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1、中石油职称英语考题及参考答案2013年中石油职称英语考试参考答案I. VocabularyDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence you will see four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. Charles is my all-weathe

2、r friend. When I honestly need his_, he is on my side.A. debates B. permission C. comprehension D. support2. After the neutral warm-up, US negotiating partners quickly _the point.A. see to B. get to C. leave out D. go by3. Plants use the carbon, along with sunlight, for growth, and oxygen into the a

3、tmosphere in a process known as photosynthesis.A. relieve B. relate C. release D. retain4. We all gather facts and_ conclusions, but we have very different styles of thinking.A. pull B. draw C. take D. receive5. Alberta _ fourth in population among Canadian provinces.A. ranks B. occupies C. arranges

4、 D. classifies6. In a given month, Friday is the 21 st day of the month. What day of the week was the 5th of the month?A. Monday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Wednesday7. his high rank and position, the President takes social leadership almost over everyone else.A. By right of B. By virtue of C. By nam

5、e of D. By chance of8. The CEO needs an assistant that he can _ to take care of problems in his absence.A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out9. The Beijing government has finally decided to cut subway _ by about 30 percent to boost public transport.A. fees B. fares C. payments D. costs10.

6、 None of the waiters were when Mr. Smith wanted to order dishes in the restaurant.A. available B. attainable C. approachable D. applicable11. A veteran employee can his knowledge and skills to the next generation.A. transform B. translate C. transfer D. transport12. When youve finished reading a boo

7、k, and the pages are filled with your notes in the_, you know you read actively.A. intervals B. borders C. margins D. edges13. A complete refining installation must include waste _ and water-treating equipment.A. dismissal B. survival C. disposal D. range14. The fast development of the world economy

8、 will _ many new problems.A. bring about B. bring around C. bring out D. bring up15. Many Chinese restaurants pride themselves _ their cooking and service.A. with B. about C. on D. of16. The artist _ his trip to Paris because he was ill.A. called off B. closed down C. put up D. went off17. Methanol-

9、fueled vehicles would _ an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.A. attribute to B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to18. Love can _ imperfection.A. resist B. sustain C. undergo D. tolerate19. A global firms profits can _ dramatically depending on the strength of its home currency and the

10、currencies of the countries in which it operates.A. vary B. change C. alter D. convert20. Sometimes even the smallest thing will upset an _ person.A. annoyed B. irritated C. irritable D. angryII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence

11、 you will see four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names _A. which indicated their character propertiesB. whose characteristic properties are indicatingC. w

12、hat characterize their indicated propertiesD. that indicate their characteristic properties22. _, he had to leave school.A. Since his fathers unemploymentB. Since his father was unemployed23. _ astrology and alchemy may be regarded as fundamental aspects of thoughtis indicated by their apparent univ

13、ersality.A. Both are B, What both C. Both D. That both24. I wonder how long ago this school _A. has begun B. begins C. began D. has started25. In 1864 Nevada entered the United States as _ thirty-sixth state.A. a B. the C. that D. an26. Because of my poor English, Im afraid I cant make myselfA. unde

14、rstanding B. understand C. understood D. to understand27. _ the radio, he began to go over his lessons.A. Turning off B. Turned off C. Turn off D. Having turned off28. The central purpose of management is _ every action or decision help achieve a carefully chosen goal.A. for making B. of making C. t

15、o make D. being maken29. The grape is the, juicy fruit of a woody wine.A. smooth-skinned B. skinned is smoothC. skin, which is smooth D. smooth skin30. This is an old clock that is not only very beautiful but _A. also it tells time accurately B. it too tells time accuratelyC. it accurately tells tim

16、e also D. also accurate31. If only we _ then the disease was curable.A. knew B. could know C. had known D. would have known32. The bookcase _ when we were moving it.A. damaged B. has damagedC. was being damaged D. got damaged33. He failed his exam, _ proved that he wasnt working hard enough.A. what

17、B. which C. this D. of which34. It is human nature to think back to a Golden Age _ ones country was strong and respected.A. when B. provided C. as D. unless35. Alice _ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.A. ought to have received B. havent receivedC. has been received D. couldnt h

18、ave received36. Not until the year of 1962 _ made the capital of this country.A. the city was B. when the city wasC. was the city D. was when the city37. I need some more volunteers to help clean the classroom.A. none B. any C. few D. some38. The more he encouraged the boy, _A. the more fast he resp

19、onded B. he responded more fastC. the faster he responded D. he responded faster39. Some of the worlds best mountain scenery _ available near the Southern Alps.A. is B. are C. maybe D. has been40. At fourteen _ at a district school near her home, and when she was sixteen, she saw her first article i

20、n print.A. the first teaching position that Marian Barrett hadB. the teaching position was Marian Barretts firstC. when Marian Barrett had her first teaching positionD. Marian Barrett had her first teaching positionIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5passages in this section. E

21、ach passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You shouM decide on the best choice and mark your answer on theAnswer Sheet.Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:The clean-energy business is turning into t

22、he next big investment boom, in which risks are lightly ignored. Until recently, recalls Charlie Gay, a 30-year veteran of the solar power business, venture capitalists were far too busy catering to captains of the information-technology industry to waste time on hippy-dippy tree-huggers like himsel

23、f. But now the tree-huggers are in the ascendant and the IT barons are busy investing in clean-energy technology.Investors are falling over themselves to finance start-ups in clean technology,especially in energy. Venture Business Research reckons that investment in the field by venture capitalists

24、and private-equity firms has quadrupled in the past two years, from some $500 m in 2004 to almost $2 billion so far this year. The share of venture capital going into clean energy is rising rapidly.Clean-energy fever is being fuelled by three things: high oil prices, fears overenergy security and a

25、growing concern about global warming. The provision ofenergy, the industrys cheerleaders say, will change radically over the coming decades. Polluting coal and gas-fired power stations will give way to cleaner alternatives such as solar and wind; fuels derived from plants and waste will replace petr

26、ol and diesel; and small, local forms of electricity generation will replace big power stations feeding far-flung grids. Eventually, it is hoped, fuel cells running on hydrogen will take the place of the internal combustion engine which is availableeverywhere. It is a bold vision, but even if it hap

27、pens very slowly, or only to a limited extent, supporters argue that it will still prompt tremendous growth for firms in the business.Analysts confidently predict the clean-energy business will grow by 20 %-30 a year for a decade. Jefferies, an investment bank that organized a recent conference on t

28、he industry in London, asked participants how soon solar power would becomecompetitive with old-fashioned generation technologies: in 2010, 2015 or 2020.About three-quarters of those present, one visitor happily observed, were check-writers. This megatrend, the keynote speaker advocated, may be the

29、biggest job and wealth-creation opportunity of the 21 st century.Such exaggeration might remind people of the dotcom bubble. But clean-energyadvocates insist growth is sustainable because of the likes Of Mr. Schwarzenegger.The Governor is a hero in green circles because of his enthusiasm for environ

30、ment regulation. He easily won reelection partly because he seized on global warming as aconcern and signed into law-Americas first wide-ranging scheme to cap greenhouse-gas emissions.41. According to the first two paragraphs we can learn that _A. Clean energy business is booming while the risks are

31、 totally overlookedB. Venture capitalists have wasted much money on hippy-dippy tree hungersC. Clean energy business is surging and changes the venture capital marketD. The IT barons are disinterested in clean-energy technology42. Which of the following is true of Para.3?A. Clean energy fever is fuelled mainly by human psychological weakness.B. The energy provision for the coming decades will change slowly.C. Hydrogen as a new energy will replace t

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