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1、浅析简爱的双重性格学位论文AbstractCharlotte Brontes Jane Eyre is far more popular than her other books because in superficial level this novel presents us a Cinderella-type love story. The only difference is that Jane Eyre is a short, plain and orphan girl with low social status, but she is not failing apart wit

2、h self-esteem, self-respect, and self-reliance when she faces difficulties in life, economy and love. Due to her rebellious spirit and rich inner world, she fights against her fate successfully and gains her happiness at last.These positive characters make Jane Eyre an advanced woman in the history

3、of western literature and the representative of personal charm in a prolonged period, but she also shows her negative side to us on her roads of life to fighting: self-abasement, weakness and conservative personality. This thesis will break the traditional thinking, analyzing Jane Eyres double chara

4、cters both the positive and negative sides. It can help us to have a better understanding of our great heroine from a new angle and new ways.Key words: Jane Eyre; double characters; analysis中文摘要夏洛蒂勃朗特的简爱因其灰姑娘似的爱情童话故事而一直享有广泛的读者群。与灰姑娘不同的是,简爱是一个身材矮小,地位低微的孤儿。在面对生活,经济,爱情方面的困难时,她展现出自尊,自重,自强的一面。也由于她的反抗精神和丰

5、富的内心世界,让她成功地战胜了命运,并赢得了最后的幸福。简爱积极的特性使她成为了西方文学史上的先进妇女和具有经久不衰魅力的人物代表。但在她人生道路上,她也表现出了她自卑,软弱和保守的一面。本论文将打破传统观念,简析简爱的双重性格正面和负面。这有利于我们从新的角度和新的途径更好地了解主人公的性格特征。关键词:简爱;双重性格;分析1. Introduction1.1 A brief introduction of the authorVery few Critics of Charlottes works will be authoritative if they just choose to i

6、gnore the authors growing background and personal experience and focus only on the novels themselves. As for seemingly semi-biographic novel Jane Eyre that the author has attached much of her own self to the main protagonist, a brief review of the authors personal experience is very necessary. It wi

7、ll enable us to know the fact that not only Charlottes own time contributed to the portrayal of the main women images, but also her own experience was indispensable to the development of the plot and the passions of Jane Eyre. So a summarized account of some of the most important anecdotes is necess

8、ary. Charlotte Bronte (1818 - 1855) was the third daughter of a poor country clergyman at Haworth, Yorkshire, in northern England. It was a family of six small children that Mr. Bronte moved to take up his position as perpetual curate there in February 1820. At her age of 8, Charlotte and her four s

9、isters were sent to a charity school where they were cruelly treated, and two of her elder sisters died there by having lung disease. At the age of 19, she worked as a school-teacher to afford on education for her brother and sisters, and later as a governess. In 1846 appeared a volume of verse enti

10、tled “Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell”, the pseudonyms of Charlotte and her little sisters Emily and Anne. In the same year her first work of fiction, The Professor was sent to different publishers and was rejected by them all, and it was not published till after her death. She went on writin

11、g another novel, Jane Eyre, which was published in 1847 and achieved an immediate success. In the next year, The Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey by her sister Emily and Anne respectively were also published. But sorrow came to her when in that year, her only brother and her sister Emily died, and A

12、nne died in the following year. Charlotte wrote two more novels after that, Shirley in 1849 and Villette in 1853, still under the pseudonym of Currer Bell. In 1854 she married her fathers curate A.B. Nicholas, and she died the next year. Another novel, Emma, appeared as a fragment after her death, i

13、n 1860(Chen, 2006:258).1.2 The background information of Victorian feminine writerIn Charlotte Brontes time, the middle-class ideology of the proper sphere of womanhood, which developed in post-industrial England and America, prescribed a woman who would be a perfect lady, an angel in the house, con

14、tentedly submissive to men, but strong in her inner purity and religiosity, queen in her own realm of the home.Women beginning their literary careers in the 1840s were seeking heroine both professional role model and fictional ideal who could combine strength and intelligence with feminine tendernes

15、s, tact, and domestic expertise. At the same time, they perceived themselves and their fictional heroines as innovators who would provide role models for future generations. The feminine writers were thus looking for two kinds of heroines. They wanted inspiring professional role-models; but they als

16、o want romantic heroines, a sisterhood of shared passion and suffering, women who sobbed and struggled and rebelled. It was very difficult for the Victorians to believe that both qualities could be embodied in the same woman. The simplest resolution would have been to find the role model in life, th

17、e heroine in literature, but it did not work that easily.As the first generation of English Victorian feminine writers, in order to meet the standards of the society and be accepted by the readers, many of them used pseudonyms. Victorian feminine novelists thus found themselves in a double bind. The

18、y felt humiliated by the condescension of male critics and spoke intensely of their desire to avoid special treatment and achieve genuine excellence, but they were deeply anxious about the possibility of appearing unwomanly. As we can see when the author of Jane Eyre turned out to be a young maid, t

19、here was a sudden change of tone in critics (Yang, 2003: 23). Under such kind of environment, Charlotte Bronte has both rebellious spirit and conservative personality that reflected in her masterpiece Jane Eyre. 1.3 A brief introduction of the novelJane Eyre is by far the best known of Charlotte Bro

20、ntes novels. The story begins at Gateshead. A penniless orphan girl Jane Eyre, about ten years old, is brought up by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman. She reacts strongly against her aunts bad treatment and she is sent to Lowood Asylum, a charity school for poor girls. The school

21、 teacher Brocklehurst is here portrayed as a very severe and hard-hearted person who not only keeps the children half-starved but prevents them from having normal mental growth. Quite different from Helen, who is a thoroughly obedient child under the rigid displine of the school, Jane Eyre strives f

22、or independence and in her the novelist expresses her humanistic and democratic protest against the suppression of personality in Victorian society. After her years of misery in school the heroine goes to Thornfield Hall to be a governess to pursue a different life in a different environment. The li

23、ttle girl she teaches is the natural daughter of Mr. Rochester. Life at Thornfield was the most romantic experience for the protagonist but it also brought Jane to the most severe psychological inner conflicts, because here the author takes up a new theme - love and marriage. In spite of Janes plain

24、ness, Rochester is fascinated by her wit and courageous spirit and falls in love with her. Their marriage is prevented at the last minute by the revelation that he has married Bertha Mason fifteen years before. It turns out that the real imprisoned woman in the attic is his wife who is charged by Gr

25、ace Poole and who is now a raving maniac. Jane then goes away and after nearly perishing on the moor is taken in by a clergyman St. John Rivers and his sisters. The clergyman almost succeeds in making her agree to marry him - not because he loves her, as he admits, but because he admires her and wan

26、ts her service as an assistant, but she finally declines his offer and goes back to look for Rochester. Upon her arrival at Thornfield Hall, she finds that the place had been burnt down by Bertha Mason and that Rochester, attempting in vain to save his mad wife from death in the fire, becomes blind.

27、 She marries him in spite of his misfortune and restores him to happiness. The author tries to show here that Jane Eyre, different from many other women in the mammon-worship society, considers marriage not as a bargain but as a union of kindred soul. Jane Eyre is a great piece of work, full of prof

28、ound intention, complicated plots and sincere emotion. It also shows its unique artistic charm and literature values, though it has enjoyed popularity for more than one and a half century. 1.4 Literature reviewJane Eyre is one of the masterpieces in English literature for its unique contents and exq

29、uisite methods of impression. It has been analyzed from different angles since it was published. People constantly study it from different perspectives, such as realism, modernism, feminism and so on. The thesis Women Images of Jane Eyre written by Yang Hongyan, reveals the special feminine sexual r

30、eality and awareness of female sexuality from realistic perspective (Yang, 2003). Hu Chunling from modernist way regards Jane Eyre as the precursor of feminism on her master thesis the Modernity of Jane Eyre (Hu, 2002). Li Shuyan explores womens liberation in Jane Eyre on her paper Gender Awareness

31、of Jane Eyre, which is based on feminism (Li, 2005). Scholars still keep on digging its potential intentions, delicate skills and writing style. My discussion of the novel, based on characters, does not only focus on the analysis of the protagonists pursuit of equality and independence, but also foc

32、uses on the heroines sense of inferiority, conservative personality and weakness. Analyzing Jane Eyres character in both the positive and negative side can help us to have a better understanding of the heroine and the theme.2. Analysis of Jane Eyres Double CharactersIn traditional English novels, th

33、e heroines are usually beautiful women, and their love stories are described as modest and sincere, rich in poetic flavor. Against traditional style of writing, Charlotte discards all the established standards in novels, and boldly creates a heroine as herself, short and ordinary looking, but can aro

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