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1、奥鹏专升本高级英语作业第一套一单项选择题1. Elvis managed to embody the _ teenage spirit of the 1950s.C. frustrated2. Their disagreement _ from a misunderstanding. C. stemmed3. One turns on the radio while doing something else and _ bathes in the sound. B. absentmindedly4. They lived, in bitter _, to see the establishme

2、nt they had overthrown replaced by a new one. C. disillusionment5. Do you share Chris Singers almost religious _ for Bob Dylan? A. reverence6. I wanted to _ the room entire and take it to Bailey.A. gobble up7. I have tried to search behind the sophistication of years for the _ I so easily found in t

3、hose gifts. B. enchantment8. My aunt never married because her father wouldnt _to her marriage. B. consent9. Im usually _ by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station. C. accosted10. I had this sudden _ to shout out Rubbish! in the middle of her speech.C. impulse11. Mr. H never gets beyond corpora

4、l and material _.A. verities12. He has nothing to defend himself with except the grace of his courage and only a piece of red cloth with which he hopes to _ the bull to keep his head low. A. hypnotize13. For at best their victory never _on the shinning new world they had dreamed of. B. dawns14. He h

5、ad the dignity and _ of prophets.D. majesty15. They _ to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops. D. surge16. I was handed full manuscripts of unpublished books by _ writers and asked to criticize them. B. indigenous17. I wouldnt dream of _ such a lack of judgment to you.B. attribut

6、ing18. The soldiers had _ barricades to protect themselves.A. erected19. Horowitz sees the rock music _ as a sort of debating forum.A. arena20. In the story, a _ witch put a curse on the princess for 100 years. A. wicked二.判断题1. To the author, the best thing that shows how a man is full of contradict

7、ions is the matter of sleep. B.对2. An American is exposed to about 10,000 hours of television each year on average.A.错3. The four motives do not carry the same weight in a write. B.对4. If alarmed, all gorillas show their fear or anger by beating on their chests. A.错5. Every Saturday night Evelines f

8、ather got angry because she was such a wasteful girl. A.错6. According to one rock music critic, the teenagers express their rebellious attitudes through rock music. B.对7. Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously. B.对8. According to Jim Binns, young people today are ever

9、more conscious of the “generation gap than young people of the past. B.对9. Old-fashioned cheeses can no longer be bought anywhere in the United States.A.错10. Primitive men, due to lack of such entertainments as modern men have, easily got bored. A.错11. A rational discussion of vivisection can only b

10、e based on the assumption that pain is an evil。B.对12. Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.A.错13. Far from being a sport, the bullfight has a religious origin.B.对14. Elvis Presleys appearance on TV set the young and old viewers quarreling with each other.A.错15. Mrs. Flowers underst

11、ood Marguerites feelings better than Momma did. B.对16. The whole article convinces us that these animals are largely a gentle and kind species.B.对17. While at Wittier college, Sanders (the author of Ill Never Escape the Ghetto) felt ashamed of telling people that he was from A.错18. Eveline was not r

12、espected at the shop she worked, nor was she at home, though she was a hard-working girl.B.对19. According to Mr. Ropers survey, radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of popularity. B.对20. Mrs. Flowers had already learned that Marguerite was a quiet girl who read a lot but di

13、d not like to talk. B.对第二套一单项选择题1. My aunt never married because her father wouldnt _to her marriage.B. consent2. One turns on the radio while doing something else and _bathes in the sound. B. absentmindedly3. The soldiers had _ barricades to protect themselves. A. erected4. Is it pessimistically sa

14、d or _ sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? C. resignedly5. Medicare has _ the population into reassuring itself that the once terrible financial burdens of late-life illnesses are now eradicated. D. lulled6. Is it _ its duty to diversity by printing snippets of opinion from unqualified reader

15、s? B. discharging7. The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly_. B. to be noticed8. I have tried to search behind the sophistication of years for the _ I so easily found in those gifts.B. enchantment9. It seemed she had a private

16、breeze which _ around, cooling her. D. swirled10. Typically the spans _ are on the order of minutes or seconds. D. allotted11. I could see at once that the lock had been _ with. A. tampered12. The action was so graceful and _ benign. B. inclusively13. Their disagreement _ from a misunderstanding. C.

17、 stemmed14. I rose _ to my feet and faced the impossible once more. D. groggily15. If you fit the _ averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20000 hours of television. A. statistical16. You are moved to pity, excitement, or _.A. gaiety17. A teaspoonful of my mother-in-laws w

18、ild strawberry jam will not just provide a gastronomes _: it will entirely satisfy your desire.C. ecstasy18. I was handed full manuscripts of unpublished books by _ writers and asked to criticize them. B. indigenous19. It closed around one with a thick _ drug-like heaviness. A. palpable20. A man was

19、 not stamped as a _ for protesting against vivisection. C. crank二判断题1. The more lovely a musical piece sounds, the more value it has. A.错2. Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.A.错3. Over the hours of climbing left the author exhausted,

20、ready to give up the search for gorillas.B.对4. Clara was not sure whether her favourable position in the school would impress her parents. B.对5. The mental problems of the old are untreatable. A.错6. According to Mr. Ropers survey, radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of pop

21、ularity.B.对7. Clara had a peculiar taste of the physical world around her. B.对8. Hatred is the very feeling the author has about what science has done to food.A.错9. As Americans are eating second-rate foods of more or less the same kind, they are actually eating the way hogs used to be fed by their

22、ancestors.B.对10. The real world is beset with social problems which, instead of being solved once for all, often lead to others. B.对11. Gorillas have far greater physical strength than human beings. B.对12. Modern men also have primitive impulse.B.对13. Television is mainly responsible for Americas fa

23、ilure as a nation in attaining literacy.B.对14. Elvis Presleys appearance on TV set the young and old viewers quarreling with each other. A.错15. Besides political issues, rock music also deals with the emotional life of the American people. B.对16. It takes no effort to be an ideal listener, as we can

24、 do it instinctively. A.错17. She is not satisfied with the present status of women in the American political world because she despises the tedious and specific jobs. A.错18. Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose.A.错1

25、9. The four motives do not carry the same weight in a write.B.对20. The Kaiser was impressed by the British naval review and decided to build a powerful navy for himself. B.对第三套一单项选择题1. Her distress awoke a nausea in her body and she kept moving her lips in silent _ A. fervent2. Most of the papers gi

26、ve _ to the same story this morning. D. prominence3. I had this sudden _ to shout out Rubbish! in the middle of her speech.C. impulse4. I imagined the picture on the wall without difficulty, and gave it a few _touches.D. deft5. She knew it was that that had given her the _.A. palpitations6. It is tr

27、ue that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to _ ones own personality.A. efface7. While the television _ ignored me, they were not aware of a very important statistic. D. crew8. I could see at once that the lock had been _ with. A. tampered9. Employers rarely make _ for th

28、e possible physical limitations of otherwise valuable older employees, and instead they are fired, retired or forced to resign. A. concessions10. Elvis managed to embody the _ teenage spirit of the 1950s. C. frustrated11. She liked its huge, barnlike, inhuman _, its corridors shoulder-high in dark g

29、reen, shoulder-to-ceiling in pale peppermint. A. bleakness12. A man was not stamped as a _ for protesting against vivisection. C. crank13. Medicare has _ the population into reassuring itself that the once terrible financial burdens of late-life illnesses are now eradicated. D. lulled14. I could det

30、ect _ variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden. B. subtle15. But women _in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs.B. predominate16. It seemed at times that we were climbing almost _.A. perpendicularly17. It is his job, no doubt, to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage, or in some _ mood. C. perverse18. If you fit the _ averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20000 hours of television.A. statistical19. Since everyone we knew could sew _, praise was rarely handed out for the commonly practiced craft

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