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1、牛津译林版8AUnit3知识点同步梳理牛津译林版8AUnit3知识点同步梳理8AU3知识点一 Comic strip- Reading知识点梳理1. - What are you going to do,Eddie埃迪,你要去干什么 - Im going to exercise,Hobo.霍波,我打算去锻炼。“be going to十动词原形”表示“计划打算将要做某事”,强调事先考虑好或安排好的事情。如:What are you going to do tomorrow 明天你打算干什么 %拓展“will+动词原形”也表示“将要做某事”,一般可以和“be going to+动词原形”通用,但“

2、will+动词原形”强调事先未经考虑或安排,不以主观意志为转移的事情。如:He will be twenty years old next year.他明年就20岁了。2:You need to exercise and keep fit.(P30)你需要锻炼并保持健康。(1)need vt.需要need to do sth. 需要做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事如:She needs to clean the bedroom. She needs her best friend to help her with her studies.n. 需要in need 需

3、要; in need of 需要如:We should help people in need.John is in need of money now.(2)keeplinking-v.保持,相当于stay,后加形容词构成系表结构。如: The food must keep fresh in summer.拓展 类似用法的感官系动词还有:feel; look; smell; taste; sound等。(如:The dishes smell good.vt.保持;保留keep doing sth. 继续做某事 keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 Keep sb from

4、 doing sth 阻止某人做某事keep away from 远离keep off不靠近如:She keeping working hard to make more money.Im sorry to keep you waiting for me.We should keep away from danger all the time.Please keep off the grass in the park.*(3)fitadj.健康的;合适的be fit for适合be fit for sb. to do sth.适合某人做某事如:Keeping fit is always imp

5、ortant.She is fit for the position. sb 适合某人The coat fits you well.3:Come on,Hobo. Lets enjoy ourselves! (P30)快点,霍波。咱们玩得高兴点儿吧!come on(常用于口语中,表示动员、催促、激励、劝说别人做某事,意思是“快点;赶快;加油”等。如:Come on! The bus is coming. Come on! Come on! You can win! enjoy oneself意思是“玩得高兴,过得愉快”,相当于have a good/great/nice time或have f

6、un。它们后面都可以跟现在分词短语,表示“做某事玩得高兴,做某事过得愉快”。*如:We often enjoy ourselves swimming in the river in summer. = We often have a good/great/nice time swimming in the river in summer. = We often have fun swimming in the river in summer. 4:The bridge is made of steel, isnt it(P31)be made of.由制成 如:The table is mad

7、e of wood. 拓展1 be made of 与be made from的区别: be made of可看成是一种含“物理变化”的制作,即保存原质只是形状变化的制作;be made from则可看成是一种包含“化学变化”的制作,即有某种质变的制作。如:The wine is made from grapes. 拓展2 be made in表示“在(地方)制造生产”,后跟名词地点。如:This kind of computer is made in made for表示“为而制造制作生产”,后跟产品供给的对象。如:These bags are made for ch

8、 made into表示“某种原材料制成某种产品”,主语是表示原材料的词,后面跟产品名称,与be made of/from意思相反。如:Glass can be made into bottles. 5:We finally arrived at the park.(P32)最后我们到达了公园。辨析:reach,get与arrive三者都可以表示“到达”。 arrive是不及物动词,后跟地点名词时常与介词in或at连用。表示到达国家、大城市时,要用介词in;到达村、镇、车站、机场等小地方的时候,要用介词at.如:We can arrive at the train stati

9、on at two oclock. I fell in love with the city as soon as I arrived in Dalian. ( get是不及物动词,其后须接介词to,多用于口语中。若接地点副词,则不用介词to。如:Write to me when you get to Chongqing.get和arrive有时可以换用,arrive和get后接地点副词如here,there 或home等时均不需带介词。如:They can arrive/get there tomorrow我们明天就能到那儿。 reach是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语,一般不接地点副词。如:He

10、 reached Shanghai last month、6:All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.(P32) 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。couldnt wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事如:We couldnt wait to see you.wait for sb/ sth. 等候某人或某物如:I wait for you for a long time.get off下车,get on上车,(尤其指公交车、火车、汽车或飞机等)如:Dont get off before the bus stops.、get out of. 从.中

11、出来,从.中下车;get into 进入.,上.车(尤其指小轿车或出租车)如:He got into the car after me.7:Soon the whole world was there in front of us.(P32)不久整个世界就在我们的眼前。in front of.在前面 如:There is a tree in front of the classroom. 拓展in front of与in the front of 的区别: in front of 指“在(范围外)的前面”;in the front of指“在(范围内)的前面”。如:A crowd gather

12、ed in front of the building. He sat in the front of the car. 8:There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.(P32)有来自全世界100多个名胜古迹的模型。places of interest名胜a place of interest 一处名胜如:The Summer Palace is a place of interest.辨析:interest ,interesting与interestedinterest

13、也可以作名词用,指笼统兴趣时,为不可数名词,指具体兴趣爱好时为可数名词。如:She has (takes或shows) much interest in music and dance. (= She is very interested in music and dance.)interested通常指人感兴趣,interesting通常指人或事物“令人感兴趣”。如:I found him greatly interested in poemsbe interested in对感兴趣,be可换成become。become interested in表示“对产生兴趣”, 也可以用grow, g

14、et等词代替become,如:She grows more and more interested in computer.英语中与上面讲到的用法相近的词还有 excitingexcited(激动); amazingamazed(惊奇); surprisingsurprised(奇怪);|pleasingpleased(高兴); amusingamused(有趣);frighteningfrightened(可怕)9: It was an amazing day because we saw the main sights of the world in just one day.(P32)这

15、是令人惊奇的一天,因为我们在一天内看完了世界的重要景观。amazing形容词,意力“令人惊奇的”。辨析:amaze,amazing,amazed和be amazed at动词amaze表示“使(某人)感到惊奇或惊异”,含有对事物惊叹或赞叹的意味,因此,要比surprise的含义丰富,主要用于兴奋、愉快等积极意义。而surprise指使人感到奇怪,有出乎意料和怀疑的感觉。amazing指物,amazed指人如:We are amazed at the amazing news.?be amazed at(或by)表示“(人)对某事物感到惊奇”,与be surprised at(或by)的区别与上

16、面相同。如:She amazed us by playing the piano so well.She surprised us by playing the piano so well /badly.We were amazed at(或by) his progress / changes this one day 在一天内或在一天后如:My bother will be back in two days.【例题精讲】例1. Help to some fruit,children. 解析:考查help oneself to的用法,意为随便吃点答案:D例 is a story

17、. Its about a person who loved dogs. ,A. true; real B. real; true C. true; really D. truly; real解析:考查real与true的用法区别,根据句意应选择A。 答案:A例3. Does he enjoy_pop musicAlistens to B. listen D. listening to#解析:他喜欢听流行音乐吗在enjoy的后面只能接名词、代词等作宾语,当宾语是个动词短语时,应使用动词的-ing形式。listen是不及物动词,后接宾语时,应使用介词to。故选D项。答案:D 例4.Your co

18、at looks nice. Is it cotton Yes. Its Shanghai. A. made of; made by B. made of; made in C. made for; made by D. made for; made in;解析:考查be made of 看得见原材料,上海生产用in。答案:B例5. -Could you_club-Sure in part in解析:本题考查表示“参加”意义的动词的用法。A项指参加某个组织或团体;B、D(两项指参加某种活动;C项常指参加会议、讲座等。根据本题语境知A为正确答案。答案:A例6. - How was the par

19、ty last night - We enjoyed _ very much. A. us B. itself C. ourselves D. myself解析:考查enjoy oneself的用法,由于主语是we,故用复数。!答案:C例7. The granny lives in a_ village. away解析:这个老太太住在一个遥远的村子。本题选项中A、C两项都是far的比较级,本题中没有比较的意思,故不选;D项中的far away是副词,在句中作状语,也不能用在本句中;B项中的faraway是形容词,常作定语。故B为正确答案。答案:B】例8. The foreigners arri

20、ved Shanghai late night. A. at; at B. in; at C. in; in D. at; in 解析:考查arrive at或in的结构,at加小地点,in加大地点。答案:B例9. I want to sit _ the bus.Ain front of Bon front of Cat back of Dat the front of解析:句意:我想坐在公共汽车的前面。这里的“前面”指的是汽车里面的前部,故空格中应使用in/at the of。注意:A项意为“在。的前面”,指的是外部的前面;B项的结构是错误的。答案:D例10. Mr Brown always

21、 makes his class _ and keeps his students_ in class.Aalive;interesting Blively;interestingCalive;interested Dlively;interested解析:句意:布朗先生总是使他程生动,使学生们保持对课的兴趣。笫一个空格中的形容词说明他的课很生动,故使用lively;第二个空格中的形容词说明学生对课程感兴趣,故使用-ed形容词,因此选D)答案:D知识点二 Grammar同步梳理1: asas与一样,此结构中第一个as后加形容词或副词原形,第二个as后接比较的对象。原级的用法:1)as + 原级

22、 + as 表示两者在某方面程度一样 not so (as) + 原级 + as 表示两者在某方面程度不一样如:Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Yu.This building looks not so (as) high as that one.2)在as as 的结构中,第一个as的前面可以加上表示倍数的词: twice , ( three ) times 等。如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. M is twice as large as N. ;3)the same 名词as表示同等比较 如:A is the s

23、ame size as B. A 的尺码与B一样。A and B are of the same size. A和B尺码一样。2: reflexive pronouns反身代词(1)英语中用来表示“我自己”“你自己”“他自己”等意义的代词称为反身代词。其形式见下表: 人称$数第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myself我自己yourself你自己himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己复数ourselves我们自己yourselves你们自己themselves%他们自己(2)反身代词可作宾语、表语或同位语。He teaches himself English. (作宾语)He

24、is not quite well himself. (作表语)I myself went there. (作同位语)(3)与反身代词有关的短语。(teach oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 过得愉快help oneself 随便吃 by oneself 独自,单独注意: 单数反身代词词尾都是“self”,复数反身代词词尾都是“selves”。【例题精讲】例 silk scarf is made in Suzhou. It feels just as as it looks.A. beautiful B. beautiful C. good D. well:解析:这两句都是考

25、查asas.结构,由于feel和look是系动词,故后用形容词。而这个形容词必须与feel和look搭配,故选C。答案:C例2. -Is this model plane yours, Susan -Yes,its mineIts made by_. Amyself Byourself Chimself Dherself 解析:根据语境知本题最后一个句子的意思为“它是我自己制作的”。故选A项。 答案:A例 Kate, Im going on business. Please look after _ well. - Dont worry, Mom, I will.A. herself B. m

26、yself C. yourself D. yourselves解析:此处句意“我要去出差了,请照顾你自己”。因此空格中填反身代词yourself。答案:C$知识点三 Task知识同步梳理【知识梳理】1:Sunshine Middle School gets to the final! (P37)阳光中学进去了决赛。(1)final n.决赛,最终; adj.最终的,最后的 adv. 最终地,最后地如:It is the final of the match. Finally, he gave up smoking. finally=at last=in the end最后 firstly=at

27、 first=in the beginning最初2:The match takes place on. (P37)比赛举行在take place 举行;发生;相当于happen和hold如:The competition will take place in Beijing next month./take off 脱下,起飞;反义短语为 put on(穿上); land(着陆)如:The plane takes off at 4 .3:Dont forget to bring your friends.(P37)不要忘记带朋友过来。(1)forget v.忘记 forget to do s

28、th. 忘记做某事;forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事remember v. 记得 remember to do sth. 记得做某事;remember doing sth. 记得做过某事如:I forgot to close the window when I went out. I remember seeing him before.?(2)bring v. 带来 bring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb.把某物带给某人take v. 带去 take sth with sb 随身携带某物如:Bring your homework to school t

29、omorrow. Lily, take the umbrella with you. 4:With your support, we will win.(P37)有了你的支持,我们就会赢。(1)with是介词,不能做谓语动词,表示“拥有”;其反义词是without,表示 “没有”。如:We can finish the work on time without your help.(2)win v.赢 winner n. 赢家如:He won the game at last. He is the winner of the exam.5:cost of the trip (P37)旅行的费用

30、(1)cost n. 费用如:The cost of the coat is 2,000 yuan.v. 花费辨析:cost,spend,pay与takecost作“花费;值”讲时,只能用事物作主语,常用于”sth. cost (s)( sb). some money.”或“sth. costs some money.”的结构。如:The book costs me ten yuan.This pen costs eight yuan.spend作“花费”讲时,主语必须是人,常用于“sb. spends some timemoney on sth.”或“sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.”的结构,

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