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1、最新版冀教版九年级英语全册Unit3单元测试题及答案冀教九年级Book5 Unit3试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Have you seen iPhone 5? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I think I saw it some-where. A. an; the B. an; a C. the; a D. the; /( )2. As students, we should obey the at s

2、chool. A. objects B. wounds C. rules D. roles( )3. A serious accident happened Sally just a moment ago. A. for B. to C. at D. with( )4. Our neighbours have just bought a new car. A. himself B. ourselves C. themselves D. herself( )5. Those children must be stopped from football in the street at once.

3、 A. to play B. play C. played D. playing( )6. That boys head hit the ground, there was nothing wrong with him. A. but B. then C. so D. or( )7. Rose, use electricity in the shower! Its too dangerous. A. cant B. wont C. doesnt D. dont( )8. Take an umbrella to your skin the sun. A. protect; from B. pro

4、tect; to C. prevent; from D. prevent; to( )9. We did what we could them after the earthquake. A. to help B. helped C. help D. would help( )10. I like the gift my father bought for me. A. who B. what C. that D. whose( )11. Peter was so that he made a lot of mistakes in this exam. A. patient B. carele

5、ss C. necessary D. important ( )12. Jane expects around the world when she grows up. A. travels B. will travel C. to travel D. traveling( )13. Lets in the shopping centre this afternoon. A. go inside B. go down C. stay calm D. hang out( )14. You cant use baking soda. You can use water . A. instead B

6、. soon C. still D. also( )15. My grandpa needs a stick to walk. A. walk B. walks C. walked D. walking( )16. easy for them to clean up the house. A. They are B. They feel C. It is D. It feels( )17. What shall we do if an earthquake ? Stay away from the kitchen when you are at home. A. will happen B.

7、happens C. happened D. is happening( )18. She told me she me with my homework and so she did. A. would help B. had helped C. helped D. was helping( )19. Im home, Mum! Ive been looking for you for the whole day. A. Really? B. Where are you? C. You are welcome! D. Thank goodness!( )20. My grandfather

8、died in the earthquake. A. Why did it happen? B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Dont mention it. D. Nothing serious.二. 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Tom was a poor boy. He made a living by 21 shoes for others in the street. Tom was also a clever boy. One day, a rich man named

9、Jack came up 22 Tom. He watched his dirty shoes and then looked at Tom. Tom knew this kind of people well. They love 23 very much and dislike to spend it.“Let me clean your shoes, sir,” Tom said.“For nothing?” the rich man asked.“Only two cents, sir.” Jack shook his head and then 24 away.Tom thought

10、 for a second and then called out, “Id like to clean it for 25 !” Jack agreed this time. And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put 26 shoe on the stool, Tom said he wouldnt clean it for him 27 he was paid two cents for the cleaning of his second shoe. Jack refused to pay

11、anything and went away, with a smile on his face. However, the well-cleaned shoe was 28 bright that it made the second one look even 29 . Jack took a look around. The people in the street were 30 at him. He couldnt walk on any further. Finally, the rich man returned and gave Tom two cents. ( )21. A.

12、 cleaning B. washing C. making D. selling( )22. A. on B. of C. to D. with( )23. A. shoes B. money C. children D. time( )24. A. ran B. walked C. put D. gave( )25. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing( )26. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( )27. A. if B. unless C. until D. when(

13、 )28. A. so B. such C. very D. too( )29. A. cleaner B. older C. brighter D. dirtier( )30. A. listening B. standing C. laughing D. shouting三. 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWelcome to Jiulong hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you wil

14、l find the following useful to you.Meal timesBreakfast 7:30 9:30 am Lunch 12:00 2:00 pmAfternoon tea 4:00 5:30 pmDinner 7:00 9:15 pmTea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your rooms from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks in your rooms can be use

15、d at any time.Room cleaning The waiters will clean the room if you leave the room at any time between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.ValuablesPlease put your valuables in our safe (保险箱), or we cant be responsible (负责的) for your loss.LeavingIf you want to leave, please tell us before 6:30 pm of the day. Or you

16、will have to pay for another day.AttentionTo make sure of other peoples good rest, turn down the radio or the TV after 11:00 pm.( )31. The hotel serves (提供) the following foods in rooms EXCEPT . A. coffee B. cakes C. candy D. cold drinks( )32. The underlined word “valuables” means “” in Chinese. A.

17、贵重物品 B. 行李 C. 随身物品 D. 包裹( )33. If youre about to leave, you should tell the hotel before of the day so as not to pay for another day. A. 10:00 am B. 4:00 pm C. 6:30 pm D. 11:00 pm ( )34. You should after 11:00 pm. A. watch TV B. turn down the TV C. clean your room D. turn off the radio( )35. What do

18、 we know from the reading above? A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day. B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well. C. You cant book (预定) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm. D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.BTwo women are going into one of

19、the most dangerous areas of American retail (零售) theyre opening a bookstore. Lexi Beach and Connie Rourke will open Astoria Bookshop in August. It will be not far away from the Seaburn Bookstore, which was closed two years ago. Astoria Bookshop will be the only bookstore there. Beach thinks the gent

20、rifying (中产阶级的) neighbourhood will support her store.Astoria Bookshop will sell many kinds of books and sell e-books online as well as magazines, childrens storybooks and so on.“We very much want to make people love the store,” Beach said.Beach was a bookseller at the website E-Music until last summ

21、er. She said Rourke and she were building a more interesting bookstore. They are against the trend (趋势) of discount retailers (折扣零售商) such as Amazon.Seaburn Bookstore, which sold all kinds of books, closed after 16 years in Astoria. Beach said she was not too worried, and Rourke and she were full of

22、 confidence for their bookstore. ( )36. The underlined word “support” means “” in Chinese. A. 支持 B. 买下 C. 夺走 D. 喜欢( )37. When will Astoria Bookshop open? A. In June. B. In July. C. In August. D. In September. ( )38. What will Astoria Bookshop sell? A. Discount e-books. B. Only childrens storybooks.

23、C. Many kinds of books and e-books. D. History books. ( )39. What is Amazon according to the passage? A. A dangerous area. B. A big square. C. Astoria Bookstores neighbour. D. A discount retailer. ( )40. What do you know about Seaburn Bookstore? A. It is the biggest store in Astoria. B. It was close

24、d two years ago. C. It has been there for 16 years. D. Its owner is Lexi Beach.CThe morning was cold and clear. A yellow bus came around the corner and stopped near a wood (树林). A coach asked the students to get off the bus. Girls began to gather by the starting line. One of them is a young, little

25、girl. She had prepared for this running race for the whole summer. She looked around at the other girls, noticing how she was different. There was a break in the silence, and everyone started to run. After about twenty five minutes, every runner finished the race except the girl. She was still runni

26、ng for the next forty minutes. As she came near the finishing line, she saw her parents, classmates and the coach. They shouted her name and told her not to stop until the end. The sweat (汗水) was flowing down her face. She kept on running until she crossed the line. I was that girl, and that was the

27、 first time I had finished a cross-country race (越野赛跑). Finishing this race made me realize that I could do anything with my own strength (力量). After that, I took more hard work to practice running. I was not a natural-born runner, but I want to become one. I continued to struggle (努力) with every ru

28、n. Now I run much faster than before and become more and more confident. I am so thankful for running because it has helped make me who I am today.( )41. The cross-country race took place . A. in a school B. near a wood C. in a big city D. on the playground( )42. The writer finished her first cross-

29、country race in about minutes. A. 20 B. 25 C. 40 D. 65( )43. From the sentence “I was not a natural-born runner”, we learn that the writer . A. wasnt good at running B. didnt like running C. ran faster than anyone D. couldnt talk when she was born( )44. What can we infer from the passage? A. All goo

30、d runners are natural-born. B. The writer didnt use to be so confident. C. A good coach is the most important for a runner. D. The writer is a very good runner now.( )45. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. We should practice running if we want to be more confident. B. We should do things that we are good at. C. We should keep on doing what we want to, no matter whether we are good at it or not. D. We could become the best if we keep on practicing.四. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成46-50题。Baseballits just a word, but for millions of Americans, it brings to

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