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1、期末考试作文精选多篇期末考试作文(精选多篇)how to learn english well ?with the development of the society, english has become more and more important in our daily life. so many students spend more and more time in learning english.the best way to learn english well, i think, is to learn and use english all the time. don

2、t be afraid of being laughed at. wed better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. if you can form the habit of thinking and writing in english all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of english and will be able to read works in english within a short period of dear friends,

3、 if you want to learn english well, just choose a good method and try your best. sometimes, you feel that its a bit difficult for you to learn english well, but never give up. just work hard on it. interest is the best teacher. we are sure to have a good result with great interest. lets learn englis

4、h well together!should students take part-time jobs ?whether students should take part-time jobs? i think it really depends on the students performance of study. the statistics shows more than 50% students taking part time job in college. and some of them are very good in time managing and work for

5、15-20 hours per week. but there are still a lot of students who failed too many subjects that have to drop the degree because of working.take out any financial factor. from my point of view, collegestudent shouldnt take any part-time job at all during the semester. reason is simple, distraction. no

6、matter what benefit it brings from the work, it causes distraction from the study. students can always spend more time on studying, researching or just building up their own project related to the course which will greatly help their future career. besides they can always spend some time on sports w

7、hich built up their body and mind at same time. unless they decided to fully step into the society in early age rather than just take a higher education which is another study and life at collegetime flies! the first year life of my college is going to end up. when we look back it, i find i

8、t happy and sorrow.i still remember the emotion that i stepped into nanchang university for the first time, i第二篇:女儿期末考试作文爱心观开学第一课有感初一二班吕爽又一次国歌回荡,国旗飘扬;又一次春光和煦,群情激昂。站在鲜艳的国旗下,我的思绪又一次回到了昨天开学第一课-我爱中国的主题班会上?为了迎接新学期的到来,为了让我们更好地去适应、了解初中生活,开学第一天老师给我们播放了中央二套的开学第一课-我爱中国的主题班会。班会由王小丫和李佳明主持,主要从四个方方面讲述了对爱的理解:爱是分享,



11、这篇文章决然不想出自初一学生之手,足见其语文素养之高。没想到我如此爱你初三二班吕爽从未想到,命运会在我的生命中安放一段如此美妙的插曲,让我如此爱你。题记 那年,我拥入你的怀抱。忆想当初,你那还未施完工的宿舍楼伴随着“叮叮咚咚”声响逐渐长高,那没有跑道的小操场也着实让我反感,那差到极点的硬件设施让我不想继续呆在这儿,第一次见到你,那简陋的模样,在我的记忆中封存。在后来,又了解了你那近乎苛刻的硬性规定,面对爸爸妈妈那充满希望的目光不得不让我委屈地在这里“囚禁”着。 就这样,在这里生活着。和一群同龄的朋友们一起,共同进行我们的喜怒哀乐。每天清晨就去洗漱,开始一天的生活,很平静地度过每一个单调的日子。




15、少钞票。但是,他的人格钞票却异常的多,他的精神值得我学习。他很富有!哇,他这个人!他已经渐渐走远,但我和妈妈仍目瞪口呆地站在那里,久久没有动弹。六年级:冷靖宇第四篇:英语期末考试作文friends1. 朋友对我们来说非常重要。2. 一个人应该广交朋友。3. 然而,真正的朋友却不易寻觅。friends are very important to us. when in trouble, we need friends to offer us encouragement and help. with success achieved, we also need friends to share o

16、ur joys. its hard to imagine life without friendship!a person should make as many friends as he can. the more friends he has, the more meaningful his life will be. similarly, a country, too, needs friends. china today, for example, has friends all over the world. with the open policy being successfu

17、lly carried out, she is certain to make more friends in the future.however, real friends are not easy to find. thats why we highly value our friend ship with them. false friends also exist. they may have a bad influence on our character and are even worse open enemies. therefore, it is essential we

18、take care in making friends.朋友朋友对我们非常重要。当遇到困难时,我们需要朋友给予鼓励和帮助:获得了成功,我们也需要朋友分享我们的欢乐。没有友谊的生活是难以想象的! 一个人应广交朋友。朋友越多,他的生活将更有意义。同样,一个国家也需要朋友。譬如,今天的中国,朋友遍天下。随着开放政策成功的施行,中国将会有更多的朋友。然而,真正的朋友却不易寻觅。这就是为什么我们非常珍视朋友之间友谊的原因。假朋友也是存在的,他们对我们的品格有不良影响,甚至是更坏的公开敌人。因此,根本的问题在于慎重交友。unit3happiness is a journey1. 我们总是希望将来的生活会更

19、美好2. 我们应该珍惜现在的生活3. 快乐是个过程,不是终点we always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get mar(请关注, have a baby, than another. then, we are frustrated that the kids arent old enough and well be more contet when they are. after that were frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. we will c

20、ertainly be happy when they are out of that stage.we always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together. when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire. the truth is, theres no better time than right now. if not now, when?

21、our life will always be filled with challenges. its best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy of my favorite quotes comes from alfred souza. he said.for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. but there was always some obstacle in the way, some

22、ting to be gotten through firest, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.then life would begin. at last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. this perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. happiness is the way. so treasure every mo

23、ment that you have.and remember that time waits for no one. so stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide th

24、at there is no better time than right now to be happy.happiness is a journey, not a, work like you dont need money, love like youvenever been hurt, and dance like no ones watching.unit 4 on health1. 健康的标准2. 如何保持良好的健康3. 结论要求健康是革命的本钱,请以“health”为题目写篇100单词的英语小短文。每段的中心句已经给出:health is the f

25、oundation of ones future success.what should we do to maintain and enhance our health?health is more important than wealth.healthit is clear that health is the foundation of ones future success. if you become sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively. on the other hand, if you

26、are strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of that we know that health is the source of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? first, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. second, we should keep regular hours of our li

27、ves. if we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise, and this habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. third, there is a proverb that says, “prevention is better than cure.”in conclusion, health is more important than wealth. those who are rich but lose their health are no mor

28、e fortunate than those who are poor. if you want your wish to come true, health is the most important ingredient of your success.评语该文为行云流水,结构清楚而紧凑。开篇说明健康的重要性。在第二段里,分了三个层次来阐释“健康是我们能量的源泉”,而且还有提问句来引导下面的回答。最后一段,“in conclusion”,总结了全文,而且有所提高。understand your health benefits and keep track of them.unit 50n

29、lifelong education1. 终生教育越来越受到重视2. 进行终生教育的方式多样3. 你会选择哪种方式1.你如何看待终身学习2.你认为终身学习有哪些方式3.你应该采取哪种方式in todays society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone. this is because one needs to renew his knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work and the fast development of

30、the society.there are several ways for one to take a life-long learning. one way is to take a part-time education program. the program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. the second way is to study by oneself. you can learn whatever you need for your work on your own. you can learn fr

31、om books, tv programs, internet or radio.i think we could choose one of the ways mentioned above depending on our own personal preferences and interests. personally, i prefer the first one because this kind of learning issystematic and formal. and with the help of the teachers, we can study more eff

32、iciently. unit 6 culture shock1. 你对“culture shock”的理解2. 怎么解决“culture shock”3. 结论1、what is culture shock?culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation(迷茫)that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. many things contribute to it smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. of course, the natives unfamiliar language and behavior

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