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1、开心版小学英语单词与课文三年级上册英语Unit1Whats your name? Im Tony.Whats your name? Im Jenny.Whats your name? Im Gogo.WordsApple(苹果) banana(香蕉) cat(小猫) ant(蚂蚁) bear(熊)Carrot(胡萝卜)Unit2Whats this ? Its a book.Whats this? Its a pen.Book, pen , desk, chair.WordsTable (桌子) desk(书桌) chair(椅子) book(书) pencil(铅笔) eraser(橡皮擦)

2、Dog(狗) elephant(大象) fish(鱼) duck(鸭子) egg(蛋) fox(狐狸)Unit3Can you read? Yes ,I can. Can you read? No, I cant.Can you sing? Yes I can.Ok! Lets sing.Yeah! Lets sing! No! No! Gogo! No!WordsFly(飞) read(阅读) sing(唱歌) draw(绘画) swim(游泳) cook(烹调)Goat(山羊) hippo(河马) girl(女孩) hat (帽子) insect(昆虫) ink(墨水)Unit 5Hell

3、o, Jenny. How are you? Im fine. Thanks.Whos she? Shes my mother.Whos he? Hes my father.Hey, Tony!Hes my brother.How about me? Youre my friend. wordsfamily(家庭) mother(妈妈) father(爸爸) sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)friend(朋友) juice(果汁) lion(狮子) kite(风筝) lemon(柠檬)jam(果酱)unit6whats his name? His name is Ben . Hes

4、 a student.Im Gogo . Whats your name? Im Ben.Whats her name? Her names Lisa. Shes a student, too.Good morning. My names Gogo. Im a teacher. Whos he? WordsTeacher(教师) student(学生) parent(父亲或母亲) baby(婴儿)Boy(男孩) monkey(猴子) noodle(面条) melon(甜瓜) Nose(鼻子) orange(桔子)Unit7Whats this ? Its a bird. Is this a b

5、ird? Yes , it is.Is this a bird? No, it isnt . Its a dog.Is this a dog? Yes, it is . His namesBoomer.Is this a dog? No, it isnt.Its a cat. Very good,Gogo.wordsWhale(鲸) polar bear(北极熊) panda(熊猫) queen (女皇;皇后)Rabbit(兔子) piano(钢琴) question(问题) rice(米饭)Unit 9Oh, look, Its a paint . I can paint.What colo

6、r is this? Its red.What color is this? Its blue.And, what color is this? Its yellow. Oh,Gogo.Wordsred(红色) yellow(黄色) blue (蓝色) green (绿色) orange(橙色)purple(紫色) sun(太阳) tiger(老虎) soccer(足球) TV(电视)unhappy(伤心的)unit10How old are you ,Tony? Count the candles. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 youre nine! Yeah, thats righ

7、t.How old is your sister? Shes eight. How old are you,Gogo?Please count. 1,2,3,4,5. Youre five. Yeah, thats right.wordsballon(气球) candle(蜡烛) present(礼物) cookie(小甜饼) plate(盘子)cup(茶杯) violin(小提琴) watch(手表) volleyball(排球) exercise(锻炼)unit 11I like juice. What do you like? I like cake. What do you like,

8、 Gogo?I like cheese, cake, ice cream and noodles.Look! Ants!Ouch !I dont like ants. Lets go.wordscake(蛋糕) cheese(奶酪) ice cream(雪糕) bread( 面包) salad(色拉) soda(苏打汽水)yoyo(溜溜球) zebra(斑马) yogurt(酸奶) zoo(动物园)四年级上册英语Unit1Whats that? Is it a jet? No, it isnt. Its a bird. Its a big bird.Look! Gogos on the bir

9、d! Who are they? Theyre my friends!Hi, Gogo. Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny. Lets fly!wordsHungry(饥饿) thirsty(渴) short(矮的,短的) tall(高的,长的) grandmother(奶奶,婆婆)Grandfather(爷爷,公公) ruler(直尺) stapler(订书机) bird(鸟) Big(大的) friend(朋友) fly(飞) jet(喷射式飞机) Cooks (煮) plays(玩) washes(洗) eats( 吃) reads(阅读) touches(触摸) Un

10、it2Whats that? Its a ping-pong ball.Its Sunday, I play ping-pong on Sunday.What day is it today? Its Tuesday.What do you do on Tuesday? I play badminton on Tuesday.What day is it today? Its Saturday. Its Moms birthday today. Happy birthday , Mom! Its not my birthday. My birthday is on Monday.WordsMu

11、sic(音乐) unicorn(独角兽) cucumber(黄瓜) human (人们)Huge(巨大的 ) ice cube(冰块)Sunday (星期日) Tuesday(星期二) Thursday(星期四) Saturday(星期六)Monday(星期一) Wednesday(星期三) Friday(星期五)Week(周 星期) today(今天) play(玩,拉) violin(小提琴)Ball(球) mom(妈妈) happy birthday(生日快乐)Unit3Can I have an ice cream cone,please? Yes , Here you are . T

12、hank you . youre welcome. I like balloons. Can I have a red balloon , a green balloon and a blue Words Go (去) have(有) buy(买) call(打电话) use(使用)Borrow(借) watch(手表) listen(听) ice cream cone(蛋卷冰淇淋)Balloon(气球) like(喜欢) come back(回来) sure(当然) Thank you (谢谢你) youre welcome (不用谢)Suit(套装) soup(汤) spoon(勺子) b

13、oots(靴子)Glue(胶水)Unit 5Whats that? Its my science book.Do you like science, Tony? Yes ,I do.Do you like science , Tony? No, I dont .I like art.I like science, math, English and art.What do you like, Gogo? I like history. Oh,Gogo.WordsScience(科学) dance(跳舞) face(跳舞) fence(栅栏) Dice(骰子) mice(老鼠)English(英

14、语) music(音乐) art(艺术) math(数学) science(科学)History(历史) PE(体育) subject(科目) and(和)Unit6Do you want a game? Yes, please. I like games.Does he want a toy car? NO , he doesnt.Does she want a doll? No , she doesnt.Do you want a computer game? No, we dont.What do they want ?They want that stuffed animal. Im

15、not a stuffed animal.WordsComputer game(电子游戏) puzzle(拼图玩具) skateboard(滑板)Toy car(玩具汽车) doll(玩具娃娃) stuffed animal(布制的动物玩具)Drum(鼓) guitar(吉他) want(想要)Window (窗户) walk(走) week(星期) wolf(狼)Water(水) worm(虫子)Unit 7Wheres my white sock? I dont know. Is it behind the door?No, it isnt . where is it? Look! Its

16、 on the chair.Where are my glasses? I dont know. Are they under the table? No, they arent. where are they?Oh! Theyre on the floor. Oh, Gogo.WordsFax (传真) fan(电风扇) telephone(电话) fork(叉子) four(四)Photo(照片)closet(衣柜) glasses(眼镜) sofa(沙发) wallet(钱包)Bookcase(书架) behind(在.的后面) next to(紧挨着) In front of(在.的前

17、面) white(白色的) know(知道) floor(地板)I dont know 我不知道Unit9Hello! What are you doing? Im reading. Hes fishing. Hello! Whats she doing? Ssh . she s sleeping. What are they doing? Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny! What are you doing? Were shopping ,Gogo.What are you doing? Im swimming.Words Play(玩) shop(买东西) study(学习) p

18、aint(绘画) eat(吃)Run(跑步) sleep(睡觉) write(写) read(阅读) swim(游泳)Fish(鱼) flying(飞) singing(唱歌) drawing(绘画) crying(哭)Laughing(笑) smiling(微笑) Unit10This is his body. These are his arms. This is his head. This is his mouth. These are his legs.Whats he doing? Hes dancing. Whats he doing? Hes sleeping. Ssh!Wor

19、ds Teach (教) stretch(伸展) reach(伸手拿) watch(照看)Catch(接住) match(拼图连线)Eye(眼镜) ear(耳朵) nose(鼻子) mouth(嘴) hand(手)Arm(手臂) leg(腿) feet(脚) touch(摸)Open(打开) close(关闭) body(身体) head(头) dance(跳舞) Look out(小心)Unit11Gogo!Look out!Whose boat is his? Its our boat.Whose car is this? Its their car.Whose bag is this?

20、Its my bag.Whats this? Its my doughnut.You can have it.wordshair(头发) horse(马) head(头) happy(开心) hot(热)home(家)my(我的) mine(我的) your(你的;你们的) yours(你们的;你的)his(他的) her(她的) hers(她的) our(我们的) ours(我们的) their(他们的)theirs(他们的) boat(船) car(汽车) bag(书包 ) doughout(油炸面包饼)五年级上学期的单词与短语 Unit1Conversation( Come with m

21、e!)Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny!Hello, Gogo !Where are you going?Im going to an island. Lets go!We cant fly.Come with me!Look! Theyre swimming.Theyre playing badminton!Oh, Gogo!VocabularySun 太阳 cut剪刀 fun有趣 mother 母亲Son儿子 month月份 farmer农民 aunt 姑妈;婶婶;姨妈 Factory worker 工厂 uncle伯伯;叔叔;舅舅;姨父;姑父 cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹

22、Calendar日历 dictionary字典 diary日记 fly飞Island 岛屿 with和.(一起) come with me ! 跟我来Badminton羽毛球Unit2Conversation (Do you have any glue!)Do you have any glue?No, I dont.Do you have any paper clips?No, I dont. But I have some rubber bands.Do you have any staples?Yes, I do. Here you are.What are you doing,Gogo

23、?Are you making something?Im fixing the hang glider.Hurray!vocabularystaple 订书针 scissors 剪刀 stamp邮票 envelope 信封 paper clip 回形针 paper 纸张 tape 贴胶带 glue 胶水any 一些(用于否定句和疑问句 ) but 但是 some 一些(用于肯定句)rubber band 橡皮圈 something 某样东西fix 修理 hang glider滑翔翼 hurray 好哇pet 宠物 cat猫 carrot 胡萝卜 bat蝙蝠rabbit 兔子 parrot 鹦鹉

24、unit3Conversation(what do we need?)Im hungry.Me,too!Lets cook!What do we need?We need some rice and meat.Do we have any salt?No, we dont.Ok. We need some rice,meat and salt.We need some vegetables,too.But Gogo, where can we buy food?Here! Come on.Lets go! Wow! Cool!VocabularyToys 玩具 noise噪音 boys男孩 s

25、oy sauce酱 boiling煮 coins 硬币Juice 果汁 rice米饭 salt盐 sugar糖 meat肉 vegetable蔬菜Tofu豆腐 fruit 水果 need需要 me, too! 我也是 cook煮饭;煮食 and 和 Food食物 Here!这里! Come on 来吧 Wow!哇 cool!了不起Unit5Conversation (Its cold in winter)Look at the flowers! Its green in spring.Its summer! Its hot in summer.Look at the leaves! The l

26、eaves are red, yellow and orange.VocabularySnail 蜗牛 smell闻 pencil铅笔 tail 尾巴 bell铃铛 hole 洞Spring春天 summer夏天 fall 秋天 winter冬天 sunny晴朗的rainy下雨Windy有风的 cloudy多云的 hot热的 look at 看Flower 花朵 leaves 树叶(leaf的复数形式) cold 冷的 weather 天气Unit6Conversation (when can we go ice-skating?)Lets go ice-skating! We cant go

27、 ice-skating now. Its May. Its spring.When can we go ice-skating? We can go in winter holiday.Whens winter holiday?Its in January and February.Is May before winter holiday?No, May is after winter holiday.May is after winter holiday.Ok. Lets go to the beach.VocabularyYell 喊叫 year年 yacht 游艇 yawn哈欠 yog

28、urt奶酪 yesterday昨天 January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月June 六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December 十二月before在.之前 after 在.之后 when什么时候Winter holiday 寒假 go ice-skating 去滑冰 now现在Beach海滩Unit7Conversation(whens your birthday?)Its a birthday party! Grandma, whens your birthday?I

29、ts March 4th.Hey, Jenny! Whens your birthday? Its August 7th .whens your birthday, Tony? Its October20th.Whens your birthday,Gogo? Its today. Oh ,Gogo!VocabularyStation火车站 cone雪糕筒 train火车 queen女王 button按钮 bone骨头1st 一号 2nd 二号 3rd 三号 4th 四月 20th 二十号 21st 二十一号 22nd 二十二号 23rd 二十三号 30th 三十号 31st 三十一号Birt

30、hday 生日 date 日期 party 晚会 grandma 奶奶,婆婆Unit9Conversation( It was clean but its dirty now)Look! Its dirty. Come on, Lets clean.Look! It was dirty. Now its clean. Its nice.Lets put the garbage there. Its heavy.Listen! The birds are singing. Yes ,they were singing yesterday too.Gogo! It was clean. Now its dirty here! Oh, no.VocabularyMouse 老鼠 cow 牛 south 南方 mouth 嘴 house房子 loud大声Warm暖和的 cool凉爽的 wet 潮湿的 dry 干燥的 clean 干净的Dirty肮脏的 tidy整洁的 messy 凌乱的 bedroom 卧室 Was am is 的过去时形式 were are

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