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外研版初中英语七年级上册 Module 4 Healthy food精品教案.docx

1、外研版初中英语七年级上册 Module 4 Healthy food精品教案外研版初中英语七年级上册教学课题:Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 Weve got lots of apples.项目设计内容备 注课时第 1 、2 课时课 型听说教具多媒体教学目标知识与能力(一) 语言知识目标:1. 词汇:能正确理解并使用下列单词和词组动词:have, get, has名词:food, drink, candy, fruit, meat, vegetable, apple, bean, beef, carrot, chicken, chocolate, coffee, ju

2、ice, milk, potato, tea, tomato, water, shop, kind形容词: some, any, much, bad, healthy连词:so 短语:go shopping, have got, too much, lots of, How about?2 语法:have/has got 的用法;some和any的用法;名词单、复数的用法。3 功能:能谈论健康饮食4 话题:饮食 (二)语言技能目标:1. 听:能听懂有关食物和饮料的对话。2. 说:能谈论自己最喜欢的食物和健康食品。3. 读:能够阅读有关健康饮食的文章。4. 写:能写出有关健康食品的短句。过程与方

3、法态度与情感一是学生通过本文的学习懂得健康饮食的重要性,培养学生生健康的饮食方式。二是培养学生对中国饮食的感情,培养民族自豪感重点学重难点:(1) 掌握语言结构have/has got的用法,掌握some和 any的用法。 (2) 掌握食物和饮料的名词,能够谈论饮食。(3) 可数名词与不可数名词,可数名词的单复数变化。难点Have/has got与there be 的区别及用法。教学手段方法交际法,小组合作,讲练授课课时第一课时教学过程教师活动学生活动说明或设计意图Step1.情景导入(1) (1)以一张图片提问-Do you know ththese food and drdrinks? 导

4、入本节课的话题“饮食”。 (2) Brainstorming- Centering on the topic “food and drinks”, ask a few students to come to the blackboard and write down as many names of food and drinks as possible. 将这些饮食分类并引入单复数形式。1. watch and say小组讨论并选代表上黑板上写出来. 过通过呈现学生熟悉的食物图片及头脑脑风暴激活学生已有的背景知识,知识并刺激学生学习兴趣,为下面的词汇学习做好铺垫。Step2.帮助学生对食物进

5、行归纳分类:4.根据示意图表用刚学过的词列出分类的单词。4.让学生能系统的对食物进行归纳与分类,以便更好地掌握所学食物词汇。Step3.Step4.引导学生总结可数名词与不可数名词5.学习不可数名词的基本特点及用法。5(1)让学生能根据所学的单词了解什么是可数名词与不可数名词及它们的一些特点及用法。6.做单词游戏6.学生按要求做游戏:按食物的分类说出相应的单词。6.游戏的目的是让学生在快乐中进一步巩固所学单词Step5.用动画图片教学have/has got的否定句,一般疑问句及其回答。举例教学some,any 的用法。7.学生听,看,读,记笔记。学习have /has got 的不同句型。学

6、习some ,any 用法。7让学生用“Have we got any?” Yes,we have got some/ No, we havent got any等重点句型在真实语境中的运用,从而掌握重点句型的用法,懂得本模块重要句型,及some,any的用法。Step6.Step7.学生回忆并说出数名词变复数的方法:举例讲解可数名词复数s和es 的读音。总结读音规律Pronunciation & speakingExplain that this activity is to focus difference between the two sounds /s/ and /z/.Write

7、the symbols:1-/s/ 2-/z/ on the board.Check the answers.8.学习可数名词变复数的规则,背诵单数变复数规则的口诀。听录音,模仿读音,根据老师的引导总结出s/es 发音的规律。9.学生三人一组根据图片仿照列子口头练习,互换角色,然后到教室前面表演。8. 巩固可数名词变复数的方法。助学生更好地掌握名词复数s/es的读音,同时提高学生对语音学习的兴趣9.根据所学内容和句型根据图片进行小组练习,为的是更好地练习和掌握所学句型及食物词汇,学以致用。Step8.0.S summary【 总结本节课的重点; (1 1 ).have got/has got

8、句型 (2 2 ).some和any的用法 3) 名词的单复数形式学生归纳总结本节课的重点:1 1),have got/has got 句型 ( 2 ).some和any的用法 3) 名词的单复数形式帮助学生自己总结,使其心中有种成就感,同时再次巩固所学内容。Step9.Step 11.布置家庭作业1用下列句型询问4个同学做个调查表。2根据调查的内容写一段对话:用has/have got 写一段对话: A :Have you got any beef,Lily ? B :Yes,I have some. A:Has lily got any beef,Lucy? C:Yes,she has s

9、ome做作业巩固与升华所学知识。 第二课时 what we learnt last period.1.看图片三,两人一组对话:have you got?yes.I have got.Has he/she got.?no,she/he hasnt got.(1).让学生以对话的方式对上节课学的句型及食物单词进行复习与热身,为下面的听力训练做好铺垫。Step2. Listen and check () the food and drink Betty and her mother have got1Tell the ss they re going to listen to

10、 Betty and her mother making a shpping list.Play the recording and ask the ss to listen and check() the words.Ask the ss to work in pairs and commpare their answers. Ask the ss to go through the list and say”They have got”or “They havent gotfor each itemHave they got?Yes ,they have.No ,they havent.2

11、)listen and check() the names of food and drink that they Betty and her mother say they have got. To work in pairs and commpare their answers. Go through the list and say”They have got”or “They havent gotfor each item.(2)帮助学生熟悉这些食物的单词,特别是其读音,并且为接下来的听力活动提供词汇和话题上的准备。3).学生对Activity 4 的语言目标语进行听力训练,层层深入。

12、过渡自然,结合食品名称进一步学习新的语言项目Step3.Step3 Listen and read (activiy5).Tell the ss they are going to listen Toney and his faher talking aboutgoing shopping. 一Listen and answer the questions1.Is too much chocolate good for our healthy?2.Have they got lots of apples?3.Has Tonys dad got any coffee?二Play the reco

13、rding through while the ss filling the table.Play the recording three times三After-listening, fill in the blanksA= Tonys dad B=TonyA: Tony, lets _ _ for food and drink. Now, we havent _ _ meat. Lets get some chicken.B: OK. Have we _ any _?A: Yes, we have. _ _ chocolate isnt _ _ you. Lets get some _.B

14、: What _ _ fruit? Apples?1.listen and answer the questions. 2.Complete the table.Check the answers with a partner.3.liten and read the dialogue.(four times.)4.fill in the blanksA= Tonys dad B=TonyA: Tony, lets _ _ for food and drink. Now, we havent _ _ meat. Lets get some chicken.B: OK. Have we _ an

15、y _?A: Yes, we have. _ _ chocolate isnt _ _ you. Lets get some _.B: What _ _ fruit? Apples?首首次听,使学生对课文整体把握(2)听对话,跟读。采用全班读,个人读,小组读等多种形式,反复读。再做完成对话的练习,目的是通过反复听读,写来巩固所学内容。Step4.Work in pairs. Talk about Tonys shopping.(activiy6)A: Has he got any ?B: Yes, he has. He has got some /No, he hasnt.4.Work in

16、pairs. Talk about Tonys shopping.A: Has he got any ?B: Yes, he has. He has got some /No, he hasnt.(4).进一步训练与掌握has got 句型及食物单词。Step5.language points:1. Healthy food健康的饮食healthy是以health为词根派生出的形容词。我们以名词health为词根, 可以派生出形容词healthy, 副词healthily, 也可以在形容词healthy之前加前缀-un, 构成反义词unhealthy,意为“不健康的”。2. Too much

17、chocolate isnt good for you. 吃太多巧克力对你没有好处。 too much 意思是“太多”,用来修饰不可 数名词,例如:I have got too much homework to do today. 我今天有太多的作 7. step6.Summary【总结本节课的重点: Lets go shopping for Howhat about Have we got any ? Yes, weve got some No, we havent. We havent got any 5.write down the notes6总结归纳当堂课的重点句型及语法学习与掌握重

18、点语言点。帮助学生归纳课本的重点Step6.Step 7Work in pairs. Make a shopping list用归纳出的重点句型及词汇再进一步的练习与操练。以两人一组形式操练:A: Make a list of things you need.B: Make a list of things youve got.加强巩固所学句型及词汇Step7.Homework Read the conversation with your partner. Work in pairs. Suppose you are going to have a party. One student ma

19、kes a list about the food and drinks you have got and havent got, and another student ask “Have you got any”, then answer and write a dialogue Do homework.使所学东西得到进一步的巩固与升华。板书设计Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 Weve got lots of apples.We /I/You/They/Lingling and Daming have gotHe /She/My mother/Daming has

20、 gotMeat:beefVegetables: potato,carrotsDrinks:milk,coffee课后反思教学课题:module 4 Healthy foodUnit2 Is your food and drink healthy项目设计内容备 注课时第 3.4 课时课 型教具教学目标知识与能力1、 掌握一些表示食物的英语单词:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato 2、 掌握以下重点交际用语:What is your favourite food?3.Using conjunction: but过程与方法任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学,归纳

21、教学法态度与情感能通过谈论健康食品,让学生懂得健康饮食的重要,培养对中国饮食的感情。重点难点教学手段方法教学手段采用多媒体电脑教学教学方法讲授法、直观教学法、情景教学法、讨论法、观察法、交际法等教学过程教师活动学生活动说明或设计意图1.Warming up 2.Revision1.STEP1: Greeting and review the words about food in unit1. Ask and answer: Have you got any?Yes, I have got some. No, I havent got any.1.活跃课堂,提高兴趣。通过学生间的问答,培养交际

22、能力,也巩固已知识,为下面活动做铺垫。II. Presentation (1)Show many pictures. In the pictures, there are much nice food and drink. As the same time, according to the pictures, teach them the new drills and words. eg, 2)Form the groups to collect the words on food which they can use “eat”and which they can use “drink”.

23、 2.learn the new words and drills(1)New words: candy, fish, rice,hamburger, ice cream, noodles,healthyThey are my favourite food.They are delicious and healthy.I likebut they are unheslthy.(2)Join these sentences with but。(activity 6)(3)Label the pictures with these words.(activity 2)(4)answer the q

24、uestions according activity 2What do you like to eat? What do you like to drink?2.让学生边看图,边学单词和一些表达法,创造视觉感观条件,创造交际情景,快速记忆单词,并根据这些句型做活动6. 为进一步的对话和阅读打下基础.让学生用eat和drink 回答活动2的图片,帮助学生建立起动宾搭配的概念。III. Reading Part 3:Healthy food and drink for children.1.Play the tape and and ask the ss chek the sentences.L

25、isten and check the sentenses,then listen the passage ,again and correct.通过听训练学生的听力和口语表达能力。 2.Show the questions on the screen and let the Ss read out them and call back the answers from the class.3.check the answers with picturs and correct sentenses with the whole two plates,one is th

26、e healthy plate,the other is the unhealthy plate.Ask the ss to put the correct words into them.2.Read the passage and anwser the questins 3.Check the anwser with parteners first ,then with the teachers.4. Put the correct words about healthy food and unheathy into the two plates.训练学生快速阅读和从文章中获取信息的能力5

27、. Compete the passage with the corret form of the words and expression from the box.(activity4)Show the words and ask the ss to read them,make sure they know the meanings of the words. 5.Read the passage and complete it with the correct form of the words alone.Check it with their partnersanswers.Che

28、ck it with the teachers 训练学生根据上下文的语境正确使用词汇的能力。IV. PracticeShow some pictures about food and drinks that the students like and often eat .Then let the Ss talk about them.Ask and answer Are they delicous? Are they your favourite food? Are they healthyor unheathy? 通过图片培养学生自己组织语言的能力,并会在生活实际中运用语言的能力。V. D

29、iscussionAsk the students to discuss: To eat well and stay healthy What should we eat or drink?Discuss and give their answers.培养学生自己组织语言的能力,并会在生活实际中运用语言的能力。VI.Writing1.Whats your favourite food and drink?2.Is it healthy food or drink?Write a short passage about theseShow an exampleAnswer the questio

30、ns and according the answers to write a passage.通过模仿练习,培养学生的写作能力。VII. RecallingGuide to recallRecall what we learn today.总结所学知识VIII.HomeworkChoose food from Units 1 and 2 for your mealsbreakfast lunch dinner1.Whats your favourite food and drink?2.Is it healthy food and drinkWrite a short passage about theseDo home

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