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1、谈品牌广告文体特点及其翻译 论文编号: 华南师范大学增城学院本科毕业论文 题 目:谈品牌广告文体特点及其翻译姓 名: 陈妙霞 学 号: 060124319 系 别: 外语系 专业班级: 涉外翻译C班 指导教师: 翁涛 2010年 4 月 18 日On Language Features and Translation skills of Brand Advertising A Thesis Submittedto the Department of Foreign Languages Zengcheng College of South China Normal Universityin Pa

2、rtial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Chen MiaoxiaTutor:Weng TaoApril 18, 2010. ContentsAbstract 中文摘要 Chapter One Introduction 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Aim and objectives 11.3 Research method and data collection 21.4 Organization of the thesis 2Chapter Two Literatur

3、e Review 32.1 Introduction 32.2 Definition of advertising 32.3 Functions of advertising 42.4 Previous theoretic of translation 42.4.1 Instrumental translation theoretic of Nord 42.4.2 Functional equivalence principle of Nida 42.4.3 Translation theoretic applied in advertising 52.5 Related studies on

4、 translation in advertising 52.6 Summary 6Chapter Three Commonness and Characteristic between English and Chinese World-famous Advertising 73.1 Introduction 73.2 Lexical feature and its function 73.2.1 Use simple word and colloquial and common word 73.2.2 Properly use abbreviation and compound word

5、83.2.3 Use You-form personal pronoun 93.2.4 Create and innovate word 103.3 Syntactic feature and its function 113.3.1 Use short sentence, simple sentence and elliptical sentence 123.3.2 Use imperative sentence and interrogative sentence 123.3.3 Use exclamatory sentence 133.4 Rhetorical device and it

6、s function 133.4.1 Pun 143.4.2 Rhyme 143.4.3 Parody 153.5 Summary 16Chapter Four Translation Methods of Advertising 174.1 Introduction 174.2 Literal translation 174.3 Free translation 174.4 Other translation methods 184.4.1 Sets translation 184.4.2 Division translation 194.4.3 Creative translation 2

7、04.5 Summary 22Chapter Five Conclusion 235.1 Introduction 235.2 A summarizing overview 235.3 Limitations and suggestions 24References 25Acknowledgements 26AbstractAlong with the fast development of global economy, advertising as a marketing strategy is becoming increasingly important. Study of brand

8、 advertising language features has both aesthetic and commercial value, which not only can appreciate that special text from literary aspect, but also helps to master its common characteristic, grasping the secret of success. This thesis which collected a number of examples aims to conduct a languag

9、e comparison between English and Chinese advertising. The present study is carried out based on AIDA principle,Instrumental Translation Theoretic of Nord as well as Functional Equivalence Principle of Nida. After detailed analysis, translation methods of advertising have been laid out and the flexib

10、le approach is revealed. It is hoped that the findings of this thesis will provide insights into the comprehension of English and Chinese advertising and give some inspiration for advertising translation.Key words: brand; features of language in advertising; translation methods中文摘要随着全球化的经济发展,广告作为一种营

11、销策略,其重要性日益彰显。研究世界知名广告语的文体特点是兼具美学价值和商业价值的,它不仅能从文学角度赏析广告语这一特殊文体,而且能助于把握知名广告的共有特征,掌握其成功秘诀。本文收集了若干世界知名的英汉广告,解析广告AIDA原则,并运用诺德工具翻译理论和奈达(2001)功能对等原则对知名广告的翻译进行了描述性和解析性研究。本文比较了英汉世界知名品牌广告语言的共性和特性,总结了广告翻译的主要方法和灵活选用技巧。希望本文的研究结果能为英汉广告的理解和翻译提供启发和帮助。关键词:品牌广告;文体特点;翻译方法Chapter One Introduction1.1 IntroductionWith th

12、e fast development of global economy, advertising is becoming increasingly important. Chinese businesses nowadays are seeking abroad for potential clients. Meanwhile, foreign corporations are expanding their markets in China. Advertising has already become a competitive global marketing strategy.Adv

13、ertising not only helps stimulate consumer to purchase the products, increasing the sales volume, but also efficiently pass its information to audience which as a promoting strategy to built the companys image. It successfully bridges the gap between producers and consumers, brings convenience to bo

14、th sides, and saves their costs.Language of advertising greatly enhances its appeals, however, it as a barrier brings difficulties to translators. Studying the features of brand advertising helps to explore efficient methods of translating as well as finding out their secrets of success.1.2 Aim and

15、objectivesThe present study attempts to present that one of the reasons for finding it difficult in translating advertising is the differences of language features between source language and target language. Besides, it intends to find out efficient methods in advertising translation.The thesis aim

16、s to compare the features of brand English advertising and Chinese advertising in order to explore their translation methods.It is primarily concerned with the following two research question: (1) What is the commonness and difference between English and Chinese in world-famous- brand advertising?(2

17、) What are the efficient methods to translate advertising?It is hoped that this study will benefit English advertising readers and writers. A good knowledge of the features of advertising will provide insights for advertising reading and interpretation in certain cultural contexts, and give some ins

18、piration for the writing of advertising. 1.3 Research method and data collectionTypical examples will be cited from English and Chinese brand advertising to compare their features in lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspects, finding out their commonness and characteristic.Relevant translating theor

19、etic will be explain and translation methods will be listed and compared with corresponding features for exploring efficient translation approaches.1.4 Organization of the thesisThe thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One briefly introduces aim and objectives, research paradigms, and data

20、collection of the research. Chapter Two relates the review of literature to the theoretical framework of present study. Chapter Three is one of the main bodies of the thesis in which is applied to analyze the collected data to compare English and Chinese in brand advertising. Chapter Four is another

21、 main body to describe the methods of translating advertising. Chapter Five draws conclusions, discusses limitations of the thesis and suggests further research. Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Introduction This chapter first begins with definition of relevant concepts: advertising, including brand

22、 advertising, and functions of advertising. Then, it continues with the brief introduction of some previous theoretic of translation, namely, Instrumental Translation theoretic of Nord and Functional Equivalence Principle of Nida. The final section of this chapter deals with the theoretic applied in

23、 advertising as well as their guiding functions ,and discusses related studies on advertising.2.2 Definition of advertising With the development of the industry, a more concise definition is modified by the American Marketing Association(AMA): Advertising is the non-personal communication of informa

24、tion usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. (Wang Yanxi,2004:7)Besides, Association of National Advertisers(ANA)has its opinion: “Advertising is a paid form of mass communication, aiming at offering inform

25、ation, altering others attitudes to advertised products, inducing others to get action and at last making profits for the advertisers.” (Gu Jiazu,2000:120)However, brand advertising is the one that is well-known, widespread and available to escape ones lips. It not only receives more recognition fro

26、m consumers, but also catches a high market share. It has a remarkable feature, that is, has concise language, fast-paced and easy to pronounce.From the above definitions, we can point out the basic purpose of advertising: advertisers try to impart information to consumers and change their attitudes

27、 towards the products in order to call the public attention and persuade them to buy the advertised products or services in preference to another.2.3 Functions of advertisingAdvertising may appear in any styles, such as dialogue, prose or even poem, whichever style it may take, advertising serves se

28、veral basic functions. Generally speaking, advertising has the functions as follows: “Information Function, Demand Creation Function, Persuasive Function, Get Action Function and Goodwill Establishment Function.” (Wang Yanxi,2004:9)Peter Newmark, who is a British linguist and translator, divided tex

29、ts into three types: expressive, informative and vocative. Advertising belongs to the type of vocative, and its aim lies in using AIDA principle, that is, attention, interest, desire and action. (Shi Yanping,2008)According to its functions and features of type, it can be found out that advertiser tr

30、ies to infuse new desire into the consumers after they received the information in order to arouse their curiosity and interest. Inducing consumers to feel really need to buy and encouraging them to action is the final purpose of advertising. 2.4 Previous theoretic of translation2.4.1 Instrumental t

31、ranslation theoretic of NordNord is a representative of Teleology, which regards that translation should achieve its expective purpose. Instrumental translation, which created by Nord, is producing in the target languages an instrument for a new communicative interaction between the source-culture s

32、ender and a target-culture audience, using (certain aspects of ) the source text as a model. (Nord,2001:47)2.4.2 Functional equivalence principle of Nida “Dynamic equivalence” which was later modified into “functional equivalence” is defined “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language.”( Nida,1969:24)B

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