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1、六级真题详解整理版多套真题2012年12月大学英语六级考试多题多卷(一)答案详解WritingOn Maintaining TrustTrust is crucial and indispensable in maintaining a relationship.Without trust,we cant get along well with other people, let alone cooperate with them or get help from them. People are social animals. Without interacting with other p

2、eople, life would be dull and meaningless.In my opinion, some factors play a primary role in it.First comes honesty. Theres an old saying in Chinese: Once bitten,twice shy. Thus, never lie to your partners. If they find out youre lying Or cheating, the existing trust will be broken. Once broken,its

3、always hard to rebuild it.Promise-keeping is the second one. If you always break your promise, you will not be trusted by others any more. Another important aspect is attitude. People with good attitude are always welcome. They show their good manners, patience, modesty, willingness to communicate a

4、nd, most important of all, sincerity to others, which contributes greatly to eliminating apathy and coldness.There are, still,other influential factors. However, from my perspective, honesty, promise- keeping and good attitude stand out among them.从正面说明信任在维持人际关系中的重要性。从反面论述缺乏信任的危害。表明自己的观点。指出影响信任的三个重要

5、因素。指出还有其他因素影响信任,并总结全文。Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1.【线索词】announcement, US Federal ReserveC)【定位】由线索词定位到第一段The US Federal Reservewas a clear invitation to Americans: Go out and borrow.【精析】细节推断题。第一段介绍了美联储的新政策低息贷款。文章中冒号及破折号出现处一般为考查重点。第一段冒号后的内容”鼓励人们都去贷款”即为美联储新政策的目的。C)中的get more bank loan

6、s是对原文中borrow的同义转述,故答案为C)。2.【线索词】reluctant to take on more debtB)【定位】由线索词定位到第三段第二句But with unemployment high and those with jobs worried about keeping them, consumers are more concerned ibout paying off the loans they already have than adding more debt.【精析】细节推断题。定位句提到,美国失业率持续走高,有工作的人又患得患失,可见人们对就业前景并不

7、乐观,这导致他们不愿再背负新债务。题干中的reluctant to take on more debt是对原文中的more concerned aboutthan adding more debt的同义转述,B)中的pessimistic about employment prospects是对定位句中的worried about keeping them的同义转述,故答案为B)。3.【线索词】lenders in the current credit marketA)【定位】由线索词定位到第四段Lenders, meanwhile, are still dealing with the ef

8、fects of the boom-gone- bust and are forcing prospective borrowers to go to extraordinary lengths to prove their creditworthiness.【精析】细节推断题。定位段提到,贷方现在要求所有潜在的黛款对象要想尽一切办法去证明他们自己有良好信誉,可见货方现在更为谨慎,故答案为A)。4.【线索词】Xavier Walters caseC)【定位】由线索词定位到第八段For Xavier Walter, a former mortgage banker who with his wi

9、fe, Danielle, accumulated $20 000 in credit card debt, low rates will not change his spending habits和第十段最后两句”Im not going to go back in debt ever again,”he said.”If I cant pay for it in cash,I dont want it.”【精析】细节推断题。第八段提到,Xavier Walter 不会因为低利率而改变自己的消费习惯;第十段通过引用Walter的话对此进行强调:我再也不想欠债了。如果我不能用现金支付,那我就

10、不买了。由此可知,现在的人们都不想欠债了,即除非他们自己有钱,否则不会去买东西,故答案为C)。5.【线索词】economists concernD)【定位】由线索词定位到第十三段第二句many economists argue that the economy cannot achieve true health until debt levels decline和第十四段第一句With new risks of another downturn, economists worry that it will take years for debt to return to manageable

11、 levels.【精析】细节推断题。第十三段第二句提到,许多经济学家认为,只有负债水平下降了,经济才能实现健康发展;第十四段第一句又提到,经济学家担心要使债务回归到可控水平,可能需要好几年。题干中的concern对应定位句中的argue和worry,由此推断,就目前经济形势而言,经济学家们担心的是不可控制的债务水平,故答案为D)。6.【线索词】Smiths storyD)【定位】由线索词定位到第十六段前两句Even those borrowers in strong financial positions are asked to provide unusual amounts of pape

12、rwork.3obby and Katie Smith再由此定位到第十五段第一句Mortgage lenders, meanwhile, burned by the housing crash,are extra careful about approving new loans.【精析】细节推断题。第十六段首句提到,即使是财务状况良好的借贷人也需要提供大量的文件证明,并用Smith夫妇的事例加以佐证。联系上文第十五段的内容可知,深受房市崩溃之害的抵押放款人规在在批准贷款时格外小心,故答案为D)。7.【线索词】Guy Cecala, result in A)【定位】由线索词定位到倒数第九段最后

13、两句That leaves the eligible said Guy Cecala“Its creating much more of a divide,”he said“between the haves and the have-nots.”【精析】细节推断题。由定位句可知,Guy Cecala提到,有资格申请贷款的往往是那些较有钱的人和“较年长的人及白人”,这个政策使得贫富分化更加严重。A)中的gap对应原文中的divide, the rich and the poor对应原文中的the haves and the have-nots,故答案为A)。8. obtain credit【线

14、索词】During the recession, car buyers【定位】由线索词定位到倒数第七段第一句During the recession,inability to obtain credit severely cut auto buying as lenders rejected eventhose with good credit ratings.【精析】细节辨认题。本题考查经济萧条时期购车量减少的原因。题干和原文中都出现了During the recession,题干中的the number of car buyers对应原文中的auto buying, decreased对应

15、原文中的cut, difficult to对应原文中的inability to,故答案为 obtain credit。9.(to) charge fees【线索词】Credit card interest rates, new rules【定位】由线索词定位到倒数第四段On credit cards, rates have actually inched higher this year, largely because of new rules that curb the issuers ability to charge fees or raise certain interest rat

16、es at will.【精析】同义转述题。本题考查新规定对信用卡开卡机构的限制。题干和原文都出现了issuers,题干中的do not allow对应原文中的curb,且都出现了raise certain interest rates,由此可知(to) charge fees为答案。10. spending habits【线索词】Elizabeth Crowell, the current recession, previous ones【定位】由线索词定位到末段末句So I think where maybe after other recessions they might return

17、to previous spending habits, the pendulumhasnt swung back the same way.【精析】细节推断题。本题考查此次经济衰退与前几次经济衰退之间的不同。定位句指出,其他经济衰退后,人们又恢复了以前的消费习惯。也就是人们的消费习愤随着经济来回摇摆。但这次却没看到消费习惯摇摆,故答案为spending habits。Listening ComprehensionSection A11. M: This is the second time this week my boss asked me to work extra hours. I m

18、 glad to get a bigger paycheck, I dont want such a heavy schedule.W: Better watch your step. A lot of people would like to trade places with you.Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?答案:C)12. W:Oh,there you are. Your wife just called. I told her you were around somewhere, but I couldnt find

19、 you Shed like you to call her at home.M: At home? She should be at work.I hope nothing is wrong.Q: what does the man imply?13. M: We have to get up early tomorrow if we want to be at the railway station by 8:00.Perhaps we should go to bed now.W: I suppose so, but I have to finish this memo and put

20、it in the mail.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?答案:C)14. W: Let me check,sir. A suite on the third floor was reserved by a Mr.Colmar from July 10th to 16th.M: Im afraid theres a mistake, madam. I told my secretary to book a spacious double room rather than a luxurious suite.Q: What is wrong

21、 with the reservation?答案:D)15. W: Profits are down considerably this quarter. Do you have any idea what might be the problem?M: I guess its just that this is a slack time of the year. I hear other companies are having the same problem.Q: What are the speakers talking about?答案:A)16. M: I forgot to pi

22、ck up the groceries on the way home. Ill just rest a minute and then go and get them.W: No problem. We can make do with whats left here, and get them tomorrow.Q: What does the woman suggest they do?答案:B) 17. W: Somebody should do something about the air-conditioning. Its ridiculous. I have to wear a

23、 sweater to work in the middle of summer.M: I agree. Its been like this for weeks.Q: What are the speakers talking about?答案:B) 18. W: I lost the diamond out of my ring. Do you know where I. could have it replaced?M: Ive never had a stone put in anything, but I know that the jewelry shop on Oxford St

24、reet has a good reputation.Q: What does the Woman intend to do?答案:A)Conversation OneW: Mr.Stern, may I ask you? Do you think it was necessary and fair to arrest Steve Bril?M: I dont know whether you realise that this man has been eating a part of park for five years. And he is encouraging other peop

25、le to do the same thing every single day.(19)He has been organizing groups to destroy our urban wildlife.W: But Mr.Stern, this situation has been going on happily for five years. Why do you suddenly decide to do something about it?M: Well,at first, we just thought he was an eccentric person,a bit od

26、d, you know. (20)But over the years we came to realise that he is a dangerous guy. He has been ruining our city environment. Parks are to look at,not to eat. Its just as if youre going to allow people to walk through a zoo, and eat the baby bears.W: (21)But surely you or your park keepers, Mr. Stern

27、,could have discourged Mr.Bril from his activity without going such drastic measures, without arresting him.M: Steve is a nice fellow, but what he is doing is illegal. He knows an awful lot about wild weeds. (22)We ll be very happy to let him org1nise tours if he just wouldnt eat the plants and woul

28、dnt encourage other people to do so, too. You never know what this could lead to, all sorts of people ruining our park in all sorts of ways. This kind of thing is very definitely criminal behaviour and must be stopped.19. What does the man say Steve Bril has been doing? 答案:B)20. Why was Steve Bril n

29、ot arrested years ago? 答案:C) 21. What does the woman think of the action taken against Steve Bril?答案:C) 22. What finally led to Steve Brils arrest 答案:A)Conversation TwoM: Mary, are your children still at school?W: Yes, my eldest boy, Martin, left school last year. He works at a day center nearby for

30、 physically handicapped adults. My daughter Liz is in the fourth year at a comprehensive school.M: (23)How is her foreign language?M: (23)Very good.She likes French and German. She is not very scientific. Christopher, my youngest child,is in the last year of junior school. (24)He is much more practi

31、cally oriented,strong in math and science.M: He will be going to a comprehensive school,I suppose.W: We have the choice of three comprehensive schools.M: Really? Its unusual to have so many to choose from.W: Well, yes. Parter school seems to have done all right. Were er. urn Therere certain criticis

32、ms about it, but on the whole, we are not too dissatisfied.M: Well, generally speaking, what do you think one considers when one is trying to choose? (25)Well, I dont know if one can really choose one school actually you tend to. Children go where theyre sent.W: (25)You cant er.umvery easilyunless you are very rich and can afford to choose a private school. And since were not very rich, weve got all three children to consi

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