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1、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人去做某事help to do sth. 帮助去做某事湖南长沙卷e (Page 58)【 满分文展示 1 1 】46As we know, most of us are the only child in our families now. Living in such an environment, we, ageneration born in 90s, are faced with more problems such as entering higher schools. Under thesecircumstances, we are

2、 developing our special manners and values. They worry we care too much aboutourselves and are unwilling to cooperatewith others. Besides, intheireyes, we seem selfish, and lackdetermination.However, we, a generation born in 90s, have our own strengths. Firstly, we have thecourage to meetchallenges

3、andhigh ideals, which helps realize our dreams. In addition, we are quick-minded andcreative. We can do our work more efficiently. We are growing up.We are sureto do better.众所周知,现在我们当中的大部分人都是独生子女。生活在这样的环境中,我们生于 90 年代的这一代人,正面临着比如升学之类的诸多问题。在这种情况下,我们正在养成我们特有的行为方式和价值观。他们担心我们太在乎自我且不愿意和他人合作。此外,在他们眼中,我们似乎是

4、自私的,还缺乏决心。然而,生于 90 年代的我们这一代人,有我们自己的优势。首先,我们有应对挑战的勇气和高远的理想,这能帮助我们实现自我的梦想。同时,我们头脑敏捷且富有创造力。我们能够工作更高效。我们正在长大,我们一定会做得更好。1、be faced with vt.面对 =faceface up to vt.勇敢地面对Youre faced with a very difficult choice there.She had to face the facts.Many of the shipyard workers face losing their jobs.Theyll never o

5、ffer you another job; you might as well face up to it.2、enter higherschools vi.升学,进入高等学校3、under/in the circumstance adv.在这种情况下Under the circumstances he felt unable to accept the job.She coped well in the circumstances.474、develop vt.养成(习惯)develop our specialmanners and values vi.养成我们特有的行为方式和价值观Shes

6、 developed some very strange habits lately.5、worry +从句 vt.担心 =be worried +从句She worried that she wasnt doing enough to help.I was worried that you wouldnt come back.6、care too much about vt.太在乎7、be (un)willing to do sth. Vi.(不)愿意去做某事8、cooperate with vt.与合作9、inones eyes adv.在某人的眼里You are unique in my

7、 eyes.10、selfish adj.自私的mean adj.吝啬的11、lack vt.缺乏 =be short ofAlexs real problem isthat he lacks confidence and courage.12、determination n.决心That girl has great determination; I amsure she will do well.13、strengths n.优点,优势Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.14、courage n.勇气15、meet challenge

8、s vi.应对挑战16、high ideals n.高远的理想17、realize ones dreams vi.实现某人的梦想18、quick-minded adj.思维敏捷open-minded adj.心胸宽广narrow-minded adj.心胸狭窄4819、creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.20、efficiently adv.高效地She runs the business very efficiently.【 满分文展示 2 2 】As

9、we know, most of us are the only child in ourfamilies now. In theeyes of adults, we seem selfish andwe are children forever. In addition, most people think we are useless because we are often addicted tocomputer games. Maybe we spent too much time in playing games, but it can make us quick-mindedand

10、 creative. Last but notleast, we are interestedin many things. We have our own characters. Althoughwe have some disadvantages, we will tryourbest to overcome them. We are growing up. We are sure todo better.在成人眼里,我们似乎有些自私,而且永远都是个孩子。此外,因为我们常常对电脑游戏上瘾,所以许多的人认为我们是没用的。也许我们在玩电脑游戏上花费了太多时间,但是那可以让我们思维敏捷和富有创造

11、力。最后但也同样重要的一点是,我们对很多事情都感兴趣。我们有我们自己的个性。即使我们有一些缺点,我们也会尽最大努力去克服它们。我们正在长大,我们一定会做得更好。1、inthe eyes of 在的眼中2、forever adv.永远3、inaddition adv.另外;除此以外4、useless adj.没用的5、be addicted to vt.对上瘾 diktidHe became addicted to the drug.6、last but not least 最后但也同样重要的一点是7、character n.个性;性格49What does her handwriting te

12、ll you about her character?He has a strong but gentle character.8、disadvantage n.缺点9、overcome vt.克服 =get overAs we know, most of us are the only child in ourfamilies now. Our parents give all their love to us. Someparents even said, “Children just need study. We will helpthem do other things.” Infac

13、t, it is bad for theirchildren. Because of this, some children only canstudy. They cannot do housework. Some even indulgein computer games. Somany people think all ofthe children who were born in the 1990s are selfish. ButI do not thinkso. Most of us are good. We love our parents, teachers and class

14、mates. We love study,sports, traveling and so on. We like using the Internetto help us study. We have high ideals. We arecreative and in style. I hope people can believe us and give us support. We are growing up. We aresure to do better.正如我们所知道的,现在我们当中的大部分人都是独生子女。我们的父母给予了我们全部的爱。有一些家长甚至说:“孩子们只需要学习。我们

15、将帮助他们做其他事情。”事实上,那对孩子并不好。正因为这样,很多孩子只会学习。他们不会做家务,一些人甚至沉迷于电脑游戏。所以,很多人都认为所有的 90 后都是自私的。但我不这样认为。我们中的大部分人是优秀的。我们爱我们的家长、老师、同学。我们热爱学习、体育、旅游等等。我们喜欢用网络来帮助我们学习。我们有高远的理想。我们不但富有创造力又非常前卫。我希望人们可以相信我们并给与我们支持。我们正在长大,我们一定会做得更好。1、infact adv.事实上2、be badfor vt.对有害3、because of prep.因为4、do housework vi.做家务5、indulge in vt.

16、沉湎于50He likes indulging inthe fascinating world of medicine.6、(be) in style/fashion adv.时髦地;前卫地(be) out of style/fashion7、give sb. support vi.给予某人支持江苏南京卷e (Page 61)A Brave Young ManItwas a nice daylast Sunday. Zhang Ming went fishing by the Qinhuai River. While he was fishing, hesuddenly heard someo

17、ne crying for help. He looked around and found a boy drowning in theriver. ZhangMing jumped intotheriver without hesitation. He did his best to swim to the boy andsaved him. At thattime, other people also came and offered help. After that, Zhang Ming satatthebank, out of breath. Allthepeople around

18、praised Zhang Ming for his brave behaviors. I think we are supposed to learn fromhim.一个勇敢的年轻人上周日天气不错。张明去秦淮河钓鱼,正当他钓鱼的时候,他听到有人呼救。他环顾四周,发现有一个小男孩在河里溺水了。张明毫不犹豫地跳进河里。他努力地游向男孩把他救了上来。那时,其他人也赶了过来帮忙。然后,他就上气不接下气地坐在岸边。张明因他勇敢的行为受到了周围的人都赞扬。我认为我们应该向他学习。1、nice day n.好天气2、go fishing vi.去钓鱼3、fish vi.钓鱼4、cry forhelp v

19、i.呼救5、look around vi.环顾四周516、drowning in the river vi.溺水7、jump into vt.跳进8、without hesitation adv.毫不犹豫地Without hesitation he refused my request.9、do/try ones bestto do sth. vi.尽某人最大努力去做某事10、save vt.拯救;积攒11、at thattime adv.那时12、offer help vi.提供帮助13、at thebank adv.在河边14、out ofbreath adj.上气不接下气She was

20、soon out of breath, but she continued to run.15、praise sb. for sth. vi.因某事而表扬某事He praised her for her courage.16、bravebehavior n.勇敢的行为17、are supposed to 应该 =should =oughtto18、learn fromsb. vi.向某人学习It was a nice day last Sunday. Zhang Ming was fishing by the Qinhuai Riverwhen he heard someonecrying f

21、or help. He ran along the river and found a little boy was drowning in the river. Zhang Ming lookedaround but couldnt find anyone. He jumped into the river and then swam to the boy. As Zhang Ming wassaving the boy, other people who also heard it came to help. Thanks to their combined efforts, the bo

22、ywas saved. But Zhang Ming was too tired to stand and he had to lie on thebank for a rest. I think ZhangMing is very brave and the little boys parents cant thank him enough. All of us should learn from him.52张明去秦淮河钓鱼,当他正在钓鱼的时候,他听到有人呼救。他沿着河流跑,发现有一个小男孩在河里溺水了,他环顾四周没有找到任何人,他就跳进河里游向那个男孩。当张明在救这个男孩时,其他也听到呼

23、救声的人也赶过来帮忙。幸亏他们的共同努力,男孩成功被救了上来。但是张明实在太累了以至于都站不住了,他不得不躺在岸边休息一会。我认为张明非常勇敢,小男孩的父母对张明感激不尽。我们所有人都应该向他学习。1、hear sb. doing sth. vi.听到某人正在做某事2、along prep.沿着3、as conj.当时4、thanks to prep.幸亏5、combined efforts n.共同努力6、tooto 太以至于不能7、lie on the bank vi.躺在岸边lie/lay/lain v.躺在lie/lied/lied v.撒谎;位于8、cant thank sb. en

24、ough vi.对某人感激不尽I cannot thank you enough.9、cannot. enough 无论怎样.都不为过You cannot be careful enough.It was a nice day last Sunday. Zhang Ming was fishing by the Qinhuai River when a little boy went toplaynearby. Suddenly, Zhang Ming heard someone shouting for help. He looked around and found that thelit

25、tle boy was drowning in the water.Itwas very dangerous. Zhang Ming jumped into the riverimmediately. He tried his best to pull the boy out of the river. At that time other people came tooffer help.53Finally, the boy was saved and he was very grateful. People all saidZhang Ming was very brave andhelp

26、ful. We should learn from him.上周天天气不错。一个小男孩在附近玩耍,张明则正在秦淮河边钓鱼。突然,张明听到有大喊着求助。他到处寻找并发现一个小男孩溺水了。那十分危险。张明立刻跳入河水中。他努力地把男孩从河中拉了出来。就在那时,其他的人也赶来帮忙。最终,这个男孩成功被获救,他对此十分感激。人们都说张明既勇敢又乐于助人。我们都应该向他学习。1、by prep.在旁2、nearby adv.在附近 adj.附近的Do you live nearby?I found it on a nearby table.3、suddenly adv.突然地4、finally adv.

27、最终5、grateful/thankful adj.感激的,感谢的be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事而向某人表示感谢I am grateful to you for your help.You should be thankful to himfor it.四川成都卷e (Page 64)How Can Group Activities Help Us Study English Better?Group activities are very popular in our English class. But how can the activi

28、ties help us study Englishbetter?54First ofall, it is necessary for us to make sure of each group memberstask aswellas the way to finishit. Besides, there should be different roles in each group andeach member should learn tocooperatewith each other. Furthermore, teachers should offer some help when necessary. Finally, the activityresults should be sharedin class so that everyone can understand

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