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1、英语口语教学教案计划一、教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1)认读句子:Weregoingtogo toHainantomorrow.Im going to swim inthesea.Im going to visit mygrandpa.2)认读单词:children, tomorrow, from,China, swim, sea短语:by plane, getup2、语言技能目标:1)能听懂并能口头运用We are going to go to Hainantomorrow.Im going to swim in thesea.这类语句描述即将做的事情,Module7的教案。2)能识别并能根

2、据提示书写单词from,China。3、学习策略:养成仔细观察、认真模仿的良好习惯,培养口语交际能力和发散思维能力。4、文化意识:通过学习Im fromChina.来培养学生爱国意识。5、情感态度:通过本模块旅游的主题来培养学生了解更多地理知识和风土人情。二、教学重点:准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。三、教学难点:会用“be goingto”结构讲述讲自己的计划或将要发生的事情以及单词visit的发音。四、教学用具:CAI课件、CD-ROM、磁带、单词卡片。五、教学过程:I.Warm-upDo someactions.Play,play,playbasketball

3、.Play,play,playchess.Make, make, makeacake.Write, write ,writealetter.Play, play,playbasketball.Swim, swim, swim inthesea. (学习词组并让学生做动作)II PresentationT:I likeswimming.Do youlike swimming?S:Yse.T:But nowits very cold, so Im going to go a warmer place(课件展示海南的图片以及句子Im going to go toHainan.领读跟读)I like

4、sports and I liketravellingtoo. Look, Im going to go to继续出示课件北京、上海等地的图片和Im going to go to引导学生说出I m going to go toBeijing/ShanghaiIIIPractice一课件出示中国地图让学生用Im going to go to这个句型来描述自己将要去的地方。(小组内说)二提问学生起来说,当很多人去一样的地方的时候就可以说Were going to go to(板书并领读,生跟读。) IVText learning一、出示Smart一家的图片T:Who are they?S:They

5、re Mr Smart, Ms Smart, Sam andAmy.T:Yes, Where are they going to go?Lets read and complete the sentences.1. The Smart family is goingtogo to _tomorrow. (Im at school today, I m going to go toRizhaotomorrow.学习tomorrow,do you knowtomorrow?can you guess?Whats the meaning?)S:Hainan.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的答案是

6、否正确)二、T: YesTheyre going to go to Hainan, Im going to go to Hainan, but its very far from here,(出示中国地图并标出海南和山东的距离)so Im going to go by plane (学习词组)课件展示乘火车、乘公共汽车的图片让学生小组内说说自己要去的地方并练习说Im going to go byplane/train/bus(提问学生起来说)T: What about theSmarts?How are they going to go?Lets read and complete the s

7、entences.2. Theyre going to go _.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的答案是否正确)三、课件呈现爷爷的照片学习单词“visit”T: We knowthey re going to go toHainan. Do you know where am Igoing to go?Look,this is my grandpa,I love him,but we havent seen for a long time,I miss him very much,so Im going to visit my grandpatomorrow.(can youguess?W

8、hats the meaning?学习Visit并让每个学生起来说Im going to go visit my grandpa,教师及时纠正visit和grandpa的发音)T: What aboutyou?What are you going to dotomorrow?(让学生小组内说一下并出示课件游泳、打篮球、踢足球等图片提示学生说出Im going to 并让学生起来展示)四、What about Xiaoyong and Sam?What are they going to do?Lets read and fill in theblanksWhereHowWhat五、Read t

9、he text andtick () orcross(), thencorrect.1.Sam and Amy are going toget up at 6 o clock.2.Xiaoyong isfromEngland.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的答案是否正确)学习from,China并让学生练习说Im fromChina.Do you love China?We should love China,yes?Because WereChinese.(情感教育,教育学生要爱国,教案Module7的教案。)六、Follow theCD-ROM,并学习swimsuit出示课文的图片,T

10、:Whos swimsuit is this?Is this Sams or Xiaoyongs?Ss:Xiaoyongs.T: Why?S1:Sam和Xiaoyong拿错了包?T: Why?Ss:他们有一样的包T: YesThey have the samebags. What do you learnfromthis story?S: 要保管好自己的物品七、Read the text and actit out thencomplete.Were goingto go to_tomorrow.We re going to get upat_o clock.We re going to go

11、 by_.I m goingtovisit_.I mgoingto_inthesea.VExtensionMake a planWhat are you going to dothisweekend?Im going to go to thisweekend.Im going to getup atoclock.Im going to go byIm going toVIHomework:Read thetextfluently.熟读课文。Do Exercise 3 and Exercise5 on your ExerciseBooks.做配套练习册第三题和第五题。Write 3 things you aregoing to dotomorrow.写出三件你明天打算做的事情。Im goingtotomorrow.

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