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The rise of Greek civilization.docx

1、The rise of Greek civilizationThe rise of Greek civilizationIn all of history, most people feel amazing or difficult to explain than the sudden rise of Greek civilization. Most of what constitutes Mesopotamian civilization has existed for thousands of years in Egypt and cord, and from there spread t

2、o the neighborhood countries. But which has always been the lack of certain factors, until the Greeks that they provide it. Greeks achievements in literature and art is well known, but their contribution in the field of pure knowledge made even more extraordinary. They pioneered the mathematics, sci

3、ence and philosophy; they first wrote from pure chronology of the history book; they are free to ponder the purpose of life and the world of nature, without any inherited orthodoxy flail Suo bound. Everything that happens is so amazing that until recent times, people still meet in amazing and myster

4、ious talking about the Greek genius. But now it has been possible to use the concept of science to understand the development of Greece, and it really worth to do so also.Thales philosophy from the beginning, he predicted an eclipse, so we are very fortunate to be able to determine based on this fac

5、t his age; Astronomers said the eclipse appeared in 585 BC. Originally, regardless of philosophy and science, so they are born together in the early sixth century BC. In the past, Greece and its neighbors what had happened things? Any answers are necessarily speculative in part, but archeology in th

6、is century has given us the knowledge already mastered than our ancestors to be a lot more.In Egypt, about the invention of writing around 4000 BC in Babylon not too late too. Two characters are pictographic drawings from the start. These pictures quickly on the convention, which is knowing the lite

7、ral words to express, like China, as currently still prevailing. In the thousands of years of the process, this complicated system developed into phonetic text.Egypt and Mesopotamia development of early civilization was due to the Nile, the Tigris and Euphrates, they were so easy and abundant agricu

8、ltural production. Divine king these civilizations in many ways a bit like the Spaniards found in Mexico and Peru civilization, there is a power with a despotic; in Egypt, he licensed the entire land. There is a polytheistic, polytheism of the king and this supreme god has a special intimacy. Milita

9、ry aristocracy, but also priest aristocracy. If the monarch weak or unfavorable war, priests are often able to humiliation royal nobility. Cultivators of land were serfs, belonging to the king, nobles or priests.Egyptian and Babylonian theology theology is quite different. The main concern is the de

10、ath of the Egyptians, and they believe that the soul of the deceased to enter the underworld, where, according to their lifestyle Osiris to judge them on the ground. They think that the soul will eventually come back inside the body; This creates a mummy and a luxurious tomb building. Pyramids is 40

11、00 BC and 3000 year end leaf leaves were built by kings. After this period, Egyptian civilization became more and more rigid, and the religious conservatism makes progress impossible. When about 1800 BC, Egypt was known as the Hyksos people conquered by the Sumerians, who ruled Egypt about two centu

12、ries. They did not leave a lasting mark in Egypt, but they appear here to help Egyptian civilization must have been spread in Syria and Palestine.Babylons history with more militaristic than the Egyptian militant nature. The initial ruling was not Semitic race, but Soma even people, the origin of su

13、ch a person we do not know. They invented cuneiform, conqueror of Semitic is from here that they received the cuneiform. There was a time, there are many independent city-states fight each other; but in the end Babylon dominate, and established an empire. Other city of God becomes a subsidiary of Go

14、d, and God of Babylon will get Mal Governor grams like the kind of status among the Greek gods Zeus and later occupied. Egypt also appeared in the same situation, only much earlier time. Egyptian and Babylonian religion just as other ancient religions, is a kind of reproductive performance originall

15、y worship. Earth is negative, while the sun is positive. Bulls are generally considered positive reproductive performance of the Incarnation, God is very common cattle. In Babylon, the earth goddess Ishtar goddess among the public is paramount. The great mother in the whole of West Asia in a variety

16、 of different names and worshiped. When Greek colonists in Asia Minor when the building of the house for her, they called her Artemis and the original liturgical accepted over. This is the Ephesians Di Ana origin. Christian took her transformed into the Virgin Mary, but to Ephesus religious conferen

17、ce before the provisions of the Notre Dame this title add to our godmother.As long as a religion and a combination of imperial government in a political motivation would significantly change the religion of primitive look. A male god or a goddess and the country will be linked not only to ensure his

18、 harvest, but also to ensure victory. Wealthy priestly ritual prescribed a set of teaching and theology, and the various components of some of Gods empire are arranged in a pantheon.Through contact with the government of God and morality will have contact. Legislators from God accepted their code, t

19、hus breaking the law is blasphemy. The oldest known Codex now is around 2100 BC, the Babylonian king 罕姆拉 than Codex; king declared this codex is delivered by Mull Governor grams to him. Throughout ancient times, this link between morality and religion become increasingly close. Babylonian religion a

20、nd religion in Egypt is different, it is more concerned with earthly happiness and prosperity rather than the afterlife. Witchcraft, divination and astrology, though not peculiar to Babylon, but in more developed here than in other places, and mainly they did in the late antiquity gained their statu

21、s by Babylon. From Babylon also handed down some things belong to science: the day into 24 hours, the circumference is divided into 360 degrees; and the discovery of eclipses cycle. This allows them to accurately predict lunar eclipses, and can somehow probability to predict eclipses. Babylon this k

22、nowledge, we will see below, Thales is obtained for.Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations agricultural civilization, and civilization around the nations first civilization is animal husbandry. Commercial development at first almost entirely at sea, with the commercial development on the emergence

23、of a new factor. Until about 1000 BC, bronze weapons or manufactured, some countries do not have their own on the mainland this essential metal, they have engaged in trade or pirate plunder in order to obtain them. Pirates plunder just a temporary expedient, but in the social and political condition

24、s fairly stable place, business would be considered to be more profitable. On the commercial side, Crete seems to be a pioneer. About ten a century, we can say from 2500 BC to 1400 BC, Crete had existed on an art highly advanced culture, it is called minoxidil culture. Cretan art gives relics in a j

25、oyous, almost decadent luxury impression, and Temple terrifying gloom that Egypt is very different.On this important civilization, Sir Arthur Evans and other Morohito excavations ago, it is almost unknown. It is a maritime nation of civilization, maintaining close contact with Egypt (except age Hyks

26、os domination is the exception). It is clear from the picture in Egypt, Crete sailors between Egypt and Crete been considerable business, this business about when around 1500 BC, reached its peak. Religion seems to Crete and Asia Minor and Syria share the same religious point of many, but in the art

27、s and the same point of the Egyptian some more, though Cretan art is very ingenious, and is full that can be surprising vitality. Center Minoan Knossos is called the Camino Palace, the legendary Classical Greek has been circulating in its recall. Crete is extremely magnificent palaces, but about the

28、 end of the fourteenth century BC was destroyed, perhaps by Greek invaders destroyed. Crete historical chronology, from the Egyptian artifacts found in Crete and Crete artifacts found in Egypt and inferred; all our knowledge is relying on archaeological evidence.Cretans worshiped a goddess, perhaps

29、several goddesses. The most unequivocal goddess is the mistress of animals, she is a huntress, perhaps the origin of the classical Artemis . She or another goddess, is also a mother; in addition, the animal man of the house outside, only male God is her minority carrier. There is evidence that the p

30、eople of Crete is the belief in life after death, as in Egypt, like faith that after death, during his lifetime as they are subject to punishment. But in general, from Crete artistic point of view, it seems that they are happy people, and have not been gloomy superstition great oppression. They like

31、 bullfighting, bullfighting when female fighters and male fighters perform amazing stunts, like surface. Bullfighting is a religious ceremony, Sir Arthur Evans, who thought bullfighting among the highest nobility. Handed down picture is very vivid and lifelike.Cretans had a linear text, but no one c

32、an identify. They are in the country is peaceful, and their cities without walls; they certainly are subject to the protection of sea power.Before the destruction of civilization Camino, about when around 1600 BC, it spread to the Greek mainland, the continent experienced a gradual degeneration of t

33、he stage until 900 BC so far. This mainland civilization is called the Mycenaean civilization; it is due to the emperors tomb excavation and excavation on the hilltop fortress and was found, indicating that they are more afraid of the island Bikelite war. Mausoleum and fortress classical Greek imagination always gave a strong impression. Palace mo

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