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1、初一英语课外单词整理1.ZDWIn En gla nd people can go to see a doctor n earby whe n they are ill在英格兰当人们生病了他们可以去附近找医生。Usually,whe n people feel ill,they go too see their doctor一般情况下,当人们感觉到他们生病了可以去看他们的医生In an emerge ncy,people can call 999 for an ambula nee在紧急时,人们可以拨打 999Usually people have to pay for the doctors

2、 prescripti on.通常人们不得不在医生处方上花钱It is ture that people n ever value what they already had事实上人们从不重视他们将要得到的东西have tovalue不得不重视campusen courage大学,学院鼓励sb+spe nd+time+on sthfeed花费时间做某事喂养child-caredo well in儿童保育;儿童护理在方面做得 好eve nt(比赛)项目C2.LWQ快捷英语P83单词:短语:religious宗教的too much太多non-religious非宗教的used to曾经offici

3、al正式的,官方的as a result of由于的结果traditi on传统traditi on ally传统上symbol象征,符号hide隐藏hu nt打猎,搜寻no rmal正常的,标准的result纟口果,效果,后果cycle周期,循环句子:It began as an important religious festival,but for the non-religious it is also a special time.虽然复活节最初是一个重要的宗教节日,但对于非宗教人士来讲它也是一个特别的时刻Its quite normal for children to feel s

4、ick after Easter weekend as a result of eating too much chocolate.因为过量食用巧克力,故复活节过后,孩子们生病是再正常不过的事情了The date of Easter follows the cycle of moon.复活节的日期紧随着一次月球周期。It is always sometime between late March and late April.复活节总是在从三月底到四月底之间的的某个时候。快捷英语P84单词:短语:homeless无家可归的take care of照顾,照看prepare准备look after

5、照顾,照料have to不得不prepare for为做准备句子:They give food to many homeless people,the only meal in the streets and parks.他们为许多无家可归的人提供食物,这些食物在那些大街上和公园里是独一无二的3.ZXFWe did nt tell him he probably n ever made the team, so he did nt know.我们没有告诉他他或许从未组建过运动队,所以他不知道。Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running.他仍然目视

6、前方,继续跑步。he just did it他做到了They can be as small as 3 cm long and as large as 3 meters long.他们能够小到有3厘米长,大到有3米长。The best time to see earthworms is at ni ght, especially a cool, damp ni ght.观察蚯蚓的最佳时间是晚上,尤其是在凉爽,潮湿的夜晚。Thats because they breathe through their skin, and they cant breathe if their skin gets

7、too dry那是因为他们通过皮肤进行呼吸,如果他们的皮肤太干则他们不能进行呼吸。damp潮湿burrow地洞dig up挖起breathe呼吸flood洪水club feet畸形脚n eighborhood邻居as as同一样earthworm蚯蚓especially尤其eve nt(比赛)项目C4.WM生词短语stress压力not at all一点也不,不必客气muscle肌肉give up放弃cigarette香烟pay forP支付deliver投递catch up追上,赶上almost几乎句子I.One of the reas ons that young people smoke

8、 is because they thi nk it is cool.年轻人抽烟的原因之一是因为他们认为这样很酷。2.Exercise relaxes your muscles and helps you stop smok ing if you have already started.锻炼放松你的肌肉并且帮助你停止吸烟如果你已经开始了。3.To stay away from smok ing, keep a list with you say ing why smok ing is bad.为了避免抽烟,在你身边带一张说吸烟为什么不好的清单。4.After he told his moth

9、er what he thought, she smiled.在他告诉他的妈妈他在想什么之后,她笑了。5.LY单词英文:中文row行,排fin est好的,出色的(fine的最高级)brave勇敢的save拯救短语英文中文kno cked over:打翻roused me up唤醒我save all our lives拯救我们全家生活As he drove by 。句子当他驶过one ni ght a couple of years ago,I drank a lot and I guess I had more than 1 should have.一个两年前的晚上,我喝了很多,我认为我应该

10、有更多比起我有的单词英文中文peers:平辈in flue nee影响短语英文中文has to face it必须面对它laugh at嘲笑6.BWQ第57篇人与狗的感 人故事词语短语wood树林go back home回家tomb坟墓fell asleep睡着了;入睡grave坟墓bury sb.埋葬某人bury埋葬 faithful忠诚的第58篇酒后驾车 :词语短语accide nt事故decide to do决疋做某事track跟踪 :teach well教得好hit打击a place of in terest名胜古迹lice nse驾驶证sad about为 伤心afraid of害怕

11、in terested in感兴趣worried about担忧Arushi ng to匆忙句子But they would sit toghther in front of a warm fire to live through cold winters. 但是,他们在温暖的火前坐在一起度过寒冷的冬天了。When it was getting dark ,he heard John saying.当天色暗了,他听见约翰说话。句子It can so fast that it almost hit a man riding a bike. 它能得这么快,几乎撞到一个骑自行车的人。7. LYN89

12、课生词:agree同意n eighbor邻居短语:agree with与某人(观点一致句子:does it say somethi ng about you?你赞成这个观点吗?第41篇英文中文单词ordi nary普通的eager ness渴望toward对于,为了raise抚养strong-min ded坚强的短语by cha nee偶然,意外的to begi n with首先at that time在那时give up放弃句子If you like doing online shopping,you may find an e-shop named “ Little House ofMag

13、ic Bean Baby.如果你喜欢在网上购物,你会发现一个电子商店叫做“魔豆宝贝小屋 By chance,she saw a beautiful coat when surfing the Internet and bought it her dauhter from that e-shop.在他上网的时候,偶然发现一件漂亮的大衣并且买给了她的女儿。8.CYQ第42篇英文中文单词check方格knees膝盖invent发明regard注意,尊重parade游行队伍bagpipe风笛短语a kind of一种with differe nt color不同的颜色a nu mber of若干get

14、 in the way妨碍no Ion ger句子One story is that an English factory owner,Thomas Rawlinson,invent the kilt in the1720s.一个故事是说一个央国工厂的主人, ThomasRawlinson,在18世纪20年代发明了这种短裙。Scots also wear kilts in parades when they play their traditional musical instrumentbagpipes.当苏格兰人演奏他们的传统乐器风笛时,他们在游行队伍里也会穿这种裙子。9.ORL假期周周练

15、总结75、76课P75生词生词翻译生词翻译Europe欧洲cen tury百年,一世纪hole洞,穴,孔hit碰撞,使碰撞dig (原文中dug)挖,掘bronze青铜,古铜plastic造型的;塑造的no ble贵族either两者之一的limit有限的in tellige nee智力,智慧deeply深深地appear露面Sydney悉尼短语be made of用制作(可看出原材料)want to想要a part of的一部分whats more而且句子It can date back to the seve ntee nth cen tury.它可追溯到17世纪。The nu mber

16、of the players isnt limited.And many childre n are going to choose it as their job in the future. 有许多孩子打算在将来做这个职业。P76 生词生词翻译生词翻译sand沙粒desert沙漠field田野crops农作物,庄稼camel骆驼短语kinds of种类look for寻找live on以为食句子These ani males live on the desert pla nts and do not n eed mauch water.这些动物都以沙漠的植物为食,不需要大量的水。No ma

17、n in the desert wonld ever refuse to help the people in trouble and give them food and water. 在沙漠中,当人们遇到陷入困境时没有人会拒绝,而且会给他们食物和水。10. LSS吝啬的马特for a long time很久for a while一段时间in a n earby field附近的一片田野上pay for为 而付钱as well也make a barga in讲价took off (take off )起飞At one mome nt it was flying upside dow n.在前

18、一秒还倒飞 的慕尼黑啤酒节milli ons of数以百万计的the head of的头during 在期间take part in 参加take place发生During these days,many people reach Germanyto enjoy the interesting festival with great interest.在这些天,许多人直抵德国享受有趣的节日有很大的兴趣。11.WMP19patie nts病人ward病房sign标记switch开关headphones听筒recovery康复Sorry about that, but you can see w

19、hat would happe n if we did not have these rules很抱歉,但是你可以看出如果我们没有这条规则将会是什么样。however , if you do n eed to smoke , there are some smok in g-rooms where it is allowed.不过,如果你需要抽烟,这里吸烟室可以抽烟P20behave举止folk民间的realize了解Accord ing to some scie ntists, the sound of western classical music makes people feel ri

20、cher.根据一些科学家所说,古典的音乐使人觉得很富有。In fact , people order their food faster when the music gets faster.事实上,音乐越快,人们点菜也点得越快。12. LRYP31第37篇英文中文生词stra nger陌生人certa in ly肯定地headmaster校长rude粗鲁短语hear about听说sit up端坐lay dow n躺下hold out伸出,张开look around四下观望find out找出come up走近put up举起;抬起just now刚才befor long不久之后at onc

21、e立刻in time及时句子They are lying in the sun. They are not doing any work.They are not at school.他们正躺着晒太阳。他们没在做任何工作。他们没去学校Lazy harry did not move. Hedid not sta nd up. He did not sit up. He did not hold out his hand.懒哈利没有挪动。他没有站起来。他没有做起来。他没有伸出自己的手。P33第38篇生词Easter复活节uniform制服timetable时间表短语at the age of在岁时

22、句子In the UK, childre n start primary school at the age of five and stay un til theyare eleve n.在英国,孩子们在五岁时开始小学生活直到他们十一岁。Many stay in school un til eightee n to study for A Level(Adva need Level)大多数留在学校里直到十八岁为了拿到 A级P94生词wide宽阔的conn ect连接短语look out of向外看slow dow n使慢下来begi n to do开始做某事find on es way to

23、到达spend on在花费be in terested in对感兴趣to on es surprise出乎某人意料句子It was so easy to notise that everybody on the train turned to enjoy with eyes wide open.它太容易被注意了以至于在火车上的每个人都开始用眼睛“欣赏”He thought it was a good piace for advertisement because it was facing the railway bend.他认为这是一个对于做广告来说的好地方因为它面对着铁路的转弯处。13.L

24、C13篇单词:短语:bother打扰positive attitudes进去态 度guilty惭愧pile up堆积pattern模式full of充满con ti nue延续,继续下去campus大学,校园accept接受pile一堆task任务,工作achieve完成,实现14篇单词:短语:waterway航道head for朝进发vi ne藤本植物,藤slow dow n(使)慢下来vin eyard葡萄园run into撞向hillside山腰;山坡lure引诱poem诗feet英尺句子:But I knew I would finish it ; if not today ,then tomorrow.但我明白,既然下定决心,作业再多也能完成,不是今天就是明天句子:She once sat on the rock sang to lure the boats to run into the rock. 她曾经坐在岩石上唱歌去引诱船只撞向岩石14.WAJ第87课茶文化:生词example例子teahouses茶馆prefer喜欢plain单纯的else别的cerem ony仪式almost几乎teapot茶壶短语all around在for example例如gett ing together聚在起full of meaning意味深长的

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