Every morning B Every eveningC Every evening before he goes to bed D Every afternoon(4)How often does Gray swim in winter? A Three times a month B Three times a week C Hardly everD Its not mentioned(提到

23、)in the passage(5)Why is Sally so fat? ABecause she doesnt like to exerciseB Because she likes to eat junk food every muchC Because she eats too much meat, but doesnt exercise D Both A and BIV任务型阅读(共 1 小题, 每小题 10 分,共计 10 分)15(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)What do you usually do in your free time? Playing sports

24、 is an active activity Sports can help us a lot Taking exercise can make us strong Incollective(集体的)sports like basketball,volleyball or football,we will learn the importance of cooperation And sports can also help us relax after work or studyHowever, as the saying goes, There are two sides of every

25、thing Sometimes we may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating (参加 ) in sports activities Whats more, too much or hard practice can be bad for our healthSports can make us healthy both physically and psychologica(l 心理地)It is also a goodway for people to know e

26、ach other and can improve friendship between people So long as we are careful enough, sports can do us nothing but good(1)题和(2)题根据短文完成句子,(3)题和(4)题根据短文简略回答问题,(5)题将文中画线句子译成汉语)(1) can make us strong( 2 ) Sometimes we may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not when participating (参加 ) in sports a

27、ctivities(3)Can too much exercise be good or bad for us? (4)Whats the best title(标题) for the passage? (5) V.词语运用(本大题共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,共计 10 分)16(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)Last week,I had a pretty good vacation with my familyWe(1) (have) great fun playing in different places On Monday, the weather was sunny an

28、d hot We (2) (decide) to go to White Beach We went there by bus and (3) (swim) in the water On Tuesday, it was cloudy so we went out (4) w umbrellas We visited two parks We had a picnic No one felt ( 5 )(bore) On Wednesday and Tuesday, it was rainy and windy We walked in the city We(6)b some clothes

29、 and ate something nice On Friday, the (7)w was cool We went hiking in the (8) (mountain) We were very tired,(9) we felt very happy I really enjoyed my vacation How(10) (wonder) it was!VI.连词成句(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)17(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)you, where, on, did, go, vacation ?18(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)is, what, an, bo

30、ok, it, interesting !19(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)eat, much, junk , food, too, dont 20(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)you, did, do, anything , there, special ?21(2 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)healthy, helps my, good, grades, get, lifestyle(生活方式), me VI. 写作(共计 10 分)22(10 分)(2019 秋石家庄月考)假如你是 Helen, 请根据下列提示,以How to keephealthy?为题,写一篇不少于 70 词的班会演讲稿,说明一下应该如何保持健康 提示:1 早睡早起,从不熬夜;2饮食健康,多吃蔬菜和水果,尽量少吃垃圾食品;3每周锻炼三次;4空闲时间多看书,偶尔上网How to keep healthy?Hi,

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